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I am 25 years old and cannot drive
as a result, I am a second class citizen in my cunt
Please liberate the united states of zogmerica
>as a result
not owing a car is a boon desu
Note: "As a result" introduces the conclusion of an action or event which was previously mentioned. "As a result of" is used to introduce the cause or origin of an action. (My flight was delayed) as the result of (a snow storm): (My flight was delayed) because of, due to, as a consequence of (a snow storm)
That’s not a conclusion. Being 25 does not imply inability to drive. Maybe you shouldn’t drive indeed. Too low IQ.
if you're ESL don't try to create a "gotcha" moment against an EFL unless you're CERTAIN you're correct
>EFLs are so bad at their own language that they cope with muh ESL
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*punches you in the fucking FACE!!*
Learn to drive you lazy cunt
im scared + noone will teach me
Anyone 21+ who cannot drive needs to be quietly and humanely euthanised and recycled.
OP is saying that "as a result" in regard to his inability to drive, not his age. Is this German autism or something?
Go to driving school
>I'm scared
Get over it pussy
>noone will teach me
Hire someone
I did one lesson and did alright but the instructor made me drive through the ghetto to pick up the next student and a bunch of shifty people were staring at me like they wanted to rape and eat me
>scared of driving
You are a bitch. I can drive with my eyes closed, driving is easy once you get the hang of it. Even retards and monkeys can do it.
also its $150 per lesson
When I was in England hardly anyone I knew drove
Go to a different one or ask any one of your family members
im sure its easy but you are in a death box going 70mph surrounded by other people in death boxes and everything hinges on people around you not being totally fucking insane
and if you make one small slip up you murder a family of 4 and then God sends you to hell forever
Honestly the biggest issue with driving is that you need a car, and to get a car you need money which you need a job for which you need a car to get to.
I honestly have no idea what people who don't have their parents buy their first car do.
it's grammatically correct in that context you retarded kraut
>as a result (of the aforementioned inability to drive) I am le treated badly
You actually fucked up with your punctuation.

I am 25 years old and cannot drive (comma) as a result, I am a second class citizen.
>ask any one of your family members
they hate me, are not very helpful, and are not very smart
>I honestly have no idea what people who don't have their parents buy their first car do
Everyone I've seen who's parents don't buy them a car ends up fucked up. Like my friend's parents never bought him one and now he's most of the way through his 20s and still lives at home working a dead end job driving his mom's car
just drive
All of them? Okay then pay for a different driving school
You drive your parents' car to work until you're able to afford your own car
I'm 30 years old, and I have my own car and a driver's license. However, I only drive the car twice a year and there's no need for driving if you live in Seoul. I have a plan to sold the car.
Roughly 1/3rd of our adult population does not have a driver's license. Come home, Balt man
real men become a vegetable in a car accident and get forcefully kept alive against their will for 70+ years in a hospital unable to do anything but sit in a wheelchair and watch whatever the nurses decide to put on TV, fully concious and aware but unable to communicate with those around you
my 2nd year russian professor in university was from lithuania and she was a vile cunt so I shant be going
the line break indicates a vocal pause
like a comma
pajeet esl
My parents forced me to learn to drive as soon as possible
I'm glad they spent so much time on it even though I'm a worthless parasite I can still recognise how useful it is
I often use the car to do the household chores and also to help my parents when they're too busy, again because I'm a worthless subhuman parasite
i've failed my written driving test 4 times.
me 2
you should read notes from the underground
its soul food for people like you and I
I can also not drive with 25 but in Germany thats not as bad Id say.
Still a subhuman though
Stop being such a pussy. I drive without a seat belt
Nothing will happen so long as you're aware of your surroundings
Also I'm sometimes a chauffeur for my parents when they're drunk at pubs/friend's houses
It's been a while since I read it but I remember loving it
I'll need to give it a re-read
Just come to Seoul or Tokyo
you can walk everywhere. my city has buses but even then it takes 2 hours to get somewhere that would take a 10 minute drive. and whenever I walk I have to avoid 10 million fucking sprinklers so that makes the trip even longer also its FUCKING HOT AAAAHHH
>its soul food for people like you
How so? I found it painful and cringy to read. If anything it would be more entertaining if you don't personally relate to the main character >>200116601
I hate myself and I enjoy being cruel to people but im not very good at it
neither a hero nor a scoundrel
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Oh that sounds like suffering. I am sorry my American friend
Come to NYC
thank you for your condolences my friend
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Honestly, when I take a taxi or bus, I can watch youtube videos and relax or even sleep, so I don’t get why people choose to drive.
Just learn to, drivers exams are easy as fuck in the us. In europe its a fucking nightmare
Have you ever taken a test in both countries?
The car lobby has fucked America up. Your cities are not designed for people to walk or cycle around. Your public transport is aids.

Imagine your life being over because you wanted to get a job and earn enough money to buy a car for yourself instead of letting your parents buy you one.
I'm similar but underground man just made me cringe precisely because he does remind me of myself a little. And he's supposed to be a ridiculous character . Personally I find it more painful to read something that holds the mirror up to myself
my friend did
Ideally you should get a driving loicence even if you don't want or need your own car. I'm throwing stones from a glass house because I'm also 25 without a license but I recognize I'm making a subpar life choice.
This is why we need walkable cities unironically.
I failed my driving exam 10 times.
It's not good in all cases. When I try to get to work or back from work, taxi you need to wait and pay more, bus is overcrowded and going slow, sometimes you can't even fit in the bus and wait for another one.
For example in my case - work day ends at 18:00.
Bus - go to the bus station, wait for bus. It comes at 18:10, it's full of people and I can't get it. Wait for another bus, it comes at 18:23, but still crowded, so you go home by standing in the bus. It arrives to bus station not far from your home at 19:10 at best, then you need to walk home which is another +10 minutes. Oh and you will be all sweaty in most of the times, even if there is working AC in the bus. Feel tired after commuting. Costs - 37 roubles
Taxi - order a taxi, it comes around 18:06-18:12, you get home fast and safely. Arrive to your apartment building around 18:45-18:50. Costs - 300-400 roubles.
Your car - No need to wait, jump in and drive back home, can choose the route by yourself, arrive to apartment already around 18:33. Costs - somewhat of gas, which costs around 58 roubles per litre.
I passed my exam on 7th time. Now it will be horrible for new drivers. Government passed a new law, after 3 failures you need to wait half of the year till your next attempt.
Failed your 3rd time? Wait half a year. 4th time? Another half a year. 5th? oh boy... and so on. Before this law the waiting between attempts was 1 month.
OP right here is the real life version of SpongeBob, lmfao
Spongebob lives in a walkable city albeit
jesus fucking christ, i guess its fine if you live in Moscow or Leningrad, but people who live in provinces where you need a car and its cold as fuck will be fucked by this.
I failed it once and the only reason I passed it on my 2nd try was because the examiner's route was so easy that it was literally impossible to fail. Didn't take me through any of the "hard parts" in town.
>Half a year
And I thought waiting a month and a half was bad enough. Do your "theory exam" certificates expire too? Here, if you don't pass the driving test within a year after passing your theory exam, your theory certificate expires and you have to retake the theory exam again.
Or just pay about 25K roubles like 90% of normal people me included do and get your license immediately. It won’t help you with the theoretical part of the exam though, you’ll need to pass it yourself fairly
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In my personal situation, considering only the cost, taking taxis in Korea for 10 years wouldn't cost as much. I can just open an app and get a taxi within 5 minutes of leaving the building, and it usually works.
>It won’t help you with the theoretical part of the exam though, you’ll need to pass it yourself fairly
Theoretical exam is too simple, even trained monkey can pass it
>Or just pay about 25K roubles like 90% of normal people
Shame on you. And I don't know in where you live, but here my instructor said it would be 60k and there is also a long queue on this, because they don't do such exams often in order not to get caught.
Why is this included? But yeah, maybe all of that will be more expensive than taxi in your country. Btw, I've got my car from my dad. It's 21 years old and rotting in rust, but at least it works. So I had no need to worry about buying something.
>I can just open an app and get a taxi within 5 minutes of leaving the building
Usually the same here, but in rush hours price for a ride and waiting can be much more above than average.
How can you do that if your parent also work too?
Him not being able to drive at 25 implies that he's a second class citizen
This, I've lost count of how many jobs require you to have a driver's license even if you'll never have to use it.

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