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Kevin R. Nash edition
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Teutonic angels
This isnt big chair or canslad

Janny should delete this in all honesty
reading through this hilarious thread on this awesome site

shall progress from a paki gf to a non-paki gf in the future. but for now, the paki gf will do.
diego is so effeminate. would love him to do a vocaroo and hear his gay nonce voice but he won’t
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what shall i use to wash down my pizza (after i've finished this monster)?

odds: wine
evens: lager
dubs: an old half drunk pint of guinness that i left in the fridge last night
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Old man getting baddiedem
the proverbial norks
that thing looks like it would have soggy dough on the base
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Blend a few slices and drink that
Could've been marfa but she overdid it
Can't remember what it feels like to be human
Missing Belgium's posts.
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she's just fat they're not even nice
I'm conflicted lads, part of me loves the gf o 2 years, going very well, moved in together

The other part of me wants to break up and shag as many birds as possible while I'm still young then settle down

She is lovely and I think I'd have a hard time finding a gf as good as her again but I fancy rolling the dice
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Fuck off heathermong you evil ghoul
anyone naked?
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I need a strong jawlined German gf.
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how old are you
burritos for tea
yea me
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wine it is

it is a bit soft
most of it will come out of the fridge and go in the air fryer later though and that's when it'll be at it's best

i don't have a blender
many men think this and end up regretting their decision so decide wisely
dunno why people like clint eastwood westerns, they're all shit
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Rorke fucking obliterated
when brits and americans work together amazing things happen

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get 'em kicked
The Nonce is posting reddit screenshots again
>pizza and alcohol
grim. bet you've got man tits from your oestrogenic diet
>it is a bit soft
yeah this is why i don't really understand anons in here screaming about how paki pizza is the best
but each to their own. hope you enjoy it
got any other shit opinions to share, bud?
Germ women sub edish
i watched once upon a time in the west. not clint eastwood but same shit. was ok not great
leftypol getting a little thrill from downvoting the racist because he knows deep down that he's right
He's such an unlikeable freak
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Times been passing too fast as of late.
got called an egg at work
unbelievably grim
can guarantee that absolutely no milk was used to make that cheese and the halal turkey ham looks vile
Mental it’s nearly August
This year has flew in and we’ve had like 5 clear days all summer it’s a fucking joke
so did she wank a horse off on camera or what
lol egg boy
has maisie williams got her fucking arse out yet i want to wank over it
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Man thot patrolled his own wife and daughter lmao
>monster at 6pm
how are you going to sleep
midwit moment
any uneven face man in
Much to think about
had a horsecock phase a few months ago

not proud of it but alot of the white/med women in the videos are pretty hot

It's over for rorque

Pic related
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I used to know a girl like this. She was cool. Quiet and reserved but very nice once you got to know her.
Monster is the grim runt drink
POO - be
very illegal

closest i've got is a few wanks to natalie mars taking a horse cock shaped dildo up her arse
haha it's true i have a bit
mediterraneans eat pizza and drink wine and they tend not to have moobs though
i put it down to the lager

i definitely wouldn't say it was the best
not much better than a really good oven pizza (eg. ristorante)
it's very filling though, that lot'll last me a few days i reckon
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mad how she's the best looking in her friend group
utterly mental
she beat a horse in its legs 24 times with a whip

but I thought that's what you do with horses they even call training them breaking horses
Good username that
fizzy drinks in general
but monster does taste good, especially the fruity mango cocoloco or whatever the fuck
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she looks like a bo selecta character
need to try a paki pizza now

i didn't think it through did i
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>>mad how she's the best looking in her friend group
That is not mad at all what normal girl would be friends with Ruby
She even turned her formerly hot sister into a mentally ill hambeast
>rasheed had to throw a petrol bomb in that bus because uhh we have internet now or something
He's right.
>Tory immigration policy gimmicks and buzzwords
>Labour already raiding illegal hotspots like nailbars, returning dinghys to France and reducing reliance on foreigners

But conservative are the anti immigrants party right?
fucking hell she-s got fat
someone post the fit pics of her
i’ve heard mediterraneans drink a glass of wine most nights with dinner. just one or two glasses slowly, and then leave it at that. at the weekends or parties they’ll also eat a large meal and drink a few more glasses but try not to get drunk because that’s seen as embarrassing in their culture.

a much healthier approach to alcohol imo. It’s an addition to a social event. not like us northern europeans, especially brits/irish who stay sober all week then as soon as it hits friday 5pm get absolutely hammered
who says that the conservatives are an anti-immigration party
who are you talking to
is he in the room with you now
ruby is far richer than you
What’s your point? Everyone knew the Tories loved immigrants and never did anything .
Rorke absolutely shook
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The wife :)
that's more fun though
why even drink if you're not going to get pissed
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That freakin Indian manlet cocksucker with the red kabbalah bracelet on his wrist
makes me so mad
*was born with a rich dad*
wow you go girl
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thoughts on ruby's video:
>this is what she wore to a black tie summer ball
>she invited blakeney to go with her - nobody can convince me they are not a couple. who invites a friend to their university ball?
and better educated
and younger
and more popular
dunno, think they get slightly tipsy or happy but not sloshed drunk
it’s all calm and casual, not 9 pints, shots, then stumbling home eating a kebab
i just finished reading a book lads, misery by stephen king. was pretty good, really proud of myself i read a whole book desu
and the very latest from gossip_guy?
chuffed with my new pair of air max. old shoes had holes in em it was time for change.
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Meds are No Fun: the culture
But limp wristed girly boys think it's "sophisticated" so they suck off Italians all day.
Proper men just get fucking smashed like Finns.
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looks lush
our binge drinking culture is downright masochistic
it's practically a competitive sport
not surprised the spanish want british tourists to fuck off out of it
poor cunts probabloy can't walk the streets at night without a group of yobs screaming in their face that it's coming home
>who invites a friend to their university ball?
Heterosexual women who don't have a boyfriend and don't want to go by themselves?
did a really bad shart when last properly pissed and had to get the train then waddle home with the mess in my jeans (they were black thankfully but people must have been able to smell)

wonder what a sophisticated european drinker would say to that
saw the film of that they made a really big deal of her being christian and showing her crucifix and so i guess a jew made it
grow up canmong
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Don't drink
Don't smoke
Don't do drugs
My addiction is golfballs
>Meds are No Fun: the culture
that’s what meds think of nordies. repressed drones
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Sent this to my boss and said I would not be in work tomorrow
He didn't find it funny
the book never mentioned her religion at all so maybe you're right, I'll give the film a cheeky watch and see what they changed/cutdown
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fuck the spanish tbf, arrogant bastards pretending their country isn’t more than a glorified tourist resort
>Forest Echo News
They would thrive on Musk's X
Time for them to return
yer da drinks boxed wine from the spigot
>things that never happened
Sent this to my boss and said I would not be in work tomorrow
He didn't find it funny
women are so weak and pathetic

how'd you get this picture of me
the uk is a glorified american candy shop. just a money laundering racket
what a depressing kitchen
i don’t know. i used to think it was all effeminate bollocks but recently i’ve began to think regular people in this country are classless and grim by comparison.
they are
shut up spainnonce/amer/190/mikey/sacked tranny/mousenonce/commiemong/2016mong/diego/brick/lolpaki/gyaldemfreak/dave/bottomlad/scraniel/“are you threatened by his blackness” poster/zoey/fatcam/brum/craven/storke/trannyspammer/rubyposter/london paki just shut up mate
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american galdem
how would you make it less depressing mate, couple of plants and some colourful tiles.
Smiling Friends is the new Rick and Morty.
That means 15 year old nerds buy duvet covers and figurines of the characters, it means drop out NEET Reddit mod manchildren buy bongs in shape of the series characters heads, that there'll only be one more funny series, and one of the Producer-Voice Actors will be outed as messaging underaged girls 5 series from now.
very pretty
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me when im a going to be a virgin forever
I fucked her :D
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German women <3
Is that the crazy a annoying one from that Adams family show
nice webm
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if you talk to a brit about any random town or city in britain they’ll always tel you it’s a shithole
they’re right
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English women own my Irish spuds.
why doesn't tesco look like this
>who says that the conservatives are an anti-immigration party
The Tories and their ilk for the last 10 years
having cooking utensils and seasonings on the counter instead of just box wine would help, so you don't look like a 45 year old childless woman that eats nothing but ready meals
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it's me, kevin. it was me all along
even my immediate family bought it
they really do have square jaws like that as well
mate went out with one
for instance how many regular people in this country know how to cook actual meals and not just frozen shite from asda and takeaways? why do grown men with full time jobs dress in trackies? why are our festivals filled with darkies and chavs horrifically rapping? the deano subculture as a whole is tacky. and as previously mentioned, our love of alcohol and pub culture, which would be fine were our city centres not scenes of absolute filth and chaos on weekend nights with grown adults who can’t handle their booze and act like rowdy teens.
why don’t you go to the daily mail forum or something then. no on /brit/ was ever saying that
Got my drink ON
Got my smoke ON
I've just learned how youtube addicted zoomers are.

Just saying "It's Up" on a board has them asking what and wanting links to a youtube video.
i just watched the trailer and there's a shrimp character who sounds like david firth's jerry jackson
2016mong repeated it constantly
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It's part of their charm.
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the reddit consensus just dropped
>why do grown men with full time jobs dress in trackies
I've never seen anyone with an office job turn up to work in a tracksuit
ruby and blakeney drunk scissoring to mozart
what happened now? so glad i don’t follow the news these days
it’s just
>acid attack
>donald trump
>here’s why we need more migrants
very few can cook at all. even the brits who cook from scratch just make some bland mush. and yeah that’s all true. this island is mostly very grim plebs
can't eat food without youtube. just starring at the wall in complete silence while munching poo fills me with dread.
Hold on

Have McDonald's stopped doing the crunchie mcflurry's?
That's the only reason I went
>may ball
urgh. hate everything about this. looks so wanky.
I wanna do a youtube travelogue where I explore English and French cultures but only interact with Muslims and pretend that it's normal
All I ever hear about that show is it's anti-woke
That's because that character is literally voiced by David Firth.
Red Letter Media also voice some of the characters.
2016mong is a lunatic
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I'll watch your show now
not what i meant. I see lads all the time dressed like drug dealers, wearing branded trackies, baseball caps, nike trainers. flashy watches and jewellery. And they’re not chavs, normal lads with jobs and stable lives. it’s incredibly tacky and quite embarrassing when you think about it

grown men should not be wearing tracksuits outside of a setting where they will be doing exercise/sports.
>starts fight in the airport
>police come to arrest him
>chimpout with his brothers helping, assaults said police, breaks woman's nose
I honestly don't care what the police do to subhuman scum like this, stamp on them all all they like
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>why do grown men with full time jobs dress in trackies?
yankification coming to the police I see
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tories were presumed to be less pro-immigration than labour, or if they did allow immigration it would be for economic reasons, and not "anti-racist" social engineering like labour were doing
but the tories turned out to be utterly full of shit and probably went along with eu punishments for brexit because they're more loyal to foreign globalists they bummed at a secret nonce party than to their nation
i doubt modern labour will be any better but what can you do
vote? that's a laugh
It's basically Rick and Morty 2.0, only they make jokes aimed at everyone, left and right, they trigger and upset both the "woke" and "anti-woke".
Apparently they came to arrest him for something and that's what caused him to start fighting
The guy who booted him came later
fair play to that copper
either are attractive and i hate how they're posing/taking photos like they are
I too can control the wind saar

I have an incel rage that will strip women bare if you dare to try me!
Rorke wins again
get this lad sorting the small boats out
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Yeah? So what if I've been playing old school runescape for 12 hours so far today?
Gonna play a bit more.
If you’re dumb enough to assault an armed cop at an airport natural selection ain’t in your favour
neat. i'm happy for him
might watch it
rorke clapping at this meaning every single non white will use this clip and undeniable proof of racism and they will get pandered to even more
fuck's sake
Would just like to remind everyone discussing politics that there is in fact now a dedicated politics board!
You can find it at >>>/pol/

Hope that helps :)
post stats
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state of you sad bastard
disgrace to the irish people
can’t do that, it would ruin the economy!
just came from there
too many foreigners
i forgot how unfunny /sp/ is
Based. Everybody's had enough of these paki shits
nonce bait
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Can't change careers
No one wants me
i have put on 6 pounds in a week aha
can't stop eating chocolatey stuff
Once beat a kid in school with a tape dispenser until he started bleeding from his ear for hacking my RuneScape account in P7
don’t care about being racist anymore just hate the fuckers
hope 1,000 more incidents like this happen
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galdem with big eyes
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Nearing the end.
Slayer will not be fun.
Should have 99 agility by the middle of August.
this desu
at least i played cyberpunk 2077 for 12 hours if not more
cool game, there's keanu reeves in it
and a LOT of cyberjunkies
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The haul
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Vintage wanks. The classics.
the plan?
why would I leave shit all over the place getting cluttered, cupboards exist for a reason. I don't want my utensils lying around just collecting dust do I.
Sounds more like a you problem.
You must live like an animal
There was this blonde woman who's complaining about british people rudness
She said on her vacation to london, she went to a supermarket and asked if there was ready-to-go meal . The cashier just looked at her and said fuck off yank
what are those white things. white aubergines?
up the arse
fuck off cansmong
property of jabba the hut (JBC)
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I should add, all of the 98s are actually 1 xp away from 99 so I can level them all at once at a party in my POH.
Going to get all those 99s, and construction, at once.
stupid yank bitch should’ve died
You're brown.
how do you calculate the area of a pizza from the radius?
pie r squared
i just came up with that
an odd deletion
rattled yank mong
Got an agility pet myself but I don't play any more
should have let that aubergine grow to full maturity then
i'd stick all that up my arse in my sleep!
>just discovered that mousenonce never actually leaves /int/ when he stops spamming on /brit/
>he just moves to /cum/

what the fuck, was this common knowledge?
"How about open your fucking eyes bitch"
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the scrandemic
he got mad with spainmong and he's been spamming /cum/ nonstop about spainmong for the past week
not a wog or a lefty me but I hate the police because so many of them are like that trigger happy cunt, hope he gets sent to prison
found the link for anyone who wants
mad how he is a schizo for real and it's not even a performance
plan on playing baldurs gate 3 all night
imagine what his laptop must be like
Didn't know cats were posting here.
they’re just another gang and they work for globhomo
me too
there's no skill involved in levelling stats in runescape so all this demonstrates is an enormous time cost. do you not think the hundreds of hours spent playing runescape could have been better spent?
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mental how other countries have this ristorante pizza
looks so nice
would honestly love to have a browse through his laptop or his flat or wherever he lives one day

imagine all the absolutely mental shit you would find
no one cares stupid smelly paki
i literally saw this in morrisons yesterday
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Best bang for your buck?
It's a fucking meal deal, they're all £3.50
Pointed out on /sp/ how there's a player on the Dutch Men's Olympic Volleyball team who is a convicted child rapist (he raped a 12 year old girl)
I got about a dozen responses saying how actually child rape is good, or how it's actually children's fault because they intentionally entice and trick adults into raping them and so adults can't be blamed, or how actually children enjoy rape, or how its okay because she was 12 and he was 19 when he raped her since that's not a massive age gap, or it's okay because the court already punished him.

I hope all of those posters get kidnapped and killed via SAW movie like punishments
we have this you specky mong
Used to get them in Germany. Generally I preferred the rising crust ones. These are a bit thin
thought this was gibbymoo for a second
could buy an account with the same stats for like a grand or two
free them from who?
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Yeah, free them of being alive
Free Palestine? I'll take 10
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say what you like about /pol/ but it wouldn’t happen there
brilliant! aha
i've never seen it before
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On 25 July, Greggs will be launching a Four Slice Sharing Boxes and brand new Katsu Chicken Slice. Lovers of pizza will be able to get their hands on the new Four Slice Sharing Boxes (pictured left) as on 25 July. They will be able to choose from the variety of pizzas on offer.

New Greggs summer menu items:

- Chicken Kastu savoury bake - (from £2.85)

- The Four Slice Pepperoni Hot Shot Pizza Sharing Box

- Four Slice Pepperoni Pizza Sharing Box

- Four Slice Spicy Mexican Chicken Pizza Sharing Box

- Four Slice Spicy Veg Pizza Sharing Box

- Four Slice Mixed Pizza Sharing Box

ALL pizza box varieties (from £6.50)
no thanks you can keep it
Sure, I'll take one.
Most likely pessi fans found your thread
in hospital
well he hasn't done it since
>free palestine? ill take two!
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>sharing box
When is this spamming cunt going to fuck off back to brit/pol/ where he belongs?
Lads, I've joined the Stormcloaks, I've just picked up the Jagged Crown, and assassinated the Emperor, but now I'm having second thoughts. Should I defect and join the Empire?
what's wrong la?
i work there
you're supposed to kill dragons
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rorke in the ruins 'all you had to do was be a racist and we could have survived'
Personally I'm waiting for some cheap beach front property on Gaza once all the muzzies get relocated or headed
Israel even pay you to settle the land
Based Israel
do you have a "i fell on it" story?
Have realised I'm completely indifferent to the news no matter how heinous or important the story is

If it doesn't affect me directly, I simply don't give a fig
ever think maybe the pretty tiktokker who is clearly adept at speaking to camera and who does a perfect english accent might be making it up?
mediterraneans are pakis
Tony Blair belongs in a prison cell for the rest of his life for war crime in Iraq.
He destabilised perhaps the most safe and wealthy Arab state and turned it into an Africa tier bronze age hellscape ran by literal ISIS, just so he could make some oil bucks for his American handlers.
you owe them everything
This is a pro Israel general
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>yeah I keep my seasonings in the cupboard
just shut up mate and keep eating your m&s premade slop
Yes we a pro the destruction of Israel
fuck off 26stein
Deserves a medal for top score in eradicating brown people if you ask me
free bradford from islamic invasion
their pizza is fuckin orribul, like school canteen muck
Why do Jews get their own private police force in North London
Why do Jews get their own private wards at the Royal Free hospital in Hampstead, London
didn't the dalai llama recently get caught noncing a kid
>like school canteen muck
that's unironically why I love it
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oi oi
he put millions of them in england. which tends to be the case for these zionist stooges
I'm pro bombing brown people
Reported this post to GCHQ but they said they wouldn't act on it since it aliens with current government policy to fund the genocide of Arabs
Dunnes Simply Better frozen pizza is the GOAT of frozen pizza.
why can't we all just agree on hating both jews and pakis
who here remembers 9/11?
yeah eradicated overseas but imported into England
Depends what you mean my "noncing"
He asked a kid to stick out his tongue, and then to make their tongues touch each other
Very grim at least but still nothing on the scale of Christianity/Islam/Judaism
Bit of a reach there mate
Why m&s though and why ready meals?
Kind of says more about you than me lad
i am
the one and only
Fucking hate the police.
Can’t wait until piggy loses his job and gets a criminal record
parents wind me up lads
right sick of the cunts
if he's doing that on camera as if it's fine then what's he doing off it
Aliens won't contact us until we eradicate racism
Unfortunately most people are retarded and will hate anyone slightly different to themselves
Ergo we are doomed never to make contact and will eventually wipe our own species out
t. Knower
Guess you'll have to find a job and move out then
make this the new edition
Fascinating tale chap
Do give us more schizo rants yeah?
meaningless now you misgender a gen z you'll be fired all the same
don’t want to be contacted by some slimy green wog
alri grandad, put down the daily express
I'll never forget
you're a woke aren't you?
it's laudrup
rape victim
twitter age jokes the only jokes woke zoomers allowed to make
Never forget that the USA did a 9/11 against the democratic socialist government of Chile in order to launch a coup and install a fascist dictator who went on to kidnap, torture, and mass murder his own civilian population
first one to yell CALL THE POLICE when rorke shows up
Frau ist schön
>Why do Jews get their own private police force in North London
Why shouldn't they? They pay for it. It's not funded by the government
You could organise something similar if you left your smeggy bedroom
>Why do Jews get their own private wards
They don't

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