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>meds be like "I suffer" and wake up to beautiful hellenic goddesses in a place like this
can safely say after visiting that meds do not suffer
its insane how ugly this photo is
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this better?
>can safely say after visiting that meds do not suffer
Where are you from, and/or where do you live now? If you're an EU citizen, you could move there.
American here on vacation. I plan to get a digital nomad visa
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life is hard on the med
Looks like shit to be honest, but that's because I don't really like hot/sunny weather.
I will now give all my money to Israel
thats a hellenx femoid not israeli
there are a lot of those in cyprus also i see them every year
Then you remember it's full of albanians and negroes
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Good luck. I am also from the U.S. and wanted to do the same thing. But moving to Greece feels like an unattainable dream as time passes and I learn more. I even wanted to go to university there, in Crete specifically. I'd have a visa during this but after graduating, I wouldn't have residency.

Read this. I talked to the creator of the site on a group for prospective expats to Greece on Facebook. (the one called Expats in Greece with 73.9K members)


It's a great, informative and clear page that breaks down the process. (it's even updated, last update was June 2024) It turns out the minimum salary your remote work must meet to qualify for the Digital Nomad Visa is exorbitantly high. €3500, to be exact. As the page says, it's only for high-earning nomads. The government doesn't want to make it easy for you to legally reside there.

>To get the digital nomad visa or residence permit in Greece, the main requirement is earning at least €3,500 per month after taxes. Yes, the limit is high—you don’t need nearly that much to live a good life in Greece, where the average monthly salary is about €1,000 monthly. But Greece is clearly aiming for high-earning nomads, so you’ll need to prove you have this much consistent monthly income.
if you earn american/northern european wages, yes
if you earn local wages, lol
>ancient greeks had this as their wives
>still fucked boy thighs
What was their problem?
France is med and northern Euro though
The short answer is they were crazy.

The longer answer is they had self-admitted emotional dispositions where they felt more understood and appreciated by the boys than the women around them, who they had resentment to. Where for the boys, it was the reverse. The boys would be in under the tutelage of them, and having intimacy and sex with them was just seen as a natural and inseparable part of that process. At most, I believe they even had beliefs about gaining the youthful energy from the boys from such interactions. (again, in contrast to women, who they felt were inadequate in respects compared to the boys, even reserving romantic feelings for the boys, but not for women.)
>3500 a month
I make a 120k a year so this doesn't sound too bad! I'll have to look into this more. Thanks for the info anon. Let's grab a beer when we both end up making it here
Are you OP? And are you serious? You're wealthy. You might as well go the avenue of buying property in Greece.

>Let's grab a beer when we both end up making it here
I mean, only if you have a Telegram, otherwise like any anonymous user here you will vanish with this thread.

I already converted to Greek Orthodoxy last December. (I'm serious, I was baptized, there is a Greek Orthodox Church near where I live in New York.) I am not Greek, but rather Iranian by heritage, but some Greek people thought I was Greek when they looked at me. I have wanted to move to Greece or that general region for a while. (Turkey is also great, but culturally Greece has to be superior...they don't mutilate the penises of boys there.)
read some history

in italy and greece gay sex among young men was extremely common until the past couple of centuries. the reason for this isnt homosexuality it's that the females were guarded by their families and chaperoned everywhere and not allowed to whore around so young men that were unmarried could only fuck whores, most could not afford whores most of the time so they fucked eachother. its literal pent up horniness and female inaccessibility, most of them quit as soon as they got married.
you have the standards and attitude of a basic bitch
I never understand the normie obsession with these places. These look ugly as fuck, looks way to hot and bright with no trees or shade, a bunch of ugly rock with no plants or anything
You're correct. It isn't this transcendental culture operating on some inherent qualitative basis, rather what makes some societies have gay sex more than other ones comes down to more incidental, rote, and stupid factors like this, based on the arbitrary manufactured problems surrounding property/marriage/etc.

People don't want to accept this, especially these days, because of how "being gay" has been made out to be this special identity. As you are aware, throughout history it wasn't seen this way, to whatever extent the society and governance was tolerant of it or not. At the height of the prevalence of homosexual sex in the decline of Rome, it wasn't seen this way. It was just something people did.
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>military grade copium abhorrent post
checks out
He's Scandinavian, what do you expect?

They can't even feed their own guests lmao. Too autistic and stingy. Swedish "culture"
there was more gay sex during the decline because less safety = people guard the women more, are more reluctant to marry them off to men without proof of good reputation so access to females drops even lower than usual in times of uncertainty
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>too hot
Jesus, this is stupid. Canadians are pathetic. As if the weather isn't incomparably better than somewhere that's as cold as Canada is year round. It's pathetic you have to knock a place you don't even know anything about with the most simplistic false dismissals ("ugly") just because you're conditioned to be used to a place that's much worse.

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Meds also be like
>Noooo, don't come visit us and spend a lot of money here, that's sooo annoying!
Correct, and obviously there is a correspondence to this in modern times, which explains in part the promotion of LGBT, and why the people who do so have the same mindset as any Liberal/Feminist to men's and men's issues, becoming hostile, attacking, falsely accusing, shutting down, silencing, censoring men whenever they bring this up and the fact that the changes in society and economic reality makes it harder for even average-looking men than ever before to be able to have a relationship with a woman, especially in the West.

I'm actually good-looking and in shape but my height is 5'5 and never have had a good job/money. (I'm 28) I'm leaving the U.S.A. forever because it's a nightmare here, otherwise might have to rope. Israel is incomparably better than the U.S.A. for the same reasons any med country is, and is largely cool overall, unfortunately you have a war problem to worry about, but if you just ignore that, then yeah.
Yeah the "tourist go home" thing is retarded. There's nothing rebellious about it. It's just blaming ordinary people who travel for the problems in the country, instead of the rich rulers who actually run everything. It's no better than blaming immigrants for problems. It's completely infantile, to isolate a group for blame from the broader economic reality.

No surprise then, that your photo depicts Catalans. Spain can be insufferable, but it's still vastly superior to the U.S.A. or Northwestern Europe. (like the U.K., Denmark or Scandinavia.)

Greece is better. (but there's still some "tourist go home" idiots there too)
homosexuality literally did not exist as an identity a century ago

homosexual behaviour is very old but its basically interchangeable with masturbation in most human history. nobody would bat an eye at you in 1600s italy if they knew you fucked some of your male friends as long as you werent doing that in your 30s

>makes it harder for even average-looking men than ever before to be able to have a relationship with a woman, especially in the West.
not really
its easier than ever to meet women, what modern culture does do is make you too insecure and confused to capitalize on that
Shut the fuck up nerd I said looks
I am more of a mountain person. Like the Alps or Pyrenees

The sea is gay AF

t. I will never go back to Alicante

>flat chest
>Eagle face
>brown eyes
>no thick thighs
This is a GODDESS?????? She's a 6.5/10 at least. There are way better women in Italy though

yeah, doesn't call me
looks gay

I know some other people have different tastes though.
It reminds me of Calpe. Some people love it. For me, it's boring shit. On the other hand, I love Benasque, Alcoi and Aribe (navarra) (pic related)

They complain because mass tourism is soulless and dirty. It also brings shitty people to the city + it's overcrowded.
The irony is that they are ok with niggers flooding the city though.
But it's part of the plebeian left vs right shit. Just look at their flags: Leftist catalonian flag, palestine, and probably one of the republic as well behind. And the mostly red ones probably even commie ones.
It's over
Spain is full of chuddy soyboys and leftist brainlets
Hell, all europe is over
I'm just here in the Netherlands because i get better payment. I'm still lonely and misserable everywhere
>normie obsession with these places

that's the thing
idk why it's always like this:

"""paradise""" beach in the pacific with crystal clear water type of visitor = normies, fags, women, and some chads

Mountain soulful village type of visitors: Good fellas, hyperborean based chuddies, autists, and normies, but not the cringe type

forgot pic
You said it was too hot, that's what "looks way *too hot" obviously meant. You're retarded. Canadians don't even understand the English language, let alone what a decent place to live would be if it slapped them on the face. Greece also actually has a history and a culture. Your "history" is just recent European colonialism that largely eroded the native population.
>go to Jewish house
>they offer food
>go to 100% white aryan nordic house
>they make you wait upstairs while they eat
Hmm…. Maybe this Hitler guy wasn’t all that….
Nice digits
romania should be dark blue
low test
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What did they mean by this?

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