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outside of scandinavia/the baltics europe has no nature
They cut it all down for quick profit, scandis alone deserve to inherit this earth
>the baltics

>t.has no nature
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Cope naturelet
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we are the european country with the most biodiverse biome
>cut down all your forests to develop
>piss and shit your pants when developing countries do the same thing
>50 shades of fields
>we gave la biodiversita guys
Nigga pls, not to shit on Italian nature which is beautiful in it's own right but do you see the length my cunt?
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define nature, the alps seem very nature-y
Germany has very good nature
>no nature
Outside of the cities Italy is just mountains
Big fauna is usually the only metric people care about
Thats a deforested tree farm
do they still have actual forest? wilderness? no
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Euros live in a parking lot lmao
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can't believe I share the oxygen with such retards
>my country is long
so what
ok retard
>look at my deforested tree farm with tourist traps in the background
european mountains are the most deforested there is no nature left in italy cope more
That's just a big rock with a bit of grass on the lower parts. The rest of that seems to be some wooded pasture, which is developed land and doesn't count as nature.
no (you) for you
cope more naturelet
You mean forests I see, the balkans has a lot of forest nature and such.
Nigger, 47% of the entire italian surface is just forest. And forests are not the only natural environment here. We have swamps, bushland, pastures, plains, and even fucking deserts. And i'm still not counting the countryside. 1/3 of the italian population lives in Milan-Naples-Rome, the appennines are filled with ghost towns. Sorry your overcrowded shithole is like living in a tin can, but don't pretend everyone is just like you
I am inside Scandinavia and I have no nature.
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So why don't West European countries import bears from us if they are all so bio and eco and all that? Don't they want to "restore the wilderness"?
We have the exact same forest cover and your overcrowded overpolluted dystopian hellscape doesnt have nature and primaveral forests left cope more naturelet urbanite
schizo drivel
Nice, so when is Luxembourg importing Romanian brown bears to populate its forests and restore its biodiversity?
Project more urbanite
romania like the rest of europe doesnt have nature/wilderness left outside of the danube delta
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>lalalala i don't listen you're wrong lalala
>posts a picture of a tree farm
try again urbanite, your shithole doesnt have nature
Oh so you're on drugs
>some big animals surely means i have old growth nature left
so youre a gypsy
>nature is when green trees
Most West Europeans don't have rural areas, ""rural" there just means small urban.
Actual rural means people doing agriculture, raising livestock, by themselves, not like modern West European "farmers" that are rich urban people that hire and exploit foreigners, basically serf bosses, and just being tourism workers or urban people that have a house there for vacation.
We have old nature left, but it is rapidly shrinking due to deforestation but paradoxically we also have huge amount of large predators due to almost no hunting in the last 30 years and these are now a huge threat to livestock and people.
So our nature is now packed with predators.

Meanwhile, countries like Austria, or Switzerland have huge forested areas but little of no predators left.
But somehow none of these countries, or others in Europe are in a hurry to import our bears for "biodiversity", so despite the whole bio-eco rhetoric, they want to their people and livestock safe.
You're projecting hard lil tranny
>big rock
Lmao exactly the kind of thing your russian swampland got none of
You are really deluded to think that a forest on an uneven terrain, with different species, and so densely packed like that is a tree farm.
Theres more wilderness around kilpisjärvi alone than in whole italy and its just rocks
there's no nature in europe, every piece of land in europe has been raped and ravaged by euros.
>alps seems very nature-y
>human structures in the picture
do euros really? fags have no concept of nature, kys
It's your fault for having fallen for lumbard cuck marketing. Next time skip the poo valley
You're just a flat swampland, retard. My cock when lying down is the highest peak in your trash fake country
>t. Errone DiMerda
You live in the trashiest part of the country retard
>omg look at my heckin flatland swamp
You mean the one that singlehandedly keeps this country afloat with its industry? Besides, po valley is not just milan, you inbred fucking retard.
Stick to wage cuckin and eating pajeet made pizza lavurator
>poo valley is not a flat swampland although that's the definition of valley
>dolomites + multiple blue flag beaches + rolling hills + plains
>trashiest part
>poo valley
>dolomites and hills
You're a special kind of retard
>the north is just the po valley
>Tell impressionable barbarian retard to skip poo valley
>bla bla cope
I got nordic citizenship i can stare norwegian mountains from our nationalpark and walk to norwegian side since our wilderness is borderless and why you keep seething with some swamp stuff, majority of finland aint even swamps but lakes and forests.
Yes """lakes"""
Norwegian alps are trash babby mountains compared to the alps or even the appenines
except Danes
look at Skåne and Schleswig, they've been there and it's also deforested
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Ball Ticks
We saved a lot of nice areas in Skåne from Danish hands.
no thats just 4chan chuds who never go outside.
having spendt the last two days driving through dalarna, femund and finnskogen i can say forests are fuckin boring and bald, barren mountains are much better.
pic unrelated, its apparently not nature since its in fuckin wales and doesnt have treees.
The North Caucasus is beautiful, but I don’t like Russian lands, ugly swamps, dusty steppes, small but dense forests infested with mosquitoes.
> forests are fuckin boring and bald, barren mountains are much better.
I think everyone agrees with this.
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Surely you meant the balkans and not the baltics right, otherwise what a retard you are to make this thread.
Sweden and Finland have a lot of empty areas but much of their nature isn't native they cut their forests down to plant fast growing trees for their paper factories. But for Europe standards there's worst I guess. Norway is more pure and quite mountainous so okay they do have some nature. Denmark is "scandinavia" and has as much nature as the netherlands. OP you are truly a braindead animal.
Russia has the most pristine narure by a mile followed by Greece and the Balkans and maybe Norway. The rest has no nature or whatever it has is not authentic.
Sounds identical to leafland, except we call the swamps muskeg, the steppes prairie, and instead of tiny forests we have the taiga, which is part rainforest in BC, and mostly coniferous.
forested foothills are nice, also what do you think grows in the crack between the mountain cheeks?

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