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Born too late to explore the Earth.

Born too early to explore the stars.

Born at just the right time to witness firsthand as the British realize they’re no longer living in a first world country.
what caused their decline?
It’s true. “Senior” positions in the UK make 55-65k pounds kwab
The thing is the actual cost of living in the US is ridiculous. I know that reads like a thirdie cope but things like vegetables and services can get ridiculous and you're hardly paying for quality or for the guy on the other end to have a good living standard. I'm not talking about education or healthcare but the basic day-to-day things.

There's a wage inflation spiral in the US and nobody is talking about it. It's not that the US shouldn't pay well but that there's monstrous inefficiency somewhere in the labour market.
We’ve always known we love in an exploitative class based society, it’s why so many britons leave for other english speaking countries.
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Thatcherism and conservatism.

They wanted to cut taxes and make the government stagnant. They were successful, at the tremendous cost of impoverishing many and reducing their footprint on the world stage.
Labour, jeets (including bangladeshis and pakis), Islam, and living in a police state
This. We've been under Labour rule for the past 14 years.
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It's true but this applies to the giga rich non American countries like Norway (who get paid the same after taxes)
America is cheaper than third world even
Thatcherism literally every problem in the UK goes back to it. Even Blairites are but a branch of Thatcherism.
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>Born at just the right time to witness firsthand as the British realize they’re no longer living in a first world country.

Whiter than America
Better HDI than America
Better healthcare than America
Less crime than America
Less stabbings than America
Better teeth than America

I'm not convinced that Americans are rich just because of gdp. Every American tv show has nearly every character worried about money. That's poor

You'd have to go back to the Second Industrial Revolution. Britain was at one point at the top of the world but then chronically underinvested in R&D and productivity leading the rest of the world (especially Germany) eating our lunch. The ball has been consistently dropped at least once a decade since then, sometimes it's just bad luck but sometimes it's madness.

But on a global scale it's not awful and despite being a 'low-wage, high-skill' economy there's still an impressive take-home pay so long as you don't look at places like Switzerland and ask yourself if sucking cocks in Bern might be a more lucrative career move.
>Whiter than America
>Better HDI than America
barely. also ours has gone up, while yours continues to trickle downward
>Better healthcare than America
such a meme. every job in america has an extensive healthcare plan that costs nothing. you literally just have to be employed to get basic healthcare here.
>Less crime than America
because you live in a police state
>Less stabbings than America
literally wrong by per capita margins
>Better teeth than America
literally wrong again
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>There's a wage inflation spiral in the US and nobody is talking about it. It's not that the US shouldn't pay well but that there's monstrous inefficiency somewhere in the labour market.
Why do the people who comment most on economics never know how the banking system works?

>Every American tv show has nearly every character worried about money. That's poor
Oh right, foreigners get most of their "education" about America from the banker-owned media and their own television and movie networks which are worse than ours from what I've seen.

It's why some of them even think the entire US is like NYC because that's all they've seen in their movies or shows.
80% white vs 50% white is barely?
nigger that’s the 2021 numbers, in the past three years the UK has admitted kore immigrants than every, breaking record levels each year. you’d be lucky if it’s 70% now. also, you have a major issue with an elderly population skewing the demographics. your under 18s are barely a majority white altogether
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>1 british pound in 1900 was worth 103 modern british pounds
Well the obvious response is that countries like Norway are radically different to normal economies so it's a mugs game to compare them.

>America is cheaper than third world even

Nah, meat, dairy and poultry is heavily subsidised but fresh fruit and vegetables are more expensive.
The official number of whites was 83% (55 million) in 2021, the nonwhite population would have had to gone up by 10 million since to get to those numbers.
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Are you retarded? We can literally get on a plane and fly to the US and look at supermarket costs.
All of these things are slowly evaporating due to thirdie mass migration though.
If current trends continue Britain will be a brown shithole like the US just poorer, a lot more authoritarian(Brits don't have the constitutional rights Americans have) and a lot more overpopulated.
(not saying other western Europeans aren't on the same path, Germany especially seems to emulate Canada and the UK)
Low migration countries like Japan will be a lot better off despite a shrinking population, thirdie mass migration won't lead to more wealth just more crime and less social cohesion.
>Paying for quality
Americans buy brands not quality
my local supermarket has pink lady apples for $1.50/lb. idk what you’re taking about
That's around 3.30 per kilo so basically the same as Canada in the pic.
>constitutional rights Americans have)
Snowden leaks were over 11 years ago, Arnold. PATRIOT Act was 23 years ago. Americans having "Constitutional rights" has been a meme since the Cold War when their alphabet agencies started doing insane shit like testing biowarfare on unaware citizens lol.
Dysgenics and increasing global competition.
Nuke welfare, pensions, NHS and all that other crap subsidized and we'd be in business. Why would you want to pay for ngubus fresh off the boat. THE AMERICAN system is perfect you work your ass to get as much money in as short amount of time as possible.
mass immigration
ive been to america twice and its a massive shithole with huge thirdie vibes, the most thirdie country ive ever been to and that includes greece



yes, our cities are dumps full of foreigners just like yours
Yeah I've been to the UK and America many times and America is much worse, was honestly shocked at first
>Blairites are but a branch of Thatcherism.
insane cope
pls stop bullying us
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>>Whiter than America
83% vs 59%
>>Better HDI than America
>barely. also ours has gone up, while yours continues to trickle downward
That's completely false, ours has been rising and we're now above New Zealand and Canada and significantly above America
>>Better healthcare than America
>such a meme. every job in america has an extensive healthcare plan that costs nothing. you literally just have to be employed to get basic healthcare here.
Yeah and if you lose your job your life could be over because you owe your healthcare to your employer, rather than having a right to free access to healthcare like pretty much every civilised country
>>Less crime than America
>because you live in a police state
The USA has more prisoners than any country, its current contenders for President are a felon and an attorney general
>>Less stabbings than America
>literally wrong by per capita margins
4.96 for USA and 3.26 for UK
>>Better teeth than America
>literally wrong again

Congratulations on being wrong on literally every single point you've made like a deluded low iq liar

I haven't even mentioned he mass shootings and school shootings or the rich people being murdered in the streets
>Bongs vote for Parties whose main goal is to make money/grift them
>Whine and complain when the Party they voted for does what it does.

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>he thinks democracy is real
Tories, specifically Thatcher and Tony Blair. Anyone else implying >labour is an actual retard spaz.
>the absolute state of Italy
u wut
brits deserve it for conspiring against europe thinking the big brother will cut them some slack
guess what you are also fucked now
>england is 80% white!
That's fucking embarassing lmao you're the yakubian home of white apes while we're an anglo colony one redman continent that imported a bunch of niggers.

I agree that state pensions need to go and bennies need to be seriously reigned in.
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we have latinas and you have pakis
That's in large part due to their election system though which favors a two party system.
If people think that they only have the choice between two neolib parties that both support mass migration obviously not much is gonna change.
Although I'm pretty sure that they had a referendum about changing the election system to make it more fair for third parties and those retards voted against that.
> there are less Brits then Italians
Truly a marvel how a such a small population managed to conquer the world
Chuds will whine about immigrants, the reality is the UK is plagued with problems nobody fixes because they are busy discussing non issues. It's almost like their exceptionalist mentality stops them from seeing their problems until it's too late.
My guess is that they underground economy prevents economists from producing more accurate numbers. It's a real problem in Italy.
This is somewhat true
Going out for a quick drink and a bite to eat in american cities is lmao tier in terms of how much it costs
But still all things considered it is a much wealthier country than here even if its worst places are genuinely far worse than anything we can conjure up
UK is just a pool of mediocrity outside being a tarq
no longer being a colonial superpower plus liberalism applied to nonwhites (muslims)

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