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>landlord increased rent again
starting to believe he was right bros
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Why? Don't you have Mao biden
Why does anyone pick this guy? He did the impossible and made the Chinese as poor as Africans. Aren't there better socialists/communists for limp wristed fags to fanboy? I feel like even Stalin or Fidel are more intriguing.
do americans really?
Because as op insinuated he genocided slumlords (based)
china was already as poor as africa before him thoe howeverbleit
>standing up for landlords
I don't care what ideology you support as long as you kill those who engage in (literal) rent-seeking behavior. It destroys innovation and the middle-class.
China would likely have been like India today if not for the great leap
I think we could lower other taxes and then fuck with landlords by implementating a tax on land value
If they raise rent they tacitly acknowledge their land has increased in value and the tax is raised either at the same rate so the landlord gets no gain whatsoever from raising rent. They could get tax discounts for keeping rent lower thus increasing their gains even thoe they are charging less
China was literally poorer than most of Africa before Mao took over
I wonder how expensive the rent is in the west now. Can a month's salary pay a year's rent?
what do you mean by that? that the great leap was such a disaster even the chinese realised communism is retarded and let Deng clean up all the maoist retardation?
He was.
The cultural revolution was good.
depends on the salary and on the rent
There is great variation in each country and in each country in each region, but in short: no. Rent may take up to 1/3 of thr western's monthly wages
>So you'll tip a barista-
>So you'll tip a delivery guy-
That's too expensive.
mao was one of the good guys of history
Before these boomers tear you a new asshole, I want to say you’re BASED.
It's called inflation, next you go to your employer and ask for wage rise. If you are jobless, you are in no position to have right to complain.
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>noooo you can't kill landlords because they own the land
He was a very good revolutionary but a poor policy maker
I think he meant like how the cultural revolution eliminated most of the 5th columnists and got rid of many retared cultural aspects of China.

In the end it, the Cultural Revolution was retarded and got a lot of people killed, but some see it as a "clean slate" for Deng to start his reforms and make China what it is today.
socialist nationalism with chinese characteristics
If the greatest minds of the entire political spectrum agree that landlords need the guillotine treatment, it can't be wrong.
The right supports the landlords and fights for them to pay lower taxes, thoughever
just dont pay, nothis will happen, unironically. well maybe not since ur flag
Only lolberts aka blackrock corporate bootlickers do this.
if you only own the land because the government let's you say you own it if you pay them, do you really own it?
He actually unified China and had better ground to stand on than Chiang's merry band of retards.

Had he died earlier on, he would have been extolled as a God.
Leftists and rightists both collude to make the lives of the working class miserable in this country since both want mass-immigration which imports unneeded competition for jobs and housing.
Every time you see someone telling you to vote, it's always a leftist or left-leaning centrist as best. The lack of a similar energy on the right suggests to me that many of them are simply not voting at all, or are reluctantly picking the least worst option.
I remember the golden age of 2020-2022 where tim hortons were all closing down because of solid shortage and mcDonald had increase their wage just to get an high schooler work. Now, new tim hortons are open 24h/7 with a big team of punjabs working minimum wage.
No... That's not even close. That's so far fucking off hold shit.
Go look at their gdp share worldwide and population from 1800 to now.

Map and the communist took a first world country at the time and destroyed it. It was literally lower first world at where Portugal roughly is now
They still have not recovered their market share or standing.

Man I can take most of your complete bullshit pseudoscience but no. Don't fucking rewrite history that hard. Its schizophrenic. From the moment the Commies has power China went sideways and it wasn't until 1970 they got their footing semi back.
Buy yourself a home.
>Americans tip baristas
I genuinely didn't know that, is there anyone they don't tip?
I am the landlord of my house
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I live in the mountains and I am my own landlord
I bought an expensive espresso machine so I never have to see those blue haired freaks.
based negro avoider
There are a few Tim Hortons here, we're being flooded with yank fast food chains and now fucking Canadian ones. There are already millions of coffee shops, we don't need any more.
low iq ppl here are like
>every time we get our salaries raised, da joos raise prices to continue fucking us over
Do you tip to your machine?
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What is it about cityfag rentcucks that turns them into ugly whiney commie losers?

Utter nonsense. Literally the moment he dies and Deng liberalizes, China starts to explode. The amount of effort it took to make them collectively poor as rock sucking African retards is impressive. He is a failure as an administrator.
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It do be liek that

They are passionless, aimless, poor, incompetent losers and they desire an ideology that reduces everyone to the same state so that they don't have to feel left out or uniquely miserable
I'd rather tip my landlord than my barista
Tim Hortons is bottom tier too. I hope they go out of business, especially since they're massive sellouts.

Also technically Timmies is an American company
No, I clean it occasionally
Post nose
Even as far back as 1890, China was poorer than Sub-Saharan Africa.
except , mao wanted to develop the productive forces and accept FDI like Deng. he wasn't opposed to having markets, he wanted to use markets and outside investment to develop china and pull its people out of poverty. Just like Deng. it didn't happen because the US supported the Chiang Kai Shek's Kuomintang as the legitimate government of China. it was Mao in the 1970s who sat with Nixon to normalize US-China relations which opened the path for Deng's reform.

And Mao led china out of a period of colonization, civil war, and there were far more famines before his time. During his leadership, China experienced “the most rapid sustained increase in life expectancy of any population in documented global history,” according to a Stanford study.

Here's a quote from Amartya Sen's (nobel prize winner in economics) which compares China with India:
>Despite the gigantic size of excess mortality in the Chinese famine, the extra mortality in India from regular deprivation in normal times vastly overshadows the former...India seems to manage to fill its cupboard with more skeletons every eight years than China put there in its years of shame

We compare China with post-colonial India because they both were abundant in people and land, and both started utterly destitute at a similar time. China sped past India in all qualities of life indicators long before Deng, but we don't blame Nehru and other Indian leaders of his time for being "worse than Mao" for not adopting the same socialist policies China did.

So Mao still made mistakes but by 1980, China had much higher literacy rate, life expectancy, lower child mortality rates, lower malnutrition, etc., compared to India. And a better industrial base. He was also the one that swept away old superstitions like banning footbindin and highly encourage women to particpate in the economy. Again this made it possible for Deng to attract FDI and for the FDI to stay.
I wish i were you
I think it’s hilarious but also irritating that landlords genuinely believe they provide housing. Complete inability to understand the world.
no he was wong
I'm moving to china and try my best to obtain a citizenship I swear
I am generally a lumpenproletariat but if a communist revolution were to happen I would seize the opportunity to torture my smug fucking faggot foid landlord to death
Hey! I have a paper from the state that proves I own those apartments!! That means that scientifically I own those houses
Also the state should be abolished and I shouldn't have to pay taxes because taxation is theft (but rent magically isnt, okay?)
You best tip him rentoid
Cry more rentoid
Going to Increase the rent on my rentoids just for this post
Very problematic
people need to vote with their feet to defeat the landlord jew. Move to cheap areas and get a mortgage and do remote work or take a lower paid job. Overall you are better off and you can be an owner instead of a slave.
>according to a Stanford study.
>China had much higher literacy rate, life expectancy, lower child mortality rates, lower malnutrition, etc., compared to India
I'm not going to ask for sources of anything you spouted there.
I just want to let people that can read know this
>If a commie is willing to make a Revolution and either arrest or kill anyone they think it's worth arrest or killing for it, why the fuck would you trust anything they say to justify it? Why the fuck wouldn't they just falsify anything that's convenient for everything they did and are going to to?
Lying is the least a commie will do.
imagine paying rent lmao
>this post was provided by home-owners gang
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I'd rather give a tip to a landlady than to Bautista
I'll give you (as well as others) sources anyways
>stanford study
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25495509 (this is from America's National Library of Medicne)
>Amarta Sen, Nobel Prize winner in economics, quote is from this chapter
https://academic.oup.com/book/2070/chapter/141991095 (Published by the renowned Oxford Academy)
>stats about literacy rate, malnutrition rates, etc
this is based on economic mission studies from World Bank teams and how they contrasted India with China

For your last point, do you think the revolution in capitalism that was happening all over europe in the 19th century happened peacefully? Quite the opposite. Check out Joyce Appleby - The Relentless Revolution: A History of Capitalism. She details the violence and massacres that were going on. She's also a liberal capitalist by the way.

And if you think those stats are bullshit (the data were actually gathered and reported by teams from the World Bank) and China still had low life expectancy in the 30s like they had in 1920 with malnourished illiterate bumpkins with piss poor productivity, then the FDI would have failed and capital would have been steered elsewhere. Profit dictates capital flows. India start getting signifcant amount of FDI as well but it wasn't as sustainable and they did not have the miracle industrial rise like China. Their literacy rate and malnaturtion is still much worse than China's. And so is their female labor particpation rate is also worse, 37% vs 60.5% for china.
You simply ignored my points and came up with "what about"ism.
I just hope you live to see the hell on earth your "comrades" will create. And that you remember me when you are dying because of it.
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And here is a pity (you), bolsonoid
i gave you sources from the world bank and a nobel prize winner in economics whose main field of study is public health. i showed you that all revolutions are bloody and messy, and that's not what-about-ism but a strict philosophical imperative for overthrowing the previous mode of production. if i were to do whataboutism i would talk about how capitalism caused massacres, genocides and famines (read Mike Davis's Late Victorian Holocausts) writ large all over the world for its colonial subjects...
How long till a georgist revolution? The fact that even my distant oil rich desert has insane rent prices is ridiculous who the fuck is pulling these strings? I have to move out in a few months because my rent went up threefold
I know nothing about him but the cultural revolution proved to be succesful in the long run.
Instead you want the govt to be your landlord?
Smartest Argentinian on /int/
He was a retard but without his fuck ups there would've been no subsequent reforms and no modern china.
And while the great leap was a failure in many things it was responsable for creating some core industries and begining electrification and mechanization.
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China will collapse in 2030s.
Mary Paik Lee, a Korean immigrant who arrived with her family in San Francisco in 1906, wrote in her 1990 autobiography Quiet Odyssey that on her first day of school, girls circled and hit her, chanting:

Ching Chong, Chinaman,
Sitting on a wall.
Along came a white man,
And chopped his head off.[4]
● China is 30 years behind Japan.

> start of high economic growth
Japan: 1950
China: 1980
> economic bubble
Japan: 1980s
China: 2010s
> burst of economic bubble
Japan: 1990s
China: 2020s
> regime change
Japan: 00s
China: 2030s

※ In China, regime change means the end of Communists government.
He was a good figurehead for his time but a very poor politician
Even people around him at the time acknowledge that
Now he's mostly remembered for the good moments and his dumb retard plans are swept under the rug
My rent has risen by 60% in 5 years.
>He did the impossible and made the Chinese as poor as Africans
Nigger have you even read about the peasant situation under the western alligned KMT government? Not only did proficient landlords live in mud hut tier conditions, they were at the mercy of the will of retarded warlords who were more concerned with how much money they could make from opium than feeding the population.
>any regime change in Japan since Truman
>thread about loser fags that suck some dead rice nigga cock
imagine not owning a house because muh landlords. maybe the houses wouldn’t be so expensive if you did something about the politicians that have raped your countries for the last couple of decades and are constantly raping it by replacing you
Japanese people unironically do this.
The good socialists are guys youve never heard of cause they arent megalomaniacs. Do you know who set up the wealth fund in Norway? I dont, but that shit is wildly succesful redistribution of wealth.

As a rule of thumb the more famous the bigger the cunt.
What is with Americans completely misunderstanding communism and calling hypercapitcalistic globalist shit communist?
Your landlord increased your rent because the state raised its taxes for our socialist programs
The entire philosophy was created to justify marx's lifestyle which was doing nothing and mooching off his friends and family while hanging out with the bourgeois he wanted to emulate.
Funnily enough charging below market rates for rent doesn't help you at all. I consistently did that for years and just kept on getting scum and dropkicks until I raised the price. I thought people would appreciate the cheap rent and not cause problems, but I found zero gratitude.

If rent is low people assume "well what's wrong with the place?". But they don't question it if the rent is high.
What did you do for work to afford a house to rent out?
buy your own property and be your own landlord then.
well yeah, if china had a population of 5 million like norway with immense oil reserves, and was part of the imperial core west, then things would have been different. it's almost like socialism in the global south is harder to develop under the crosshair of western imperialism not to mention, the US sanctioned china with a trade embargo from 1950-1979. and this is after going through the opium war launched by the west, the era of war lords, large scale massacres by the japanese army and the civil war between chinese nationalists and the chinese communists. mao overthrew imperialism and feudalism and china started at a lower point in its independence than india or africa. it's just completely different obstacles and mountains that he had to face than the people establishing a wealth fund in norway.

also norway is succdem and still benefits off of its relation in the imperial core.
Pretty much this.
I rent to white yuppies and though it's high they treat the place well I treat them well and keep the offer open to buy the flat if they have been with for some time.
What sort of work did you do to be able to afford a home to rent out?
>Map and the communist took a first world country at the time and destroyed it.
1940s China absolutely was not first world
Why is this so surprising to you? Even South Korea was poorer than Africa in 1960.
Why is Jap understanding of history so bad?
I inherited it, got a loan to turn the house into 7 flats.
The KMT had to chain their soldiers together when fighting to stop them from deserting. It was the most clusterfuck government anyone could imagine.
Ok and now are you confused as to why people hate you or do you understand?
Regime change occurred in 1993, 1994, 2009 and 2012 in Japan.
China is 110 years behind Japan
Meiji restoration 1868
Reform and opening up 1978
Ok, lets try Bolsonomics (sell everything not bolted down to the US for pennies on the dollar) instead lmao
Don't forget
>We have January 6 at home
You are right in your claim but that was because they got their asses absolutely fucking raped between 1945-1960.
Long way off, it's too obscure
Champagne Socialist diaspora?
Usa o SUS daí, fdp
People love me
Rentoids aren't human, I only talk to high value people not crying babies over my high value contribution to society

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