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she will be alsatiated with my cum
This fucking bitch is the most retarded nepo baby of the entire country if you only knew...
they are highly rated
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>nepo baby
Anywhere i go i see this term used to talk about her, you people should learn new words

She signed that act against Le-Pen in the recent election in France
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Alsatian supremacy
my girlfriend is 18 and looks like this, except with green eyes. her name is also called lea. but i am in love with my ex, who is from spain.
I think she has somewhat weird face, kinda ghoulish, seems like a fetal alcohol syndrome or smth. Reminds me of our poor trashgals I see in the streets everyday. She's pretty, but there was something clearly wrong with her early development .
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Nice i guess
Her face is perfect don't be dumb
The Seydoux are historically based in the north not Alsace and she was born in Paris.
Where the fuck did you get that alsacian shit from ?
Also, she's a living proof you don't need even a shred talent if you got the money and connections.
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>Seydoux's parents are both partly of Alsatian descent.
I like her movies, that's all i can ask for
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Total Alsatian Victory
Potato nose, eyes more far apart than a fish, she has nice tits and that's about it, she's mid
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I don't know where you guys move, the girls i see daily are butt ugly compared to her, maybe you all live surrounded by models in their 20's, but i don't
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Absolute Alsatian Rule
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Complete Alsatian Dominion
mogged by italo-german woman
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I don't know any italo-german actress
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Total Alsatian Love
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Indépendance Alsacienne de la domination Française
gotta love how the alsacienne attention whore on /int/ got rekt back in the days
Theon Greyjoy looking pipo
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They look nothing alike
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TIL I learned Léa Seydoux is (part) Alsatian but holy shit she's a fucking blue blood!
>Léa Hélène Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne
My proletarian ass is totally repulsed by her. No sexo.
arr rook same
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Yeah, her beautiful traits come from french royalty, you fucks killed people like her by the thousands in the french revolution, that's why i support the indepence of Alsace
I don't see how
thats dua lipa's sister
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Dua Lipa is Albanian, she doesn't have Lea's French charm
Look, nobles are still around. They're just not considered holy anymore. They still make the rules of the games we commoners play by.
Besides, her noble beauty comes from her Swabian side, protected from the Revolution. I know it because I'm handsome too. And us Alsatians didn't really partake in the revolutionary sentiments. We just accepted the republic and just told the royalists to stop fucking around. For the most part.
if she's part aristocrat that means she's a total mutt, probably part jewish since the nobility has been marrying its children with rich jewish financiers for ever, see prime minister gabriel attal who's a perfect example of that
She will play in the next James Bond, she said it.
It means she will cuck dead Daniel with the next James Bond
Are you not a total fucking mutt Jean-Pierre ? Show me one French who can trace his roots back to Vercingétorix without a single drop of foreign blood.
Besides the Alemannic jews have unjewed themselves since long enough for their descendants to be Waffen SS.
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>The year 1789 brought the French Revolution and with it the first division of Alsace into the départements of Haut- and Bas-Rhin. Alsatians played an active role in the French Revolution. On 21 July 1789, after receiving news of the Storming of the Bastille in Paris, a crowd of people stormed the Strasbourg city hall, forcing the city administrators to flee and putting symbolically an end to the feudal system in Alsace. In 1792, Rouget de Lisle composed in Strasbourg the Revolutionary marching song "La Marseillaise" (as Marching song for the Army of the Rhine), which later became the anthem of France. "La Marseillaise" was played for the first time in April of that year in front of the mayor of Strasbourg Philippe-Frédéric de Dietrich. Some of the most famous generals of the French Revolution also came from Alsace, notably Kellermann, the victor of Valmy, Kléber, who led the armies of the French Republic in Vendée and Westermann, who also fought in the Vendée.
It seems alsatians were quite involved in the french revolution anon
Wiki doesn't say anything about jewish
Not him but I'm 100% merovingian, not fucking gaulish lol, fucking peasant
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I don't think she will be the next bond girl, she will do a cameo most likely, that's what i think
>Besides the Alemannic jews have unjewed themselves

t. mordechai ben zigler, pure alsatian stock
Now first of all the whole of Alsace is not fucking Strasbourg. Pisses everyone off when someone from "Stròssboi" (Stràssborig) wants a "flòmkuchi" (flammkuecha). Alsace is a microcosm, in my city what happened is the revolutionaries from "up above" took power, our local guys just went to the protesting royalists told them the party's over, pack their stuff up and go home.
To be fair Strasbourg I don't care. Like Mulhouse used to be a republic like 300 years before the rest of France, it's not the same mentality here.
Total fucking bullshit. Coming for your ass, cousin. Tell me if you want me to lube the pike with oil or butter.
both these girls have taken BBC
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Fuck off retard
Dua Lipa had sex with trevor noah
Adele literally has a mixed race son
wow what a terrible predicament to have
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And why is that relevant in this thread?
You dumb fucking idiot it's not Adèle Exarchopoulos, it's Léa Hélène Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne.
are you blind?>>200128681
But this is not an Adèle thread here. Take your chud fetish to /pol/.
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Who cares about her, she's half greek anyway
The fact you know who this is, what happened, and you care about it, is a disgrace on your family and heritage.
just googled her found out this.
Whats more disgraceful is you repeatedly mentioning "Fornier de Clausonne" ITT.
I can feel the jealousy from 7000km away.
I make fun of blue bloods by saying their full name because it's basically a taboo, it's not respectful in this nation in this day and age.
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The french revolution has been a huge mistake
horrendously abhorrent tbqh
Qrd on this taboo? Sounds funny. Why does it make bougies and nobs seethe?
reminds them of their now lost entitlement to superiority by birth
We know, retard
For once, she's an aristocrat that looks like it
You can't understand because you're Spanish. The republic is better, more friendly, more efficient.
Proof is Léa Seydoux is living among us peasants and doing what she loves, without arranged marriages and retarded garden parties.
Are you retarded or your Indian brain thinks that all white girls are alike, a bit like white people who think that Asians or blacks are the same. Because you post Adèle and the thread is about Léa.
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Whatever, i don't take peasant's opinions into account, peasant
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now that I've seen it so you must too.
post the other 277 mommies
Yeah right, Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio de Borbón y Habsburgo-Lorena.
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>now that I've seen it so you must too
There's an image limit
she's as unattainable to the plebs as an ancient regime princess was to serfs, the difference is during the era of the monarchy blacks were immediatly expelled through royal decree
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How did you know every single one of my names? Are you stalking me?
>blacks were immediatly expelled through royal decree
You so fucking wish it was this easy nowadays bro, it's actually pretty sad. But yeah, blue bloods...
That's how you mother calls you all the time when she talks about you.
>Oh, Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio de Borbón y Habsburgo-Lorena, he's a messy kid he leaves tissues everywhere on his bedroom floor.
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>he's a messy kid he leaves tissues everywhere on his bedroom floor
It's funny when people say things like that about other people when you know completely nothing about me because to me it sounds like projection

Was your maman tired of her petite garçon leaving tissues all around his room?
Wow calm down Alfonso it's just a joke. Didn't mean to flex on yo momma even. It's okay bud everyone does it.
It's ok, Pierre Dumont Chamillet du l'Orleains Limollet
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I'm Alsatian I don't fuck with mainland French nobles.
>the pic
The ultimate Seydoux sexo. If she runs around with these tats she's immensely based and rosepilled.
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>Likes tattoos
You are such a peasant, mon Dieu
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From the river to the sea, Alsace will be free
I like their poorer neighbours from lorraine better
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Is there any difference between them?
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L'oppression des porcs de Paris prendra fin en Alsace
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Pour une Alsace grande et libre
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Going to bed soon
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Last bump
she's so mid how can find her attractive?
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She cute
she has that "rich inbred" look that is dull looking, also she looks much older in your pic and not in a good way
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It's the makeup

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