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anime edition

sexo big booba
I need to change my race. I cannot take being brown any longer.
do nonwhite men think getting a white gf is the greatetst life achievement possible.
Yeah, and that’s why all non-whites immediately treat you better if you can get one. It raises your social status.
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Is Spotify more popular than Apple Music in the USA?
Fuck the US gov't!!!
AOC more specifically.
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Thailand is suffering rn
She's hot in a weird monkey way.
get the fuck out now
i love whygena
and/or reggie, if that is his fursona :3
>fat in the last thread being a personalityless boring and self-important yank
Please take him back
Indian people freeze to death at 12°C.
>wah wah [shit im crying about this hour]
Almost 0300 here in California.
Popping out to the backyard for a quick smoke (DUDE) before gooning to sleep.
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>She's hot in a weird monkey way.
you won't post the runescapes
get cancer in real life and die
last reply to you. fuck off back
good night
god bless our thread it is being invaded right now
>wah wah wah some shit im crying about, we are so hard-done-by and everything is in such a state, we are so sad because everything is bad
>being invaded right now
*by people who love Canada, USA, and Mexico
this is what the parasite and brit on a proxy does by the way
when he gets sad, he goes to other threads like /brit/ and /r9k/ and crosslinks the thread hes in. hes the ying to fats yang and massive belly. energy and personality vacuums that can feed off of one-another
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picrel brings a tear to my eye
i said last post to you
Did you know that the girl on the right >>200118147 is American?
Yankee doodle dandy

this is an irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta
this is too
you just wanted an excuse to post your favorite boobie girl for everyone to see shut up i'm not stupid
Christ's true birth date?
The Fourth of July
kinda sad that the parasite was no problem for the thread (and neither wa i because i wasnt been targeted by the fat fucking saddo) and then he has to go and ruin it to make sure nothing is nice and no one is happy
Wrong, I just love America.
this is true
it just makes sense
Four score and seven years ago…
damn i wasnt even expecting anything at all and he still tries to be a disappointment
i think i would make a pretty good president as long as i could rely on everyone else to do everything and i just had to sign stuff and kiss babies and do photo shoots
Why is this general specifically favored by the severely mentally ill? Does the notion of North America resonate deeply with the sick?
People that get run out of town in their own threads come here because we speak english
where do you think you are? arent you here to post all caps "i hate myself and my life" posts every day? also thats the only reason fat likes you. its because youre already a self-hating buck broken saddo like him and he can control you because of that. thats who he keeps around
>run out of town#
they came here (because he linked to this place, like he does to there from r9k or discord) and started copy-pasting the exact same messages/gimmicks/catchphrase they do all day every day and nothing else, literal spam bot behaviour. no one sticks around a thread for non-human posts even though the mods and admin disagrees with that. theyre wrong though
obviously he is very happy with the thread he made for himself and shits all over every single day - hes obviously very content with his life that is this website, where he spends all day and lots of money to get. hes so happy that every day for the last few days hes come here. thats how happy he is, parasite that it is
thats winning
thats being a winner. what winning looks like - what hes doing
then taking a big shit here before he leaves again just to say bye on leaving
I peel and quarter russet potatoes before parcooking in the microwave on high for four minutes.
Let cool. You can even pop them in the refrigerator until they're cool to the touch.
Then fry in olive oil and butter until crispy for the most delicious home fries.
theres your activity and all you get fat, you worthless fat fucking joke of a man and shit-tier sociopath. enjoy bitching about the next thing in one hour because you have no life or personality
Really must do something about this sleep schedule.
No sane person is awake at a quarter past three in the morning.
And it must increase stroke risk, and no, I don't mean my penis.
Guess I fit into that too since /fr/ only talks about genociding every single sandnigger in existence 24/7
If that can reassure you I feel even worth lately and got to a point I just want to keep quiet
was about to post a wojack and there wouldnt be any coming back from it but ill just wait until you go back to talking about how you want to die or hate your own life in all caps later to laugh in real life and then think about what you said
i just had a wank you might be interested to know
don't let it get to you, they would never say that shit irl
i tried and failed to stay up all day yesterday to fix it so now i'm unsure of what to do
yeah and btw i wouldnt say half the shit there in real life either
just because it would be hurtful to the other person. and in real life i can just walk away and not interact with those sad people that i have met in my life and who are probably in the exact same place they were when i met them today with all the idiots they could manage to keep with them. makes me glad to know that the other person is suffering in the other thread and thats just his life that he lives while i dont live in his life and instead am in mine where i am unhappy while his reality is the other
Were you the anon saying you would surely stay awake, and the other said you would surely fall asleep?
yeah, i failed.
i had an hour and a half left to go until the agreed on time and i fell asleep
Try again. Get some stimulants in you.
but I *am* really, actually and DIABOLU'CLY going thru with the plan to greet everyone in the street who hates me from way back with a husky 'I'M NOT A CROOK!' accompanied by a V sign
fat is away
good try lets see if anyone gives a fuck about this post even though they never have before, but maybe this time, like all of the other times, maybe it will work now
went to gwd earlier today and in 3 teleports (3 free daily) i got 1.5 kills. its so done
i can't do it, i felt like crap trying to stay up all day. i'm just gonna extend how late i stay up by an hour a day until i can get it where i need to be i think
It's a space where the first and most striking feature is the preponderance of non-Euclidran geometries.
good post you did alright with this one
so true bestie
mexico zindabad
pussy pussy marijuana
I'm being gangstlked by members of the San Patricio County Sheriff's Office.
They installed hidden cameras and microphones in my home before contriving a jury duty summons in my name.
Dismissed after 5 hours of waiting.
They knocked over the hat in the living room, that's how I knew.
No one believes me but the so called anomalies are stacking beyond a reasonable doubt.
Why did I see the same man at the gas station, grocery store, and bank all in the same day?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
This was them toying with me.
Ask yourself
>How could this happen in America?
(The answer will surprise you.)
are you okay
How many fingers am I holding up?
Is that you, Laura? Steve?
You have my browsing history, I'm sure.
im not either of those people you just seem a little wound up buddy
Are you threatening to wound me?
You can give Mike a call, though I doubt he'll answer at this hour.
I will state for the record that I am not suicidal.
I am not depressed.
i would never do something like that im a nonviolent person
I am being gangstalked and persecuted by members of the San Fernando Sheriff's Office who masquerade as the law behind the law
I did naht have sexual relations with that woman! (literally, probably)
They searched my home, electronic devices, and car when I wasn't near them.
They did it in secret with a so-called ghost warrant.
cant use soulsplit against dragons
There are tiny hidden cameras and microphones embedded within the light fixtures and walls of my home.
There is zero privacy, and they wanted it this way.
You can't call the cops on the cops.
Even though I live alone, the Corn Flakes mysteriously disappear. There is spilled milk and sugar on the countertop.
Someone, besides myself, has been in this kitchen!
i don’t know if this is a creative writing exercise or if you’re serious and im concerned
reddit ^
It's like that Kubrick film when they drag a beautiful stark naked woman in front of Alex.
He reaches for her breasts when suddenly he's gripped by crippling disgust and nausea that brings him to his knees.
The result of the Ludovico technique.
Do you know they're doing it to you now through the screen?
what with the tranny/cuck spam and personalities like Mihai, which were made to try and make people hopeless?
They're cruel and mean spirited.
Like they get off on making you feel small and helpless.
They wouldn't like me saying that, no they would not.
Dispense with the notion that your milk should be pasteurized
prayer flicking is a lot easier with protection/reflect then soulsplit instead of trying to time damage boosting prayers with protection always on
horrible thread
EdX has an intro to computer science course I might check out. It's about 11 weeks with 10-20 hours/week and ends December 31.
What is the point in raw milk? "Yeah I'm sticking it to the man by drinking milk that has a much greater chance of giving me a horrible disease or even killing me?"
5am, haven't slept either.
Over a third of the thread is garbage from r**p****
I think there are posts from Mousey in this thread, but not every British post is from Mousey (I am not him)
personally, I blame wendigoon
oh, I thought it said /pol/. Still, I hate those superstitious holy roller types. It all but invites Mormonism. And don't think we don't have a temple here.
Worst cum in a while
Gotta walk doggo
The astral
Projecting much? Faggot
How am I projecting? And why is homosexuality the first thing that comes to your mind when we're talking about something completely unrelated?

Fucking moron.
worst cum ever
gaslit once again
Terrible edition.
wow he made everyone so sad that even fat got depressed at the state of it
>dead pool
What's the difference? Serious question.
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>enter /cum/
>nobody here except foreign flags
It's over
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is being a ethnic man
and fapping to white men
fucking ethnic women
make you a cuck?
asking for a friend haha
consuming and p*rn where the object of your desires is being penetrated by another man is cucked, the races don't matter and are just a distraction
I think it depends on how you are fapping to it, are you self inserting as the man? Or are you watching it and getting excited because it's a White man doing it specifically?
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Definitely a cuck
That's how your societies were dragged out of the late stone age.
is that why I produce a lot of hands free pre cum
when I see white cocks?
>watched Dune Part 1
>read for several hours
>listened to music
>currently taking a shit
>next gonna make covfefe
No sleep for me I don't think.
Cant even take a shit in peace at this office. Its super crowded and open plan so you're always surrounded by people.

Im taking a shit rn but cleaning ladies keep banging on the door. Now they're just hanging by the entrance speaking Spanish so fucking annoying. Let me shit in peace ffs. Surely they don't need to clean this bathroom right now when they could go clean somewhere else and come back.
cumbums still waking up
AYOOO this nigga shittin rn
>neets and underaged still sleeping
>wagies can't look at the phone at work without shekelstein firing them
WFHchads carry this general in the mornings
>apartment shutting power off for 6 hours for maintenance
going to kill myself
Not anymore. Still really infuriating, there's like 10 or more bathrooms in this building, surely it wasn't so important that she had to clean THAT stall at THAT moment so urgently that she had to rush me by banging on the door and standing right outside the entire fucking time. Most stressful shit I've had all week. I should've shit all over the floor as a form of protest
i didnt sleep because i had a doctors appointment
I like anime
Too bad there aren't any good anime streaming services (legal)
Crunchyroll and hidive competing for which service can be the most unuseable
can you tell them niggas to hire me, i work for free
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you know what's the most game over, life ending, hopeless thing you can possibly be? shy, a deformed acid attack victim with no arms is in a better position than a shy person unironically
>a deformed acid attack victim with no arms is in a better position than a shy person unironically
you cannot possibly believe this
sorry, a shy male, being shy as a girl is a non issue
Only if you place social credit above all else in life (female trait)
the violent urge to wake up and tell cum

>send out around 100 job applications
>only hear back from one of them
>it would require me to move all the way across the country
social credit plays a huge role in pretty much everything in your life, a chad with half your skills goes farther than you because he knows how to talk to people
Good morning
The brapzilian is just projecting his insecurities
>have job posting online
>get call
>"oh why did you apply to that? That should be closed sorry"
>posting still there weeks later
No idea why companies do dumb shit like this. Yeah it's just a numbers game, you have to just keep applying for the 1% that will actually be serious. You will get there eventually.
Foids intentionally ignore my posts
Might filter the incel monkey
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You should MAKE them notice (you)
please do retard
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How do you talk to a girl?
by phone or by voice
Wtf is wrong with you retards. Non /cum/ flags can't make the NEW,and certainly not a faggy anime edition. Ill make a real thread in a minute
illegals in my yard
Janny won't like that.
Why would you want to
because he's not gay, you wouldn't get it
Girls are so pretty
trois beaux canards s'en vont baignant
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I could deal with it on the weekends but nobody mows their own lawn in this yuppie ahh neighborhood so its everyday
i think like 1 in 300 is a reasonable male to female ratio on 4chan, with 238,488 current users with at least like 50k being scrapper bots or something that's around 600 females
A girl who chooses a Burmese business card formatting bulletin board to get attention on instead of social media like 99% of all others is probably not the kinda girl you want thoughbeit
the real question is what's the white to brown ratio
>a chad with half your skills goes farther than you because he knows how to talk to people
No need to put Chad Kroeger on a pedestal

He's really not that special
When I lost my virginity with ex-gfberg back in the day I couldn't cum until I started imagining Ava Devine pornos in my head during sex. It's always been over for me.
that's true, arguably you shouldn't want a girl who uses regular social media too
>white to brown ratio
40/60 on /int/
20/80 on /pol/
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>Ava Devine
girls like when men cum early because it strokes her ego, because it means she's hot and makes him cum, the other side being him not being able to cum and then she thinking she's ugly, he's not attracted to her, etc
Once I realize women's vaginas are gross and smelly irl, I lose my boner

How did they get away with this back in the day?
ay yo shawty do you shit with that ass cause gawdamn
mia melano would unironically be my ideal wife if she didnt go into porn
They was different back then frfr
Need a dubbed CGDCT to watch
She has a twin who didn't, no excuse now
American women look like THAT?!!
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>polling worse than Biden
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made a deal the other day
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>alright we need to replace this old guy we can no longer pretend isn't senile
>*chooses the only person worse than him*
What's their endgame? Are they going to pull out a surprise and pick someone else at the last second?
Relax. This is just the first week.
nigga have you listened to her speak? this is her peak polling
Jordan Peterson said he got leftists to stop protesting his lectures by scheduling them at 8 in the morning
I see we can use a similar tactic in discussing the forbidden topic without interference from the devourer of hot pockets
aoc is not hot by herself, she is like a 4.5/10, she is only considered slightly attractive in relation to other politicians, because she is one of the few politicians that isn't old or completely ugly
This was back in like 2013 but yeah. Coom fried from the start.
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yeah it's exactly like that. You'll notice certain other anons aren't here either but they always are here when people are snitching.
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Nancy Mace is a baddie
When she said "you're full of shit" it made my heart shiver
I've been banned from /int/ twice for "politics outside of /pol/" in the past week and a half, keep your heads down cummers
There's a janny monitoring this thread or a snitch
i am strongly attracted to the opposite sex.
>janny actually moved a /cum/ thread to /pol/ a few days ago
what is this nigga's problem?
this is allowed tho
How is it ALWAYS the lefties who end up with power

do women have to wear such revealing clothes when exercising
think about who would work for free, and why

this here is the only power these sniveling little faggots will ever have, so at least there's that
women do most things for attention, so yes. I've been told it isn't even more comfortable to wear but looks ""cute""
thats a fake poll you retarded idiot baka
it should be a crime
Righties tend not to have the kind of long term drive that lefties do. The right wing sees politics as individual projects or causes, where once you "win" then you stop worrying about it. This is really stupid because nothing ever ends and you can't ever have a final victory, so righties are often taken by surprise when something they thought they "won" gets taken and held by leftists who were willing to keep at it. This is what's happening in mainline protestantism right now.

For the JANNY monitoring this thread, this is an observation on American culture, not a specifically political statement. You gay faggot.
True, polls are only correct my preferred candidate is winning
wrong board guys
I think it's because part of right wing ideology is leaving others alone
Whereas left has to force shit on everyone else because they're the enlightened ones
Need a kilo of hashish
other way around
>The right wing sees politics as individual projects or causes, where once you "win" then you stop worrying about it
What? Nobody thinks like this. Right wing politicians just don't last as long anymore because most of the people who've come into the country since the early 21st century are fifth column cocklickers.
How so? I can't remember thinking to myself "wow conservatives really ruined this site/movie with their shit tier opinions/moderation" but left does it constantly
Be right back forum
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Stop smuggling
You ever been to Amsterdam? You can just buy weed and hash over the counter in a coffee shop, it's pretty crazy

I guess you can do that in some US states these days but I've never been to those places
let the fellas see your nips
if i were king, every woman would wear lululemon yoga pants for all occasions. it'd increase SEXO but also shame the fatties into losing weight and thus increasing the number of attractive women.
>if you want to talk about politics you need to go to the worst board on the site
I love when women wear thongs under their leggings. Drives me bananas
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left is usually do whatever you want as long as its not illegal. whereeas right is, being gay? thats not allowed. abortion? you cant do that.
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>reddit leaf enters the thread
Yeah homosexuality and abortion are evil practices
Is it grippy?
Lentils and fruit made my gut happy yesterday
your poops in 48 hours are gonna be F I B R O U S
Imagine believing that the ability to legally kill babies and fuck dudes in the ass is worth destroying your country
not funny

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