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ben mitchell edishhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Need an XL cock to bully my arseholw
I wonder what shade of brown the guy who stabbed the soldier is?
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When you leave the house with salami in your pockets and your autistic friend can't get the best angle for his video
you realise that they are 80% men 20% women
it's a mugs game when you figure out how to date IRL which is far better for your mental health
Why does Will i am exist?
damn dawg
i just at a ham hock
mental how badly he mindraped him
why does he just fuck off
Only spakkers use dating apps
thing is i'm 34 years old and never been on a date what can i do except dating app carnage?
How do you date women then
wank you for the music
the dongs i'm stimming
Get invited to parties
Chat to them there
what's he meant to do
dont know
used to get invited to parties before i became a full blown alchie
would chat with girls
they wouldn't get with me
would get with my mate or someone else or they're taken
never with me
By not being the sort of gOggle eyed spazmo that thinks you meet women on the internet.
hm yes a 34 year old random guy just gets invited to parties
Video of women having fun in an office is causing anger in incels around the world

I'm told that men understand 'camaraderie,' and yet the response to women breaking into the workforce and enjoying being women for 30 seconds just drives them up the wall. How sad
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Remember when deegs spent hours yesterday seething about this
i genuinely fucking adore egg n cress sarns lads
it's my addiction. it's what i live for.
LOL as opposed to the 34 year old permavirgin dweeb that doesn't?
he's nto wrong tho is he
implying 34 year olds never go to parties
give your head a wobble
If you can't talk to and attract women in real.life, you just need to kill yourself. You are not human. End of.
He's not wrong but for a straight man (supposedly) he's bizzarely invested in charli
he said hes 34 and never been on a date so i'm going to assume he is not very popular
how do you get invited to parties in that position
if you aren't earning 130k per annum, like i and anyone worth a damn are earning, then with all due respect - shove yourself off the nearest tall building, pronto.
>straight man
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*bounces up to you*

um how did you know I have aspergers syndrome
>130k pa
>a lot
top kek
we do, sometimes.
I don't even know anymore fuck it
True about dating IRL, the better you are IRL the more opportunities you create for yourself, and you differentiate yourself from guys on an app because you are a person standing in front of her, not just a profile picture.

I think apps are becoming the norm. Tinder Bumble are both 10+ years old now. Anyone Gen Z has always been aware of apps and there is no stigma anymore.
whats a new frank green and a sneaky link
firstly, get some friends, as that's going to help regardless, no one wants to date a friendless loser full stop
use them to go to parties
work it out
>want to go see new film "crossing"
>£15 at the local kinoplex

If they all did that then you wouldn't be earning 130k anymore would you
earn twice that sum and still feel poor aha
might stick radio 6 on hope it's alternative rock and not wog slop
don't hear people say innit anymore
I'm 30 years old and unemployed but there's still time for me haha still plenty of time
>not we
poor detected
and how do you make friends at that age
frank greens are the new overpriced meme water bottle for women and a sneaky link is casual sex
there's a million ways i'm not going to spoonfeed you this basic information
refuse to listen to diego’s degenerate homo music
it’s a shame that it got popular in the first place
i accept your concession
Dadberg's officially reached his midlife crisis
go up to a group of lads and say can I be friends with you lads please
i own jagex but still can't get a gf
oi loik beeh
n' oi loik cheese
but mowh than all of these
I loik to be...on hohsebahck
I couldn't bear getting rejected by 99.8% of women IRL. It would make me sudoku.

Use up all my swipes on Bumble, get 2 matches a week, go on 1-2 dates IRL in a month, have sex 2-3 times in a year makes it worth it.
whats he doing
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well rorke?
Dressing in mumberg's clothes
bought a lamborghini with my tech millions thinking it would attract birds but they all still prefer chad's 1 series
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looks like a nice neighbourhood
you don't know rorke's girlfriend she stays up his granny's bit
stop treating women like pieces of fuckmeat and maybe you'd get somewhere
Cast aside your earthly possessions and obtain enlightenment or some shit
Join a sports team
holy reddit
I don't want to work I don't want a job arrghhhhhhhhh
not interested
deanos are renowned for being accommodating to 34 year old incel freaks
i did ayahuasca having spent over twenty thousand pounds on a trip to south america for me and a bird i met from hinge and rather than obtain any spiritual enlightenment the shamans who gave us the drugs took turns having sex with my date
>how dare he have taste
went out for an hour on lunch. cold-approached 4 women, 2 gave me their number, will no doubt shag at least one. just a numbers game, lads.
not interested
It’d really funny reading redditor stories or people asking for advice there when it’s just Redditors trying to say that the man is evil and abusing the woman
Really can’t quite imagine why they’re like that
did that actually happen
was she consenting? what was it like when u sobered up
alri mr 8/10
I really hope this isn’t true but it’s what I imagine happens when you indulge women’s desire to spiritual “adventure” stuff
how do you manage to spend that much
did you at least abandon her in the desert?
It's a tough game, ex left because I didnt want to be exclusive with her. Sometimes they do the same to me.

Would like to settle down, but if she's gonna drain my wallet she needs to be fit, and good for my mental health.
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>spent over twenty thousand pounds on a trip to south america
the psychedelic drugs took no effect as we had taken benzodiazepines with a very long half life for flight anxiety beforehand
yes she was fully consenting. she was in a state of trance almost
i was extremely hurt by the whole thing but she repeatedly said that we were not together so it was no big deal and how the sex was a spiritual experience anyway. still had to spend the rest of the week with her at the retreat and then the flight home

i make huge money in tech
If you aren't a complete spastic you should be fine.
Poor social skills is excusable but at 34 you have no excuse to be physically weak or unfit, something like sunday league footy or 2nd/3rd team rugby should be well within your ability and being decent at the sport will get your foot in the door
literally me
I'm either going insane or you've just posted exactly the same post as me with the same image.
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>1 hug

>2 thugs
not what i meant

a trip to south america does not need to cost that much
do you mean in this thread? it has only been done once
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>Tristram: But what do we do, Andy, the hot fuzz is on our bollix?
>Andrew: Well, me mate, we fackin' well choke a couple of whores, take their passports and then slap them around. It's bound to be FOOKIN' DIABOLICUL!
Nah I mean I was going to reply quoting that exact sentence with that exact image only to get 'duplicate file exists here' and then see your post. Spooky.
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>still had to spend the rest of the week with her at the retreat
i fly first class and the retreat was fairly exclusive
You were not together? Why did you pay for her trip then?

You needed to show some backbone, women will disrespect you as much as they can just so they know where the line is.
The norm of shortform videos (tiktoks, instagram reels, youtube shorts) must number in the tens of billions by now yet nearly all of them are dreadfully boring shite
/brit/ hivemind, brother
taking benzos first seems like a very foolish decision and probably led to her acting the way she did
anyway sad story man
Hypothetically if I bumped into one of you lads in public would you let me squeeze your biceps?
It's not sad, he was a moron.
how would i know you're a britposter
>the retreat was fairly exclusive
Shame she fuckin wasn't you massive pussy ahahaha
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paid 20k to watch his date get shagged by two 70iq amazonian blokes with fake arsenal tops on
i dont believe you stayed together after that
what did you do? di she even apologise
did you shag her? cos she clearly puts out easily why you spending grands on flights for it lol
don't believe you

it shouldn't cost more than a couple grand max everything included to do a trip like that
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No she said she had a headache for the rest of the trip so we never had sex
>"exclusive" ayahuasca retreat shamans
They were probably tarqs from Surrey
no way you're not trolling
wonder how much more mileage we can squeeze out of this larp
Really weird culture around them too.
Half of them seem to be stories of a girlfriend being a useless lazy fat piece of shit and the boyfriend being her slave
Sometimes to the form of cat .gifs telling the story without a punchline
Nobody fucking cares what you believe
rorke's mum getting shagged by a lookey lookey man in benidorm
*enters thread wearing a Rick James wig*
Old /brit/ had stories of humiliation and triumph that were believable
New /brit/ just has Spainers coming up with stupid stories and characters for attention
painfully squeezed a poo so hard and wide that it turned hemorrhoids inside out
this place is full of autists and trolls, no idea why people like you think one poster is behind everything
m80 probably held her hand while the two shamans gave her an out of body experience
Big fan of Rick James desu, very talented bloke
i had been talking to her via text and on the phone for weeks and we had one date in london which went fairly well i thought. i suppose i wanted to keep showing her i can afford extravagant things. i also had built it up in my head that having this spiritual experience together would make her fall for me but clearly given what happened at the retreat that didn't happen. i never spoke to her again after gatwick.

yeah, maybe. she didn't even want to take them as she said she has no flight anxiety but i encouraged her to, so if it was the benzos that made her act that way i feel doubly foolish. they also completely negated the whole purpose of us being there given the blockage of the psychedelic drugs so i really regret taking them myself too.
Some of the tiktoks my mrs watches are totally fucking pointless
Just some random bitch talking to herself from different camera angles reciting whatever inane conversation happened at her HR Karen job that day
But they get tens if not hundreds of thousands of likes
Name on, Spainonce
Most zoomers here weren't even alive when the pooey lynx lad tale of yore was told
just gave the garage a sweep
and it were told now, everyone would say spaino was behind it
He would step over the line habitually, he's a habitual line stepper.
also I didn't take any photos of the £20,000 trip to South America because I was too upset that she shagged those lads you understand also my phone ran out of battery
this reply >>200123149 wasn't me

she didn't apologise per se, she said it was a spiritual experience and that she was allowing herself to feel free yada yada. but i think she was just excusing her behaviour.
no i didn't shag her. we didn't speak about anything deeper than work and pop culture stuff for the rest of the week really
why the fuck would you take benzos to fly
it's what my doctor gives me for long haul flights
you're disabled
mental how fit they are
it's like 4chan then
Leftypol taking benzos to fly
Rorke downing pints in the airport
Rasheed taking a box cutter
damn that is rough
who cares what Kurt cobain would have thought he was a junkie who killed himself
omggg ladsss i'm going VIRAAAAAAL!!!!
never got over the Daler Mehndi fad unto this day
Yeah normie internet culture is just pathetic. They’re worse than the autists
don't think I could be a secondary school teacher
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By definition a Christian is a person who acknowledges that Jesus Christ was the son of God and Messiah.
Naturally this therefore includes all the kooky shit like Mormonism or JWs.
But by this definition, wouldn't this technically make Muslims Christian? Jesus is acknowledged in the Quran as a Messiah within Islam.
what benzo was it out of curiosity?
they don’t see him as god so no
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odds: chinese
evens: kebab
dubs: fried chicken
got the muscle hypnosis on
not a singular crumb of evidence submitted to support any aspect of this story ever happened
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how do we fix this?
there are more Arthur Dents in this world than you might know
he's a big guy
>Worked abroad a few years ago, company had massive staff turnover so a new cohort of 5-10 people started each month.
>A group started on Wednesday (I tell my flatmate the redhead is fit), >We invite the group out for drinks on Friday.
>Me and red getting on well, dance at club
>We go back to hers and have sex
>I catch feels, only second person I've slept with
>She's the town bike
>Beds 3 other people in the office
>Anon's villain origin story is complete
take the gaypill
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don't need to fix it it is the natural process or deanos withering away and dying
wish id picked up a kebab when i was out earlier
broke a bit of tile off in the shower using a suction cup dildo lol
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>The animal abuse scandal that has led to Charlotte Dujardin being kicked out of the Olympics has additionally cost her a damehood
this the chap who was eating 500g mince earlier?
why do you expect anyone to do that on 4chan lmao
yes lad supporting illegal immigrant businesses x
making rick steins snapper madras for tea later
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I really wish we could go back to about the 1990s level of tech for most of the population. Really don’t need more than a phone, some light texting stuff maybe, and like an email. People should just go out and see one another
>my doctor gives me benzos to fly

this is such a yankified lie
german doner kebab is a legit company. its like mcdonalds but for kebabs. they hire ethnics but not illegals
>Canada women's manager Beverly Priestman will not take charge of her side's Olympics opener against New Zealand after two members of her backroom staff were sent home for allegedly flying a drone over the Kiwis' team training session.
It's all kicking off
you know the whole point of mormon and jw and shit is they do not think jesus christ was the son of god in a trinitarian sense (like islam)
have had to work with kids a bit and i agree

i would be one of those teacher who snaps and slaps the shit out of one of the little cunts eventually
Snapper? I barely know her!
all ethnics are illegal
they spend their lives on holiday in hot countries and this is what they get
a fit girl with several thousand simps on insta who i was good friends with at uni has been travelling non stop for years and looks about 35 now and has gotten lip filler and all that shit in a panic
r/redscarepod is going downhill
no its not. im not the 20k shamancuck but my mum is given benzos by her doctor for flights and she gives them to me.
get on r/rspod it's not as woke
Would enjoy work so much more if there were hot women here I could talk to and lightly flirt with. Literally nobody in my office is attractive and I think there’s only a couple of people younger than 30 here
Theres a decent argument to be made for banning smartphones altogether.
anyone else get proper anxious when they hear police sirens outside
the kebab place I had in mind was legit but it came up Chinese anyway, so Singapore chow mein it is. Result!
The Woke Mob.
>Scenes from the video include the women using urinals, brandishing sex toys, and Perry being hit by an anvil – which prompts her to grow bionic legs.
take a picture of the sheet with a timestamp
Is this going to be another Dominic Cummings type scandal where people will be calling for her to be hanged?
i mean yeah id like to see all ethnics declared illegal and deported, but in the sad reality of the real world the ethnics at german doner kebab aren't illegal. they are second generation pakis and one of the girls is cute and flirty with me when i go in.
Usually exit the tor browser
did she fuck this horse cos they haven't released any video
You’d be surprised
My gf was prescribed xanax over the phone after a 10 min conversation
>they haven't released any video
Yes they have
Learn how to use Google
you will be deported
what sheet?
The Charlotte Dujardin video?
i hate women so much it's unreal haha, they're not like us manly alpha males bro, with our delicious ripped physiques and sumptuous toned bodies, fuck whores they're not based and chad like us bros with our glistening cocks
usually get my emergency magnets ready
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the image that broke rorke
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Shamancuck I hope you've learnt a valuable lesson, one that wealth cannot buy.
the sheet of the tablets
no she just whips it
something people have done during training for millenia but is apparently not on any more
Become a muscle bull today.
Fulfil your potential, and GROW.
She didn’t ‘fuck’ the horse. Animals can’t consent. She raped it
Business idea: cuck package holidays, bring your wife or gf and we'll do the rest
waterberg demanding i pay the proverbial bill
it's just not on
lads what ever happened to Q and all those shenanigans?
Spaedo post
my ancestry has been in this country since at least 1066 and most will go further back at least to the anlgo-saxons. kebabs taste good. i prefer gyros but the nearest greek takeaway is further away and the GDK is near my work and would have been easy to collect on my way home.
exists. they go to resorts in the caribbean
get it paid rorke
or else
Got worked into a shoot by some online LARPers
im sure this highly improbable story happened, after all who would lie on 4chan
ii looked last night and on twitter and there was nothing except other people also saying theyhadn't seen a video
It’s called sex tourism and has existed for decades
french wives do this often, they typically go to the carribbean or sometimes west africa
saw a video of a french milf letting a bbc cum on her feet
People on those holidays don't leave their hotels
mate it didn't happen he just doesn't have any photos because his kodak disposable camera washed down the amazon river and into a crocodile's mouth
fine, you have me this time waterberg...
i have yeah, although it's more of a blackpill than a lesson
as an unattractive man it is simply inconceivable to me that women have sexual desire
>saw a video of a french milf letting a bbc cum on her feet
hot tbf
I work with a brazilian guy whose uncle is a priest in that Ayahuasca religion. I asked him has he ever taken it and he said no, literally everyone shits themselves multiple times while tripping the first few times. It’s also done in big groups and it’s part of a religious ceremony so it obviously doesn’t devolve into gangbangs lmao
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that's what i've heard too it makes you vomit and shit yourself
like everyone
No it's entirely your fault for spending money on some random girl who you weren't in a relationship with and doing drugs, it's a lesson.
What a piece of work is man!
isn't the drug some sort of laxative or it makes you chuck up or something
erm actually I meant to say it did happen in that post about the crocodile
why are people getting so worked up about this larp
Also, balls to Monty! I fuck asses! Who fucks asses? Does he fuck asses?
nah, DMT and MAOI are very well tolerated by the body
it's probably the additional organic sludge it is brewed with
went to the park by myself yesterday

walked a lap then came home. Waste of time.
remember the bodybuilder who got addicted to ayahuasca
it turned him gay and he went a bit crazy
why do you expect him to post photos? it's 4chan, you either take it as an entertaining larp or you take it as fact, don't sit there seething over a lack of submitted evidence lmfao
Mad this came only two days after the spending 6k on a holiday gimmique
Seems like the only untapped niche is ayahuasca cuck package holidays. All the others are taken.

The busy cuckold doesn't have time to find his own bulls, or accommodation or wrestle with the local language. Let us take the strain away so you can focus on the humiliation of having the girl you love, fuck.someone else.
i’ve been to an ayahuasca retreat in peru before. was like £800 and another £800 for the flight
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I saw Frankie Dettori whipping his horse on the final stretch yesterday. It's enough to make you wonder if they shouldn't just use... Blank.
kek I was thinking that
Thinking of getting into wine skins and going hiking with them like some sort of fantasy travel novel. Pipes are pushing it and too douchey thoughever
Dig it.
you don't need to go to Peru to thoroughly twist your melon, you damn yuppies!
did you have a mind-bending experience?
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Is this true?
He went via Dundee
I’ve taken acid and shrooms and because they effect your serotonin receptors it does cause stomach discomfort. Your gut has a lot of serotonin receptors.

It’s probably all the other stuff in the plant running through your system on top of the psychoactive compound that makes you shit yourself

It sounds fucking grim. Just take shrooms if you to experience something like that. Shitting yourself is just embarrassing
did the drugs there as well
you don’t shit yourself. you usually vomit though. i only vomited the third time we took it
mescaline makes you sick. never tried ayahuasca but san pedro cactus juice mescaline if the most horrific tasting thing ive ever tried. had it 3 times and you have to throw it back. hold it and try not to immediately be sick. then wait for an hour or two. then when it starts kicking in you let yourself be sick and the trip hits hard. 8-12 hours of psychedelic euphoria. overall id have to say its not worth it but its quite the experience.
tremendous gimmick
there are demons
turn it around so we can see the label and know it’s a benzo
the retreat i went to was quite exclusive, like i said. i was trying to impress her
I didn't know Supercar Blondie is Australian. I've never seen her videos, but I have seen them in my recommendations. I just read about her in the FT. She's killing it
went to the park for a walk on lunch. lots of pretty girls around, none of whom so much as made eye contact with me
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>go for a walk alone
>spend the entire thing in your head and depressed, oblivious to the world around you
those are 10mg valiums
t. druggo
Trying to attract women who are impressed by wealth is a recipe for disaster.
The whole ayahuasca ceremony thing is just a way to get idiot whitoids to give them lots of money
howling at cansmong calling spaino a 'white faggot' last night
bizarre outburst
howling this is me
go out looking for any entry smiling at anyone walking past and so on
completely blanked
might as well be invisible lol
did you say hello when you walked past them?
costa rica
10 grand trip to butlins went seriously awry lads
i'll tell you about it in the next thread
spent 6k on a coach to dundee and it wasnt even sunny
holidays are a con
he called you that because you were cuckposting about black cocks as you usually do
eating poo and drinking pee
it's a funny story whether it's real or not
im neither of the personalities in question
I wonder how many gallons of Arab shit and piss she consumed to get that rich
>Just take shrooms if you to experience something like that. Shitting yourself is just embarrassing
Do shrooms at a festival or on a walk with your mates like a normal person, don't fly to fucking Peru to get scammed by some Californian surfer pretending to be an Incan priest who fucks the bitch you dragged along with you
ayahuasca is an amazonian thing though
top kek
utterly insane to me that there are people out there who just hangout random girls come visit them for "psychadelic experiences" and then just let the guy sfuck them
utterly insane to me
You can get the train to Dundee or even fly for less
bizarre isn't it
spending a fortune on a date who is not committed to you
there are plenty of ayuahuasca retreats in costa rica
went to a game hobby shop and everyone fucking STUNK
went swimming and it was WET
incomprehensible to me that a woman would want a guy to fuck her
absolutely inconceiveable
like if she has a partner who provides everything and they want a kid i can understand her putting up with it? but wanting it? persuing it from random men? it's unfathomable simply does not make sense
Weird little freak you are
You are neither a scholar nor a gentleman. You are a scalawag, an ethnic minority and a buggerer of men’s bottoms.
cheese plantberg is loving his new coir pole
it was originally but ive heard of ayahuasca retreats in Europe and Australia
dont understand psychedelia. like, what's the actual appeal? seeing wiggly rainbow trees or whatever doesn't seem particularly mindblowing.
Went to the entertainer to find some toys for toddlers, one toddler was in the shop and he stunk, clearly somebody needs potty trained
easier to imagine myself on the moon than having sex with a willing female
utterly unthinkable that a girl could look at me and desire me to penetrate her
this desu i feel disconnected from reality enough especially through dreams and multimedia (or even booze) let alone taking something to go even wilder
seems bizarre to me
remember that rorke who has a moss ball in his living room
alri deano
You're a literal faggot, dressing in your mum's knickers and bra, pretending your a black man and getting white girls to fuck you

Meanwhile, you're a pathetic white faggot, wanking your little shriveled dick away to the concept that as a pathetic bitch, you might one day be one of these girls

But you won't ever be one, will you? You're too old to start HRT. You won't ever be a woman. You're only ever going to remain the neet little faggot on /brit/ wasting his dole on vpns and 4chan passes to try to troll a place that laughs at you everytime you post

Is that good enough?
cant really explain it to someone who hasn't tried it
you honestly have to try the drugs to get it
everything changes
this sort of comment reeks of "i know it's nonsense but i need to justify paying money for it"
people say that
then i try mdma
or weed
or whatever
and it barely changes and usually does for the worse lol
It's for brainlets who are incapable of abstract thought sober so require drugs to achieve it.
my last poo was a mixed bag
what did canspaki mean by this
when I eventually managed to convince a girl to have sex with me I couldn't even get it up lool. haven't bothered since just too anxious. simply not a shagger me
those aren't psychedelics are they
Women are bigger coomers than men, but in a different way
Men will just fuck slags for fun all the time with no committment but when a woman gets a good dicking it literally rewires her lizard brain into following you around like a puppy. They will latch onto whatever makes them wet, that's why women's erotic novels are all about being swept away by a rich/powerful man.

As an aside this is why all relationship problems stem from women not getting enough dick/orgasms. You can be a complete retarded slob and still have a loving gf if you make her cum often enough
you reek of dense deano mong, but also autistic
this is kinda my take desu
how the fuck did you convince a girl to do that especially when you're clearly gay
>take drug cos the practioiners say changes everything/is amazing
take it. oh doesnt do that
why would psychs finally be true? lol they lie about every other drug but not psychadelics? come off it
I shagged your mother rotten.
lmao clearly hurt your feelings with my accurate assessment
Mad how these Uber eats cans delivery places say you must be sober enough to accept the delivery yet I have routinely got them successfully delivered whilst black out drunk.
how do you convince her to take your dick which is objectively a bizarre thing to do ahh yes let that ugy stick a cock inside me
like i have an above average size cock but it's never been used and probably never will be used because no women will give it a go
If you didn't enjoy MDMA you had shit MD
you're a paki supporting paki takeaways
i never paid money for psychedelic trips.
ive been given lsd once from a friend but didn't really enjoy it
tried mescaline 3 times. it just requires finding the right cactus and following a recipe to brew it into cactus juice. its pretty hard work but i didn't spend money.
done shrooms about 30 times. i learned how to identify them and picked them myself.
believe what you like deano
>have a bad experience of nerves and whiskey dick at 18 and couldn't get it up
>finally have sex at 30
>can't get it up because of nerves
My gf was understanding, and I got to the point where I could get it up but would lose it during sex. Ended up just taking fucking viagra so I didn't have to worry about it. I didn't enjoy sex because of it, just constantly worried about losing my erection and then lost it as a result. The pills helped my confidence so maybe they might work for you mate.
not what all the fanatics i was doing it with were saying
No I'm not
They have to feel excited and interested
>why would psychs finally be true
because unlike other drugs they work completely differently as a class in of themselves, there's a reason they're studied as mental health gamechangers
everything is a mental health gamechange rseen the freaks say it about ketamine and mdma as well
(not to mention fucking weed)
You warm her up. She gets comfortable with you touching her hand or her shoulder. Then you touch her legs, then you get comfortable kissing, then you can feel her up tbqh
get your hands on a real psychedelic and get back to us, you might even realise something about god!
lmao i love the goalpost shifting
>reee no you didn't take real mdma
>reee no you didnt take a real drug
>trust me xyz is the real deallllllllll
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you are implying they are all they same, which is patently false. pic: your brain's connections before and after psilocybin
how do you warm her up
how do you get her comfortable with you touching her
can be smiling laughing i touch her she moves away
and so on
how do you get the first door open
can find similar images for any drug under the sun
my issue is with the premise of drugs fullstop
i have yet to come across a single one that lived up to the hype from the average druggy
maybe psychadelics really are different but been told that enough times to lose interest and to be quite frank my grasp my reality is tenuous enough as it is having even more lucid dreams is not an appealing prospect even if they did work
i understand your position, it comes from a place that drugs always must be happy and good. psychs arent like that. they can destroy you if you arent careful. i'd never argue the contrary
happy and good is not what im saying but that it should be a worthwhile experience otherwise why take it
i have more than enough hallucinations by being a thinking dreaming human that are necessary the idea of seeking out more of them is utterly bizarre tbqh
not to mention personal experience has led me to believe practically all claims about drugs are overblown
i see them more as a tool more than anything
to hone your own brain. it doesn't guarantee anything as everyone's different. honestly, someone like you could have a pretty mindblowing revelation on it. it's just a shame that the culture is inhabited by a lot of low iq retards who get rekt on the weekends. i see it as a platform for hyperhumanism.
hone my brain to what? delusions? lol
>someone like you could have a pretty mindblowing revelation
i can't think of anything less likely
>i see it as a platform for hyperhumanism.
this is really sad to me you seem to think all the drug effects aren't already there in the brain
i cant think of a single mystic or equivalent i respect who ever needed or wanted to use drugs to get there
themselves and being themselves in the world is all that is needed
speaking from my own experiences, you can have very abstract, grounded thoughts not typically considered in a sober state. it's not for everyone though, and i agree that you can achieve it normally with a bit more effort. what it does offer is just a turbo-fied thinking state that can be achieved. everyone's brain responds differently to it, and intelligent people seem to get the most out of it.
>you can have very abstract, grounded thoughts not typically considered in a sober state
give an example of this
>and intelligent people seem to get the most out of it.
more or less the complete opposite to my experience. i cannot think think of only one semi intelligent person I know who bigs it up, all other intelligent people i know haven't taken it or treat it just like any other drug to get off your face in a slightly different way. in terms of thinkers i respect i cannot think of a single one that has given any credence to psychadelics even those involved (somewhat) in neurology like mcgilchrist
for me, it's been a while since i dabbled but the man who won a nobel prize for researching DNA did so under the influence https://maps.org/2004/08/08/nobel-prize-genius-crick-was-high-on-lsd-when-he-discovered-dna/

and my opinion on your latter point is that it's down to the fact it has been demonised so much in the popular culture that it may never have been considered in the first place due to fear of ruining their reputation as reputable thinkers, regardless of what it could have done for their professional lives
crick is a very controversial figure so is their whole nobel prize and i didn't say that literally no one has ever benefited from psychadelics as that is clearly absurd
i do not respect crick as a thinker, or more accurately he is not interesting to what i am interested in
>and my opinion on your latter point is that it's down to the fact it has been demonised so much in the popular culture
dont think that's the case at all
if anything from the 40s onwards and especially the 60s it was the "cool" and "intellectual" thing to do. i think william burroughs is a very good writer, i do not think he was that because he took drugs but in spite of it, or perhaps more accurately the same creativity he had mentally led to attempts to physically deal with it.
hell it's so co-opted in the public consciousness that the least cool place on earth, silicon valley, were "microdosing"
i also note you dodge an example of what you have learnt from taking psychdelics.
i've learnt a lot of things that have contributed to my larger worldview as i progress in my life. specifically it's always smaller, relevant things to whatever you are doing at the time or the problem you are trying to solve, emotionally or scientifically. it definitely needs a structured approach to achieve these beneficial outcomes, a lot of people just focus on the visual aspect.
doesnt sound very compelling
i cant think of a problem i've had in my day to day life which i didn't resolve through thinking about it properly as a sober human
most meaningful psychological growth came from actual experiences with other humans anyway
not dream experiences or any other projections

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