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Why are you alone? Tell me the reasons. Did people leave you or did you leave people? Because all of you had friends at some point in your life.
I'm a loner type of person although a lot of people like me and talk to me. Just never girls lmao. I guess I'm just very eccentric which is a trait guys might find interesting but women absolutely abhor

I'll leave society one day and live alone in the mountains
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>I'm a loner type of person although a lot of people like me and talk to me. Just never girls lmao. I guess I'm just very eccentric which is a trait guys might find interesting but women absolutely abhor
Im ugly
Im boring
Im shy
I dont socialize
Due to my work I dont meet much people and I definitely meet no women
Nobody likes me
can a turk larp as spanish in europe and vice versa?
The Jews
I've always had the sneaking suspicion that I've never had real friends, the people I hung out with in high school were only there because of convenience and because they didn't detest me enough to shoo me away
I also don't think I've made friends before, they just kind of happened to start talking to me
Finally the worst part is that I don't think I've ever been a good friend to anyone, that I was always a bit of an aloof cunt who never put in any effort and who just expected people to always be my friend
I remember being angry with my high school friends, I still am, but reflecting on our friendships I've realised that I was a pretty fucking lousy friend and although they were cunts, I got what I deserved
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>>I'm a loner type of person although a lot of people like me and talk to me. Just never girls lmao. I guess I'm just very eccentric which is a trait guys might find interesting but women absolutely abhor
I have autism and prefer to be alone.
Social stuff makes me very tired and full of anxiety.
I have medical and mental issues I've never gotten checked and keep putting off to the detriment of my life.
aren't you the mongoloid ethnic russian in siberia?
I used to be alone because I was afraid of everything. No longer give a shit. I befriend whomever I want and date anyone even if my parents get upset. Fuck it.
I'm pleasant to be around but too inept and too lazy to keep up a relationship when it involves effort on my part
I have inadvertly or intentionally pushed away all those I have cared for
Everyone just stopped spending time with me when school finished.
I still had friends in high school but during that time those friends were the ones i only spend time when in high school and so not during free time, and when high school was finished that spending time with stopped. And that was end of friendships for me
I almost don't put any effort into not being alone, and when I do get people to befriend me I sabotage it because I'm afraid of intimacy. Also I am boring and cringe.
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When I was growing up I moved around often. My parents were just that type to always want to be on the move, seeking out fresh opportunities for themselves without considering the consequences on others, including me and my siblings. I'd make friends then move again and inevitably lose contact. As a kid right up to my early 20s I could always make new friends. But I learned to stop making deep attachments. By my early 20s I still had a fairly solid friendship group but developed the same flighty outlook as my parents. Moved away but it didn't work out. Moved back but it was never quite the same with those friends. We were all into drugs and I got in deep. Met a drug addict BPD girl and got in a relationship but that was a disaster. Eventually it caused all my actual friendships to falter. I started getting in with hard drug users. Then I broke up with the gf and got clean. Had to disappear from the druggie associates to stay clean. But couldn't really reconnect with my friendship group. Too much had happened. Spent a few years rebuilding my life in my mid 20s but became used to being lonely and alone. Decided to start over. Moved somewhere new again, far away from any family or former friendships. Rebuilt my life again but didn't manage to make any real friendships or relationships. Just acquaintances and friendly colleagues. Then covid happened and I kinda just gave up. Went through the motions at work. Fell into old habits of drug abuse. And now i'm here. Virtually incapable of making friends or forming relationships. Using drugs to cope. In my early 30s. I'm being made redundant at work. Honestly don't know what to do. I'm at a fork in the road. Try and keep treading water, find a new job and try to build relationships when most people my age are at a different stage in their lives from all the milestones I missed along the way. Or I can start over again, try my luck somewhere else and take that leap into the unknown again. Or call it a day and kms.
Never give up brother, if you stopped drugs once you can do it twice.
I went to a high school for retards, hated everyone in there and never made any friends, since then I isolated myself in my room playing videogames for most of my life
Autism and drinking to the point I was usually absolutely insufferable to be around in my teens-20s
Chilled out now I think but it's much more difficult to meet people late in life, also probably still autism
something very very bad happened and it triggered some kind of schizophrenia thing, now I'm too much of a panicky downer so people avoid me while lying and telling me they care
I hate normgroids, foids, soyciety.
can't find people with the same interests as me. every time someone asks me what my interests are they just say "i never heard of it" and leave
Between age 16 and 32 I was constantly in relationships because I thought that was necessary to be happy. I had eight different "serious" girlfriends over that period and all of them made my life worse in different ways, in some ways permanently. I came to realise I would never be happy or content in a relationship, so I gave it up entirely. I chose celibacy, or rather I just decided to no longer give a shit about women or play their games. Unlike women, men are mentally equipped to deal with loneliness and though the first couple of years were hard, I've now come to terms with it and I'm finally feeling at peace and happy. Completely opposite of my years in relationships that were like nightmares I couldn't wake up from, slowly sucking away my will to live. Being able to view women from afar and how they've only changed for the worse since then, I'm glad I got out and I've got nothing but indifference left towards them.
Thanks mate. It's not really the drugs that are the issue anymore. I'm not currently addicted. I just use them to cope and if I could fill the void with other things id stop using them. I just don't know how to fill the void and have big decisions to make about what to do next. Knowing that even if I start over with a new job and new house in a new place i'm basically destined to still be alone.
I left because I will never change, and don't want people looking down on me.
What are your interests?
>Because all of you had friends at some point in your life.
Not really. I had/have "friends" but they are not true friends. It's all superficial, just people I get drunk with occasionally and talk about inconsequential shit with. I never shared any deep emotions with them or they with me. One time I mentioned that my mother died and a few months later they didn't even remember it. My family was like that too, very distant.
I've talked more about my feelings with AI than any real human being.
I have friends and have sex.

The girls I'm attracted to don't like me enough to start a relationship. We'll have some fun dates, some good sex (if she orgasms = good) and they dump me within a month.

I have a handful of close friends who mean a lot to me.

Have learned to be funny/charming, this has created a lot of friends who you would go for a drink with, but never rely on in an emergency.

Not alone, but I'm 33 and want to find wife, have kids in the next few years.
lol he is more aryan than your whole island
Im Siberian Mongoloid Eurasian muttscum a sad mistake of racemixing between my parents
All I can say to that is grim. When did you meet your friends? I've found that true friendships are basically impossible after high school.
A little bit of both
I have been hurt too much and decided that solitude is my only true friend
basically this
Basically old high school gamer buddies and people I got to know through them. I guess it's a true friendship in the sense that we still meet up a decade later. Probably they are also desperate for social interaction even if it's shallow. Anyway, I can't complain too much, this is preferable to being completely friendless.
Bit of both
I distantiated myself from my friends, they distantiated from me
vidya, anime, manga, drawing and learning german
Its not like i wanted to... my parents moved out, too far for 11 year old me to handle.
I tried to keep in touch, i called in everyone but they eventually stopped caring. Human relations only last for the moment you are present, when people move on physically they move on emotioally and mentally as well, we are only present for a temporary mutual benefit until we move on. Everyone and everything is temporary and ultimately meaningless.
wen möttisch u i minere umgäbig bisch und nid e tranny bisch, bini do
oh i remember that you are a slavic russian guy
because i saw your picture
you have a pleasant looks
be confident
even guys much uglier than you have girlfriends
what kind of things do you draw? I like to draw too
I fucking love abandoning people when I feel vulnerable
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Eh, I had like 2 in middle school and they weren't very good ones.

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