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>Steven van de Velde (born 8 August 1994) is a Dutch beach volleyball player. He was convicted of child rape in 2016.[1] He has qualified for the 2024 Summer Olympics, with the Dutch Olympic Committee standing by their nomination

>In August 2014 van de Velde, then 19 years old, raped a 12-year-old girl he had met on Facebook who lived in Milton Keynes, England. He travelled to her home and, when her mother was out gave her alcohol and then raped her several times at her home as well as near Furzton Lake which was nearby.[6] The victim would eventually go on to self-harm and once overdosed

>He is married to Kim van de Velde [de] (née Behrens), a German volleyball player who studied psychology and trained to become a police officer.[18][19] They have one child

>Height 6 ft 6 in (1.99 m)
How is he not in prison for life wtf?
Hes white
Let me guess, it was consensual but because she's le heckin underage they call it rape lmao classic
Look how progressive my people are for quickly adapting to the culture of our new fastest rising demographic! Praise diversity and multiculturalism!
European moral high ground
He's a 7/10 in a 3/10 world
white privilege in action
>you must play for your freedom
damn he looks like chad. Wish I was Dutch they are so tall strong manly and handsome
>raped a 12-year-old English girl
>English girl
It's okay, England has a long history of child rape. It's been part of their culture since before the Muslim invasion.
she was far older than Aisha
actually rent free
Nigga what the fuck 6 feet 6 inch is not 1.99 meters
Is he wrong though
So? He served his sentence and didn't get stabbed in jail
Hey at least he wasn't a prophet
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It is a pretty strange sentiment when you think about it. Do they think criminals are just not allowed to ever have jobs after leaving prison?
>Rapes your child
>Sends you a tikkie afterwards for the plan b
Sounds pretty based to me?
It's okay when chad does it.
I pardon Dutchads
It's morrocan colonizers fault for teaching them rape and shieet
>He travelled to her home and, when her mother was out gave her alcohol and then raped her several times at her home as well as near Furzton Lake which was nearby.[6] The victim would eventually go on to self-harm and once overdosed
yes lets all pretend he toooooooooooootally raped her and she wasn't at aaaaaaaaaaaaall into it
Steve make his own laws, nigga fuck ya rules
he did his time (arguably got out too soon but who am i to judge that), but should we also tattoo it on his forehead what he has done when he was a dumb teenager and make sure he's branded for life?
also these kind of things are extremely easy to take out of context and especially in the UK 12 year olds have a bad habbit of getting pregnant
omg me and him have the same birthday, but different year, that is so cool :)
He did his time so he is innocent
Dutchbros, you take care of the girls, we take care of the boys
he repeatably said 'no pedo' while doing her
Timmy privilege
some mexican dude posted cp the last time this thread was posted lmao
Was it the mexican chud with a cuck fetish?
>least pedophilic Dutchman
raping kids is now faustian or something
>kpop fans (around 14yo) fantasize about male kpop idols (mid 20s) and most likely shlick themselves to them
You know they wanted it.
Don’t pin this on us you faggot. Everybody knows what whites do in Thailand.
Thailand is full of jeets and the richer MENAfags too now
It's called rehabilitation bro
B..but no one thinks about sex until the bell tolls on their 18th birthday
pretty privilage. its real
He is just minor attracted person (MAP) who did sex with anesthetized minor person (SWAMP)
>Everybody knows what whites do in Thailand.
Thailand is now full of fags, these days you go to [REDACTED]

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I would say he's the average indog, were it not for the fact he's white, then I'd say he's most likely your average /tv/ cunnysseur
he's not /pol/ because he's not brown enough

because he's not a 3/10 brown goblino
only white people are allowed to rape kids apparently
>all these seething femcels
go back to CC
I doubt women would seethe at being raped by a tall handsome dude
these threads are usually filled with incels with a power fantasy, HE'S A FUCKING WHITE MALE sjw's as if his skin colour has any relevance (the dutch are white, who knew), and seething lesbian TERFS
>be dumb horny teenager
>have contact with girl on social media
>have sex
>it's rape now (dunno the context, except she's UA, so yes questionable at the very least)
>face justice
>go to jail
>10 years later, oh no that's not enough he needs to be banned and shunned from society for life. and he's a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!
maybe we should do like in the US and throw him in jail for decades, and then be surprised when he's out on parole in his late 30's he's a high ranking member of the Dutch branch of the aryan brotherhood and covered in swastika tattoos
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>The victim would eventually go on to self-harm and once overdosed
Oh no!.. Not the attention-whoring horizontal cuts and vitamin gummies!
woman moment
he was pardoned by the king, it is also illegal to criticize the king and any decisions he makes in NL
just read an article
>Van de Velde werd in 2016 door een Engelse rechtbank veroordeeld tot vier jaar cel voor seks met een minderjarige. Dat gold door de leeftijd van het meisje (12) als verkrachting, ongeacht of zij instemde. Van de Velde was zelf destijds 19 jaar oud.
apparently it was automatically considered rape by the british justice system regardless if she consented or not because of her age
context matters
He has a cunny corrector licence
it wasnt rape, you can call it by a different name if you want, but rape is forcing yourself on another and violating them sexually.

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