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I'm 26 and don't have my driver's license. Does this happen in your country?
just get one virgin
got mine a month before I turned 20 just because my parents wanted and paid for the school as well. I have barely driven since
Drive without one
I got mine at 23 and haven't driven once since.
I'm 30 now.
I got my license at 16.
Do you live in Manhattan or some shit? I’ve had mine since 17 and I live in a major, walkable city.
I was around that age when I got mine.
Are you scared to drive? One of my cousins with that fear got her license at 35
not OP but I am. I'm also retarded and keep failing the tests
Why are you scared? Do you not trust yourself? Start off driving a shitbox so in case you do crash it won't matter too much.

>keep failing the tests
For the written test the key is to take practice tests online. I did like thirty of them and taking the real test was like muscle memory. For the driving test you need to practice stuff like parallel parking and backing up in an empty parking lot to feel more confident. Use cones when practicing parallel parking. Also just pray that the examiner is nice because mine was literally helping me during the test lmao
Thanks for helping me find a new way to spend hundreds of dollars each month for the privilege to visit an arbys anywhere in the country murica freedom yaaas
fuck off
I have trouble focusing on multiple things at once and I space out a lot. and i get too nervous. the thing I hate the most is exceptions to rules like that even if theres a solid green light you have to wait for there to be no oncoming traffic to turn left or that if there's not oncoming traffic you can turn right on a red light but sometimes you cant and I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE IT. I hate that people speed and dont follow the damn rules and I especially hate that I cant get a license when there are millions of pieces of shits who drive recklessly but they act like they're better than me because I can't get a license.
I have my license but I never use it.
I don't understand how people casually drive everywhere daily weaving in between all the psychos and retards out on the road.
Do you have ADHD or autism?

Also I used to not like driving but once you gain more confidence it will be second nature. Maybe try chewing gum while driving to be more focused. I've had my license for a year but those weird rules & lights also get me sometimes, its no big deal just adapt in the situation. Sitting in the passengers seat and watching the driver drive is also helpful. If you're scared other people will get mad at you for being slow or whatever just put a student driver sticker on your car

>I especially hate that I cant get a license when there are millions of pieces of shits who drive recklessly but they act like they're better than me because I can't get a license
Lol this.

Anyways just keep in mind that you need to pass the test ONCE, and then you're set for life. Just imagine all the new freedom you'll get
literally me
This. Driving is scary as hell.
>Do you have ADHD or autism?
idk maybe
>Anyways just keep in mind that you need to pass the test ONCE, and then you're set for life.
yeah. I don't even need to drive that much but I just want to get it done
I can't imagine it's as bad in Finland, USA roads are a true free for all.
iirc finland is pretty car dependent. and imagine how bad the roads get in the winter
I mean the drivers themselves.
Americans drive automatics and have extremely wide roads yet are somehow struggling with driving
>I hate that people speed
Get used to it pansy. Just stick to the right lane and ignore others going fast, you'll be fine. (You) don't need to speed yourself
Bosnians drive through their village that gets 5 cars passing through per day, in a car from the 70s that can't accelerate past 40mph and think they're so hot
This. Licenses are for pussies.
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i got mine when i was 25
No. They literally gift you your license here.
Hush, thirdie. Cops here actually care if you have a license
There are special driving lessons for people with anxiety. Try those.
The test is too easy, and the population is too stupid.
Since we're so car-centric they need to make the test easy, or else a large portion of the population fails and has no way to get to work, which will cause the line to go down. And line down is considered the worst possible thing that could happen here.
I'm just saying you have to be a special kind of retard if you can't get a license there
I got my at 29 but most drivers on the road right now shouldn’t drive.
I didn't get mine until I was 32. Don't rush it, I unironically became a much calmer and better driver when I learned to drive as an older guy than as a teenager.
>I have trouble focusing on multiple things at once and I space out a lot
I had the same problem when I started. Couldn't for the life of me pay attention to signs and never knew what the speed limit was where I was driving. Never saw wildlife close to the road either, a big problem in rural Norway. I was afraid I'd become a really shit driver, but during the year it took me to get my license, my brain just started noticing these things. I still space out, but my brain snaps me right back if there's something I need to react to. Just start driving and these things will come to you.
>I hate that people speed and dont follow the damn rules
I hate these people too, sometimes it feels like I'm the only retard NOT speeding. Never a car in front, but 20 behind me lol. Just try to relax, drive into a bus stop or something and let them pass, and laugh when you catch up half an hour later at a roundabout.
30, no license, no job, live with parents, no friends, no money, no public transportation near me, no skills, no talents, no ambition, no hope, no good looks, no healthy routines, no nothing. i am dead to the world.
What went wrong
>I'm 26 and don't have my driver's license.
Skil issue. I'm 18 and I do have it.
didn't get beat hard enough when making stupid decisions.
I'm 28 and I'm still in the same position in life as when I was 18 and have never been in a serious relationship and I'm a NEET
Anyone without a license at 21+ instantly out themselves as a silver spoon.

Stfu and stop crying to us kid, the rest of us were forced to get one in order to work
For me nobody ever told me what to do. I'm very direction oriented. I'm also a brainlet for learning anything. I should have just got a braindead job out of hs and worked instead I've basically wasted all my time now I'm nearly 30 and have nothing.
same + neet + virgin
>Doesn't deny it
Not having my license has fucked me over so many times. I wish my parents forced me when I was 16 it would’ve solved so much shit in my life if I could drive. It’s pure humiliation not being able to drive in your mid twenties.
probably in the cities, in the countryside you don't have a choice
if it makes you feel any better, i learned how to swim at 25
went to the swimming lessons using my car and my driving skills
never too late to learn something
it happened to me
How the fuck do you survive in this country without being able to drive? You must be a neet whose parents still pay for everything.
Some cities actually have decent public transit
I'd be scared of driving in the States too. Millions of morons driving giant trucks specifically designed for killing children, brownoid zoomers running people over for fun, niggers magdumping people over honking, regular police car chases with shootings, it's horrible.
How much does it cost to get a driver's license in the U.S.?
In Japan, it costs about one month's salary.
russians fear the extended capacity fully automatic bump assault trucks
$33 and a drive around the block and you've got it.
Retards can indeed get licenses, if anyone can't it's just due to anxiety.
My car has been rusting in my apartment complex’s parking lot for over a year. I basically abandoned it.
It costs less than 10% of an American's monthly salary...
10 years ago videos about Russian drivers were popular content on YouTube because nobody in your country follows the rules of the road. Literally driving on sidewalks and shit.
actually it's that plus ~$100 for the test

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