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Did your parents hit you as a kid when you misbehaved in your cunt?
no never
>Did your parents hit you as a kid when you misbehaved in your cunt?
Not enough
Sometimes, but very rarely. Once or twice I got it for things I didn't do, but usually I had done something.
No, but they would remove the game console from my room and I couldn't go out to play with my friends for a couple days. That was enough to learn
my mom had a wooden spoon in the kitchen. It was about a foot long and she would whack my ass with it every time she heard me cuss.
No. I was hella bullied in school though
Not surprised there you fuckin NERD
How old are you? I'm 28 and I always expected school to be like the movies with a stereotypical bully but that never really happened to me much. I feel like it was more common in the early 00s and 90s and before.
no because i never misbehaved since im a good christian girl
It was extremely common in those days. But even then it still didn't play out like in the movies. At least not here, anyway.
30. My school had multiple bullies but the town I grew up in is probably stuck behind everyone else anyway. Texas
Yeah, but never for any reason close to what your pic is suggesting, which is kind of scary and scummy when you think of it
Yes, and it's healthy and necessary for proper discipline of a child. Of course there's always a spectrum. Too much or too little are equally bad
No really
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Yes, but my dad only hit us when he was angry, which makes way more sense than making a weird ritual out of it. We did something that pissed him off, and he reacted swiftly. That's the natural way.

My mom didn't hit us, she just manipulated us by concocting elaborate scenarios in which she'd give us up for adoption or some other form of getting rid of us.
No, I'm White.
>My mom didn't hit us, she just manipulated us by concocting elaborate scenarios in which she'd give us up for adoption or some other form of getting rid of us.
The old guilt tripping and manipulation is peak mum behaviour.
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My mom would go further than the classic mom althoughbeit. For example, when I was four, she sent me to my room and said she was calling the orphanage. After half an hour, she came into my room with two tote bags and said that the orphanage found a family that was willing to take me, but I could only take two bags of things, and I'd have to leave everything else behind. She told me to pack, left, and then another half hour later came back and said the other family changed their mind and didn't want me, so I could stay here, but the orphanage would be in touch if they found another family, so I still had some time to be good.
what a bitch, damn.
put her in the cheapest retirement home possible
Flag, yes
It did quite nothing, i continued to act out without end
It only made me fearful of pain but did not stop me
I just wanted attention
I never acted out before a certain age
Yeah. My mom beat up so bad on time that the school teachers got concerned. That says a lot because teachers used to practice corporal punishment here. My dad also hit me with a wire that's pretty thick when I was 3. He was trying to teach me how to count.
I’m 31 and grew up with a severe stutter and wasn’t ever really bullied

Makes me think that the kids who were bullied REALLY deserved it because damn I would have been an easy target
When I was in hs I watched mlp during the brony fandom height in 2013 and actually told people sometimes. A kid in gym came up to me and asked if I did and I said I wasn't a brony but a ponyfag because on /mlp/ they wanted to call themselves ponyfags and not bronys to differentiate themselves from the rest of the "cringe" brony fandom.
The fact I was never bullied in hs was something of a small miracle
My dad would knock you on the head if you did something you knew you weren't supposed to do. Other than that no, because my parents weren't non-white or white trash.
Yes. They pretend it didn't happen or I'm over exaggerating what happened. I got it worse as the oldest kid.
Once and I deserved it. Nearly burnt down the shed from playing with matches and rust oil
one punishment that comes to mind is that they sometimes locked me outside with no clothes for a couple of minutes
sometimes even during the winter iirc
We had one of them too - Mr. Ouch my mum'd call it, she drew an angry face with texta on the front of it.

She'd beat me and my sisters asses red raw if they caught us lying or whatever.
No, hitting your kids is the most third world thing anyone can do. Only a severely retarded troglodyte whould even think about treat their own children like that.
Absolute soy. And people wonder why there are so many neets, autists or trannies in the first world. One slap at the correct time makes miracles.
One time my mom tore off my skin after twisting my arm skin
I love her so much, she is an angel
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No, my dad just raised his hand and said do you want this one ? He beat my mom though

You fimmies aren't any different.
thirdies love bragging about their 85 IQ parents beating them regularly
Yet thirdies don't become autistic depressed neets that do nothing but jerk and playing videogames. Curious! Maybe some discipline and serious authority figure was lacking.
I used to get whipped a lot even when I was still in first grade. Thankfully they've mellowed out as time passed and almost never hit my younger siblings
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When I was 8, my dad kicked down my door and punched me in the head 3 or 4 times because I started crying and ran away from him while he was screaming at me for fucking up on homework.

It sucked. I love him but I will never forgive him or my mom for the shit they did to me.
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>Yet thirdies don't become autistic depressed neets that do nothing but jerk and playing videogames.
yes they do what are you even talking about
Once in my entire life for getting B for the first time.
They stopped giving a shit after I failed harder to spite them lol.
yes but only once
seems way more like a 3rd world thing
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wtf I just got a shoe to the ass but this cunt gets fucking whipped lmao
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Even elementary school teachers are allowed to whip their students with picrel back in sudan. Violence leads to discipline, apparently
well not really considering how violent sudan is
if violence actually worked then refugees would come out of sudan
You should beat the shit out of him
I take it up the ass to punish him
both of my parents were alcoholic, they would slap me and hit me in the face
just me though, not my twin sister
>Did your parents hit you as a kid when you misbehaved in your cunt?
yes, but only father
Pops was an alcoholic growing up. He would whoop my ass for no reason all the time and I've always had thoughts of revenge because he did everything in his power to tear me down growing up. When I was in my mid 20's we argued over something stupid and I was blindsided because he walked up to me then swung at me hitting me on the neck then kicked me. I ran to the laundry room looking for my metal bat to swing at this cunt, but I couldn't find it. My mom walks in like wtf happened and we were arguing and shit. Ended up calling the police on him, but they didn't do a damn thing, not even file a report. This was like late at night too, so I just left and stayed at my uncles house. That whole night I couldn't sleep because I felt I disappointed my uncle, he asked me why I didn't swing at him and I was like idk I was stunned. Felt super emasculated that night like I wasn't a man or something like fucking punk ass bitch. So the next morning I asked my uncle if I could borrow his car to go get some clothes and he's like yea. I pulled up at my parents house with the sole reason to fight this cunt and regain my pride. I went inside and found dude sleeping on the couch and I woke him up and confronted him about putting his hands on me. Cunt thought he was gonna do it again and try to rush me, but I just started punching him in the face nonstop until he pinned me against the couch. Felt like my heart was going to erupt through my shirt until my brother came in and pulled him away from me. I just left and honestly that was a turning point in my life. I felt so vindicated and like I restored my manhood, it was liberating.
/diary entry
Sorry for that, you did the right thing. Cheers to your brother.
No, my dad just raised his voice and spoke with a tone that made me know that if I continued doing what I was doing I'd be in deep shit. I never knew what deep shit was, and I never wanted to find out.
That's good parenting to me. One of respect rather than force.
No except unless you count when my alcoholic mom hit me in the face for no reason
yes but as I grew older I started hitting them back so now they are scared of me and don't talk to me anymore
lol i remember how sincerly i cried when i acted up and mom told me : ok ,then its time to give you to the gyppos now .
my mom slapped me when i was 12 and i kicked her back
No. Only my sister got it once.
My parents never hit me. My brother on the other hand beat me every day for no fucking reason and each time I cried to mom and dad, they never believed me, because they couldn't believe that their beloved first born son would so such things. He went ballistic for no reason all the time, he almost choked me to death once for the lulz. Luckily, around the age of 13 my hormones kicked in and I grew bigger than him and the cowardly dick never laid a hand on me ever again, fearing I might break it.
Idk which was worse: my brother beating me or my parents not believing me.
Same and I was a dork. I don't think I even ever saw it happen to someone else.
Teasing but never the kind you see in movies where someone's straight up shoving a kid into a locker.
There were fights though pretty frequently
Yes. Hitting, screaming, all that. The one time I hit back they called the cops and I went to jail. At least they never hit me again after that.
I think so but only when I did some stupid shit. The beatings usually involved the classic belt whipping, flipflop throwing and my dad created this type of beating that he called “croc” he would strike me or my sisters with his middle finger joint bone right in the top of the head. Tbh i think it was my grandad that created it and my dad just did the same to us.
I think i had it easier. My dad told me once his dad threw a literal brick towards him because he would sneak out of school to play pool. that was on the 60s so I guess it wasnt that bad
you shouldnt hit your parents you spoiled fuck
yes but it did nothing
when they took my pc i cried all day and never disobeyed them until i bought my own pc
yes, but it wasn't to educate as much to take off their frustrations on me, as my mom admitted to doing after i got older
If someone hits me I will shoot them.
Post dick
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Nah, i only got yelled at. When my dad got home after a bad day he'd say he was ashamed of us, that we were worthless, make fun of the way we looked, etc.

Then once he cooled off he pretended nothing happened
Very, very rarely.
>was an alcoholic
So he stopped and got better or what?
I didn't misbehave, always been a spineless loser
Also when I was like 10-14 and my little brother was 5-9 I would rat him out when he misbehaved

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