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>Swedish men are breeding Thai and Filipina women en mass, bringing their mutt offspring back to Sweden
>Scandis are purposefully destroying their tall, blonde hair, blue eye genetics, which is probably the only asset they have
wtf is wrong with White people? Conquest is to bleach Southeast Asian women in Southeast Asia, leave your DNA there, and then go back and breed with a Scandi woman.
Instead they are just destroying themselves, wtf.
they ve done such a fine job here and want to bring it back home. jap men are also coming here to get a flip wife and bringing them back to japland. whats the problem takeshi?
It’s impossible to get white women now
>swede/flip mutts look like THIS
I support this breeding program
It's called the brazilification of the world and this is only the start
Will they evolve green eyes?
Filipinas are zvased tho
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its ok to breed seamonkeys ur kids will look white passing not ricecel
They always had a hardon for eugenics. Nothing new.
You have no idea what that was about.
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Go ahead and try explaining how sterilizing people against their will is hip and cool. Go go spin doctor Sven.
Sweden is enacting plan EURASIA. You should be thanking them for their service
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Further proof that Viets are East Asian, not Seamonkey.
Tons of mentally disabled women were being raped and constantly pregnant in asylums so they just started to sterilize everyone with disabilities and justifying it by saying it was eugenics when it was actually about not having to deal with the children born by this group.
Are you 4chan's local filipina wife embassador and consutant? If so, then I want a filipina wife (no dick pls), no older than 25, virgin, Catholic, with model tier beauty. You can call me on 1-800-Suck my peepee. Thank you.
This piece of information makes the situation even worse.
This. They fancy themselves demi-gods. Like their shit or cooter doesn't stink.
Or is it the other way around?
That's one way of saying samis and finns who got forcedly sterilized still in 1970s just based on their ethnicity
They were alcoholics
Then why do you still act like that didnt happen or are you a different poster
Dont get mad. Instead be glad that you get to see into the absurdity that is the Swedish mind. Absolute kek.
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race mixing is unavoidable in european countries because migrants and put in area with poor natives so they will mix. Most migrants will absorbed in one way or another. Pic related are Swedish brother and sister with ethnic swedish mother and african father
Theyre mentally ill people they're just good at branding and image marketing
This would explain the movie Midsommar (joking).
Well mental illness is an illness and you can be cured. Swedes are just evil and sadistic
These are white passing ricecels. We call them "Finns".
Look on Devon Aoki. Her perents was european and asian people. She is very cute!
It's because white women don't want them. Doing Tinder in Scandinavia is like rolling up a boulder up a mountain
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Seamonkeys save huwite race
We should have sterilized all of you.

No ragrets!
It's not that they're impossible to "get", but rather that all of them will make horrible wives and mothers. Sex is the only thing they've got going for them.
Other than that, they're insufferable. And even at that (sex) plenty of nonwhite women are much better at.

At this point they exist to get pumped and dumped until they end up as single moms or lonely spinsters. For how "empowered" they are, they've fallen quite low.
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>Swedish men are breeding Thai and Filipina women en mass, bringing their mutt offspring back to Sweden
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shut up faggot that is not even remotely true.
t. indog hapa

vidrel is the ultimate trvthnvke. AMWF hapas are often white passing, WMAF hapas hardly ever. Vidrel >>200150586
swedish women just insufferable to be around
t. knower
>tall, blonde hair, blue eye genetics
Useless in heat future.
>we should work on security so insane people aren’t raped
>nö just sterilisë thëm
you deserve being slaughtered by muslims
she's hot
The east asian hapa looks gook how is it white passing?
Imagine being racist towards your own kids
>wtf is wrong with White people?
white women
>Swedish men are breeding Thai and Filipina women en mass,
Result: Finnish looking children which is good.

Anyways the root of the problem is "women liberation" in 1968 that made them work and compete with men and lose their feminity. Modern feminism has made things worst.

Again, the root of the problem: EVIL POLITICIANS DESTROYING SOCIETY. Like with inmigration, globohomo, etc. For their own benefit: create a problem and show the solution.
it's from a tiktok/insta "challenge" where your kids type the caption for you
Alcoholism is a mental disability
If my mother did this to me I'd buy an axe
>women liberation" in 1968
That started happening in the 1920s and expanded during the world war
>women liberation
That was a positive change thoughbeit.
Yeah I'm sure she took the perfect video for that caption and the kids typed that and she's simply not a self loathing retard
Positive for whom?
looks like shes scoffing on her son not helping his sister open the pickles
the only real losers are SEA men.
normie tier swedes get cucked by chad swedes who do the needful breeding and ensure sweden gets more chdlier, while SEA gooks get cucked by these normie swedes. gooks have no other inferior race below them to cuck. Even jeets are cucking these gooks. Sad Indo-europeans have an innate nature to spread their racial & sexual hierarchy system wherever they go
>jeet calling other races inferior
the average white swedish woman has an IQ of 20 and a tinder bio that says "men are trash" and spends her time shopping at mall of scandinavia with her bimbo friends.

They have nothing to offer besides their waxed premium pink vaginas.
Strange analogy. Just because you're brown, mixing white people with sub-saharan africans doesn't make more euromexicans
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>destroying their tall, blonde hair, blue eye genetics, which is probably the only asset they have
Not necessarily. Genes can "come back" within just a few generations. Europeans and Asian are the most compatible and they assimilate with each other quite well. Within a few generations you will have same tall blonde blue-eyed Scandinavians with occasional admixture of darker hair or slightly different eyelids. A very small price to pay considering it is the only way to save our nations from total genocide. I say asian breeding all the way.
my second cousins are half-thai. All of them girls if I remember correctly. They all married Finnish guys and their children are blonde

it always goes like this here its not like having kids with a black person which the kid just starts acting black and will marry a black woman
>Europeans and Asian are the most compatible
maybe southeast asia austronesian, east asians with european still look asian af, maybe their genes are too strong af
sounds like you're projecting
north indian men do look white adjacent and can always larp as mena or med. Southies have big dicks and can larp as dark spics or negroids. What do gooks have?
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This thread is very trad right wing.
>largest right-wing militia in US is a small friend group of boomers who spend their whole paycheck to buy guns in local stores
is this the famous terrifying fascist threat that justifies all the political oppression that democrats always talk about?
Her ex is Mexican
Anon, patriots like him stormed their capital and tried to overthrow the government.
Same vid lol kys
didn't know you have internet there
>The zero-order model (Model 5) suggests that men reporting Chinese or "Other Asian" ethnicity have substantially lower odds or romantic involvement than whites. On the other hand, Filipino men are or no more or less likely to form a romantic partnership than white men.
Jeets are literally bottom tier here. No one thinks you guys are Med.
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Imagine being mixed and having a white mum lol that’s embarrassing
stupid bitch is not half indonesian she is quarter at best
literally impossible to have blue eyes with a full blooded filip person
>complain about people calling you white
>do everything in your power to look white like dying hair blonde
every time
Americans overthrew their government in the late 1700s. That's what happens when governments grow tyrannical and start to exploit their population instead of working for them. People become dissatisfied and are looking for ways to change the situation.
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lol brown austronesian seamonkeys save huwite race
Reactionaries who got pissed in their cereals over democratic results. Is. what.happened.(claps between words)
Only positive for men and women who only want casual sex. Bad for men and women who want relationships.
You are deluded if you think that people were happy and content until one day the Bad Orange Man just happened to lose and then his supporters chimped out for no reason other than they didn't like the voting results.

America is a plutocracy that hasn't had the interests of the common man in heart for many decades. The country is deeply divided politically (and this is encouraged by the partisan media).
they don't like jeets
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>it is the only way to save our nations from total genocide
Better to die out then ruin the entire gene pool
There are few cases where Japanese men bring back Filipino wives from the Philippines. Most cases are Filipino women who come to Japan to work as hostesses, marry a Japanese man, and remain in Japan.
Most reactionaries are fueled by mis-information from commentators like Alex Jones. It's hyperboles, angst, fear-mongering that divided the US.
These people should just accept being part of the world and not retreating back.
At least come up with solutions if you're up for an insurrection.
Looks Jewish
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Filipinos are already part European and making Hapas with us will make more White Passing offspring. Picrel is the typical Filipino Middle Class genetics. The (European, East Asian, and Latin American) Spanish, Mexican, and Chinese admixture; will result or more White passing offspring when paired with a pure Euro.
there's no way russian is closer than sweedish or estonian, that's a bullshit stats
How many people did they kill and how much destruction did they cause?
>Most reactionaries are fueled by mis-information from commentators like Alex Jones.
He talks about aliens and gay frogs. What political misinformation did he spread exactly? Saying "I don't like niggers" is not a misinformation btw
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My French-Filipino cousin married a Korean but they both live in Japan now. There are plenty of White Filipinos who have crushes on East Asians.

Unlike the Whites in the West who are racist to Asian men, Spanish and American descended Filipinos who are Asian by nationality are not racist to East Asians and some even fall in love with you.

Just look at this blue eyed Spanish-Filipino Jessica Guiterrez gushing over her East Asian love interest and crush.
This, western women are the root of the problem
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Sometimes even local Filipinas get green eyes since some have Spanish mixture being dormant somewhere.
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None in so far as people go. They tried to kill the democratic process, however.
Anon, you know he thinks all incidents of mass-shootings with firearms are fake. He's blurring the lines of true and not real to defend patriots from gun-grabbing democrats who's up to no good.
>sneedish women all move too Stockholm
>men are left behind and are forced to look towards importing foreign women

once again another problem thar I'd caused 100% by white women
God just imagine what a paradise this country will be when the western femoid has finally been bred out of the genepool
Russians have more Mongoloid genetics than Swedes or Estonians that's pretty much the only commonality
My ancestry is from Ecuador so I know how we asian-mixed people look like since I am one of them so I want all of Europe to look hapa like you Finnish.
white and slavic women are gonna destroy the european white population. i hate white and slavic whores
We just have sex with women of other races 4head
it's that simple
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U need to go have to India gypsys kys
>you know
I don't, I've only seen memes with him. I don't like American conservatives but you have to blind to not see that they are powerless loser side of the conflict who only exist on the will of the winners, because they need a scapegoat. They are harmless.
Por que? Por favor! Preserva la raza europeana en locale pais.
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cope amerikraut
my relative who pumped n dumped a wytie in muttland just married a pina. their relationship was atleast 3 years long but came to an abrupt halt when he was caught cheating with his co-worker. wyties are high maintenance.
el creaturo basado
They have a voice though? They're about to cast their vote for Drumpf?
Ano bah, Coño ka din pala.
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It's over
Russia is Western Asia, not Eastern Europe.
Sadly, we share Mongoloid biological roots with them. Luckily, we are also mixed with Swedes and they are not.
West Asians are caucsoid not mongliod are u high on shit
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Clearly not Indian probably like 20% to 45% rest is clearly west Asian and central Asian
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Filipinos are both Chola and Cholo (South Asian and Latin American)
It’s because it’s possible to get a gf without huge social skills there
Konichiwa dude! Spanish-Italians from the Spanish ruled provinces of Milan and Sicily; established a town here; Pavia, Philippines...


In honor of Pavia, Italy.

desu, he is only 20-30% steppe(jatt ancestry) if he's really really lucky. We've far far more handsome chads in our cunt and that lad drhuv rathee is nothing infront of'em. Even our swarthy dravidian stock can look chad af.
we are Chxlx

Yes, das ryt!

Proud Pinxy here!
>dating used up roasties
I'm not sure if it's because of mostly male immigration but it's really difficult to get a girlfriend here, so people end up importing foreign wives.
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you'd be lucky to even find a virgin landwhale faggot. kek
There are several factors why dating in Europe sucks
>Mostly male immigration
>Dating apps making it easier for women to date chads
>inverted demographic pyramid means worse older men to young women ratio, women prefer older guys
>women on average have better opportunities than men yet still expect their parents to be more successful/wealthy
>Most migrants will absorbed in one way or another.
Europe isn't America they suck at integrating.
Both very nice looking women
This, European societies are too high-context for successful mass integration, Americans will never understand it
Spaniards and Frenchmen fought centuries of wars over a single square inch of neighboring land. If European neighbors can't even agree on something how much more forcing other races into Europe?
Ok ranjit

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