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Mexican bros... how embarrassing
Alexa how many mexicans live in southwestern USA?
C o p e
All this proves is that they barely had any presence in the southwest.
They weren't used to fighting
>get independence
>lose 60% of territory
this is what happens when you trust mexicans with something
>mexico is such a shithole that millions of mexicans leave it
this isn't a good look mexibro
although the utterly treasonous US government letting them in isn't a good look for the US either
Alexa how much territory did Spain lose after all its colonies became independent?
La estructura fiscal federalista probó ser fuente de conflicto y controversia durante medio siglo. Los intentos por reformar el viejo sistema fiscal a partir del establecimiento del Imperio de Iturbide y, sobre todo, desde la república federal (1824) fueron complejos y es prematuro proponer un balance completo. Lo que sí podemos afirmar es que el nuevo sistema fiscal fue insuficiente para apuntalar al nuevo Estado y su ejército de manera realmente eficiente. De allí en buena medida la debilidad de la República mexicana en los decenios siguientes, la cual sufrió, por otra parte, mayor número de conflictos internos e invasiones extranjeras que cualquier otro país de América en esta época.
Un primer aspecto contradictorio del marco institucional mexicano en la década de 1820 fue la sobreimposición de un modelo federalista estadounidense sobre el viejo sistema de gobierno español colonial, que se había caracterizado por un alto grado de centralismo, aunque matizado por cierta flexibilidad con respecto a la distribución de fondos entre las tesorerías regionales. El nuevo sistema hacendario, en cambio, demostró ser ineficiente y tendiente a intensificar la rivalidad entre los burócratas fiscales estatales y federales por la apropiación de las rentas públicas. Una segunda fuente de conflictos surgió del debilitamiento de la vieja burocracia colonial, que a pesar de sus fallas había logrado ser efectiva al recaudar impuestos y al mantener cuentas bastante exactas de una serie amplia y diversa de fuentes de ingresos. El debilitamiento de la administración tributaria y la creciente subordinación de los empleados fiscales a los jefes políticos y militares locales, hizo que a partir de la Independencia la recaudación de ingresos fuera cada vez más anárquica, con el deterioro en los métodos contables, nadie en el gobierno ni en el ejército tenía una idea precisa de cuánto dinero estaría disponible ni cómo se gastaría.
Mexico is Guatemalan clay.
USA almost had the triple of population, from all the european settlers.

>>get independence
>>lose 60% of territory
>this is what happens when you trust mexicans with something

In fact, achieving indepence is what prevented further territorial loss.

The spanish crown sold territories with whole populations in them, to germans and anglos, whenever they had a financial crisis (which was always)
Spain didn't lose any of its core land thoughbeit. It lost its colonies
>Spain didn't lose any of its core land thoughbeit. It lost its colonies

Modern day USA southwest was never "core mexican lands".

They were always seen as peripherical regions by the highly centralized colonial administration.

By the time the nascent independent federal government took notice, it was already too late to do anything.
Sounds like cope. It's like if France annexed Catalonia and basque country during the peninsular war and Spanish niggas were like "meh it was never core Spanish clay thoughever so nothing burger". All that land was known as New Spain when it became Mexico

Lo que mas influyo en la victoria gringa fue que tenian casi 3 veces mas poblacion que Mexico (hordas de europeas emigraban a estados unidos, literalmente remplazando etnicamente a los indios) y que inglaterra les heredo un sistema capitalista

A diferencia de españa, que nos dejo un sistema semifeudal y de castas
>whites replacing natives :)
>pajeets replacing canadians :(
>Sounds like cope. It's like if France annexed Catalonia and basque country during the peninsular war and Spanish niggas were like "meh it was never core Spanish clay thoughever so nothing burger". All that land was known as New Spain when it became Mexico

You're thinking retroactively about these regions.

There were at max 3 outpost established by the colony with populations that never surmounted 50,000 people.

> new spain

It was an entelechy, a mental masturbation of bureaucratic spaniards in the peninsula, panting maps of lands that they never explored nor knew

What really existed was Mexico City, Puebla and Guadalajara, plus some ports in the coast, everything north was considered peripherical
buen blog, supongo que dice cosas interesantes
Womp womp
Kek the cope
The CIA made us bad at war or something or whatever
It's really embarassing, I had no idea how Mexicans even managed to keep going without seething massively every nanosecond. After all, nations will literally go berserk over the loss of a tiny speck of land, let alone 60% of your territory.

Mexicans told me that they simply don't think about it, they erased it from their minds, when learning history, they learn about their independence and skip straight to the french intervention and Benito Juárez in the 1860s, as if the happenings in that interval of time were taboos.
>become french puppet
>loss the americas, cuba and philippines
>t-these were low caste mestizos señior not real high caste spaniards like us señior
they are all faggots nowadays
>What really existed was Mexico City, Puebla and Guadalajara, plus some ports in the coast, everything north was considered peripherical

All of America was like this, buddy. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, even the USA and Canada were just a few cities and ports surrounded by big nothings. But only Mexico and Bolivia managed to lose land, everyone else got to keep everything and some even added more land to themselves.
They've lost every war they've fought. They have to cope by talking about individual battles they won.
i tell you something,, he already knew
We're unironically better off for it. It served as a good wake up call. Also, the Mexicans living in those areas live far better lives than they would have if they had remained under (((chilango))) control.
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macacobro plz
you have never been in a real conflict while mexico fought against global powers like spain, france, the uk and the us while you were 3v1 vs paraguay
>In fact, achieving indepence is what prevented further territorial loss
lol what a cope, when we were all together you fuckers even owned the philippines
Alexa what's the GDP of Mexico?
Alexa tell me what's the GDP of Spain
Mexico is slowly but surely reclaiming those lands
Chicano birthrate is lower than gringos these days. Aztlan is cancelled
This isn't really fair, all the california mexicans literally sold themselves to usa because usa could provide them with useful law enforcement.

It's almost two centuries, and mexico still can't do that.
>useful law enforcement
timmy shit

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