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Would you racemix with a Russian?
Yes, if I wasn't gay
I am Slavx already.
>Will you racemix with white people?
quality thread
i would r*pe a russian man who is currently browsing 4chan's int board at this very moment in time
I am planning to racemix with a German rapebaby from my work
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>individuals don't matter, groups do.
Finns sure love 'Tashkas of the east.
only dopa
Hell no
Hello, cute ladies of int, racemix with me please?
noooooo you can't say that, slavoids aren't whiiiiite
t. Jimmy "Hans" Gomez Gonzalez de la Maria Maxhuatlxhx, 1/128 Nordic Prussian
>individuals don't matter, groups do.
why not both
Nobody would racemix with me:(
bears would
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No, I have to keep my Germanic bloodline pure
I'm not a handsome white haired elf vampire so they wouldn't
>t.Taras Petriovich Islamamabad
I love Russian girls
Nothing against Russia, but your race is susceptible to the bazillus bloshevikus. Don't want to pollute my bloodline with that
Kek they really do be like dat
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Mixing with a nigger is better compared to a slav, with a nigger there atleast some small probability of producing something reminiscent of a human
You're basically half-slav.
Love russian girls and the USSR SOVL let me in
keep dreaming adidas goblin
his father did, and look at the result
Don't worry, he won't be producing anything but sunflowers in Ukraine.
Giovanni is a boy's name
What makes you think that you will have sex with me
no you cant
her, sorry. I had a brain fart
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On behalf of all russian men i invite every single Man on earth to come here and breed “our” women
Spawned together. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Already did but we divorced
cuz in my country russians are considered unreliable people and their women are considered cheap whores who do makeup for other men on the street, but not for their husbands at home.
the only peoples with whom I would racemix are the germanic peoples
0__o yea ?

Rich coming from that flag.
Id rather eat cynide.
still better looking xbox flag than your slaveshit tricolor
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it's time for nafo hour again
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depends, some russians have nordic ancestry, others mongoloid
Russians can't interbreed with Hungarians and Finns. It's a tragedy for the superior Russian race.
>Hungarians and Finns
You mean Fingoloids?
Cute, ogre thinks he's worth human rights
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how's the weather in your swamp?
My "swamp" is perfectly developed first world country
Your swamp is a gas station with nukes and it's about to collapse
Stop. No brother wars.
>perfectly developed
>The Fingoloid thinks he's human
Don't just so high , your flag is literally a hole in the ceiling of a fucking tent.
+ You changed to even uglier version lmao.
fingol be swimming in poop
Then why the largest gap in wealth in the eastern hemisphere is on the Finnish-russian border? Your economy is smaller than Italy's

Oh yea and why did russians flock to Finland to buy cheese?
yes as a balkan subhuman i would with a pink russian person
>muh economy
perekelenigger, your country is literally just a dozen of shacks in a forest what's there to economize?
No we don't need your stupid cheese that Belarus gives us far better
I would consider it, if she was nice to me.
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tattoo = whore + visual disgusting
Churka pls, you will never be a real superhuman
Russian women don't love you
Especially if she is the daughter, sister or friend of special millitary operaiton of deNATOfication participant.
Why tattoos have such bad effect?
I remember I saw a cute girl in Пятёpoчкa, came closer and saw a large tattoo on her arm, then instantly thought like "Eww, фи" flashed in my mind and I started to dislike her.
>won't be producing anything
>posting this from a comp that gets its power from a nuclear power plant built by Rosatom.
The most intelligent fingoloid.
Well, I wrote, it's disgusting. Plus it ruins the overall appearance of the skin. Tattoos like Attentionwhores. Attentionwhores need male attention all the time, even if she's in a relationship. Do you want that? I don't.
>Russian soldiers now have a higher salary than the average American

Maybe I would, if they earn more than I do then maybe I can marry a Russian female soldier and I can play the role of trad husband.
It wouldn't be racemixing. We are the same people separated by religion, language and a hefty amount of Jewish neocon propaganda
There are already a million of them here so yeah unless she's mentally ill which is pretty common with them
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Yes yes yes
I wanna Slavic son like this a fuck fuck fuck
I love Russian Russian Russian !!!!
Rape rape rape rape mating press bang bang Russian
I want to conquer Russian body and I wanna annex Russian body
Wanna eat Slavic white elf Russian body
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I’m proud of being purified by those superior white elves species
I want to create more Suomi with Russian
Are you a cute japanese girl
He's a buff Japanese bvll
Yeah I would
I want to stab up Russian male body with my organic pumped up knife
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i would with her...
>brazil mentioned twice
Yes, it would make my offspring half human at least...
They would still be half human since I'm 100% roach
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>pick a human nationality and you'll get full human offspring doe
Well, that rules you out, Pip.
It's like the vandalism in a public bathroom stall
Russia needs to bring back their surrogacy program. Rich Flips were paying $200k per child before Putin banned it.
Whats funny is that black interracial porn barely gets any views on pornhub nowadays.

Stepfamily porn and BWC porn gets a lot of views on pornhub now.
Idiot. Bolshevism is a german invention
Why is Rasha spelled "Pokkurv"???
What if I was the racemixing Russian?
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So, still no cute int girls who want to racemix with me?
russian bros, where should I go for russian news?
I'm interested in hearing news from the side of russia, not from the west, just out of curiosity
what websites should I go to? can be in russian, I can translate.
no thanks, if my negress queen found out it'd be another 6 months in the chastity cage
RT is too much and schizo sometimes. If you want just generic news feeds try Lenta, RIA and RBK.
nice one, thanks mates.
It's hard to find news here that isn't skewed towards the west, for obvious reasons
Yes, I like buceta rosa.
I'm mixed with Fingolian women, so a bit ching chong and not 100% euro.
I wouldn't recommend it.
kek, some of these websites are blocked by my isp due to "eu regulations"
bit weird like
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Probably RIA and RT?
exactly yes.
no one wants to mix with kalbets. Lmao
RIA is state owned and RT is spreading schizo tier propaganda from time to time. I don't watch or read it, so can't tell for sure. Both banned after start of invasion probably.
What do you think of Stalin? Was he a cool guy???
I think you're just in luck with russians
stop it
Why this question all of the sudden? I think kinda yes. Yes he was bad to the people, but he was good for the country and he wasn't stupid. In very short time he industrialised and rise up the country by treating people as free labour, putting them in the labour camps. Controversial figure overall, but wasn't really bad. For example you can compare him to Mao in China. Mao tried to do something similar, but you can see how stupid his plans were and how they've ended up.
I think if Stalin had more time after war we could have said more on how really great or bad he was.
no, their genes are too dirty
Monkeys from the North Caucasus are essentially not a very “pure” population.
Only with Gilticus
I have a relative who did and he was found dead in Soviet Russia
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Yes? The most beautiful woman on the planet right now is half Italian and half Russian
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I wouldn't recommend it.
Why rates are so high there?
Although I hear Russians are extremely racist so I, a T50 brownoid, probably don’t have a chance
>Would you racemix with a Russian?
Totally! <3
because he is a pidor
Its part of the agreement Putin made with all the third world brown and black countries and China.
there is no map in your link, how am i supposed to understand anything of it?
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she a cute. a CUTE!
the gipsy went shopping for VPNs, I see
Because it's full of russians.
Note how countries with significant russian diapora populations also rate quite high.

No but seriously, Russia has been the world's HIV/AIDS capital for over 2 decades and the epidemic is getting worse. Majority of the cases used to be from drug needles back in early 2000s, but it's gotten so widespread among the general population that sexual transmission is the most common vector. Not just whores and drug users, but the general population.

Here's a quick rundown from 2016

In-depth 2023 study

The situation has gotten worse and the war certainly isn't helping. Between the sanctions, millions leaving the country/dying in Ukraine, state focusing on wartime economy, not enough civilian healthcare personnel... it's not looking good.
The Moscow Times.
Kremlin recently flagged it as undesirable organization. That's a pretty reliable indicator of quality as far as russian independent journalism goes.

Or if you just want to check out what the pure state propaganda is like, RT is good.
It's not race mixing if they are from western Russia
From where, exactly? Kola peninsula had norwegians in the distant past, but nowdays?
No, I would never subject anyone to the torture of having me as their parent.
St. Petersburg etc.
she's the daughter, sister, and friend of multiple mangled corpses
this is your brain on russian, folks
Holy based, Maybe Nips and Ivans are closer than previously thought?
Doesn't Russia have a lot of weevs and old Japanese cars?
I'd keep my children white and pure
Russia === China in 2024
Yes, even the really Chinese ones
Family friends have a Russian mother and Italian father daughter that looks like a fucking 10/10 18yo model and she is only 12yo in the random picture her mother took of her and posted, can't make this shit up, her facial traits, skin and nose are perfect and if I recall correctly has also grey eyes. I swear she could already work for the fashion industry in the nearby Milan.
>Mickbros? This can't be real right?
Our fag filled island aside, Does this mean anti AIDS meds have to rank above shit like painkillers and antibiotics when discussing humanitarian aids (hehe) to Russia/Ukraine
Russian (not soviet mutts) boys and their tracksuits...
lol your women are obsessed with finnish cock
If she‘s blond too, sure
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Idk about that but I can tell you I would spend every single night breeding Sasha’s bussy over and over again trying to impregnate him. I think we would make a cute baby together.
dude looks like chris from family guy...what is wrong with you
Yes, cute Russian girls are VERY cute and feminine
Kek literally in what way you face blind retard
I literally only support Ukraine because a weakened Russia means there will be more Russian women immigrating to other countries for more opportunities. Already Thailand, UAE, Turkey, and Georgia are filled with Russian women, some become prostitutes as well. I hope they eventually move en-mass to the west and add to the genetic pool.
You only support Ukraine because you want to racemix with a Russian? That's weird......
We're both sibero-european mutts, so it wouldn't count as race mixing.
Uh, why?
Hilarious, even in ancient times hentai artists depicted nips with a huge cocks instead of peckers they have
Russians built your "country" you subhuman ape
russian hood bitches are dangerous
did you know that the brunette married an Italian youtuber?

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