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apex predator edition

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i dont look like that
geh awf mah pawnd
do you also feel a swelling frustration growing inside of you whenever you look at images of cute girls online?
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didnt speak to folks around him didnt have much to SAYYYYYYYYYYY
noone dared to ask his business noone dared to make a slip
for the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
big iron on his HIIIIIIIIiiiiip
stop doing that then idiot
i dont understand people who get genuine anguish for not having a partner. I don't care at all and have never tried. I'm a a KHHV too
I generally mitigate this by whacking off
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
aces be like
i am not asexual. I jack off a lot
This dumb Mexican bitch is selling a ton of books on facebook but refuses to open any of the boxes and take pictures. Just told me I have to come look at them. Wtf, I just asked if there was any sci fi books. Tell me yes or no, you ugly fat lipped hole.
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haha was a character! ha what a goofball!
just followed a Finnish girl on tiktok with big tits.
just gained a new follower
is it 5 bucks per book or per box? if it's per book then she's a dumbass hoe
Dinner was steamed cabbage, barley, and peas
I got a vaccine yesterday, and I only cried for 20 minutes.
are you fasting or something? that doesnt seem very substantial
runescape sucks almost as much as england
Says $5 per box. But who the fuck knows whats in the box, probably just cookbooks and Hillary Clinton biographies.
Not fasting but I'm dieting.
you shut the FUCK up
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I have a good outfit in my head but I know I won't look good in it
yah but when people used to actually TALK to each other, it was the best game ever
oh okay how many calories a day are you doing
you won't know if you don't try i'm sure you'd be very handsome
I think I might just MAID myself because of unpayable lifetime debt to my name thanks to my piece of shit parents.
>Someone big in Japan is blowing up, taking down Nikkei, gold and crypto with them

It wasn't supposed to start so soon
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gn /cum/
ah, bagholder tears

gn all
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good night
About 1800.
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baltic race
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finna goon
that's a good amount, how far off your goal weight are you?
he's so studious
The GE killed run escape.
evolution of combat*
How is that even possible
What happens if you just don't pay? Maybe leave the country if you can.
EoC was a good idea executed poorly.
Imagine a nice tiramisu
now i want cake now what
Buy some cake and eat it too
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it's 9pm and i don't have the calories
Like 3 lbs above the threshold of a healthy weight. Would like to lose another 10 lbs below that too, though I can probably relax the diet at that point.
Never had a family member like that, more proof Americans cannot svffer
that would probably for the best, i get comments about being too thin from people and it's like, no i'm a normal weight you're just used to seeing fat people all the time
terrible idea nobody asked for executed terribly*
Obama didn't endorse Biden either.
This is just like a recurring nightmare of mine
this is PRIME MILF material right here
It's unfortunate how normalized fatness is becoming. Being more than a few pounds overweight starts to make you feel like crap.
Look this other beat I produced
Realistically who else can they choose so close to the deadline? Newsom? Lel
Why wasn't Obama loyal? Cause he's black maybe?
yeah it's sad the standards have fallen so low
It's been a while since I've played Pokemon Unite. I think I'll play a couple rounds.
Just a reminder the planet is running out of helium
Like, in the past 100 years or so we've literally used all of it up doing industrialisation and pollution and shit
There's like 10-20 years worth left at the current usage rate before it's all gone.
Probably most people don't care because it's not like the world will end or anyone will die, and well with a lot of money and hard work we could maybe build factories to make helium, but yeah... there will be no more natural helium in the air or atmosphere in maybe as soon as a decade from now.
fighting a losing battle with my lower intestine
how's it going?
Yah, but think of the funny voiced you can make lmao
it's fine im just watching tv on the couch
gonna make some food in a bit
Kimchi and beer
that's nice to hear
Well if u wanna do that do it in the next 5 years or so because after that you'll be paying out the absolute ass for a lungful of the stuff
Don't say I didn't warn you
fucking moids
Gonna build me a blimp in 30 years
they make creams for that
Also some retards in big helium who want to make a quick buck are saying "don't worry about it lol there's lots left underground!!!!" because they want insane price inflation
Expect to hear that a lot when we run out 10-20 years from now
But realistically nobody is going to dig 20km underground to find a natural gas pocket with like 10k USD worth of helium in it
While there may be some underground helium it would be practically impossible and cost billions in losses to extract it
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Its the perfect storm lol
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me on the left
/sp/ slowly devolved into /int/ cringe
cum killing floor server?
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i have 90 chrome windows opened each with hundreds of tabs...
hey little guy
1 or 2?
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just got out of the shower
Sure, but I haven't played a FPS in like 10 years.
im so glad they gave him a blankie he looks so snug
and apparently he’s a ladies man because he has several baby mommas in different ship ports
my shower faucet is dripping a lot even when it’s turned off i need to get someone to look at it
theres no cum server
Any public servers with 0 people in it?
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Royal Navy cats had the best accommodations
yea a lot
Today marks the first day of a new life for me, for better and worse, I got rid of one of the most toxic people in my life who was a constant financial strain on me
proud of you anon
We'll use one of those then. Just give me a moment while my steamdeck is downloading the game.
the little mini hammock is adorable
happy for you buddy
Should I be worried that my piss had a green tint to it?
probably yeah
if its still happening tomorrow go to the doctor
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please gz
60 mining takes like 5 hours dood
yah if youre autistic and nolife it
did you know dutch people worship canadians? weird people
they don't worship us they just regard us very highly for the liberation
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I’m sick of fat people telling me that smoking is bad for my health. I wish I could snap back and say
>being fat is much more unhealthy than smoking... you should worry about your own health more than mine
they send us flowers every year
>its a "goschel keeps pictures of underage children on his HD" episode
>right nut hurt for like a day 2 months ago
>perfectly fine since
they have an autistic love for tulips so it's a very honoured gift
(picture that gets 20 replies)
thankfully it finally stopped here about a week and a half ago
Alright choose a KF1 server and I'll join.
what about united coalition united states fl hard
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>grandma had a stroke
>mom put me in the family group chat so now I get play by commentary about how her body is shutting down and theres literally nothing any of us can do
I only see one's that say exiled coalition. Can you post a screenshot of the server?
yea it's that one
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hate being retarded
There are multiple. Which map?
i'm on the empty one, there's only me, it's biotic labs, the other one should be full, the hard ones, there's only 2 hard ones i think
i'm about to bust the fattest nut
>I died on the first wave
It's so over
im sorry anon
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Sorry I'm so shit, anon.
giant snake
birthday cake
large fries
chocolate shake
Thank you anons. It finally hit me like a truck when I blocked them out of my life for about 3 weeks, when I saw I was actually growing money, that the expenses I had were closer to half a paycheck instead of paycheck to paycheck. And when I let them back into my life, despite their promise to not ask money of me, they did and would guilt or often threaten me. So I had it tonight, after sending them close 300 bucks today. Watching myself slowly sliding back into living paycheck to paycheck, I needed to get them out of my life especially because they refused to try and better mine. And sex, was not worth it. That was the only thing they offered me, I effectively was paying for a very expensive prostitute
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Yall remember covid?
no. nothing but a long forgotten dream.
Hey you forgot the very weird chips. My state required all businesses to sell food to reopen so all the bars sold hot dogs and chips to get around the ban
I miss it. Lockdowns were extremely comfy.
I spent like ninety percent of the pandemic sleeping, jerking off, and playing Morrowind. It was insanely comfy. I even built my own little pillow fort on my bed, shit was cash.
Rewriting history before our eyes
happy for you im glad you realize your self worth and don’t let shitty people bring you down . get what you deserve king don’t bother with those people who just drag you down
The FPS genre just isn't for me. I'll catch you on something else :/
i kind of miss it in a way because im such a homebody nothing really changed for me. i liked the privacy of wearing a mask and it was funny to see social butterflies on social media freak out because they had to stay home for a week lmfao
don't be a bigot.
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Ask her if she'll let me smash
so true bestie
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I was living in Germany during Covid and you have no idea how retarded things got there. Hard lockdown for 5.5 months, nothing open but grocery store and pharmacy for 5.5 months. Old Germans would literally call the cops on you if they saw a group of people hanging out. Then once it opened you literally had to get a test before entering any building. Testing centers where a mad house everyday.
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But did you get your VAXX though?
Yes. I trusted the science.
I remember faggot bay area cunts "stopping the spread" by all driving up the to the sierras all year to """"quarantine""" in rent a cabins
I think I'll play Skyrim. What should I role play as?
Recently divorced father of two.
as a true centrist I only got the first jab
Is it normal for stores in the USA to have pet birds flying around?
Hated being in California during the plandemic.
What an authoritarian nightmare.
Still feels like a bad dream.
Society and the economy have yet to recover.
Some small businesses have pets running around. The place I got my car fixed at had chickens walking around in the back.
daughter of an imperial noble going through a rebel phase and fucking everything that has two legs and a heartbeat before settling down with an orc.
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I'm not roleplaying as my brother. Try another one.
Thought you were describing the plot of Star Wars for a second LOL
finna goon
iirc, the bible alludes to periods being a punishment for something a woman did

Need to research it because if its true, thats really fucking funny
be a sneaky guy who shoots a bow
I have three jaberonis
you know when your gut hurts cause you gotta take a huge shit, and you can feel the pain subside as the poop flows out

feels good man
great book, loved the whole adventure. MUCH better than the movie
LMK when they come out with the graphic novel
I wish I could read a book cover to cover but I have the attention span of a goldfish
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almost derailed the thread
Just listen to books. Robert Forster does a narration of Roadside Picnic that is literally the best audiobook recording I have listened to.
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Erin is a real human bean
Yeah, my brother used to talk my ear off about how much he loves audiobooks because of how convenient they are, but they're genuinely pretty cool.
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Multiple IO's
I got 2 and that was it, never got past
Doesn't listening to audiobooks remove some of the benefits of reading or whatever
I think it's time to trim the beard.
Im too adhd to comprehend audio books
I like japan’s approach of societal peer pressure and locking out filthy gaijin
>mfw almost 22 years old and still have shitty pube stache and chin scruff
Yet I for some reason have hair all over my ass. I didn't even know it was possible to get hair on the actual cheeks but apparently, I'm predisposed to have a whole fucking forest down there. Trim your beard man, but just be glad you have one.
loads of money
Just wait a few more years zoomie
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america's team has once again vanquished the great satan
love women, big time, dangerously so
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you just like their boobies and butts
>basement has natural lighting and a sign that says pool
Sorry mr richie rich but poor people don’t have milf aunts
no, i like their entire bodies
you have a talent in making posts that make me audibly groan
took a shower, feel like a million bucks
My sister has a headache *again* and wants me to turn my music off.
the poop I just took was so nasty I think I'm gonna take a shower
you turned it up louder, I hope
i need to do that soon
just put in headphones be respectful
I've had this one on my TBR for a long ass time.
havent used speakers i dont even remember since, at least 15 years, used to blast metal and play video games on speakers as a kid
Goodnight /cum/, it's wagecucking time
you have a problem with me finding women attractive
good night
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But I want it now!
i'm bored
jerk off
hi bored i'm dad
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Is that so? And your last name?
I'll experiment with my knuckles and her face
What is the plural of sky? "skies"?
the nice part of a giantess fetish is that i can imagine all of cum hanging out in her vagina, just grillin dawgs and drinkin' beer and sniffin' the pussy juice drippin' from the ceiling.
wait till i get my money right, then you cant tell me nothing
why would I want to smell dried up cum
drinking milk
any girls ITT? :)
nice enjoy buddy
biologically? maybe.
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what's your favorite dinosaur
if you say t rex you're a fake fan
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this guy
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gotta be either triceratops or a stegosaurus

stegos be all like 'one turn and BWWWWWAAAAAAAA' spike tail to the face
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i'm a titanoceratops enjoyer
No she told me to turn it down but my sister is a bitch like seriously she is so rude to me and our mother all the time and this is probably just because she's a fucking prude who's an officious control freak. She tells me all the time she's going to bed so to be quiet and then for the next several hours every time I pass by her room I can clearly hear her laughing and on the phone. Just today she asked my mum if she could borrow money I had given to my mom to save up for our cats. Once she and her friends just up and borrowed my entire stereo system without asking when I wasn't home, like they literally unplugged it and took it over to my sister's friend's house and I never got the AUX cord back. She will screw me over and then act hurt and all moralizing when I confront her. She constantly disrespects me and our mother and I can't wait till she moves out. She's been staying with us since January but she's not been paying rent and downright refuses to do any chores, eats out for every meal even breakfast, and she had asked our mother for money to pay for a down payment on the apt she's renting with her bf starting in Sept, and the deal had been that she didn't have to pay rent since she was ostensibly saving up for a down payment on a rental. Meanwhile she took a trip to London, Paris, and Morocco, eats out every day, is super disrespectful to her brother (me) and mother, she's a hypocrite and unscrupulous and is just a huge bitch in general. I wish I couldn't say this but it's all true. It's bizarre. My mom feels super hurt about it and my sis just doesn't care. It's sad. Sorry for my rant. My sister has been a long-standing problem since we were kids. She's an angry person towards my and our mom but if you ask any of her friends they'd tell you she's the sweetest person ever. I think she's a psychopath honestly.
he kind of reminds me of a crocodile
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oh yea dinosaurs haha, love those
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he looks kind of crazy i didn't even know this existed
dinosaurs are unironically american culture. there are a shitload of fossils in the rocky mountain area, in some cases the only fossils for entire species have been found in that region.
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like a true patriot
i never made the connection that they would just swing their spiky tail at someone that's true they are perfect for doing that
>her bf
stopped reading there
here come the toots
should NOT have used that old alfredo sauce for dindin
i'm sorry bud it's okay to rant, she sounds like an awful person for you and your mom to deal with. i hope you can get some space from her soon
Hadrosaurs are pretty cool. I imagine them as the cows of the dinosaur world.
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you cant convince me these cornball niggas were real
some of them have really weird shaped heads, looks like they're wearing a hat
why do women fish for compliments
That's because they aren't real. The modern conception of Dinosaurs was invented by (((Spielberg))) to cover up the fact that Dragons used to roam the earth up until about 1000 AD when they were all hunted into extinction. The last Dragons perished in North America around 1600 AD, and they cursed the natives that killed them by turning their skin red. Those tribes are now what we know as Indians.
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I loathed every second of it because I was a retail wagie. Meaning I simultaneously had to deal with liberals bitching about me not doing enough to "disinfect the area" and conservatives bitching about being unable to breathe. I kept getting write ups (but somehow never fired).
but there's a bunch of different dinosaur bones they're not all identical dragon bones
the same reason you fish for replies
for fun?
>two weeks to flatten the curve
>just two more weeks pleeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee
2 weeks became 2 months became 2 years. It actually sucked because I had literally just turned 18 when the pandemic happened
Did you discover those bones for yourself?
I still see bozos wearing masks every once in a while
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>I had literally just turned 18 when the pandemic happened
The only people I see still wearing masks are femboys in onlyfans videos and old asian people on the bus.
the mask kills my boner because you just know they're using it to hide their ugly man-face
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manlet boots
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>i'm so LE SAD
nigga you are BRAZILIAN
would you ever shoot up a school brazil anon?
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no, would you?
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Its so strange seeing every western country having similiar problems with housing, cost of living and birth rates/boomers.
sometimes i feel bad for black girls but at the same time it's like shieet they're so ugly, what am i supposed to do
Next semester I think I may try getting a gf or bf. I have a car now, so if they want to have sex or something we can just do it in the car and not my room because my mom will hear.
You aren't getting laid brodie, even with the car
How do you know?
he might
I just do, I can tell from your aura. You have L rizz brother
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not with me around
How do I get non l rizz?
trannies are crazy, like what the fuck
nigga you are BRAZILIAN
your COUNTRY is full of trannies
what's that to do with anything?
I legit could not be friends with a person who willingly mutilated themself.
that would make him an expert on the subject, no?
Took a single mom on three dates and had sex twice.
Then she started talking about marriage and me being a father figure to her autistic son.
Had to get out.
it's hot
Will one of youse be making the new?
i was just thinking like what they're gonna do once they're 40? i can accept the fact that you're mentally ill but you can't deny the fact that trooning out is an awful idea
im doing it
I'm not convinced you have the skills.
thank you kindly
i will prove you wrong
haha dumb hoe what fuck was she thinking, you did good
Wanna smell my girl bussy
I'd cry like that too if my proportions were also shit
The Canadian is Indian
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I assume all Canadians who post here are jeets in the same way all of us from the U.S. are Mexican.
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real new
same but weed god i wanted to fuck her so bad i should have done it i mean i still could but it would be less hot

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