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Evolutionary speaking, why do east asian people tend to have flatter faces/skulls?
Aerodynamic chads n staceys
To withstand the brutally cold and windy weather of the Asian steppes. Harder to lose parts of your face to frostbite when your face is flat and for stuff to blow in your eyes when you have double eyelids.
What is she doing? She looks like she's eating something
This makes sense. I have a roman nose and it gets so cold and numb in the winter. Long nose is a heat adaptation
Their zygomatic arches are longer which pushes the cheekbones more forward, this coupled with a reduction in jaw size and almost nonexistent nose bridge causes a flatter face
Exactly. It's the same reason that african men have BBCs, because they live year-round in scorching heat. Whereas white men and Asian men have comparatively microscopic sizes down there due to cold (do you want your Johnson to get frostbite?)
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Their ancestors dreamed and saught these features in the pleroma and thus generation after generation it came to be. Matter generated out of consciousness, the morphogenetic fields affected the physical world and thus the noesis lead to concretion.
penis size has more to do with partner faithfulness than temperature
But why do Northern Europeans have long noses then? Shouldn't they have flat noses and Africans long noses if that theory is true?
Saarrr she is zainichi seamonkey saar
Not nearly as windy there as it is in the Steppe, Gobi desert, etc. It's one reason why a lot of Russians have somewhat Asian looking eyes, because of their central Asian admixture. Continental Europeans evolved in a different climate. Europeans were also the first humans (cro magnon man), despite the often taught lie of the "out-of-africa" theory.
isn't it the opposite? a flatter face would slow you down
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Paleosiberians, Asian ancestors, due to the struggles for survival, dreamed a more brutal human (purely ape derived) based physical aspect thus their harsh features which follow a very linear evolutive pattern from previous human iterations, it's only in the last thousands years that some of them started dreaming about more neotenous features, due to the easiness of their lives in settled and civilized environments.
White ancestors on the other hand where driven by a more animistic evolutive drive, they dreamed of adapting the spirit of the wolf and the eagle, thus the morphogenetic field created by their collective unconscious affected the physical world and made them evolve in a similar manner.
genital size is tied to heart health and diet. more fatty meat based diet = higher BP = big organs.
Most of the ones i see are not that flat, more aerodynamic than anyone with proper forward growth
asians came from australoids like andamanese, they already have small noses and flatter faces
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It does not. Big thin noses are for heating and humidifying cold dry air, that's why it feels cold, it's accomplishing its purpose. I imagine people with bigger more exposed nostrils have an easier time breathing against the wind though.
the only thing asians developed are epicanthic folds and eyelid fat
random variation.
But neanderthals had large nasal cavities to better heat the air they were breathing. And SEA's has the flattest noses of them all
geological timescale and ancestral race matter.
Australians don't change into aborigini-like looking just by moving there from Britain.
This has nothing to do with the topic
Predatory skull unlike the herbivorous indoeuropean side-eye snout
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