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In which one of these three most successful post-commie shitholes would you prefer to live?
slovenia I am probably going to move there when i finish my university
anything that isn't estonia because i don't want to die from boredom
what's so boring about eesti?
I wouldn't hate living in any of these countries. I would prefer Slovenia or Czechem somewhere that has some mountains I could hike in.
Is it even a question? Slovenia is the only one to combine typical firstie features with pleasant climate. Also unlike the two other ones, it has very diverse landscape (most importantly - both best sea in Europe and best mountains in Europe). You'd have to be insane to ever think about anything else but Slovenia.
they probably think paying taxes every year is the most fun
so sad 300k Estonian Russians don't think like that too...
Well if i had to choose.
slovenia or cz tbf.

>erm just leave
Coal take and you know it.
Slovenia is imo the most underrated country in Europe. They have literally everything, it's like north Italy and Austria combined in one little country, everything is well kept and looks more firstie than most actual firstie countries, but most people think it's just yet another gray eastern european Balkan shithole with ugly commieblocks and rabid stray dogs running around them. I feel really sorry for them because no matter what they'd do, the general perception of their country abroad won't change soon.
Not estonia for sure, too many russians there
>the general perception of their country abroad won't change soon.
good, they shouldnt let westerners ruin it
they live in their Russian containment zones like Lansnamae or Narva. You can actually live in Estonia and never see a Russian in your life (like in Sareemaa)
nah, it's nice if other people have good stereotypes about your country. Croatia profits from it a lot by being a tourist paradise.
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stop caring about us
sorry, i can't, i worship Czechia
Poland is already a better place to live than Pepikland and the gap will grow.
i hate tourists
lmao, you have no idea of what you're saying
we pump huge money and effort into positive PR but it's just a facade, behind it Poland is still a regular eastern European country that stands nowhere close to Czechia, you cannot just erase centuries-long civilizational gap in like a decade or so

you live from them tho
The only Estonian woman I've ever met had giant tits, so probably there.
Estonia is cool but i think it's overrated a bit, especially that Lithuania which has made bigger progress is kinda overlooked.
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I work for Estonia bc I like to watch Mateo and Lisanna. She was an Estonian whore he hired and they fell in love.
>you live from them tho
thats because tourism ruined our industry
When I drive to Poland to beg local gas station owners for some gasoline it looks just fine.
In all seriousness though - you're doing quite well, wages are already on the same level for example.
>yes, I would rather stand 12 hours per day (or night) by the assembly line and perform the same hard and tedious activity rather than just clean a room once per week and then sleep all day long

I really don't get that "muh tourism replaced industry" narrative since tourism is infinitely better than the industry Croatia had before. No Croat would prefer working night shifts in a communist factory rather than just live off tourism if it was real choice. And if Croats think that if they got rid of tourism, they'd magically attract valuable jobs that pay a lot for little effort, that all of Sillicon Valey would suddenly move to Dubrovnik, you're naive as fuck.

Don't be stupid.
>cries as he charges you 17 000€ for a small beer
>wages are already on the same level for example.
so what, just because some economic indicators are similar in one year cannot make up for centuries of us being divided by a civilizational wall, so Czechs managed to accumulate insane capital (as reflected in Prague's old town for example) they can now benefit from and we cannot.

Why do you think the richest Czech guy (10 million nation) is richer than the richest Pole (40 million nation)? Because one-year salary is one think but accumulated wealth is another thing.
The point was that you're growing while we're stagnating.
do you really think that everyone in croatia earns money from tourism? i work in a warehouse for 900€ lol, if we had a developed industry maybe it would be worth living here. it is only worth living here if you rent apartments to touristoids every summer
just like Malawi is growing and Japan stagnating but it doesn't make the former better than the latter.

We're still a far cry from Czechia's living standards, aesthetics standards and so on.

>do you really think that everyone in croatia earns money from tourism
those who don't do this directly, do this indirectly, because they produce goods and services those employed in tourism buy from you
> i work in a warehouse for 900€ lol
if not for tourism, you wouldn't have this warehouse at all or it would pay 400eur, like in Serbia, think about it
Czech. Cute bohemian girls and cool history. Also absinthe.
I pray for the demise of this tourist resort banana republic every day.
>We're still a far cry from Czechia's living standards, aesthetics standards and so on.
Don't exaggerate. Czechia is only slightly doing better than us. Other than that, they're a corrupted German colony just like us. You will find there as much Lidls as here.
Finally a self-respecting Pole.
>dude I want my country to be like Serbia!!!
why are self-hating Croats like this? Seriously, why do you imagine that if tourism disappears then suddenly Elon will build 10 robotized Tesla factories in Croatia and Croats will just manage the whole process by pressing one button per hour like Jetson and get 10k EUR/month for that?
Probably Czechia. If I have to move somewhere I'd rather be in a warmer country. Slovenia is probably getting a bit too warm though so Czechia would seem the better option.
Estonia because I can live in Tallinn without speaking their ooga booga and get away with it.
>slightly doing better than us
once again, that's just because the current decade is exceptional but in the whole historical process they've been always much more developed than us and it's reflected in their infrastructure, mentality, level of maintenance and everything. You can just compare Polish and Czech villages and towns on both sides of the border, especially somewhere around Kłodzko valley. It's like comparing Russia to Finland.
CZ because Ive met hot women from there and I would marry one instantly if I could
That's a good take actually.
Losers here are just like that, they would like to see everthing burn because they are too incompetent or lazy to make their lives better.
They blame everything for their status: goverment (partially true), tourism (quite insane as you put it), old people, etc,
It's always something else but them.
i suggest you do a trip to czechia, you will be shocked how much of an expensive shithole we are, poland is moving forward fast, we are just rolling in shit
I don't blame Croats for that since as we can say many other tourism-oriented nations like Spaniards also fall for this insane narrative that somehow if you get rid of tourism then your country will magically turn into a hi-tech Wakanda which literally never happens and tourism and modern industry can develop separately from each other and one doesn't affect the other - Italy and France are the best example of that.

Just because Croatia doesn't have developed industry doesn't have anything to do with it being a tourist paradise. The question just can be about wrong allocation of resources by the government - why taxes paid by the tourist industry aren't spent on preparing industrial fields in other parts of Croatia to attract foreign investors for example. But again - that's government's mismanaged, not something inherently tied to developed tourist industry.
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literally rolling, kek
>how much of an expensive shithole we are,
so what lol, if you're expensive that means people want to invest in your country
and Czechia simply looks good and looking good must be expensive, there is nothing to be proud of being cheap because it means your country looks shit
>most successful post-commie shitholes
that's like winning the Paralympics
I'd rather kms than move to an eastern shithole
Slovenia I guess thanks to the minimal Adriatic coast and proximity to Italy and Croatia.
nigga we dont look good, everyone is s negative fuck, our public transport is ugly and full of junkies,streets full of smelly hobos, roads are falling apart because of mafians being corrupt retards tunnelling as much as they can, wages are stagnating and we are still on eastern levels with western prices, majority cant afford anything beyond rent and food
i'd say bohemia but I dont know much about them other than the capital looking nice, same for the other two i guess.
i think the countryside of bohemia and slovenia looks better, so one the two.
>The question just can be about wrong allocation of resources by the government - why taxes paid by the tourist industry aren't spent on preparing industrial fields in other parts of Croatia to attract foreign investors for example.
that's it. but people will associate their country deindustrialization with the growing of others sectors, that's the government fault, although i saw some portuguese and spanish anons associating it with the EU.
>our public transport is ugly

haha dude, the thing is that you actually have public transport. Here it's non-existent outside big cities. If you live in a 20k town without a railway line (and unlike Czechia, here it's normal, even 100k cities don't have a railway station here because of how underdeveloped this country was in 19th century) you're completely fucked without a car, as public buses almost don't exist here anymore.
Insult Estonia again and I'll fuck you up
estonia since I can swim back home
Estonians are slow pipo.
There are no big cities in Slovenia though, so Czechia/Prague is the only valid answer
Estonia seems the logical answer
>in a 20k town
Nigga walk.
The 20k town is like 1km in radius.
disgusting. they dont want you there cefur

instead they have thousands of cefurs (serbs, bosnians, croats, albanians) to ruin it
why would you want to live in a big city tho
>disgusting. they dont want you there cefur
im not a čefur, im kajkavian they will accept me as their own
Estonians are LAZY DRUNKARDS and they are inferior to Finns EVERY WAY
Half my family came from Bohemia. My relatives who stayed were either killed or deported by lazy slavs who wanted to steal German property.
I would kill myself at the airport if I was forced to pick a slave nation that hates my kind.
>im not a čefur, im kajkavian they will accept me as their own
lmaooo cope and go back to plebbit
my point isn't about inner public transport but that connects you to other places. If you live in a 20k town here and you want to reach a 100k town 30 km from that - in most cases there is no other option than a private car (unless you live in western Poland where they have dense railway network and public train service somehow works better here than bus service).

In my home town (10k) the situation looks like that so the nearest train station is located in a town 10km from my town, and to reach this train station if you don't have a car, the only option is to get a taxi because there is not a single bus, and that 10km taxi drive costs more than a train ticket from that train station to Warsaw (150+km).
And then people ask why small towns here keep depopulating lmao.
bro, we say dobrodošel and doči is not even a verb in the Slovenian dictionary, I saw all those germanophiles have no leg to stand on! Also, nasvidenje, there's no such as a svideti in Slovene!
*I say
Lots of jobs, lots of girls, lots of culture
razmem ja vse
please tell him the truth
these delusional crorat soyboys think you zlovenians view them as equals, instead of as cefurs. These Možemo voters need a hard reality check.

just look at this fag >>200120833
Well if you really wanna be Slovene then you gotta drop the personal pronoun. Also, the passive voice, both of those are frowned upon. And you also have to drop half your vowels and replace them with 'uh's.
No, he's right, no Slovene has ever thought of a Kajkavian as a čefur.
He is probably from Zagreb (and a Možemo voter). It's debatable how much "Kajkavian" is left there.
ja sam z varazdina debil glupi
you're still a cefur
why did you get so angry when i said i was leaving this shithole?
funny how Croat-Slovene relations are the same like Polish-Czech (we worship them, they despise us)
good point

Imagine calling a person whose surname is literally Hribar or Dolenc a čefur lmao
Also, I'm not some Nazi, since I've delved into Slovenian racism...my surname is a germanized Serbian one
i wish this was true
I regularly drive through Poland, about 100km.
Roads? Better than in Czechia.
Small villages? Full of life, in contrast to Czechia.
LTE/5G coverage, OK.
Houses? In very decent condition.
essentially, drop civilized, superior speech patterns in favor of that of impaired peasants?
that's because you visit Cieszyn Silesia which looks a bit better
visit Lower Silesia - Kłodzko Valley, Wałbrzych, Głuchołazy and you will be shocked
>Kłodzko Valley
Been there last week, Czech side looks worse.
And this town is part of my road, I prefer to go to the Rychleby Mountains via Poland rather than Czechia.
Czechia is overrated, Estonia is very overrated (grim and full of russians) and Slovenia is only somewhat overrated (it really is beautiful).
So definitely Slovenia, only a retard would choose anything else.
Estonia, its already very common for finns to move there to start a business since enviroment is more supporting for that also saaremaa is attracting people to buy summer houses from there.

On point.
>but most people think it's just yet another gray eastern european Balkan shithole with ugly commieblocks and rabid stray dogs running around them. I feel really sorry for them because no matter what they'd do, the general perception of their country abroad won't change soon.
And it's a good thing. Anti-PR is great for gatekeeping, and gatekeeping is very needed nowadays on many, many levels.

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