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I gave my American coworker ostrich curry and when I told him what was in it he got really weirded out. Is ostrich not a popular meat in other countries? I've eaten it my whole life
i would have gladly ate it anon. Do you have alligator jerky in your cunt?
You see many ostriches running around here?
You have everything in Russia
I wouldn't give a fuck. I've eaten way weirder. You guys ever had beaver?
I've seen crocodile meat at stores and restaurants and a lot of people I know have eaten it but never got a chance to try. Sounds interesting

I grew up next to an ostrich farm actually. But those fuckers are the devil incarnate, their only goal in life is to bite you and it's not a soft bite either
Ostrich and Kangaroo wad actually popular here like 15 years ago when they were importing Australian mystery meat here and make sausages form the scraps
Oh yeah LIDL once sold kangaroo steaks here and of course I was curious to test it even though it was expensive
Not my thing, super chevy and gamey not in a good way
actually yes
there is an ostrich farm near my village house
never tried though neither eggs no meat
I feel like if these meats were good they would be more common
if it was an exotic meat then you probably should have told him beforehand. I would have told him if it were horse or something similar, let alone the shit that Asians get up to. that said, your coworker's a pussy. it's just meat and you should be willing to try things in a foreign country
Ostrich meat is weird but not necessarily bad, it has a similar texture and look to beef but tastes like very lean chicken. They require a dry and arid environment and need large open ranges so they aren't very common outside of australia/africa. ostrich riding is a thing here too
After I posted this I realized that I guess I'm being a bit hypocritical because I probably wouldn't find reindeer meat in South Africa but it's eaten here

I'm super down trying new meats, that's why I bought those kangaroo steaks
Emu yes, ostrich no
I like ostrich steak but haven't had any in years.
It's pretty uncommon around here
Some people are just little bitches about food.
there are ostrich ranches in parts of the US but I think they're just for the eggs, never heard of them slaughtering them for meat
Never had it but would definitely try.
Salted hangdried moose or reindeer is divine
I had a donkey burger the other day, was nice.
The fuck is an ostrich? Like "Austria"?
Though I must say I ate kangaroo once and it was the most delicious meat I've ever tasted. Actually insane how good it was.
you should try kudu, the flavour is insane. easily the tastiest meat on the planet, you don't even need salt or spices
Can man go to Southern Rhod... ekhm to Zimbabwe for a trip and not be killed?
I have a white coworker who lived in zimbabwe the economical situation is why he left. He's an englishman surprisingly. I guess there's good places and bad places just like any country and the polish currency will probably be worth a shitton there.

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