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Mormons use ads with hot girls to lure more members to their church here.
Does this happen in your country?
The only christian sect that ever made sense to me are cathars.
that's literally an avg white girl
that's how inferior br*wn "women" are
Yes, that happens in every country that has mormons.
is this the best the US has to offer?
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Imagine being from a country where girls look like this and downgrading to a blonde girl
No, it is illegal to advertise for political or religious organizations on Norwegian broadcast television.
they do it on yt
no matter what video i watch, there is always a mormon ad
Both of my Spanish teachers in high school were mormons who did their missions in Brazil.
>That pic
Youre either the typical brown/black with extreme white girl fetish, or you're really down bad from doing nofap or something .
That's a 5 at absolute best.
Youtube has ads?
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this desu, cannot suffer as a man in latin america
on the mobile app yes
it's ironically white niggas from the south that shill white bitches the most here, if you tell them they're not your preference they'll say you're jelly
JWs do the same.
Firefox with ublock works on mobile as well.
given the huge infflux of them, I can tell you they are overrated as fuck
they stil lmog shitlean women i to oblivion though, but that's not something so hard to do
they once called into my commiblock door when i was like dunno 15
said something about muh holocaust (not really lol, just armageddon)

that ppl going to die and shit

i dond i don't belive in made up noncece

it was two womenz one looked like anime girl (i didn't really care tho)

dunno who they were tho
all the mormons here are maori
These ads are on instagram, not like anon would be going to church thinking of humping any of those girls.
p.s. what the fuck is wrong with this captcha timer on a loop? 3 minutes to post some rubbish.
*i told them that i don'd belive in made up nonsence
we all know mormon bitches are huge whores, just like evangelical ones
Huh, the more you know I suppose.
Attractive, easy on the eye, call what you will, that's not the point. The point is they target these videos at lonely young men so they can gain more followers.
Probably Jehova's Witness, they go to people's houses while Mormons usually only approach in public.
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They also breed like rabbits and will take over the USA one day.
they're not breeding THAT much anymore, the amish are the ones you're thinking about
I mean.....just using any woman who isn't obese, greasy or a burn victim can accomplish that goal about lonely men too, but it's ridiculous to assume everyone who puts lookable women as the face of their campaign has that in mind. At least by modern standards.
i'm assuming the why are many youtubers mormon video blew up?
Macacos always cope for anything you say to them
what are you trying to communicate Gomez?
Is it true that maori people are the most racists ones in NZ?
You're doing it right now
yeah they've been doing that here too lately
I don't know what's up with that
is horny converting a thing?
>south korea not being number 1 to 10
fake list
Yeah they hate immigrants too
Don't mormons still have a large segment of crypto white supremacists due to past teachings? I couldn't imagine devout mormons really intermarrying when the mark of cain was a teaching as recently as what, the 1960s? If I'm right, it seems cruel to bait in this way, at least the moonies actually give you a korean wife.

They do it because it works, they're evangelical and want to bump their numbers up.
doing what nigga?
there's probably no mormons here or hard to say

at least nobody see them (me included)
lonely young men would be better off going to church and marrying mormon girl
I'm sure there are a few, they were rather aggressive in their missions to Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. You might not be getting many missionaries these days due to recent political and geopolitical events.
I don't trust any churches that advertise like a corporation. Also, they aren't Christian, so there's that.

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