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How is climate change affecting you in your country?
More mosquitoes, too many damn mosquitoes.
Imagine if 2 billions thirdies would just get cooked to death that would be horrible haha
They'll just move to Itsly and fuck your women. Imagine Meloni bent over the Mussolini balcony, big tits hanging over the railing, getting pounded by a 6'5 African thug
More extreme weather, new bugs and plants, some detrimental to current ecosystem and more disease and stuff. Need for air conditioning and different sort of building standards.
Imagine the wave of migrants
1 million syrians already sent Europe in a chud frenzy, we would simply reopen polish death camps (with wind & solar powered ovens)
It's gotten so hot here that the mosquitoes have disappeared recently.
Chuddiness would increase but the border is massive and hard to patrol. Fortress Europe isn't secure enough not to get massively hit with the refugee wave
jesus, mary, and joseph! praying for y’all in texas (hotter here)
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Sweaty nights and hot days (>30°C) for weeks on end, all without AC.
I need to buy an ac, thats for sure. Apart from that torrential rains and hurricanes are also a new thing
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This summer isn't really hot for me. Yeah there were weeks of temperatures above 30C and it reached 37C, but overall it's not as bad as it was in previous years.
Current weather is pure chill.
Also it is straining family relationships, because my Boomer dad is a hard-core climate change denier who exclusively consumes "alternative" right wing media.
It's gonna affect huge swaths of Africa and Asia, pushing all sort of people here. I think the machine guns are a bit of a fantasy but even with those I doubt the border would hold in the sense that there's just so much of it. Bound to be places for people to slip through or go around the border altogether. Not to mention we'll probably have our own inner turmoils distracting our efforts. Halting the climate change as best as we can would be really important for EU, it can pose a catastrophic threat to our way of life.
it becomes a more pleasant place to live
some people claim, we will be the future wine region in europe, meanwhile spain, italy and greece wine will die out, because its to dry.
huh? hasnt monsoon arrived in Thailand? Its been raining here in Delhi since the end of june
The 1/3 north of Spain is as wet and rainy as UK. And there are vineyards in some places there.
Polish death camps only work with german Staff. Just keep that in mind if you are looking for know-how.
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>huh? hasnt monsoon arrived in Thailand? Its been raining here in Delhi since the end of june
Yeah it's been wet all week. OP is obviously a degenerate yuropoor trying to bait.
Hundreds of millions of thirdies would collapse our countries and with widespread poverty peace would also also end
Also Europe already pollute not very much
More mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes, tropical diseases.
Yes that's the existential threat to EU. Add to that the infighting harder times cause and possible economic issues and all that.
>Also Europe already pollute not very much
In large parts because we've outsourced our manufacturing. But it does take global effort to slow the change, I was just saying it's in our interest to take part in and hasten those measures.
its nice I like warm weather
The weather is fine, it's the taxes that are destroying us.
Carbon tax this, climate tax that
We can't do much if 3 billions chinks and jeets want in into the American lifestyle
We can control our orders and place demands on them. Asia and Africa wanting to get on our level is obviously unsustainable, so we need to figure out ways to mitigate the effect from that. Innovation helps here. There's lots we can do and trying to work with those rising markets helps. Another factor is trying to curb population growth there, though it's a bit frowned upon to talk to the thirdies about it. It gets them upset. But raising the education level of women over in these places is one of the most effective methods to help with ridiculous and unsustainable population growth and a lot of other issues they have.
If you watched di caprio's documentary, an Indian lady tells him to fuck off when he talks about coal power plants le bad because euros used them to cheaply develop their industries. That's the mentality, it's already over (for them)
China is the leader in nuclear and renewables. And yet America and Europe is trying to block their development of EVs and renewables instead of encouraging it due to trade tensions. Bunch of hypocrites
EVs are a fucking cope, a real solution would be a total ban to private transportation inside cities
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You'd be affected too though
Kek, sadly I think Meloni is pretty flat
And while you're on the topic of totally unrealistic options, let's also ban eating meat, ban coal, ban oil, ban passengers jets and ban industrial farming
All based, apart from meat ban
It's a common sentiment. If we used old, cheap, shitty ways to get rich they feel they should use them too. If we bathed in shit to increase productivity at some point, they'd too it too. India does it just for fun though.
China crying about trade restrictions when they control companies operating there with an iron fist. l & lm
At least a few of those are viable long term goals, assuming the political will exists
>Muh climate change
Thank you Klaus Schwab, it's cow farts that are causing warmer temperatures, not the chemtrails and fluoride you spur onto us on a daily basis.
At least they're open about controlling companies. They're literally a communist country. Europe and America cries about climate change and carbon emissions until China controls the solar, wind and EV market. Then suddenly it's a national security threat and they're doing everything possible to strangle the Chinese renewables and EV industry
Yeah, it won't happen so thirdies are going to get raped by climate and when they'll try to run away get gunned down by firsties
This is the peak thirdie cope. It's the same about corruption, the claim is always "you do it too, we're just open about it".
>They're literally a communist country
It's the circle of life
>the claim is always "you do it too, we're just open about it".

Isn't it true? Anyway, China being so in control of their companies and economy is what allowed them to develop renewables, nuclear and EVs so fast. Why do you think America or Europe could't do so despite their head start and technology advantage. This is because the free market is controlled by the ones with the most money and the lure of easy money. Spending trillions into developing an alternate energy system with a dubious profit margin wouldn't have happened if left to market dynamics and fossil fuels lobby groups would have killed it even faster.
Despite being 10% of the population, firstes have produced 70% of the historical carbon emissions while also enjoying the best quality of life.
>Isn't it true
Not really. China is much much stricter about it.
>historical carbon emissions
So now you too are asking for reparations. First the darkies and now the squinties
Should've rushed the industry tech tree
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Heavy rains, more dying in poorer areas
>Home delivered fresh catfish
You don't suffer

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