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With even more tea this time!

Come join us Bangladeshis as we slowly get back on our feet after the government shut us off entirely from the rest of the world for five entire days - not to mention deploying the army for curfews. Several hundred more people have been killed. People are being taken away from the homes - at this rate it won't be long before the whole country's up in flames. But hey, that's no good reason for the shitposting to stop, is it?

Internet may go out any time so if I'm not responding for a while it's safe to assume that we're down again (or I might be playing Elden Ring; worked myself up to Morgott in these past couple of days)
Previously made this thread but it died because we stopped responding since our internet got cut off
It should suffice to give you a gist of what's going on
Most social media are still down, and until they're back we won't really have the means to effectively communicate with each other
>Several hundred more people have been killed.
Wtf why the world isn't talking about it?
it's bangladesh
We are not geopolitically significant. And the government's actively trying to keep everyone in the dark.
who cares
>We are not geopolitically significant
Understandable, you have barely 150 million people. If you had wholesome 8.5 million though...
it's a country full of brown people
womp womp
>you have barely 150 million people
Over 200 million actually, a majority of whom amount to nothing more than extremely cheap manual labor. I'm not saying that a riot in Bangladesh doesn't mean consequences in surrounding territories, but no one gives a rat's ass about people being killed for the grave sin of stepping outside their houses when it's not even a curfew. I nearly got hit by a tear shell last Sunday while trying to buy some spicy Korean Ramen (didn't find any). It still got into my nose and eyes and they burned like a bitch
Can u post outside pic?
Tell the world about the situation in Bangladesh.

The world is preoccupied with the war between Ukraine/Russia and Palestine/Israel.
At least it seems to be reported in Japan.

>バングラデシュ・学生らの反政府デモ “多数の死望まず” 「48時間停止」決める 少なくとも163人が死亡

>Can u post outside pic?
I mean, sure I could, but it's 10 PM and you wouldn't see shit. I'll post some stuff if this thread survives the night. It's relatively calm here. No bullets going off every minute at least.

>Tell the world about the situation in Bangladesh.
Deaths are nearing thousands and almost all of us were left in the dark about it with a combination of mass internet outage and curfews. We're still in the process of learning all the things that actually went down in the last 5 days. So far I've come to learn that many people were carried off their homes of which include prominent leaders of the protests and other innocent students. And if you're wondering, no, none of this was covered in the news.
>決める 少なくとも163人が死亡
It's actually far more than that. When I get an inkling of the actual death/injury count since last Thursday I'll post here.
>Bangladesh has a huge surplus of unemployed, educated youth in abhorrently crowded conditions that will work for dirt wages
>China has a gargantuan overbuild of housing in areas without high paying jobs, a lack of youth, and significant wage inflation affecting it's manufacturing sector

Time for Xi to become Xeet
China could solve it's aging population problem in a single move
stay safe bro :'(

If it's not safe outside, you don't have to take the pictures.Your life is the most important thing.

>It's actually far more than that. When I get an inkling of the actual death/injury count since last Thursday I'll post here.

omg...It is terrible to see young people dying.

Thank you for respond,greenjapan bro.
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Stay safe Bangladeshi fren.
You must live to mog the Elder Beast.
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Thank you so much for your kind words, friends. It means more to me than you'd think.
They don't like Muslims tho
I sure don't.
has the curfew been removed?
i remember reading in news about 2 day nationwide curfew in bangladesh
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welcome back fren, for however long that might be
My man, Green Japan!
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The curfews are still up and about. We get a couple hours everyday when they tone it down, which is when I can get out to eat my favorite goyslop or whatever else they have in the handful of restaurants that are brave/desperate enough to open.

Thanks fren. Just reached Volcano Manor yesterday.
i see
so do you plan on seeking asylum in another country?
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thats kinda fucked up
stay safe and comfy fren, playing ER is definitely the better choice than being out there
my man green japan
Me personally? No, not at all. It's a shithole but it's my shithole. The general populace probably don't want to leave what they have here either. It hasn't gotten that bad yet. Emphasis on the yet

Wow that's literally me
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>It's a shithole but it's my shithole
Have you seen any dead bodies outside?
stay safe. tear gas can be lethal
How are the local powers reacting? I know Burma is a mess rn, but what about India? Are the students (or the government) getting any foreign buy-in? I would imagine they'd be interested in not having another civil war right next door
There have been many student deaths so people who were in the streets have seen more than a couple. I myself wasn't in any of the more violent places, but there were no dead bodies when I went out. My friends sent me videos that they took of corpses being carried away. I'd have to look for them for a bit if you want to see them

I'd like to think I got off fairly lucky. Even so it still was a really painful experience and I hope I never have to go through it again.
As usual the response has been mixed and I have no idea what their general people think. There have been protests held in India against the senseless murder of innocents, but there are a lot of Indians in facebook who are celebrating these deaths.
are you people even fighting back?
how can I help Bangladeshi people? Should I restrain from buying Bangladesh-made clothes because greedy textile corporations abuse your human rights?
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Glory to Bangladesh and its people
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We're doing everything that modern equivalents of peasants with pitchforks are able to do. Doesn't make much of a difference in front of a fucking tank
jeets can be chuddy, but what about pakis, you guys used to be one country right?
If i were you i'd try to move to the US or some other first world country, because fuck living in such grim place
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I saw Modi of India offered the Bengal government support against the insurrection
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There really isn't anything you can do at this point other than let this protest run its course. If you could raise awareness about it on a national level that would be appreciated but I know just how naïve it is to ask that of a stranger in an Irish Ale Brewing forum

And product boycotts are kinda dumb anyway.

Pakis have a bit of a rocky relationship with Bangladeshis. You should read up on the 1971 liberation war if you have the free time. tldr there's a reason why we aren't one country anymore.

I doubt life in the US as a Bangladeshi would be much better. Chuds will never let me hear the end of it
>the U.S. Bureau of the Census (2020) estimated the number of Bangladeshis in the USA at 213,372.
In bumfuck nowhere, Wyoming probably, but i bet if you live in a big metropolis nobody would care. And you'd get more money working at McDonalds than your local dictator has
>If you could raise awareness about it on a national level that would be appreciated but I know just how naïve it is to ask that of a stranger in an Irish Ale Brewing forum
I'm unironically going to ask my colleagues at work today what they know about that protest and if they don't see anything wrong with that they know everything about whatever happens in Israel but not in Bangladesh
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Is there anything anyone would recommend I do while I still have internet? I don't know when it'll go out and while a smarter guy would probably think of what resources/media etc. he should keep downloaded, all my vidya-rotted brain can think of is going back to playing ER

Thank you anon, every bit counts
I'm curious why you personally care
Good luck to you, anon. Hopefully your country's struggle gains wider attention soon.
do Hindus there have any quotas or do most of them get it through the freedom fighters segment? in india alot of muslims who are categorised as backwards classes get quotas. I was wondering if there was any religious angle to it. do enlighten me banglabro
>hundreds of brownoids are dying!!
it's not news
Nobody cares about your shithole
I thought most of the quotas were removed? Why are people still fighting there?
There were a lot of quotas and Hindus could probably avail one or two of them, but none were specifically catered towards religion, no. Hell, even women don't have a quota anymore with the most recent declaration. Hindus and women aren't considered backwards or oppressed anymore here given that they're getting into every sector with their own merits already without the need of any kind of quota.

Mostly because it has gone beyond being a quota movement. People get kinda upset when you try turning your country into North Korea and kill hundreds of innocent people. As a university student myself I just want student politics to be permanently banned from this country for the rest of its lifetime.

I love you
>Mostly because it has gone beyond being a quota movement
So what is it a small civil war now?
It's still a movement as far as the original protesters are concerned. They want a number of things like banning student politics and will continue the protest until the demands are met.
isn't awami league leftoid? Yuri Bezmenov told me so
btw can an Indian hindu survive and thrive in Dhaka? how's the social life in the city compared to other cunts, I always wanted to live there for sometime.
That's a good thing. We are also a third world country, but the gringos are still obsessed with spreading things that don't exist about china
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There's no reason why you couldn't. But things might be a little expensive here compared to India. In order to really enjoy life you'd have to make sure you land a decent job. And that's easy enough provided you have the skills. People don't discriminate at all given most of us are already of pretty diverse origins.

But China is a fictional nation. I have never seen a real Chinese person either on the internet or in flesh.
They're more on the auth-center if anyhting
Have they started bombing their own cities yet?
Stay safe, man.
>Hasina told business leaders in Dhaka on Monday that her political opponents were responsible for the violence, and that the curfew would be lifted "whenever the situation gets better".
>The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) denied involvement in the violence.
>Critics have previously accused Hasina of authoritarianism, human rights violations and crackdowns on free speech and dissent - allegations her government denies.
Business as usual, I see.
Not literal bombings but something to that effect, yeah. They decimated a metro rail station. We were kinda proud of that one :(
Why is everything west of us always in utter chaos?
good news, you made it into the wikipedia current events section that no one reads
My man green japan
i have coomed so many times to this artist's works
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'preciate the bump friend
Kimon achen meshi meshi balo
That’s all the bangla I know
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I don't know what's happening, but stay safe.
I hope more of you die desu
You are over populated pakijeet shithole
I mean this completely sincerely the government should use mustard gas on you all
Most compassionate angloid.
Kill yourself pvt Gomez they are the most vile creature here next to Romanians
It’s literally just university students being killed, who cares, they’re useless
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That's not a very nice thing to say
What’s a bangladesh and what does it do?
I’m drunk and now i feel bad over downplaying your suffering, i’m sorry nvm my post
I don't mind
It's 7 AM here right now. I was active all night waiting for updates (though mostly struggling with the Godskin Apostle in Caelid's Divine Tower) and I'm getting a bit sleepy. Hopefully another bangladeshi anon sees this and can take over. Good night friends, thank you for the concern you've shown and hopefully comfy times are ahead. I'm hearing rumours that the internet might be cut off again in the afternoon so if you don't hear from any Bangladeshi by then that is why.
Banglas are harmless nerds of the Indian race
literally the only real peasant uprising in current times and the enlightened media is reporting about shit in paris more

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