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Why westerners are so disrespectful of Japanese emperor?
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They even say Emperor Showa is same as Hitler and Mussolini
Why are westerner so stupid?
>starts WW2
>he gets a free pass
I dont think so netoyou kun
kek seething riceoid. Ready for your third nuke?
Yeah he was worse than both of them. Why do they compare?
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>I'm trembling with anger right now. I trembled with anger and tears came out.
They should nuke you again for good measure.
Why are you such annoying drama queens
Ukraine actually apologized and removed Hirohito from the video because the Japanese government complained.
They continue to worship Bandera despite no matter how much poles complain though.
Arr rook same
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>I'm trembling with anger right now. I trembled with anger and tears came out.
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Japs would do well to remember the only reason they still have an emperor at all is because the West allowed them to.
If in 1945 Truman said "depose the emperor", Japan would have no emperor whatsoever and there would be nothing they could do about it.
Show some fucking respect you actual bugs.
I like our previous emperor(Heisei) but I think Showa was a retard
Ernst Jünger, a famous German philosopher, said that white Americans are different from their European ancestors and that they have degenerated into "White Negroes" as they are similarly loud, arrogant, disrespectful and sexually degenerate.
He said this nearly a hundred years ago.
I imagine it has only gotten worse.
>similarly loud, arrogant, disrespectful and sexually degenerate

Just like the British, French, Italians, and Russians?
If Americans aka 'White Negroes' could become the sole superpower in the 20th century and the richest nation on Earth (despite 21st century decline), what is the excuse of poojeets? Are poojeets lower and stupider and more debase than a negro?
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>trembling with anger and tears

Unnecessary dukkha
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But Showa was definitely involved in EVERY decision of WW2, he's totally guilty of every warcrime commited by Japan

At times he even directly micro-managed minor battles Japan fought, frontline officers indirectly were ordered to telephone orders by the Emperor
You mean the loser that wrote storm of steel?
You should kiss and get married to your Chinese twin brother. Choose between Yasuke or Chang
cry is free
I don't think he was that involved. He certainly was aware of what was happening though
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He was according to this book i read entirely

Dont blame japanese about not knowing about this, they are so ashamed about their behaviour during WW2 they want to forget everything about it
>White Negroes
those are poles
Try the Germans themselves. They basically threw away their culture when the Nazis were in charge and allowed themselves to get fucked over
>I don't think he was that involved
He was

Many of the Class A war criminals were nobles aka his nephews, cousins, uncles, in-laws, etc.

They were stripped of their power post-WW2 and never stood trial
You dont disrespect emperor
>comments of Japanese

Even in Japan, there are areas that should not be touched carelessly. You should understand that you have just touched on something as sensitive as that.

It is regrettable.
The Ukrainian embassy's excuse makes me even angrier.

Why is Emperor Showa mentioned instead of Stalin, who caused a great number of deaths from starvation in Ukraine?

I feel deflated. I will never allow anyone to insult the Emperor of Japan.

To put it simply, it's like saying that the British government's scandals are the fault of the royal family.
No wonder they are angry.

Not only the Showa Emperor's speech, which was added to the Pearl Harbor speech in the U.S., but also Germany and Italy's support for Ukraine, but they are pointing the gun at the wrong people, aren't they?

Japan has nothing to do with what Hitler has done.

not my emperor
>Japan has nothing to do with what Hitler has done.
Yeah because he committed his own war crimes
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When a bunch of subjects start misheaving in your name, and you fail to do anything about it.

That, at the very least, makes you a huge coward.

Hirohito was either an evil warmonger, or a total limp wristed coward pussy.
Take one or the other.
>Why is Emperor Showa mentioned instead of Stalin, who caused a great number of deaths from starvation in Ukraine?
Kek these niggas think stalin doesnt get mentioned in ukraine lol
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He could also have been both. I lean towards the both category.
It was a similar situation to the Kaiser in WW1 Germany where the environment he was in was so full militaristic retards hellbent on conquering Asia by any means necessary that he ended up greatly supporting it himself. Most of his concerns/reticence came from believing the Japanese armed forces weren't actually capable of winning, which he was right about, but he was still too blinded by the establishment to actually act on those doubts until the war was lost.
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>Why westerners are so disrespectful of Japanese emperor?
is this even a question? On the left is a man who is hardly making an effort to stand properly and on the right is a man doing his best to stand straight af so as to not get mogged or appear as someone who'd lost his confidence i.e. maintaining frame. It never began for manlets m8.
>who'd lost
who hadn't lost**
>but also Germany and Italy's support for Ukraine
The difference is that Germany and Italy are not deluded. They don't' find any offense in the tweet, because mussolini and HItler were fascists. Nobody debates that.

Hirohito was also a fascist. The Japanese are just too deluded, and see it as a national offense, instead of calling out the man for his actions.
If Hirohito was actually so weak and devoid of influence, then what the fuck is the point of even looking up to him, if he was nothing but a professional letter stamper.
Everything I read about him seems like he was both evil and a coward pussy that failed to take ownership for his actions.
Daily reminder: the south Sudanese are the tallest people which means if you look up to height you look up to niggers and therefore you should go BACK TO THE JUNGLE
manlet alert!
He was heavily involved. Americans and the japanese later concocted the myth of his uninvolvement let the US and Japan save face and not be forced to put the Emperor on trial/depose him

It was one of MacArthur's few good ideas
height isn't everything but it sure is a contributing factor to garnering respect. This may also be the reason why the thai people who're manlets chose someone as tall as 6'4 to be their leader because optics matters big time. tall blacks are seen as beasts to be tamed and less so as dominant humans. Heck even Chaddam hussein was respected for his height. Tall stature does mean higher masculinity
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Chadhito had his own US guard tho
Showa emperor was not fascist. Japan was democracy and had election in during war
Also Japan did not do anything like Holocaust
Learn history stupid american
>Chadhito had his own US guard tho
we just know who who was banging mrs hirohito after august 1945 don't we. ;)
All insignificant, the writers of history were all manlets from David (your god show respect poo) and beyond
>Showa emperor was not fascist.
Yeah buddy facistic countries cant have elections. Did you know even the soviet union had elections?
>Also Japan did not do anything like Holocaust
Is someone here defending the holocaust? You did do lots of nasty shit and the emperor was a war criminal.
Not even close.
Cockroach infestation can take over entire buildings and make life miserable for everyone.
This doesn't mean I envy being a cockroach
Loser huh?
Interesting choice of words.
I didn't expect an American to take a 4chan post so personally.
I thought yanks prided themselves in being able to handle some banter
>Jeet god
They're not ashamed.
They want others to stop bothering them over it.
Which is pretty cool imho
That pic is hilarious when you consider, whites are more bothered by someone saying the N word, than most blacks are.
On the account of how much you suck Israeli cock
Do we though?
>Full saapport saaar tweets
In a nation of 1.4 billion people whore getting first time internet access, you're bound to find such stupid things and God knows how many of these are fake pakshistani accounts.
Funny, we say the same about you;
Japan did not do warcrime like germany with holocaust
Warcrimnal is not exist in Japan after ww2 as they were all become innocent
Hi Kim,
Let's play basketball together.
The only emperor whose authority I recognize is the Emperor of Rome.
And who is that
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Felipe VI.
Rome is nothing compared to greatness of Japan
The way you choose your words is so cute. I want to hug you
white are stupid
Showa was a savage
Xi is just a sneaky businessman
What MacArthur did was a mistake, he should've turned Japan into the 49th state instead
>Japan innocent
>Unit 731
Honestly was curious to see his private journal, but some fucker bought it and gave it back to the Imperial family. I get that's respectful, but it would have shown once and for all if he was just a useful idiot or an active party in the war crimes.
whito piggu is stupido. banzai!
>cries in warcrimes that even nazis were horrified by
are you trying to make you guys look like Chinese? If you cant handle this shit then you are Chinese
If memory serves I think there were accounts of Hirohito being upset when hearing about Japanese behavior in China during the war. If true that probably just paints him as more of a Victorian style imperialist outside of his era rather than an actual fascistic leader.
>trembling with anger
She's literally shaking!
they should have dropped the a bomb on tokyo
to be fair, Japan was a military fascist country. Emperor didnt really have the same power as Hitler but he was indeed the symbol of that regime.
What warcrimes?
Imagine losing a world war. Couldn’t be me.
Allies lose the war
All of Asia was liberate after WW2 which was objective of Japan
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