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American visits Europe again
Didn't read
who goes to ireland for tourism lmao
I genuinely don't get why Irish people hate their own kind. No wonder it has so many brown people in it. Some random ngubu is okay but your own descendant? Get them out of her!
fake and gay
Even if your great-grandmother was Finnish, I wouldn't like you
Why are Americans so entitled? If you're not buying something from me don't come into my store and don't talk to me.
>(she helped invent copper wire I know)
Jews have this thing where they insert some kind of quirky self aggrandizing shit like this always, that very faintly hints that they look down on goyim.
If you keep an eye out for it you'll notice.
They'll sarcastically talk about some niche stereotype of their non Jewish half, and pretend like it's so common and they're getting tired of hearing it so they're sarcastically embracing it.
What are you talking about jews for
He probably doesn't realize that Americans zionists are by and large wh*toid christfags.
Americans are so overworked the have to defend jews on vacation time
Because picrel is documenting the words of an (((American))) trying to shill a narrative.
There are zero goys out there with any amount of Irish ancestry, let alone one that has visited Ireland before, who would be surprised at the phrase "from the river to the sea" being in Ireland.
Because you'd have to be VERY oblivious to the general happenings in Ireland for the entire latter half of the 20th century, all so that you can pretend you're coming across the phrase for the first time, a phrase that NOBODY considered antisemitic before last year.
With that level of chutzpah?
It's a Jew.
>I genuinely don't get why Irish people hate their own kind.
You are not irish
don't you have more important things to worry about
man you're literally bengali
You are always so confident in your replies but like sixty percent of the time you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I've met many of them.
But no, that redditoid is a Jew.
The evangelical types hate Catholics almost as much as Muslims, if not more.
Especially american evangelicals.
Evangelicals have been seething about muh IRA and muh PLO for awhile too.
And very openly too. Often pro Ulster as well. You have catholic, commie sympathizing muslim lovers.
The trifecta.
Trust me that's a Jew on reddit, the evangelical would have exploded from high blood pressure typing that in
I clearly don't lol.
Feels good man, ngl tho.
So I'm just gonna continue.
That's not confidence that's just brownoid IQ on display
To play devil's advocate for you sorry coping retards.....the most obvious and significant sign if a low iq person would be how confident they are in his wrong statements.
You know what they say, empty vessels make the loudest noise.
Why are they like this?
>itt: people get riled up over a russian bot post
Putin is a Jewish puppet.
They won't fan pro Palestinian sentiment
Bots are meant to engage and enrage. A lot of content now does this on purpose to make people argue online, works on this site too. It's rage bait.
the bot doesnt understand the "copper wire" thing is a joke about jews stretching a penny thin. it thinks its a statemnt of a jewish invention and added it to re-enforce the jewishness of the "person". wild times
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I will answer the call of my european ancestors. I can feel their power within me
doesn't it work either way though?
This argument is so dumb. The majority of chuds would say it's the Israel supporters that hates their own kind.
It's probably a trollpost anyway
You're legally obligated to like me if im part Finnish
Nigga they literally orchestrated the october 7th attack. The whole plan was to start conflicts all over the place to try to distract funds and attention from their war in Ukraine. Russia and Iran are close allies and by extension Russia and Hamas.
based Ireland.

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