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Non Germanics not invited
I am the most German man
South Brazilians are not Germanic
henlo from Uzbekistan
this is pretty gay bake
there's too much hatred in your heart
Wrong thread
My doggos have a more balanced diet than 99% of Brazilians.
O brother... if there was hatred in my heart, believe me, you would know it.
most def

I've been on no carbs for the last 2-3 days, just entering ketosis today, and today it hit me like a ton of bricks. Normally I don't get the keto flu but today I felt like shit for most of the day. Could be also a comedown from meth but mostly diet.
just do poppers like a white man
I think I'll get super drunk tomorrow
not gonna post in these thread unless it was made by czech bro

too many brazilians
I still have a small stash left so I ate a bit like candy. There's probably 4 g's still and I'm going to leave it there. This crystal stuff has nothing on the OG Czech recipe, it's like it's two completely different things
I have an order in for 10 g of 4-mmc, now that's what I look forward to getting. The vendor has to restock so I should get it some time next week

see flag
Brazilians are our friends. Unironically.
Baiano goes crazy

>Non Germanics not invited
This is a bake made by our Brazilian incel who is obsessed with Germany. Nothing personal.
I mean, this is just having learned a lesson from history
Greetings, frens.
*sad sigh*
I'm germanic, not joking.
for God's sake, kekekeke
welcome from your exile
What? You're not gonna hear me bragging about it like our other brazilian friend does.
Why don't you just accept the fact that you are Brazilian??? There's nothing wrong with that. You know I have a German passport, but I still don't consider myself German or
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im taking it personal.
please england
>I'm germanic
I'm not german, kek.
"Germanic" is an ethnicity - the british royal family is actually mostly germanic, not celtic (british).
>"Germanic" is an ethnicity
idk anon...
I'm Latinx.
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I am slavnigger
I know it does sound cringe when a brazilian says it, that's why I never say it to anyone.
I don't care if it's cringe, but I don't know that there is such a thing like
>"Germanic" is an ethnicity
my gran was German so I'm basically 1/4 Brasilianic
stressed about interviews. jerking off like crazy
I'd like to have Brazilian ancestry
I just see myself as "white" - anything more specific is chud territory.
Brasil is located in eastern europe, tho.
still not posting in this thread
my great grandmother was born in Germany in 32. pretty sure one of her friends was raped by the advancing orc hordes
>I just see myself as "white"
that is ok
kekekeke, ok
you mean liberators
>jerking off like crazy
To what?
>Brazilian ancestry
you mean native american ancestry or a mix of portuguese and african ancestry?
>you mean native american ancestry or a mix of portuguese and african ancestry?
>To what?
depraved stuff
Congratulations, you are now brazilian (100% japanese ancestry living in Bairro da Liberdade, Sao Paulo).
I don't have anything funny to say in response to this but imagine I did anyway
how do you feel about lsd
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>depraved stuff
That's par for the course. I want details.
i am latinx with slavx
>Non Germanics not invited
Bro, are you seriously taking brazilian anon number 2 seriously?
it's a contentious topic here anyway, old people are bitter about the follow-up occupation and diminish the sacrifice made during the liberation part
never had it. Once I got 5 tabs from a source but they were a total dud and had no effect. I have another 5 in the mail from another source, hope they'll actually do something
I refuse to read any more shit about Russians/soviets.
It wasn't liberation, just a different form of shit.
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see >>200140773
>im taking it personal.
kulak/wrecker/[INSERT TANKIESHIT PSEUDERY HERE] hands typed this
I'm inviting all non-germanics to /icy/, then.
How about that?
without the liberation the Germans would've used your grandparents to make soap. Shit followed, no doubt about that
>Germans would've used your grandparents to make soap
I really don't think so.
also before you go on an anti-orc rant that was a joke
too many non-germanics itt
oh they worked for them, now it all makes sense
I'm Latinx. My grandmother was Basque.
>oh they worked for them
You still don't know what you're talking about.
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I wish I was danish.
If your German ancestors came from Northern Germany you might have Danish blood. There is a Danish minority in Germany.
brb on my way to bomb 6 gorillion donbabwean and lugandan children with cold war and 90s era surplus we were just going to let rot in storage anyway
glad the orcs help us waste not, want not
based desu
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I already have done DNA tests and I'm not a Pole in any percentage. What should I do?
>What should I do?
learn polish, move to poland, get a polish wife and since you said you can't have kids, adopt a polish child.
>I already have done DNA tests
Don't give your DNA to Jewish companies would be a good start ...
Also, if you are an Indian then leave Canada and go back to your shithole.
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Can some czechbro tell me where exactly in Czechia is this place in pic rel? It's kurwa beautiful!
>over 2% of the 18-45 year old male Russian population has been killed or severely wounded over the past year and a half

>Don't give your DNA to Jewish companies
as opposed to the thousands of other ways they track, identify, and exploit you? /pol/schizos have been kvetching about Ancestry and 23andMe for over a decade, nothing ever happens
sorry only germanics allowed to post
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I'm sure it's the Krkonoše Mountains.
no idea but it gives me Krkonose or Jizerske hory vibe. Here in Morava the style is different. The houses are a tad different, the shrubbery, the hills... The landscape makes me think Jizerka, the coldest place in the CR where night temps reach -35 °C during winter, but that's just an idea for the general location
they have been bought by a semitic company recently
Well, it was already too late. My parents had made me get a DNA test for paternity testing (it was all for nothing as I am my dad's son).
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I'm about 95% sure
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If you'll kindly consult the pic
nothing's happened since 91, nothing will ever happen again. it's so fucking over bro
we have a fucking Rainbolt in here
could be, looks very plausible
>don't know what to cook
what's in the pantry? Time?
tortilla soup
stir fry
noodles with pesto
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so almost
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yep, this area 100%
All my protein is either frozen or canned.
I think I'll order a pizza AGAIN. I like pizza, but ordering food frequently can get expensive real quick.
>I think I'll order a pizza AGAIN
Please, same pizza as last time + photo.
traditional Brazilian monkey soup
>bez názvu
Heh. I can read Czech.
good job. My wild guess was 35 km off
canned tuna + rice, I can't eat enough of that shit. With olives, or capers, salt and pepper.
I live right next door to a pizza place. I pick up my pizza wearing slippers but now in keto I can't have any
I just found an instant ramen packet here. I'll do an upgraded ramen recipe.
Uma delicia.
Why is the word not conjugated? Do Poles REALLY say that?
>canned tuna + rice
Good idea too.
>My wild guess was 35 km off
Same, I was using mapy.cz for identification.
I know that such ridges are only in the Krkonoše and Jeseníky mountains, but I know the Jeseníky perfectly.
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Cooking time.
See ya in a few minutes.
pimp that ramen
This part of your country is rightful Germanic clay and belongs to the descendants oft the Sudeten Germans. Gib back!
Please, look at historic borders of Bohemia, and give me a break.
Czechs are beautiful. Please stop antagonizing them.
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listening to finnish rock and roll
it's Pec pod Sněžkou, the largest building in the photo is called Žižkova bouda
>Do Poles REALLY say that?
For fun? Yes!
Nah, I'm making rice and will make a tuna pate when it is finished.
w /polsce/ postuję bzdury takie jak ,,jaja jak donice" dla jaj
I just toss the tuna with rice and some sliced olives or capers, simple as
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>Pec pod Sněžkou
I walked there from Poland some time ago, was fun
I saw a GT86 today
Krkonoše was unsettled until the Middle Ages when settlers from todays Germany went there.With the end of WW2 those people where ethnically cleansed from there. Today Krkonošes (Riesengebirge in German) population density is much lower than before WW2.
I don't care, just respect the borders of Bohemia.
And maybe try not losing world wars or something.
Sounds good, but I also like to put butter in the rice, that's why I eat it separately.
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Anyway, the kingdom of Bohemia was part of the Holy Roman Empire for most of its time. Your people are just Germanized Slavs. Until the Czech National Revival your countries intelligentia had no problem with assimilating into German culture.
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>the kingdom of Bohemia was part of the Holy Roman Empire
>Germanized Slavs
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Slavs, is in fact, Wends and Slavs, or as I've recently taken to calling it, masterrace and slavshits. Slavs are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group made useful by based Wends, a vital group thanks to which Europe exists. Many /int/ users mistake Wends for Slavs every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Wendish group is often called "Slavs", and many of /int/olerants are not aware that it is basically the Wends, a Central European masterrace. There really are Slavs, but Wends are no part of it. Wends are different, much more civilized and stuff. This is essential for you to realize. Slavs often include Wends, but basically it's Slavs with Wends added. All the so called "Western Slavs" are really Wends.
we wuz kangz
but for real yo
currently falseflagging on /int/ so I can ruin the good (read: atrocious) name of brits everywhere
I am the physical incarnation of the faustian spirit
i guess we are actually all romans huh interesting
see you at the forum later today
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Rice with (tons of) butter, tuna pate and a glass of coca cola offscreen.
I gotta call it a day, need to be fresh for a roon tomorrow. gn

would. Enjoy it!
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goodnight bro
If my cat eats to much of its foods and throws up then it looks like your tuna pate.

Also, why do LatinX people like American sugary drinks so much? No whonder the obesity epidemic hits Latin America so hard.
I cook my rice with butter, so the butter soaks into all the grains of rice evenly.
>sugary drinks
I love it too, but I am slavnigger.
I don't drink soda often, I just happened to have some in my fridge today.
I cook mine with garlic and a bit of oil.
Ok, just leave Denmark alone.
Your are a Wend. You are part of the most civilized Slavs along with the Slovenians.
Ja, genau
Ich weiß nicht, warum sie Dinge trinken, die nicht gesund sind
Coca cola ist sehr berühmt im Brasilien
Es ist normal für die Menschen hier in der Mittagspause
Tut mir leid für meine deutsch, danke schön
Speak english, sir.
>Your are a Wend
I am from Silesia.
And all my ancestors are from Silesia.
But I identify myself as slavnigger.
Nah bro you're from the Arisches Rasse
All my ancestors are from Hyperborea but I identify myself as a atlantean.
free my niggers the sorbs

TO THE SEA (French Atlantic coast)
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My dream is to steal a car in Germany and sell it for ridiculously little money in Poland.
saw a post of some dude in Japan (I think?) who got his bike stolen and got a ping from the GPS tag like 2 years later from Romania lel
In the 90s I had about 5 bikes stolen by "Czech" "Romanians".
what are you crying about now
I think once it gets within a certain distance of Europe, every bike that can physically be ridden inevitably winds up in some Balkan thief's shop. it's like once you cross the event horizon of a black hole and the only direction you could possibly go is further down
The latest hit is a Romanian driver in trouble. A "broken " car, and he's asking for help (=cash). In return, he offers jewellery made of "gold". Some Czech retard always gets hooked.
I mean the guy
just dont use the word :roma: for gyppos
no ""romanian"" gypsie actuallly knows czech
its either a slovak gyppo or something else
I was just thinking about how Czechs rhymes with sex
My bikes? Czech gyppos.
Car/gold scamms? Romanian citizens in romanian cars.
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Do you know the "background" of this meme?
Is there a story behind it? I thought it was just a generic porn actress.
It’s a “casting” couch
"JE KONEC" (it is over)
couch is empty, no new episodes...
The "actor" and other members of the crew were arrested and charged with extortion, rape and other charges.

They were most likely forcing some of the "actresses" or did not give them complete informations and shit.
This pic reminds me of you
typical porn studio stuff.
It’s all a fantasy. Vagina land is a literal utopia. Nothing bad happens in the Czech republic.
This is actually a cool picture
Czechia is literally sex land
never heard about that ever.
most of our gyp exports go to richer countries
I’ve never met a Czech in my life
I wonder what they’re like
just boring slavniggers
I've probably encountered some in real life without knowing it. Occasionally I'll see something like decorative plates that indicate that someone is Czech.
Not boring in bed
The Czech guy here WAS cool but then he became hateful
It’s a pity
>porn tries not to be inherently exploitative challenge
I shill freeze peach absolutism but professional/semi-professional porn producers should be gassed or shot on sight, it's irredeemable. you should only be able to watch amateurs and onlywhores because they do it to themselves

he's based, just try not being a shit poster
Nah he insulted me the other day
karaoke night
Stratovarius - Paradise
I like our exhibitionists.
Yesterday it was the Czech anthem in Polish.
"Garage" shows are the best. Anyone who has been to one of these events knows that.
I am the only smart man
I'm sorry for the audio I had created
Why sorry??? It was nice, anon.
For the first time in my life I heard the Czech anthem in Polish.
Nothing more satisfying than taking a huge shit after 2 days of constipation.
Ramones - I Wanna live
What are you going to do in your weekend?
But I didn't match the melody or tempo at all
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Never mind, it was a good try.
Goodnight bro.
Don't know. Maybe do a painting I wanted to make about 2 months ago.
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Btw semi cloudy
gn silesianon fren
beautiful as aways
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Is it America or Brazil?
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Yeah, it's America.
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Is your family rich or something?
I think I'm forced to stay another year in Canada. Because the field I work in requires a driver's licence, and you can't get a full driver's licence here within a year. (it was a fluke that I got hired here in Canada without meeting requirements but I think they may be a bit more scrutinizing in Poland (of an immigrant))
Forklift operator?
No. My job is a bit more convoluted than that. I have to have a normal driver's licence to drive utility carts, tractors and sandpros
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ceú azul
quando chegar lá eu tiro foto das estrelas eu consigo ver de lá de casa
o parque que tirei foto fica do lado de casa
To be honest, I should be exempt from that requirement at this point. I have been driving those for years.
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Baiano quer deitar na neve branca
Driving license systems being shit really is a universal thing, huh?
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Nature is beautiful
Gonna sleep now.
Goodnight bros.
Boa noite
Todos os baianos são mau caráter, sem exceção.
In Canada you have to take 2 exams, one 1+ year after the other.
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I can't go to Poland. I'm just simply not allowed to.

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