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50% of English posts are about how hard their life is and how they suffer in yet another tutorial mode firstie country

Shut the fuck retard 90% of the world wishes life was as easy as you have it
firsties suffer more than you do
Because life here is shit, and most British posters on 4chan are lower-class plebs (including myself), so it's even harder for us. Food is expensive, housing is expensive (and shit quality), utilities are expensive, the summers are getting hotter and more unbearable with each passing year, record high immigration with each passing year, no hope for the future, etc.

The only upside is that living in a place like this makes you tough.
You need a certain height to fall from. I guess it's been too long already for you guys to remember
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>90% of the world wishes life was as easy as you have it
Being an Eternal Shitstain is not something we wanna be.
Firstie counties are like 10% of the world anon and all thirdies rather live as easy as this >>200128501 delusional guy lives
Wait, what's up there
England is honestly a shithole. They really do suffer. We suffer more, because of housing, but if housing ever comes down we can go back to being a normal country. They can’t, it’s over for them.
How is Britain worse off than Canada?
>even eskimos living in the most remote corner of the planet in the most depressing country look at us and think "wow, i'm sure glad i'm not those guys"
Thank you, Isac. I can always count on you to tell the truth.
You guys are not supposed to suffer
>the summers are getting hotter
I wish this were the case because it's been 2 months since summer had started and I can count the number of days where it's above 20C on one hand.
I guess you live in the north. It was 30C here two days ago.
>mingling with a bunch of pretentious faggots in muddy fields for a few days while boring overrated millionaires half-arse their way through a "performance" on a stage with poor sound production quality
tis but a meme
KOREAN ROCK MUSIC FESTIVAL lineups suck. Basically
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Its not like we're Somalia's like 4-way-civil fucked up or anything but this country has a LOT of problems.
Firstly, Immigration keeps driving the price of housing up and up and up to the point now where you spend the majority of your money just not being homeless. And you an straight up forget owning a house. Owning a house isn't really a possibility anymore, they cost too much. Its it not even like the flat/house you (have no choice but to) rent is nice, its all shit hyper expensive from the 80s or new builds that are tiny and still expensive somehow.

Or government doesn't know what the fuck its doing so keep pulling new taxes out of thin air. We even get taxed on sugar in drinks now in addition to the VAT we already fucking pay on these goods (which they're now going to expand to chocolate, biscuits and cakes). https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/01/extend-success-of-uk-sugar-tax-to-cakes-biscuits-and-chocolate-experts-urge God forbid you eat a muffin without paying 50% of its value (plus tip) to the government. You lose 40% of you paycheck to tax and national insurance. And even if you work hard to make more money guess what? you just moved up a tax band, get taxed more and now get LESS money than if you just worked less. So you cant even work really hard to get ahead. The government steals a fucking retarded amount of your money.

And what do you get in return? Muh infrastructure? our infrastructure is fucking crumbling. Instead they give tax money to foreigners on the benefits system and to 5 star hotels to keep them in. Meanwhile millions of British people are so poor now they have to rely on food banks to not starve. Unless you're born into wealth you're fucked. Most crimes, even violent ones arent even investigated anymore because the police are spread too thin. So violent crime keeps getting worse but the police spend most of their time doing dumb bullshit instead of their job.
Fuck this country.
food and housing is expensive everywhere now you doss cunt
It’s not, I said we suffer more. I think we have more potential because of natural resources and proximity to America. Canada has always been much better than Britain, until recently.
Is that why I can outright buy a flat in Tokyo for £30k while you have to pay >£200k for a leasehold flat in London?
Leasehold by the way is when you "buy" the flat, pay rent to the landlord, and then return the property once your term is up. Do you have this system in your country?
>the summers are getting hotter
>30C is unbearable
Shut the fuck up you whiny fat cunt, 30C is perfect summer weather, lose some weight if you can’t cope.
We have something like this yes.
damn sucks 2 suck imagine living in SHITain lmao
Glad my ancestors left
>The only upside is that living in a place like this makes you tough
Please stop embarassing me in front of the other int posters, holy shit.
I've been hearing a lot from you UK-anons as well as France-anons about the dire state of your countries. Isn't there something you can do about it? Why import so many 3rd worlders? Isn't there a political party or grassroots campaign to improve things?

I mean, where's that defiant English spirit? The one that fought for the People's Charter. Even though it got crushed, the British establishment took note and had to make reforms.
Based summer enjoyer. I want my fun in the sun.
Yeah you guys have god-tier countryside. While it's true that most of your settlement is within 150 miles of the US border, there's so much untamed wilderness that hasn't been exploited and polluted. I always had a blast in Canada and it sucks that you guys are being swamped by poos.

What do you think the future of Canada will be?

As for Britain, what the are chances that more and more Brits will flee to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the US and other places?
Please, try 40C and humidity so thick you can eat it with a spoon when you're in Florida or the Deep South

Or 45C when you're in Arizona or New Mexico. 30C is heaven. That's an average spring day in my hometown.
>I think we have more potential because of natural resources
Unironically just let the housing bubble pop and build more cities.
Jesus...why is this happening? Why isn't anyone dealing with this? Are they just kicking the can down the road for somebody else to fix? I know you're a constitutional monarchy and it's really Parliament in charge of things but shouldn't the royals use their resources and influence to invigorate reforms?
It's a pretty miserable country unless you live in a wealthy countryside.
Our politics is by Labour and the Conservatives, both are neoliberal parties with the latter pretending to be a conservative party.
Many anons here like Reform UK which has become our biggest actual right wing party but I'm still sceptical because Farage is just an anti-EU lolbert who thinks that Nigerians have more in common with us than Poles.
Our political system is rigged and voting changes nothing.
The Labour Party had 35 percent popular vote share and got 412 seats in parliament
The Conservatives had 24 percent popular vote share and got 121 seats in parliament
Weird disparity here already, but lets keep going.
Liberal Democrats had 12 percent popular vote share and got 71 seats in parliament
Reform UK had 14 percent popular vote share and got 4 seats in parliament <--- the only anti-immigration party.

Yeah sure, im sure if i just vote harder next time things will change.
I remember a British exchange student way back in my uni days explaining to me that the problem with Parliament is that it's a 2 party system that has 3 parties, which is why you have all those power-sharing agreements and compromises.

Why don't you just restrict non-white immigrants to the elite. As in, only top-level graduates and professionals with no criminal record? And a certain amount of money they can bring over to ensure they aren't living on the dole and can set up shop with little to no assistance.

Meanwhile you can give preferential access to Europeans, North Americans, Oceania, etc. that will be productive law-abiding citizens?
So what's the future you think? By 2050, what will the UK look like?
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>food and housing is expensive everywhere now you doss cunt
Imagine if your rent was twice as much as it currently is.
>Why don't you just restrict non-white immigrants to the elite. As in, only top-level graduates and professionals with no criminal record? And a certain amount of money they can bring over to ensure they aren't living on the dole and can set up shop with little to no assistance

Nobody will do the shit jobs then retard. That's the whole point of it.
Political discourse at all levels, from local to national, has devolved into pure tribalism with constant party-based shitflinging. A consequence of this is that, if there's a problem to be fixed, most people would rather blame whatever political party they don't like, even if it's an issue that they themselves are causing.
One thing I've noticed in my local area is the flagrant disregard for disposing rubbish properly. There is rubbish everywhere and in a quiet residential area there is no one to blame but the people who live here. Yet this is the sort of issue where rather than improving their own behaviour, they blame the local government.
90% of the world is retards who don't understand what they are wishing for.
It'll be the same it is now, but with even more taxes and everything will be even more expensive.
Oh for fuck's sake, my first job at age 13 was cleaning up theaters and bathrooms. I hated every single fucking customer with a passion but I was there with my best buddy and his gf so we made the best out of it. I did night shift at FedEx and mowed lawns to pick up extra scratch for college even though I had a scholarship.

There's no such thing as a "shit job". No job is too good for you. It's better than being an unemployed bum.
>which is why you have all those power-sharing agreements and compromises.
He must've been referring to the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition, which may have seemed like the status quo but actual coalition governments aren't at all common.
In reality parties that win will rarely fulfil their promises. They could have an overwhelming majority like the Conservative Party in 2019 and they will still sit on their arses doing nothing but siphon taxes and open up the UK to ever increasing migration. Why wouldn't they? They've already won the election.
>There is rubbish everywhere and in a quiet residential area there is no one to blame but the people who live here. Yet this is the sort of issue where rather than improving their own behaviour, they blame the local government.
That's the canary in the coal mine. You know you're in civil society if people bother to do the little things like pick up trash or put their shopping carts away.
That must be one resilient canary if that were the case. The truth is that the problem I've described has been going on as long as I can remember. I think it is ingrained in the mindset of the people here to not give a shit about anything but themselves and to blame anybody but themselves.
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Koreans here are way more whiny
I remember a great interview from Lee Yuan Kew that said when he first visited London I think in the 1950s?, it was clean, everyone was polite and orderly, you could buy a newspaper by just placing the money without anyone around. That's all gone now. That's a shame.
>Dude I worked shit jobs when I was still studying so it's A-Ok!

Now, try convincing a degree holder that he should work and be content with shit jobs like berry picking or scrubbing toilets and see how far you can go without sounding like a fucking retard.
>>There's no such thing as a "shit job"
What about people who work in care homes, taking care of old people who bite and piss themselves all day for minimum wage?
Yes I agree that anyone with a degree would not want to do those shit jobs. But sometimes you have to swallow your pride and do what needs to be done. I worked my ass off all those years so I don't have to do that anymore as a Data Scientist.

My great-grandfather worked in the Coventry factories during WW2, he worked 6 days a week and saved every penny so that he could take his family out of Ireland and went to the US. My grandmother (his 2nd eldest daughter) worked double shifts to put herself int college. Boo fucking hoo, work sucks and you don't want to do it. But that's what men and women are supposed to do.
Well 4chan is telling me my country is collapsing into a hellscape sooo
That's unfortunate and I hear that's a real nightmare. Even in the US there's a shortage of health care workers.

Meh, obviously there are jobs that nobody in their right mind wants to do, but sometimes you gotta just bite the bullet.
There's still honesty boxes in rural areas, and just the other day in a city I saw a woman picking up a piece of litter that wasn't hers and placing it in the bin.
Amidst all the doom and gloom, there is still a part of me which believes that things can get better, and it's the small things like that which I use as justification.
We're talking about actual graduates here, not part-timers or migrants who are content with earning peanuts. How fucking stupid are you?

>muh grandfather grandmother abloo bloo bloo
Who gives a fuck about what your grandfather or grandmother did when we're talking about you and your retarded view. And the fact that you stopped working the same shit jobs you harp on about the moment you got your degree makes you less of a reliable person and more of a fucking faggot.
Britain deserves every scrap of suffering
>supporting the turks over the Russians
>turning the Franco Prussian war part 2 into a 4 year long blood bath that destroyed 3 empires and western civilization as a whole
>muh empire
>muh balance of power
>muh trade

You spent 500 years spilling Christian blood for merchants and bankers. Unironically no people in the history of the world outside of maybe the mongols have more blood on their hands.
>supporting the turks over the Russians
They were bat-shit paranoid over the Russians controlling the Straits and taking Constantinople as well as carving up the Ottoman Empire. It would've threatened the British Raj of India. The Russians were already encroaching on Central Asia and had designs on Iran and other places near the subcontinent in their search for warm-water ports.

>turning the Franco Prussian war part 2 into a 4 year long blood bath that destroyed 3 empires and western civilization as a whole
The Brits would've sat it out if the Germans hadn't violated Belgium's neutrality. The Brits saw Belgium as a threat to their national security if any hostile power controlled it. They considered Belgium as "a pistol aimed at Britain" and the fact that Germans had the 2nd largest fleet in Europe made them shit their pants at the thought of that hostile navy right across the Channel.

>muh empire
>muh balance of power
>muh trade
I agree that the Brits were a lot like the Venetians; it always looking at the balance sheet in the end, but sentimentality about MUH Christian fellowship doesn't work either.

I'm far from an Anglophile, but I do recognize they're a bedrock of what made the US. Our laws, language, customs were largely influenced by Britain. I don't like seeing them go down the toilet. The same for France and any other nation-state that contributed much to the world.
What's your solution then Chang? Sorry that the UK isn't a Draconian city-state. I respect you guys for having one of the leading economies in Asia, but you also benefited for being an entrepot straddling the busiest shipping lanes and had a dictator who was astute enough to create a prosperous polity surrounded by larger neighbors that wanted to swallow them up.

If I didn't have my career and was running out of money, you bet I'd do shitty jobs just to survive. If Brits don't want to do that type of work, fine but they could at least import Eastern Euros at least instead of muzzies that won't follow the laws and just want to import Sharia.
The massive difference is that our ancestors created great countries to live in.....until some decades ago when evil politicians decided to destroy us forever.

So we had it all....and they destroyed it.

It is worst not having it at all ever than having it all and seeing how they are destroying it forever with the excuse of ""democracy"" (aka modern tyrannical governments).
>starts resorting to /pol/faggotry
Concession accepted. The least you could do is not be a hypocritical faggot when it comes to topics like this.

>If I didn't have my career and was running out of money, you bet I'd do shitty jobs just to survive.
Practice what you preach retard. Drop out of your career and be a toilet scrubber or a Farm Mexican instead.
I found it


It's at 6:48 where he starts.
>surrounded by larger neighbors that wanted to swallow them up.
This isn't relevant to your post in its entirety but I just want to point out that it was the federal government that expelled Singapore out of Malaysia. Lee Kuan Yew himself wanted Singapore to remain a part of Malaysia.
Why are you the way that you are? You used to be the bread basket of the world and now you have revolutions over bread?
I'm not being racist Singapore anon. I'm only calling you Chang because I assume you're a Chinese Singaporean unless you're a Malay, Indian, or a foreign expat. It's like calling a Brit as Nigel or Limey.

Second, why should I throw away a career that I've worked long and hard the last 8 years? I'd only do it if I have no choice and can't find another job.

I'm not advocating that STEM graduates do all the toilet scrubbing and apple picking, but there's gotta be some Brits that are gonna be willing to do those jobs if the situation arises.
I'm well aware of this but Singapore's union with Malaysia wasn't rosy and there were too many irreconcilable differences. Still, it was touch and go if Singapore could stand on its own but Lee Kuan Yew's policies made it possible.
>Second, why should I throw away a career that I've worked long and hard the last 8 years? I'd only do it if I have no choice and can't find another job.

You're the dumbass advocating for graduates to work shit jobs. Why should we believe you when you don't even practice what you preach?

>I'm not advocating that STEM graduates do all the toilet scrubbing and apple picking, but there's gotta be some Brits that are gonna be willing to do those jobs if the situation arises.
Because Making money trumps your own personal feelings. If your average Brit can make more money doing something out of the certificate he studied for, convince us why he should work for less?
There are more jobs than there are Brits willing to do those jobs. The median brit is already too educated and accustomed to a better standard of living than those jobs brings.
Bretty much.
A lot of shit jobs don't pay anywhere near enough to support a family, so it genuinely isn't viable for anyone with kids, or wants kids. But thirdie workers can come here, get paid pennies, but they can send it back to their families back home in poverty where the money goes much further.

in regard to the agriculural jobs, many employers flat out won't hire brits because the working conditions are illegal, and they're afraid of getting ratted out.
and part of the problem is that productivity isn't increasing due to reliance on mass migration, so many of these unskilled jobs are not being cut due to businesses getting an easy way out of innovating.

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