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I drive 60km every week to hungary because food and other products are too expensive here
does this happen in your country?
Ummmm .... No.
People will drive to Latvia to buy alcohol sometimes as it's illegal to sell alcoholic beverages past 8PM here.
wtf, Euronews and Politico all told me that Hungary has the highest inflation in Europe and is basically collapsing
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Hungary has high inflation but OP has euros which retain their value.
Croatia is a special case tho, despite being eastern euro they pay higher prices for groceries than we do, i have family in croatia and they always ask my mom to bring stuff like shower gel when she visits because they pay between 2-4 times as much despite earning a quarter as much, I think it wasnt that bad before they switched to euro.
As for hungary, they have a spending deficit that they cant cover and are already ordering state-owned companies to go into debt for them.
But I suspect that orban will cuck on some EU degeneracy again so the EU coughs up gibs for them, the usual.
We could have some russian food delivery service but thats not allowed for some reason
why would anyone want to eat Russian food tho
I remember when I went on vacation to Croatia few years ago, I was surprised how cheap it was. I went to Croatia last year, and only things that stayed cheap are coffee, wine, and olive oil. Rest is expensive af.
What happened Croat bros?
because potato is potato, its much cheaper. People were allowed to buy gas if they just drive over the border and filled there but that was before border was closed, then if you wanted to bring vodka and bit of food it wasnt allowed in bigger amounts which is stupid, we should be allowed to buy as much as we want.
they got EUROD RAW
i go to Edirne pretty often because it is much cheaper than here
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I drive around 66km to the nearest small "city" for my groceries and booze twice a month.
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adopting euro was the worst mistake
>because potato is potato,
no? quality of potatoes and what is allowed for human consumption can vary a lot especially between EU and non-EU countries, the former has very high sanitary standards.

I know that in the 1990s/00s McDonald's had to import potatoes for fries to Poland, the land of potato, because domestically grown potatoes did not meet their standards.
Do you live in rural norrland or something
>because domestically grown potatoes did not meet their standards.
No, mcdonalds is just autistic with their potatos, They only allow one potato species that grows long so you get those long fries and it also have that golden color.
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groceries in germany are always cheaper because it's a huge market with lots of competition
it's more expensive here as well and we don't use the euro
>mcdonalds is just autistic with their potatos

you call it autistic, some others will call it 'basic civilized standards'. Russians can't even produce normal cheese so before sanctions it was imported from the EU and now from Belarus, their food industry and technology are stuck in the 80s.
Why not grow your own food at that point?
Härjedalen is in norrland no? Its just weird how empty it is considering its still so south.
lol I used to drive 80km to another province just to buy beer
eskimo spotted
no Hungary is quite far away from that and that would be pretty expensive
Just on the edge yeah. Dalarna is right below us.
Most people just say middle Sweden.
doesnt the fuel cost more than the savings on the food?
Because summer sucks here. We're lucky if we get 3 months of 15-18c. A heatwave is 20+.
I tried potatoes and veggies several times but nightly frost even in June and July fucked it every single time.
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so you drive to Hungary because you're hungry?
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the polack is now telling you what "great standards" mcdick has just so he can tell you how bad russia is
McDonald's in Europe is a prestigious high-class restaurant and don't even try to pretending it's otherwise you American-hating sperg
Where do you live? odd that the potatoes even die in summer.
Have you thought how blessed you are, you live in region that is empty as alaska while being so close to civilization and all services. By 2100 these type of places with unlimited fresh water and land are going to became extremely valuable, buy some land if you havent yet.
Härjedalen. >>200123464
the "city" has overland power-lines lmfao
>buy some land if you havent yet.
having a certificate of ownership on a piece of paper won't save him from 1 billion people running away from their overheated countries
Yea sure man lol
Yes most rural areas are still outdated here.
What is wrong with this polack, any other fantasies you got?

high class mcdonalds, countries boiling, flying pigs maybe?
Yes. Luckily Subotica is closer to Hungary than you are
>sitting on right chair
I'm currently a tourist in your cunt driving up the prices.
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Yeah, it's nice to get a ride with friends sometimes.
My own car isn't exactly fuel efficient.
I haven't done any research how expensive groceries are in neighboring countries, but there's no way I'm gonna drive every week to another country just to shop.
same here, germans need another nuremberg trial for this atrocious crime against humanity
>Hungary has high inflation
Inflation is 3.7%, it has been "acceptable" for many months now
The problem is the 19% yoy inflation that happened last here.
Everything is expensive here

>As for hungary, they have a spending deficit
That has more to do with the interest rate and the fact that everyone dumped their savings into government bonds that were paying double digit interest
The central bank spends the highest percentage of the GDP on interest on the entire continent

It also does not help that the government keeps being irresponsible, they just spent I don't even know how many billion euros to buy back the airport
We didn't invent the Euro
Who writes this slop?
That was a year ago, we completely recovered from it, not even top 10 in Europe. Now others are leading the charts but since they are good goys, nobody talks about them, it's only news when it's us. Hungarophobia is real.
>drive 60 km
>get to another country
must be nice
I thought shit was only expensive on the coast
its expensive everywhere thankfully i live close to border
why eastern euroshits abandon their own currency in favour of the euro is beyond me
Most people are retards, they see a strong euro and think if they adopt it it will fix the economy somehow. Anyway, Croatia is kind of a special case because the enitre country is based on tourism, so adopting may have actually made sense to facilitate that sector.

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