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POV: you wake up in a middle class neighborhood in a big city in a Central European country
What's up with coal-burning?
we just love getting black'd
Only spine tingling gems are allowed in Central Europe
Grim, this looks like Miskolc if they replaced all the poverty slums and old small homes with new apartment blocks
Whats wrong with it? Those are just standard looking new blocks.
Industrial areas are depressing imo
also if it is coal those buildings are going to be grey and brown soon
Finnishbros...these blocks in this poor second world shithole look too much like buildings in Finland...we must defend them at all costs...or someone might think that Finland is a poor second world shithole too
But I already live in Prague
Yes it doesnt look different at all from here so i dont see why its bad, thats how other half my country looks like. Other 50% is lower density housing.
Tear down the paint on facades and I would assumed by the pic that it is Russia.
>Yes it doesnt look different at all from here so i dont see why its bad
that's the problem
you know you fucked up if even Africans can use sarcasm with you
I get PTSD from every industrial area because as a general rule of thumb here
>industrial area
giant shithole
>next to train tracks
giant shithole
>area cut in half by train yard
giant shithole

It is probably different in Finland
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How it should look like then because i have always lived like this, beside my childhood when i lived in that other 50% in houses.
fun fact is that these apartments easily cost >3k eur/sqm
Idk I'm tired of all the sand and niggers and desert sun. I just want to go live in a commie block and die of winter depression or some shit
I feel sorry for you bro. Finland has a huge class divide if half of your peopple live in typical cozy cute Scandi wooden houses and the other half in disgusting commieblocks
I mean, is it because the pic is taken during the dead of winter that is looks this grim? Surly when spring/summer hit its much nicer and greener?
But we literally dont have class divide, finland is very equal.
impossible, no person in his sane mind would pick a commieblock over a detached house assuming it can afford both
America will look like that too if dems win
Northern European housing is good, people move out first on the continent there

>would pick a commieblock over a detached house assuming it can afford both
There is no point of living in a house if you live alone. I would spend all the time in the same room just as I do now in an apartment
>There is no point of living in a house if you live alone
simply the sense of aesthetics
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But they do.
then it allows me to question their intellectual capabilities in the moment of making choice
Detached house is actually cheapest form of living in finland and blocks are most expensive, its cheaper to take mortgage for detached house.
>middle class
>living in apartment blocks
why is europe so fucking grim
When i bought my current apartment (250k€) i went to check terraced houses and detached houses too. i bought this because its close to public transport and i dont have to take care of anything just pay monthly fees.
Yeah bro I'm sure some guy in Monaco who lives in an apartment is worse off than some guy who drives 80 km into the city from his plywood McMansion
Fuck off retard
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>There is no point of living in a house if you live alone
You only think this because you have never lived in a house in your life. You imagine the point to be moving around to different rooms. It's all so tiresome.
Americans would also buy more condos if they allowed to be built in first place and were walkable.
>realise I’m too poor to afford anything because I come from a Northern English working class family
>walk to the nearest pub then to the nearest embassy afterwards
Americans buy what they can afford. Personally, a condo has all the drawbacks of an apartment with only a difference in the space you get. Not worth it in the slightest.
I'm tired of pretending Poland is not a firstie.
I grew up as a cityfag so it would be hard for me to get used to driving into the city every day or taking the bus or something. I have friends who had to do that and its just not fun, cant even grab a drinks at night because you have to drive home
There are houses of course in the cities but those are completely unaffordable
what's the difference between an apartment and a condo
Driving 80km in any direction puts you in the middle of nowhere where I live. But also you're not making the case for Europe being livable any stronger, you niggas haven't even figured out remote work yet. Imagine having a commute in the first place.

My commute is from my bed room to my office. Shit's cash as fuck. Might stop by the walkable kitchen, get some breakfast on my way into work.
Americans have a giant ego problem so they had to come up with the word for people who live in an apartment but own it instead of renting
Its basically an apartment you own
what the fuck
Because in america you dont usually gain anything with condos location its still same suburban development but without perks of house.
>you niggas haven't even figured out remote work yet. Imagine having a commute in the first place.
We have highest % of remote workers and once again you fail to see the differences of our countries, you see the apartment building and dont understand that middle class who own those also owns a cottage where they can do remote work, i know many people like that.
I work remote actually but it does not mean I want to move out to a suburb
Space, mostly. Condos are basically just rowhouses, they can show up in a few different formats though. Sometimes it's 4 condos to a building, sometimes they're built like this. It's basically just a larger apartment. You don't get any of the actual benefits of a house.

desu I also consider so-called "townhomes" to be a stupid fucking meme too. High density is bad in general. The only upside of it is that if you're young and into nightlife it can make getting around easier. If you ever get bored of that shit like I did, the drawbacks start creeping up. I like being able to have friends over at 2am at get rambunctious and loud. Playing music and video games with the volume cranked. It's basic shit like that where once you get a taste you're spoiled for life.
i've literally never heard anybody use condo like that here
But arent highrises and midrises also condos if they are just ownership basis?
in our english classes we were told it's called semi-detached housing
more like terraced
It would be classed as semi-detached. I live in one.
I don't think I've ever heard someone use condo like that. Maybe it's a regional thing, and also ownership basis for that kind of housing is super rare here.
Why did g*d make pooles? As a joke or for fun?
Its exactly simple as that in america

In europe apartments are owned or rented, no separated word
I just moved out finally and managed to find a place I can rent for an alright price. It is a really nice area, there are a lot of homes nearby but I would have to win the lottery to be able to afford any of those
So sure maybe I would rather live in those but I would not rather live in a suburb away
We don't have nuclear plants and it will take like a decade to build one, assuming our retarded politicians won't prevent it entirely. Renewables like windmills, water or solar energy are an option only in some specific areas and just aren't reliable enough.
Just to make germs mad, they use filters these days so the BBC cloud comes out fresh.
I may be wrong but I always associated burger condos with polish szeregówka
To eat your chłodnik
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Yeah I know housing is super expensive over there. desu things have gotten bad and it's barely different here. Americans drown themselves in debt for decades just to afford a shitty plywood house that's way larger than they need. All new housing is built in absolutely disgusting subdivision style suburbs without basic shit like corner stores. It doesn't have to be this way, but we've brainbroken our society and now our dwellings are capital assets, to be used to make more money.

We had a decent system, and then we took it too far and ruined it over greed. It's understandable why Euros don't like suburbs when your exposure to them is the absolute worst version imaginable. It doesn't have to be like this. I grew up in an old growth, pre-WW2 gridded suburb. It was nice. Really fucking nice. I live in a small city now just because everywhere else has turned into subdivision mcmansion hellscape.

When you live in a nice suburb like that, you start to understand why the Roman aristocracy built and lived in suburbs themselves. When done properly, there's no better form of living. The problem is we're not doing them properly anymore. It's all gone to shit. The world is burning and we just live here.
Dude like 60% of the people live in houses here, there is everything from slums to mansions, the outer rings of every city are basically villages here, suburb is not some foreign concept to me that is why I say that it is not for me unless it is within the city in a city location and those are absolutely unaffordable here
European suburbs have always built closer to traditional village style, even in age of cars it hasnt got so spread out like in america. I mean your whole post is total nonsense that i cant even get your point you trying to make.
Even on the Pest side here in the outer boroughs there are a lot of hidden gems here



Walk around a bit here, its the very edge of the city, its like a village. Living in a house is not some foreign concept no one has heard of but its extremely expensive and if you live alone does not even worth it in my opinion

This is a nice street

but its not a realistic option
Even for literal sheds they are asking for absurd prices
The housing market here is propped up by couples with kids being given subsidies to build so the suburbs are expending
If you live alone, unless you have an extremely high paying job you can forget about living in a house unless you are willing to travel a lot but even then it is questionable
Another last point is
The stuff they build here (apartments) is nothing like is Western Europe
They take advantage of foreign workers and it is the race to the absolute bottom of who can build the cheapest stuff and make the largest profit, they build uglier stuff than after WW2 when the entire country was in shambles

So you can post about apartments this and apartments that but I'm going to be happy if I can even afford just an old apartment because new ones are also out of question
Imagine this scenario.
>own an condo
>rent it
What the fuck does it make you then? That's how it works here. All buildings are built as condos. Unless it's a student dorm.
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That pic looks good... We had very little suburban development thanks to communism, the few times they built row houses or duplexes they were actually very fucking good but damn they are expensive now and they're still multi family so unless you got like, 500 grand to a million to blow, you share a wall or two. Of course the countryside is full of unfinished mansions for dirt cheap but that has jack shit for utilities, electricity and shitty ADSL are all you can hope for, well maybe in a few years you'll get fiber but forget about sewers, and everything is many kilometers away.
I find that strange given that we built a lot of “detached homes” during communism and the system here was certainly worse than Yugoslavia
>we built a lot of “detached homes” during communism
Oh WE did too. Just never legally or organized. It was only for the suckers who couldn't even work and get given a condo.

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