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Thoughts on german castles?
im shitting up this thread
Please no
Polish now crackkka
didn't save the perfidious crucifixers, did it?
it was totally destroyed in ww2 anyhow. Poles are the Whites here, germs are the niggers prone to chimping out.
my ancestors built them :)
Are you german?
why would i be?
Polish caste for over 600 years
Because it was build by germans teutonic order
Damn that's a lot of time spent polishing a castle, I imagine it looks super shiny.
proofs? at school they taught me it was built by proto-Poles in 30th century BC with little help from divine angels from Beta Centauri
the germans wouldn't mind
A huge embarrassment for East Europeans.
I hate the dumb meme but it actually is a "humiliation ritual" to have to not just maintain these but actually show them to foreigners. I'm not for taliban-style destruction, these should be kept, but having stuff build by foreigners is shameful no matter what.
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Yes, considering it was fully constructed by the locals in 20th century
Wish I lived there
how do you locate a local?
Most of it was till standing though when i look at that picrel
Also why would you rebuild it? The owners literally fought against poland
maybe just dont take clay that doesnt belong to you and you wont have a problem with "having stuff build by foreigners"
Most of that were complete ruins
The owners were killed/expelled and the castle was bough and owned by the Polish king and served as a castle for Polish kingdom.
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Even if the local rulers hired and brought over some Germans to build them?
>Also why would you rebuild it? The owners literally fought against poland

We bought this castle during the 13-year war, from a group of mercenaries the Teutons employed but didn't have enough money to pay them. So it became ours fair and square.
grab illiterate violent ukrainian peasant and send him to north-west Poland in cattle wagons.
the proper name is Troki, not Trakai.
Most impressive in Evropa, tbqh.
Some of them are truly amazing
my ancestors built that too :)
Which war are you talking about ?
>Which war are you talking about ?
Nice i always wondered what my ancestors did in that time since they were from pommern and silesia
That just means local rulers were dumb faggots and no amount of cope can change that
>but acktually thing were le multicultural back then it didn't matter
Again cope
So why weren't Germans importing East European stuff
I've heard a lot about Germans, these mysterious ancient people who build amazing things in the past.
There are two things I don't understand though:
1. Why did the Germans disappear from the former German territories?
2. Why did the Germans disappear from the current German territories?
Between the years 1921 and 1939, de facto, yes. Kek
Also wrong since we have some German stuff all over the country
What? What the fuck is this post, even?
before 1921 too, on every official maps
They are great looking and easy to take.
let the żmudzin nigger cope.
he asks why Lithuanians needed Germans to build German stuff rather than build German stuff themselves, simple
Build your own stuff
Can i come back to my grandfathers land?
romania was an ottoman vassal during this time and has no identity aside from vlad the impaler, whose connection to Romania is tenous at best, and vlad isn't a romanian name.
Germany didn't exist yet when this castle was built
sure, you can even buy your ancestors' palace for cheap
Germans did though and german states
want an actual castle?
no problem, cheaper than a cuckbox in Hamburg
that's a Polish dwelling though from when Silesia was 100% Piast territory and barely inhabited by germs
That's a pretty stupid claim.
Yes, not a core Romanian name, but it entered our language and was and is widely used.I no expert on Polish but you probably have German names like Konrad or something.
Poles didn't build castles made of stone yet that time, early Slavs built only military outposts surrounded by wooden fences.
that castle is cool and really big, you can walk for 6 hours there and still not see everything
I don't know if they're that way not to accumulate snow or whatever but the tall pointy roofs in German architecture always seem so uncomfy to me.
Based now i will take some polak wife and i am happy what would i want more ?
>Based now i will take some polak wife
don't dilute DEVTSCHE genes bro
Could use a wider color palette than red
don't do it polish women are whores
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>german castles get rebuilt
>polish castles stay in ruins
clown country
looks better as ruins desu
My family is completely from eastern territories and came to westgermany in1945 . I probably have some polish blood
>I probably have some polish blood

if your surname isn't like Btzsschichowsky then it's doubtful
Its not but i know it for a fact my great grand mother was polish
How many von Fancy Deutschen still keep their Schloss?
Are they valued by Reichsburgers?
that's not a castle retard.
my point, the "gród" is not a castle
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how is it a stupid claim to say romania has no real identity and is a fake nation?
that's some dwelling rebuilt countless times over centuries, not a castle. you are so low IQ it hurts
i will not be bumping this shit german insecurity thread anymore
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Dont worry, youll be the one to clean it
really uplifting, beautiful landscapes really heal the soul
Polska is destroyed
Just like my clogged toilet:D
only 1.5 million Polish citizens on emigration, this is a 1st world proportion, Poland has between 2 and 4 million immigrants now, 99% of them White becoming fluent in Polish within 6 months and will become Polish-Polish in a few years

shithuania is a 2.5 million dead-end city state with no industrial base and you're projecting
> Poland has between 2 and 4 million immigrants now, 99% of them White
You said white like it’s multiple ethnicities but its just Ukrainians
Only because PO is in power. Boomers and /polska/ posters are stupid though and will vote PiS back, their catho-taliban policies will fuck it up again
it's also Belarusians and even 50k Russians
retard poo's only been in power since Dec 13th 2023 and has worked to actually reduce immigration... Vote Tusk Get Nothing
Nigga its the same
i know xD
Why do polacks still come to niemcy in 2024 though ?
they do? there are only 800k Polish citizens in germland right nao. germland has a pop. of 82.7 million
Why so selective? Why the Slavic translation word of Ruski origin? Why not the other Ruski parts Trotsk? German Traken? Or maybe the actual Lithuanian local Trakai, which was mentioned as the word used by the locals in Teutonic chronicles, PLC era dictionaries and further onward
Oh well, at least you take care of the Lithuanian ones quite nicely
> According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, there are about 881,000 Polish citizens in the country. It is estimated that there are over two million people "with a Polish migration background" in Germany, many of whom hold dual citizenship
> these should be kept, but having stuff build by foreigners is shameful no matter what.
By your logic, we should destroy remnants of Roman civilization outside of Italy?
Probably because there was no masonry here yet.
Why were the rulers smart enough to easily buy them, get them to stay and adapt to the locality and the german building companies not rich enough for it to not make sense for them to move away form their homes to completely different states?
They learned how to properly work their land from here.
As long as they repeal the Trad laws, muh lgbt-free zones and restore the rule of law destroyed by the Law (lol) and Justice (lmaoo) party I'm ok with them

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