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literally all my problems would go away if i looked like this
It's not your looks

It's you.
If I kill myself what are my chances of being born looking this?
not me
ive realized my lack of pussy is far more due to my social isolation and mental state than to my looks
I'm not that ugly
try to focus on the things you can change to make yourself look better, instead of things like jawline or nose that you can't change for example dressing well, good haircut, losing weight if necessary etc.
today? considering only about 15% of the world is white, and alain delon belongs to perhaps the top 5% in terms of beauty, then your chances are pretty low (im too stupid to do the maths)
This is how it is, you're just coping if you think that your looks or lack of exercise is what keeps you from getting a gf
even if I got stronger and dressed well I would still be a complete mental freak alone in my room
You don't understand being ugly, if you can change something it probably doesn't matter as much, being sub5 is literally like being a schizo that wants to rip his body apart but won't
Uhhhhh no?
It's genetically proven I will die alone not reason to work hard for the dogshit genetic lottery I got.
You're genuinely retarded and you deserve to stay alone
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>top 5%
that would mean 1 in 20 white men would look like him
literally dozens of millions of men looking like him
Yeah he's prob ugly asf with a flat face, asians prob have the highest % of incels in their population counting diaspora, it is over for him
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Koreans are the ugliest Asians as well. Westerners have been brainwashed into believing the kpop/kdrama hoax but the majority of them look like picrelated
>he actually did the math
fuck off nerd

>*pulls your shirt over your head*
>everybody laughs at you
>the girls giggle and think you're a loser, they can't even pity you
If you looked like this, you would stink, have short breath and be more prone to cancer. Smoking is bad anon, but smoking cigarettes is even worst.
delon is still alive at 86 year old and he has a japanese gf (though she's probably trying to steal his money)
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you'd just troon out

seriously if Alain would live today he'd transition
I mean i know he's still alive but if he was your age NOW
he's 88 actually thoughbeit
I look like that
and I say that also
post face
it's sir gay
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fuck you pierre
your old movies destroyed me
'you' are your looks though
he would unironically look passable if he lost weight
You can spend the entire day in the gym getting jacked, you can cut your hair and have the cleanest look

You're still a shut in loser if you don't fix yourself
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People say I'm the black Alain Delon but is this true?
>You're still a shut in loser if you don't fix yourself
no gym for your face, height, hips, shoulders, eye colour, voice,etc., etc..
You're trolling right?? If you woke up and you had a 7/10+ face you'd instantly get a boost of confidence and dominate life, sureee you can still be gl and mentally ill and ig life as a gl guy would have different challenges but they're nowhere near the challenges of being facially disabled
Not you
Both of you are wrong and are your own worst enemy, but enjoy staying alone forever. Any guy can go at least 2 points up if you put just little bit effort to better yourself

I've accepted that I'm violent shut-in who's just gonna end up killing my partner
Cunt, it's not looks alone, it's genes, where you're born and who you're born to desu.
I wasn't born to a billionaire mogger family so i will not bother, simple.
Probably less than 1%. Most likely you will open your eyes and realize you have been born in a shitcovered street in India. Your first experience of earth will be long lines of men sitting and violently shitting in the streets
At no point ever in history has it ever been the genes, this retarded ideology that you're stupid enough to fall off has poisoned your brains. Again, I must insist that you deserve to be alone. I wouldn't date a dumbass like you.
he is right
>you'd instantly get a boost of confidence
you get boost only if other people compliment you
>ugly people don't exist
Tbh genes are everything, you could've been born in an even worse state and had downs or some shit but you didn't (I'm not sure) and that was your genetic lottery, i think it's only common sense, also you're a tranny so i wouldn't date you either
>ugly people don't date
cope, even down syndrome people date. You don't

I see you're trolling, good one
Foidbrained faggot, if i had a face ik girls fawn over i wouldn't need to be constantly complimented to feel good, i would just do what i want in this world easier, sure personality is a big part of it, but looks MATTER, a LOT.
You can't compare downies to us, it's a completely different game, and you're being ambiguous about your gender so I'm only assuming you're a troon or a disgusting liberal faggot with a pedostache and piercings who's norwooding
>i wouldn't need to be constantly complimented to feel good, i would just do what i want in this world easier
how else would you know you look good?
it's only with outside afferentation we can judge about self
this is literally how anyone's brain work
I can compare downies to you, you're worse. I've made my gender quite clear, shut in violent male and I'm conservative politically

You're waste of space, kill yourself
Maybe with your foidbrain but you can always tell when someone's objectively good looking, people compliment ugly ppl all the time and it doesn't mean shit, it's more about their actions and the possibilities that you get bcs of your looks rather than words of flattery
Alr go do something violent instead of seething on this board you absolute cuck, oh wait you can't cus you're a mentally retarded autist, gotcha.
I look better and im still fucked
You calling anyone else cuck is ironic

Since you have genetically failed to do your moral duty and reproduce thus continue the human race, kill yourself. You are of no worth in this world
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Nigga please.
Never joke about this.

You could end up being born as a negro...
You have nothing then

I accept your concession. You will realize and kill yourself sooner or later.
yea cus ur a low quality troll and a self described shut in male, don't kid yourself faggot, you're as much of a failure as any other cunt that whines on here
Indeed I am, the difference between me and you is that I have accepted that it's because of me, you are like a woman who puts blame on everything else but yourself
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Why are the french always so depressed?
Or worse an indian
favstian spirit
>my genes
>apparently has nothing to do w me
If you can't seethe about your life irl i say you can do so online at least, i blame nature.
I look better than that desu
I looked better in my prime.
Well did you tried to look like this instead of complaining?
But everyone would tell you "hey, you look like Alain Delon" and THAT is a problem

t. guy told "hey, you look like Tom Cruise" a dozen times each day.
>Waaah people compliment me
Boo hoo nigger
Kill yourself
It's your personality boyo, you just didn't put in the work, better get a job and go gym, also shave your head bald and grow a beard, heard missies love that
Try it, and see if you like it after 20+ years of that.

>some chick walks up to me
>me "oh, she's going to tell me the usual..."

I'm not even a midget. I'm probably 20cm taller than that idiot Tom.

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