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Filipinas are migrating in waves to Lithuania, is this a good thing apart from the obvious one?
based. lets see how white women react when more feminine women are coming into their country and cucking them.
>lets exterminate our own people to dunk on white women
Yea good plan
White women are responsible for the deaths of millions of white children.
Filipinos are practically white anyways
i love southeast asians who don't respond to bait because they know its pointless
I live in Hawaii and about 25% of the population is Filipino.
Honestly I think they're pretty great and I've had a lot of Filipino friends. They work hard, they're friendly with other people, and I don't think they especially commit a lot of crime.
They do most of the construction work around here too.
White women need to do better, but they won’t.
i love southeast asians who don't pit people against each other. it's really sad when i see people do this.
>lets infantilize white women and blame le jews for everything

yea good plan
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If western countries banned social welfare and home for the aged, white people will be forced to procreate. That's the sole reason why people have kids. So that someone will take care of you when you are weak and old. The more kids you have the easier the burden. Secularism and liberalism blinded white people from reality which still holds true since the dawn of time.
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kek, it's so true
White women will destroy our societies and vote solely for child sacrifice.
Asian women want families and children.
Western women have been trained from birth to destroy everything and take no responsibility for it.
come to lithuania and bring your family, please
Filipinas will save Lithuanian males from suicide, so a HUGE positive.
Asian women will save western males
>Filipinas will save Lithuanian males from suicide
for real
>cute female immigrants arrive en masse
>ummm guys what about that thing about securing the future for white kids or something you were talking about haha
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many such cases
Eurasians are one people though?
retarded logic desu, the only thing that matters is having a family. What is better, letting your line die out or waiting for a white woman?
why do you have a confederate flag
that's 2019. scroll a bit further you'll see they started importing jeets during covid though they don't give you the actual flags.
Unironically worth it
your line should probably die out if you can't get a crusty ass becky. that's not the point.
Naw, I would rather have a loving wife.
Koreans and japanese are tolerable, but these are straight up sea monkeys
well they have been doing it for decades to dunk in us
Good thing. Filipino male and female are based. Seriously you'll love them they are insane but fun and very family let's say. They want sex all the time.
>Filipinas are migrating in waves to Lithuania
no they arent
They're alright, not criminal, they fill posts in medical and social care (wiping old peoples' arses) here and they'll marry your men. The men also go into healthcare as nurses and you get a few who are gay or troon out in the UK but continue to hold very Catholic pro-natalist views which can be a little confusing. I don't think anyone cares about immigration from the Philippines honestly - if my government found some way to split out immigration by countries in elections without getting cancelled for racism then you'd see a lot of barriers for them fall.

I'm going to be blunt with you though that Filipinos are 100% SEAmonkeys and African-tier. At the international level they are close to the bottom of the totem-pole and do the jobs nobody wants to do, it's not fair but it's a poor country and it shows in their attitudes and generally you'll notice how many grew up incredibly poor which shows in their appearance and height.

It doesn't work that way even in the west. If people don't have kids then there's a lot of problems that start as they get older that they can't fix, jobs to maintain the property for example. Then there's the chronic loneliness that comes.

The problem a lot of people have is that having children is a daunting responsibility and ties you down for decades while women's bodies get busted by pregnancy. Assuming they can even have a stable relationship in the first place and a home big enough to have children which seems to be a challenge for everyone now.
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No that's bad news, means less Filipinos for us!
Guess you have to dickdown Indogs now.
ayo das rite!
>They're alright, not criminal
reminder that it's the people who shape thirdie status, not the place. don't let them reach critical mass like you did with pajeets
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>Be Lithuanian
>Choose a Filipina over a Lithuanian chick
>In your own country

You shouldn't even be affected by this.
Lithuania has 2.8m people. Literally just send 1% of your women and you could extinct them into some kind of hapa nation.
Lithuanians are genetically mongols already. No one just calls them such because they speak indo-european language. They have same amount of n haplo as us
If Lithuania's population is that small, then there should be enough women in their 20's to take. Even if you're blackpilled, there's more than enough choices to take around you assuming you have enough money.
You VILL breed ze filipina
You VILL produce filipino children
You VILL be happy
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flips are everywhere now but no one cares because they're actually likable unlike indians or chinese or africans
>I hate white women because *insert bullshit*


Atleast be coherent you dumb faggot
It's sad because it creates a huge diaposra for those hapas. Filipinos intergrate and assimilate really well, perhaps too well that their kids end up not knowing the language and/or culture. PH reddit boards have a lot of discussions regarding this, but that's reddit for you.
Even the racists at work come to like them. There's a few cultural clashes like the fact that they clearly come from a low trust society and are paranoid about anything to do with money, but nobody really has a bad time around them.
Asian American women have lower TFR than white women. East Asian countries all have lower birthrates than all European countries
It's different in english speaking countries but nurses and careworkers have to speak at least basic english. It ends up the "regular" staff is over worked since they have to do all sort of paperwork and be a translator these arent even paid any extra money for their work
Basic finnish*
And the patient and customers are boomers who dont speak english at all in most cases
absolute retard logic, men having moved to obtain wives through history; for example, the vikings invading Ireland.
>are gay or troon out in the UK but continue to hold very Catholic pro-natalist views which can be a little confusing.
Nothing confusing about that. we dont have a problem with gay people. We just think gay sex is wrong. Nothing personal
u fucking ppl r the worst go rot in hell u fucking piece of shit. ur worse than any asian low iq dumb stupid dark skinned ugly u deserve a special place in hell
i love southeast asians who are accepting of everyone
European countries have middle easterners and Africans popping out 8 kids and collecting welfare.
>>lets exterminate our own people to dunk on white women
unironically yes
white women are the retards of this planet
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The day of the leaf is at hand. The streets of Canada will run white with Filipino seed
no u won't. get out of my country u pag pag munching pieces of shit. stop running through my garbage can late at night looking for rotten meat
Lithuania doesn't even have 3 million people, SEA pipo can dominate the whole country in a matter of months
It's embarrassing than an Indian believes he has any right to hate on us. What a shithole Canada is, I hope for their sakes (and their women) they deport all jeets back to where they came from.
It's funny how Filipina women get white men but not the other way around.

You will never see a Filipino man with a European woman.
only rational person on this board
dead internet theory is real, and not in the way you might think (I call it brown internet theory)
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Filipinos are all hapas, the only "pure" Filipinos are abos who are more African than some weird Austronesian muttmix.
u flip bastards r getting deported along with me im sick and tired of u fucking asshole pag pag jerks shitting all over this country gtfo now !
there's more foreign nationals in my neighborhood than there is the the whole country of Lithuania
>too well that their kids end up not knowing the language and/or culture
who tf cares, diaspoo are NOT filipinos.
Speak for yourself flipcel. Flips here just larp as Latinx or pacific island for exotic vibes, not Asian and get white pussy.
fuck you racist cuck, go sex your hand then hahaha
there is no reason to try saving a rapidly declining population anyway, your race is doomed so why bother?
nice try incel but that's not remotely true
because of this, balts will slowly become brown and catholic as the pope wanted. In 50 years, your slavic genealogy will be marginal and you will be permanently divorced from russian culture

is this what you want?
You wrongly assume that women have agency and will ever have a moment of self reflection after which they will mend their ways. It's like you think western women as a group are self conscious and are actively considering what values they bring to the society.
They are NPCs. The young women will ride the cock carousel and get depressed and childless after 30 and it will keep happening over and over for generations to come until they go completely extinct because women will never ever learn, they can only be told. Someone told them to be like this. Someone encouraged it and put it in the media and school systems. What needs to be done is that those men are all rounded up and punished and a new elite tells women how it's going to be from now on.
Pinays ain't feminine man.
Ok fine they are compared to the typical Westoid feminist but still...
I would never risk procreating with anyone white. We just create more Latinx looking spawns
Nigga are you serious
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>>lets exterminate our own people to dunk on white women
Are posts like these astroturfing or what? I’m beginning to see through (((them))).
ayo this pignoy got no rizz
Everyone making fun of you is brown and resents being reminded that they're genetic waste
I want asian pusy
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Filipinos will save huwite race
Hello josh
it's called evolution
white women are dysgenic so we must replace them with SEA women
Is this the long con to create a great pinoy basketball team
if it means that I will get yerrow pussy then yes exterminate my culture
Should I find a Filipina to marry?
I've heard that they make great wives, but I'm kind of worried that they are good wives in the sense that they do all the traditional material stuff like cooking, cleaning, having kids, and sex, but I'm not sure if there is any genuine love and warmth there.
Flips aren't quiet and autistic like most asians, they're very extroverted and friendly
Damn, their kid will be Estonian...
Love isn't real anyways
Yes it is.
If I stopped believing in it I'd have to kill myself.
I saw plenty of uber jeets drivers in Vilnus, not a single brownoid in the villages tho.
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a lot can change in five years
middle class flip is the key
Every pinay has been getting fucked and cummed inside since the age of 11. They will send every penny they earn to their family in the Philippines. But they are sweet girls
We unironically are witnesses of an ethnogenesis. In a few hundred years from now there's gonna be established new Asian-European race to inherit the legacy of white civilization.
every single person that says you are wrong is in a shitted discord and is spamming this board all day long
>but I'm not sure if there is any genuine love and warmth there.
Just be a kind and gentle person and you won't have to worry about people not loving you
>slavic genealogy
no such thing
>russian culture
USSR destroyed every last bit of a culture slavs had, and before that it was already genocided by Russian Empire, and before that it was partially destroyed by Christianization and Westernization enforced on Kievan Rus by Vladimir I. All eastern slavic culture is just what is left from traditions created in USSR:
We already have over 4,000 jeets in this country. They're one of our largest migrant groups.
Their women are goldiggers, their men are useless and some of the few asians statistically represented in violent crime.
All foreigners should be expelled, killed or interned in camps.
>Italians, Spaniards and other Meds aren't white
>But the heckin Filipinoirites are!
Italians don't exist as a people.
these replies are why i will never take whitoid nationalists seriously
These "SEAMonkeys" Filipinos actually have White (Spanish and American) and Latino (Mexican) admixture. Whereas East Asians are just pure Mongoloids. You get more White passing Hapas with Filipinos compared to East Asians.
the forest for the trees
They act like Italians! Kek!

They're practically the same as you, brown, latinx, and Catholic.
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"Haro est beaucoup plus considérable que Ilo-Ilo: c'est un lieu opulent, des métis y possèdent de fort grandes fortunes. Le gou- verneur de l'île ou l'alcade mayor habite Ilo-Ilo, où sont les ma- gasins du gouvernement, les chantiers de construction et le fort. Le peuple de Haro est beaucoup plus civilisé que celui des deux autres villes voisines; son teint est plus blanc, conséquence d'un plus grand mélange du sang européen; on y parle mieux l'espagnol que dans aucun autre lieu de la colonie, la capitale exceptée; les femmes y sont fort belles, et je puis assurer que m'étant trouvé avec plusieurs d'entre elles, j'en ai vu dont la grâce, la taille et les traits eussent été remarqués en Europe; le goût préside à leur toilette, qui est riche et élégante, et comme toutes les créoles, elles ont généralement de l'esprit."

~"Quinze ans de voyages autour du monde" Lafond de Lurcy, Gabriel (1840). Vol. 2. Paris: Société des publications cosmopolites. pp. 343–344.

I'm not italian, mongrel. Italians don't exist.
With that logic, the whole world is a country. The thread is about flippers, though.
Nigga you mixed with us. Our first Archbishop was a Spanish-Italian surnamed Piamonte and we have a municipality here called "Pavia" which was modelled after Pavia, Italy; and was settled by the Spanish/French/Italian and Filipino Mestizos of Jaro.
Other way around, you mixed with whoever was stronger than you in your own country, that would be anyone from a colonial power.
Which isn't uncommon for any part of the third world.
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Middle Class Filipinos tend to have more European, East Asian, and Latino admixture (Look at the Chinese, Spanish, and Native American in his Genetic Results).

Since there's already European and Latino there, middle class Tisoy, Filipinos tend to gave more white passing children when mixed with Europeans.
I just read your posts and heavens be! Kick out the nasty Filipinos from Italy! [Never mind how some of us Filipinos are part Italian or Latin (As in Latin Rome centered in Italy colonized the whole Mediterranean, even Spain which colonized us in turn)]

But Niggers and Arabs who are Italian are ok.
Japanese are not pure mongliod
Clearly don’t know her history lol>>200154019
No such thing as latino admix Latino is just Spanish and Portuguese native Americans are not Latin
Not the only italian flag in the thread. Italian is a nationality on a piece of paper, you can be italian too if you met requirements.
The races inhabiting their own ancestral lands now occupied by the italian state are a different matter.
I don't think flips are the worst immigrants, it's immigrants in general needing to be ousted.
Filipinos are my white brothers
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oh great the hispanista autist is here
The power of SEAsian woman...
Ok dude. I should've just said the Mexican is a Native American, but common understanding says Mexicans are more Latino than Native American.
Ok I understand.
We're just mixed with white but we are not pure white, thus since we are just white mixed and not pure white, Europeans will never accept us as brothers more like distant cousins. It's the same with Latin-Amerricans who have Spanish or Portuguese descent mixed with the Native American, yes they're part white but will never be accepted as pure whites.
bro, where? To Vilnius only? As I haven't seen even 1 filipina or an asian in fact
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2023 data. 2nd biggest one says immigrants from outside EU(12545)
>muh indians
no indian flag has talked about you ITT
Flips are dysgenic monkeys, breeding with them should be considered biological terrorism
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the not pure mongoloid is just austronesian aka jomon.

vid: yayoi vs jomon
>indian flag
You know there are fuck tons of your kind outside of india?
Jomon are Siberian
Hindi ako hispanista noh, por que intersado lang ako sa genetics hispanista nah?

>everyone I don't like is LE INDIAN
mind broken + rentfree
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They hated him because he told them the truth.
>because of this, balts will slowly become brown and catholic as the pope wanted.
As GOD intended
The slavicization of the Baltics will be undone. The glory of MVNDVS LATINVS
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We are more Cholo than Chola THO.
i thought the foid in dat webm was indonesian
She is, no one can resist the Indog PVSSY.
Countries like East Europe dont. Plus countries like denmark have really low immigrant population and track their birthrates on censuses and european birth rate in denmark is not much lower than avg. White male asian female pairings have the least children of all other pairings while full asian pairings have the least children among non mixed marriages
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cope train finally arrives. choo choo!
also, you people aren't white in real life. you are all just a bunch of non-whites who larps as whites due to inferiority complex.
god, i hate white larpers so goddamn much
there are also 3x as many people living in Paris as there are in Lithuania
The only group of good immigrants
i was only talking about my neighborhood of a few hundred thousand people
also Paris has like 2.5million people iirc

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