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Are gfs in your country intellectuals?
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I'm an anarchist cuz I don't like the government and would like to commit what is considered crimes.
how it affects others is not my problem.
Women literally cannot be anarchists
Spanish women don't obey their husbands.
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The only true anarchists are ancaps. Most anarchists are just gommies who hate authority.
obey to my "anarchist" authority!
So she's not against me raping her by force, right?
So... Anarchists are supposed to allow dictators because stopping them is anti-freedom of action.
Otherwise, there's a set of 'rules' for Anarchism, which obviously contradicts Anarchism.
The reason so many anarchists are commies and vice versa is because 'true' comminism is stateless.
That's kinda like how governments and countries were born.
>You're living, gather crops, trading goods
>Come bandits, slaughter some of your villagers, ask you to give them whatever you have
>Now you pay them regularly and they protect you from other bandits, because you're the source of their income
I meant that modern world is the result of pure anarchy. And relationships between countries is kinda like anarchy too, the most powerful has the largest influence.
Hooked up with an anarcho communist girl. She was wrong about everything but had no fucking gag reflex, liked her a lot.
Pretty much. Although the strong didn't necessarily have to come from bandits, it could've come from somebody in the tribe, who thus defended the tribe from animals and other tribes.
No private property? Ok, let me wipe my bum on your toothbrush, hehehe
Anarchism is inherently selfcontradictory.
The second you interact with any other human you establish, consciously or not, some sort of hierarchy or power structure, which is a foundation of a government.
Guys trust me the all powerful totalitarian >state will wither away by itself trust me please guy
This woman looks much older than 16, shouldn't she grow up and become a sensible social democrat soon?
Something like that lol.
Marx's predictions were based on the assumption that the English Industrial Revolution would become 'worse (worse working conditions and richer elites)'.
The rich elites would become so filthy stinking rich, and the mode of production so advance, that all that had to happen was the workers kill these elites and viola, communism.

But the Industrial Revolution didn't get worse, and the worker's conditions have much improved. Marx's idea was dead a long time ago.
It’s funny how the people who promote anarchy are also the first ones who will be enslaved or killed under that system.
>But the Industrial Revolution didn't get worse, and the worker's conditions have much improved
Mainly because of the relentless work of sensible social democrats.
Yes, which goes against Marx's predictions. The climax was to be a worker's revolt because of super bad working conditions (again, a worsening of the Industrial Revolution's conditions).
What commies are trying to do today is a forced revolution (like a forced meme). It was supposed to happen because of the conditions, not because of a promised communist utopia.

'It is not in the nature of economics, according to Marx, to make leaps in the dark and it MUST NOT be encouraged to gallop ahead.
It is completely false to say that the socialist reformers remained faithful to Marx on this point.
On the contrary, fatalism excludes all reforms, in that there would be a risk of mitigating the catastrophic aspect of the outcome. The logic of such an attitude leads to the approval of everything that tends to increase working-class poverty.
The worker must be given nothing so that one day can have everything'.
- L'Homme révolté
Reminder that Reddit devoted to the discussion of individualist "anarchism" unironically debated whether or not you should use the word "spook" in connection with the philosophy of Max Stirner since it's a word with racist connotations.

Anarchism and liberalism are Reddit ideologies for midwits and mentally stunted funkopop soytards. Fascism and Marxism are the final confrontation will be between those two
an actual "intellectual" doesn't use societies labels and proudly throw away their individual identity to become another "ist"
yeah the problem is that the "true communism" is a thought experiment and a power fantasy, not a real political system because the main explanation on how exactly we will build true communism that Marx gives in his book is, literally, we will build robots who will do all the work for us and we will just make art and have sex with each other(because Marx also believed women should be a public property, I'm not joking)
There wouldn't even be art in communist society.
Marx could not understand why people liked Greek art because he considered art a product of its time (history). Communism is the end of history, ergo the end of art.
Secondly, art is a idealisation of reality; in a communist society, idealisation would become reality, ergo the need for art would simply cease to exist.

The more I think about this utopia of their's, it appears more like a un-ending nightmare.
History has ended, nothing will ever change and humanity will be as it is for eternity.
>Communism is the end of history
He never said this. You're confusing Karl Marx with Francis Fukuyama.
Who is she so I can imagine placing my penis in her mouth to make her stop talking
He did. Or, at least, he said OUR history would become pre-history and communism would become modern history. But what history can happen once communism is reached? All the modes of production are at their pinnacle and man's needs are fully satiated.

'Marx was troubled by the question of why ancient Greek art retained an "eternal charm", even though the social conditions which produced it had long passed; but how do we know that it will remain "eternally" charming, since history has not yet ended'?
- Terry Eagleton
Communism is the end of history by the Marxist definition of history
Fair point
>he said OUR history would become pre-history and communism would become modern history
So in other words, it's not the end of history. Yes, that is what he said.
Francis Fukuyama popularised the "end of history" concept and that isn't just centred on communism, but neoliberalism.
They mean that it's the end of the current historical era. Not the end of human history altogether.
>anarchy occurs
>power infrastructure fails, your comfy 4chan is now gone forever
>you get kidnapped and gangraped daily by tyrone and his friends because you are too weak and frail to defend yourself

The only one losing here is you haha. You will literally be everyones first target.
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>So in other words, it's not the end of history.
Yes, that's what he 'said', if you want to be vain about semantics.
But either communism is the end of history, or we still have history and therefore have not reached communism.

Fukuyama based his idea, in part, on Marx, anyway.
>Yes, which goes against Marx's predictions
No it doesn't, the ruling classes providing concessions as retractable privileges for compliance to avoid revolution from fomenting was predictable and is described in Marxist texts.

It's still game on at this point because suprise, surprise the end of the cold war and therefore the perceivable threat of Communism in Europe is gone, those privileges are being rescinded. That's the problem with sensible Social Democrats, nothing they achieve is permanent.
>and is described in Marxist texts.
Show me.

>those privileges are being rescinded.
Oh yes, we are so back to Industrial Revolution levels of worker hardship. I don't think you can be objective about this so I won't talk to you.
MARX'S texts, or MARXIST texts?
If you fucking source Stalin or some other fucker, I swear...
Marxists don't deny the possibility that new contradictions can arise in a communist society and a new socioeconomic system will probably come out of it.

Your whole framing of Marxism as a guy trying to push or end history is wrong, Marxism is just the understanding that eventually Capitalism as a competitive mode of production is going to run out of track one day, there will eventually be machines capable of replacing the vast majority of work and competition can't exist when there aren't jobs for most people anymore.
I don't care what 'Marxists' think.

'We now know that the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow ceas'd, in 1935, the publication of the complete works of Marx while more than thirty volumes still remain'd un-publish'd: doubt-less the content of these volumes was not "Marxist" enough'.
To me, only science and engineering are intellectuals. Every government official should take an intelligence test using mathematics or physics.
What Marx failed to predict was that communism would be established but only for the descendants of the elite who own the self-reproducing capital (robots n sheeeit)

The rest of us will be culled by the same material circumstances which will birth communism
Then doctor would be without job
>Oh yes, we are so back to Industrial Revolution levels of worker hardship.
Well we are very quickly getting to the point where homeownership is a difficult prospect and in the absence of alternatives rents are exploding. Much of the previously built welfare states are getting dismantled or privatised into for-profit organisations.

>Show me.
If you're really that confident that Marxists couldn't predict that concessions could be provided to stave off revolution, then I doubt you have particularly intimate knowledge of Marxism as a movement.
>I don't care what 'Marxists' think.
So why are you wasting anyone's time discussing what you surmise Marxism is about?
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>and a new socioeconomic system will probably come out of it.
>a new socioeconomic system can arise from a socioeconomic system of absolute social and material equality
Such as? SUPER equality? lmao.

>Well we are very quickly getting to the point where homeownership is a difficult prospect and in the absence of alternatives rents are exploding
Then communism should have happened during the Great Depression.

>If you're really that confident that Marxists couldn't predict
I do not give a single fuck what 'Marxists' think. Hind sight is 20/20.

'We now know that the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow ceas'd, in 1935, the publication of the complete works of Marx while more than thirty volumes still remain'd un-publish'd: doubt-less the content of these volumes was not "Marxist" enough'.
U wot? That's the reason why revolution is supposed to be inevitable, at a certain point these infinitely producing robots n sheit will see everyone but the elites die of starvation for while capitalism and competition exists where the proletariat has to compete only with machines, at that point the only choice is revolution, to seize the means of production and utilise it for a communist mode of production.
Because I'm talking about Marx, not Marxists.
If Stalin, the Marxist greater than Marx (lol, imagine a Jesus greater than Jesus), failed, then there's nothing to talk about with regards to Marxists.

'Prophecy [communism] functions on a very long-term basis and has, as one of its properties, a characteristic which is the very source of strength of all religions: the impossibility of proof'.
>Then communism should have happened during the Great Depression
"Communism should have happend"
"I don't care what 'Marxists' think"
If you don't know what Communism or Marxism is, then what value is your opinion on it?
>at a certain point these infinitely producing robots n sheit will see everyone but the elites die of starvation for while capitalism and competition exists where the proletariat has to compete only with machines, at that point the only choice is revolution, to seize the means of production and utilise it for a communist mode of production.
'It is not in the nature of economics, according to Marx, to make leaps in the dark and it MUST NOT be encouraged to gallop ahead.
It is completely false to say that the socialist reformers remained faithful to Marx on this point.
On the contrary, fatalism excludes all reforms, in that there would be a risk of mitigating the catastrophic aspect of the outcome. The logic of such an attitude leads to the approval of everything that tends to increase working-class poverty.
The worker must be given nothing so that one day can have everything'.
In the West, it's usually ideology that kidnaps science. Just like you did with James Dewey Watson. Your society and science are kidnapped by ideology. Is there an intellectual gap between races? Is global warming a hoax this is not something that can be scientifically discussed in the West.
>Marxism is a dogma
Again, this is just false.
I don't care about your opinion on what it is.
Nope. Even the smartest women are only capable of mimicry, not independent reasoning.
You're not a Marxist, faggot.
Imagine a Christian saying that some of the stuff Christ said was wrong.

Make up your own name for whatever it is your are, it's not Marxist.
If any woman professes to have any strong political beliefs at all, I'm not interested.
>Hello I am an Anarchist
>No you cant take my stuff because... um... umm... you cant its against the hecking NAP social contracterino
Well the book you're quoting is incorrect, Marxists aren't against winning those concessions but the diversion comes in the misguided belief by Social Democrats that these are rights instead of privileges. At no point has Marxism been about "fatalism" or "accelerationism", seeking to actively worsen conditions to inspire revolution.
I knew I should have kept to my word of not talking to you; you are clearly too biased. You don't wish to seek the truth, you wish to defend communism.

I shall, henceforth, not speak to you, on the understanding that others are now aware of why I am doing so.
I don't know why you're getting angry, if you actually cared about any of this stuff you'd read it for yourself rather than just guessing what Marxism is based on the education you've received in a society that rather enjoys the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and would like to maintain it to the bitter end.
"Marxism" is quite literally just a collection of notions of varying compatibility as to how Marx was wrong.
The book is talking about MARX said, not MARXISTS say.
>only NPC dates Sven
Well put.
Marx has been excommunicated from Marxism.
Yeah but the book you're quoting was written by neither Marx nor Marxists.
Commies should be lined up shot.
Well you're both retards of course
>Marxism is basically a religion, with a single prophet! Marx!
>But it's also a really bad religion because people keep trying to write new chapters to the holy book according to changing conditions

Women are all NPCs. The "political" ones are just really fucking annoying and you're going to be hearing the most half-baked regurgitated takes all day.
>At no point has Marxism been about "fatalism"

It's amazing how little you know about what you are preaching. You (claim) to know so much about MarxISTS but nothing about MARX. Seems you've replaced knowledge with passion.
'No one talks more passionately about his rights than he who in the depths of his soul doubts whether he has any. By enlisting passion on his side he wants to stifle his reason and its doubts: thus he will acquire a good conscience and with it success among his fellow men'.

>Fatalism is a family of related philosophical doctrines that stress the subjugation of all events or actions to fate or destiny, and is commonly associated with the consequent attitude of resignation in the face of future events which are thought to be inevitable
I don't believe either of those things.
Yeah, I'm not into that.
It's genuinely insane that people believe in anarchism. I can at least understand why you would believe in communism, it is an attractive utopia (the fact that it doesn't work is another matter entirely), but the ideology of anarchism is just laughable. What prevents someone from fucking you up and taking your shit away if there's no police, no govt organisation tasked with maintaining public order?
nice fetish post
Ermies there’s a heggin social contract which totally doesn’t defeat the point of it
You're quoting basically anyone other than Marx while professing you don't care what Marx or Marxists have to say about their political stance, what's the point of this meltdown for you?
I never said I don't care about what Marx says.
What utopia? Socialism, Utopian & Scientific is one of the foundational reads for people interested in Marxism. You're not and fair enough, but just pointing out that no Marxist believes in utopianism.
Funny how you could not refute what I said.
Anarchists are basically retarded communists (yes, some communists like Marx were actually smart) so like communists they believe that most crimes are committed for economic reasons by the poor on the rich so in an anarchist commune there'd be no crime since the product of society's labour would be evenly distributed among the members of the community and nobody would have a reason to steal anything from anyone. Yes, they are that stupid
Okay but that just means your opinion is worthless, but like by default because the opinion you actually have is unsurprisingly trash anyway.
You didn't say anything though, you posted a load of irrelevant quotes that aren't from either Marx or any Marxists
Thanks bro, but marxists fucked up my country (perhaps forever) and murdered millions of people for nothing, i'm not falling for your fairly tales. Good thing you guys are irrelevant outside of shitholes like North Korea and will never be in power again
>caring about what Marx says, when talking about MARXism, means your opinion is worthless
I just hope everybody can see how funnily stupid this is.

They're also retards in believing work should be optional now and in my experience that's usually why they're not communists, they like the idea of a society where people needn't work anymore, but they don't like the epoch of socialism by which such conditions are produced. They kind of just of want the current NEETbux system to be freely given to them without social stigma and more bux than are currently given.
>You didn't say anything though
Factually incorrect.
I'd say actually it was falling for the fairy tales espoused by Yeltsin that killed far more than any amount mythologised as being killed by Stalin or Lenin. Counter revolutionaries had to die so that the USSR could industrialise rapidly, defeat the Nazis when they invaded, mobilise a massive population to work in jobs other than farming, provide modern amenities the Tsar never did, etc.

Millions died, lost their homes, their jobs, resorted to criminality or became victims of criminality with the restoration of Capitalism for what? So a few people could have super yachts?
No, women are incapable of following a straight line of thought, or even abstract thought altogether
I've spoke with men dumber than me, men as intelligent as me and men smarter than me. To some degree they all posess the ability to make logical conclusions, and create abstract constructs and understand their purpose (analogies, comparisons...) to some degree. Women can't, it's honestly incredible how they are considered the social gender but lack so much theory of mind.
No it's factually correct, posting a load of irrelevant quotes made by other people is not "you" saying anything lmao

I could claim that your mum believes you suck cocks, then I'll probably post some Freudian quote to suggest that you suck cocks because you actually want to suck your mum's tits and then finally claim I'm not interested in what you have to say about it.

Actually I will, I think all the above is true.
Factually incorrect.
Im an anarchist because i want to have sex with 10 year olds but the government doesnt allow me to do so
There's nothing to refute, you haven't read anything Marx or Marxists have written and proudly state you aren't interested in doing so.
>Yeltsin that killed far more than any amount mythologised as being killed by Stalin or Lenin.
Not the anon above, but just stop it already. I hate every western commie who lives in his illusions. Fucking stupid piece of shit.
Yes, Yeltsin wasn't good, yes the fall of USSR was terrible, yes commies made something good for our country, but overall it was fucking hell with devastated families and lives. In what bad was made Yeltsin, he still can't stand close to Lenin in troubles he caused. Bolsheviks responsible for revolution and ruining what left of our country after Tsar resigned. Bolsheviks weren't supported by people until heating point, when Lenin literally promised personal heaven for everyone and stupid working and peasants bought in, because they were tired of all the thing going.
Stop idolise communism and USSR, if you have never touched it and have never lived in it. There is no good system in this world.
By the way, despite troubles of capitalism we have, Russian people live in the greatest conditions throughout our all history.
> so that the USSR could industrialise rapidly,
Literally all other countries in the world industrialized without the insanity of stalin's collectivization and industrialization which lead to massive famines and deaths of millions. Industrialization begun in Russian empire and would've proceeded further without the need for all that death had the reds lost the civil war.
>defeat the Nazis when they invaded
I'll think that Russia would have fought the nazis much more effectively if Stalin didn't execute the entire core of capable officers because he was a paranoic and if he didn't ally with Hitler during the partition of Poland and eastern Europe and then proceeded to ignore all the signs of impending invasion.
> mobilise a massive population to work in jobs other than farming
>provide modern amenities the Tsar never did
Again, all of this could have been done (and WAS done in other countries) without communists and all the mass murder, gulags and totalitarism.
> with the restoration of Capitalism for what? So a few people could have super yachts?
The quality of life that people have now is leagues better than what they had in the USSR. Standing in queue for hours just to buy sausages doesn't really look like a utopia to me. You're completely delusional if you think that an average worker in Russia right now has worse quality of life than in the USSR.

I really like this quote by Kennedy "Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in". You're espousing a system under which people were literally gunned down for trying to escape your socialist paradize. Think about that.
You used that lie before. So weird.
For a equality lover, you must think others are so stupid compared to you.

Yes, I would never want a politically active gf, sounds like a nightmare.
Politics attracts the biggest retards with the attention span of a fruit fly.
The irony of these posts are that I'm sure you were both born in the 90s or later, because you apparently seem to know western anti-communist propaganda as well as I do. I know people who have lived in the USSR, their lives weren't destroyed until the 90s happened and smartphones don't make up for that.
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I don't like people that are really into politics. Political people tend to be very stubborn and harsh people OUTSIDE politics too, making them very unpleasant.

They always have something to say, and we must listen to them.
Yes, I was born not in USSR.
>I know people who have lived in the USSR, their lives weren't destroyed until the 90s happened and smartphones don't make up for that.
Guess what? I know them too. My parents, my grandparents, my greatgrandparents. Do you think they love USSR and communism? I can say you - no.
My mother lived in a room with her mother in communalka, all the entertainment she had were music records from cartoons which she remembered perfectly, because that was the only destruction from reality. And she had a neighbouring family in another room in the apartment. Which consisted of alcoholic beating his wife and children and running around with the axe. Fruits and chocolate were available only on New Year. Meat? No meat unfortunately, you almost couldn't get it. My father had better life, but in his family there were struggles with food too.
Parents of my great grandmothers were peasants, who were a bit more wealthy than other peasants. So their property was taken and her parents were sent to lumber camps in terrible conditions, her dad died from diseases even before he arrived to this labour camp. From her young age she lived in wooden barracks with more than 50 people in one long room, with 2 stoves and 2 toilets/showers. During WW2 she worked on the factory making ammunition from morning till the late evening. After she started a family, 3 of 5 children died young. They lived in the basement of the old wooden building, which was built during Tsarist era. Because there were no other place to live for her family. All the commuting to work/to school was walking through the city 7 km in one way.
Do you think they later had something like a basic fridge or car? Maybe in their dreams. But dad's family got an apartment and had a TV though.
I've seen her video a while back on peertube, pretty based but nothing new : she explained what anarchy actually is (not this antifa teenager thing most people believe it is). She's a Colin Ward scholar I believe.

Not gonna lie, she's sweet to the eyes as well.
> distraction from reality.
not destruction, lol
I remember back when I was 13-14 years old, I wrote an anarchist manifesto in my journal. I changed so much since then
>random sixth former from London lecturing Russians on how he knows many people that lived in the USSR, as if they don't
>fairy tales espoused by Yeltsin that killed far more than any amount mythologised as being killed by Stalin or Lenin
this is what tankies actually believe
I remember arguing with a French guy in /his/ many years ago, where I showed official Moscow data showing most Soviets ate potatoes, vegetables and a small amount of meat, and the French guy argued that they were eating healthier than Americans and were probably happier
I was an insufferable shitlib at that age. Then in my 20's I became an insufferable chud. Now in my 30's I just don't give a fuck anymore. I've clocked out.
In addition to that, one of my grandmothers died from blood cancer before I was born. She was from the town affected by Kyshtym disaster in Chelyabinsk oblast.
Should have become a sensible social democrat.
>who were a bit more wealthy than other peasants. So their property was taken
Yeah that always ends up being the reason, because of course such families love to fantasise about what extravagant wealth they might have now if it wasn't for those evil Bolsheviks taking their stuff to collectivise. But the reality is that famines were a very common occurrence in Russia and they only stopped by the 1950s because of collectivisation, all of these tales of woe you're describing are the result of either war or the extremely poor conditions the Tsar had created in Russia along with the same kind of ministers who were the alternatives to Bolshevism and somehow attributing that as the fault of Communism for taking until 1961 to send a man to space instead of 1921 about a week after the Soviets took power.

There is absolutely no reason to believe the Tsar if not deposed would have created the consumerist paradise your family desired and it's doubtful his ministers would if the whites won the revolution since there was still profit in Russia remaining as it is.
I know the document you're talking about but it's a CIA report and it does claim that Soviet citizens are just as well nourished as Americans, probably a bit healthier too due to eating more grains.
Leftist politics are like oxygen for white women.
Communism is good.
> But the reality is that famines were a very common occurrence in Russia and they only stopped by the 1950s because of collectivisation
You know why famines were common, right? RIGHT?
>Yeah that always ends up being the reason, because of course such families love to fantasise about what extravagant wealth they might have now if it wasn't for those evil Bolsheviks taking their stuff to collectivise
Oh yes, thank you Bolsheviks. My ancestors refused to give you his cow (he had 2 of them when other peasants had 1 or none) and you, great Bolshevik, took his whole property. Oh and thank you, great Bolshevik, that you're not only took his property, but has also sent his family to die in Siberian labour camps!
Great communism! Ave LENIN!
> or the extremely poor conditions the Tsar had created in Russia along with the same kind of ministers who were the alternatives to Bolshevism and somehow attributing that as the fault of Communism
So, not able to eat meat and fruits and when you can't cover your basic needs in 70s and 80s is the fault of the Tsar himself?

Thank you for your opinion. Now I allow you to kys. Please don't infest this world with your fucking existence.
>You know why famines were common, right? RIGHT?
Because you make more money if people are more desperate for what you're selling.
>So, not able to eat meat and fruits and when you can't cover your basic needs in 70s and 80s is the fault of the Tsar himself?
That's not the experience as was described to me, but then the family I know don't have a family legacy of being asspained kulaks.

All women are spiritual/religious. Lefty politics fill a void that would otherwise be filled by a religion, which is why it's so idolatrous and faithful.
For fuck's sake, keep dreaming in your illusions. I won't ever talk with you again.
Why didn't ANYONE came out to defend the ussr in 1991 when it was dissolved? Surely politically educated working class should've taken up arms to defend socialism from evil capitalists. And before you say "western propaganda", if the USSR was truly so great how the fuck could the CIA or whatever convince tens of millions of people that what they saw with their own eyes (glorious prosperity of course) wasn't true and the system needed to be taken down?
They could be healthier, but the guy was using that as an evidence that Communism as an ideology was superior. I don't really think so. In our world, we have the choice to eat healthier, or indulge in some luxuries once in a while. Meanwhile in the CCCP they have no choice but to eat "healthy," or in some temporary times of rationing and shortages, eat less than healthy.
There's no worse meme than anarchism. Especially when it comes to crime. Ask any anarchist (and I'm talking about actual anarchist, not ANCAP, those are just based) what they think about crime...They'll give you some bullshit answer like:

>address the social conditions that drive people to acts like this

Like, I'm sure you retards are going to solve some retards animalistic desire to rape, murder and then rape again a bitch like the one in the op.
and before some midwit tries to tell me that modern society hasn't solved that:

Yeah, retard. But there's a significant portion of our taxes going to people that attempt to prevent such crimes, find who commited such crimes and then punish those who did so.
Your Kumbaya cult relies on wishful thinking and there's no mechanism to combat that.
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There were people in the Supreme Soviet who at the very least tried to stop Yeltsin from completing dismantling the nation and handing it over to America, so Yeltisn shot a tank at them to applause by Clinton.

Fun fact, my relative was in the building.
Ummm actually if you're being raped you should just say "NO. I don't agree". The rapist can't break the Non-Aggression Principle so he will have to let you go
Okay that's some cope I've not seen before
>State mandated whole foods
I'm sure it's going to work, namaste.
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Gotta go now guys, but I'll leave you with this, Yeltsin's lies were very quickly discovered, so who did he run to to ensure the former Soviet people couldn't get cold feet on capitalism?

I mean what else is required to prove the illegitimacy of dissolving the USSR?
First, you didn't answer my question regarding the inaction of millions of people. How many people were in the CPSU? 20 million? Nobody did anything.

And the constitutional crisis wasn't about communism, it was about the delegation of power between the parliament and the president before the inaction of the new constitution and about how exactly the economic reforms should be implemented. Despite its name which was inherited from soviet times the supreme soviet didn't want to bring back the ussr. Communism was two years dead by then. It wouldn't have mattered if the supreme soviet won, or of Zyuganov won in 1996 or whatever, nobody was gonna bring back the ussr.
>Nobody did anything.
It happened over like 4 days and the dissolution occured within some government offices, it was over before it really began but people were very scared on civil war.
>during ussr
Little AIDS
>after ussr
A lot of AIDS, alcoholics
Yeah and I've never seen that cope since. Even Communists worth their salt knows the "state mandated healthy diet" argument is cope
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>Counter revolutionaries had to die.*his left arm twitches, his voice steadily rising in volume* Millions died, lost their homes, their jobs, resorted to criminality or became victims of criminality with the restoration of Capitalism for what? So a few people could have super yachts? *he breaks down in a coughing fit and spits blood on the ground*. Fucking bourgeois pigs.
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I just want to be able to walk around on people's bigass private ranches. My state is 96% privately owned and all the state parks are filled with concrete. It's humiliating.
cute birb
Fuck... you read my thoughts. Wanted to post exactly the same words.
Great minds thing alike

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