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Do you?
i have scenario when i'm looting town after ww3 and die in attempt to steal a jar of mayo i dunno
i constantly dream about a scenario like ww1 where my country gets occupied and I am the mustafa kemal atatürk saving the whole country and making them appreciate me but I ignore them, be humble and I live rest of my life in a small cabin at the mountains
No. I only have scenarios about brutally murdering or torturing people.
yeah, that's why most kids and manchildren play superhero.
I sometimes daydream of becoming president to genocide narcos
when I was 13, sure
When I was 14, sure.
when i was 15, sure
No, I don't have any fantasies about anything because I'm normal (not mentally ill), and focused on reality.
t. brainlet
what are you doing here?
this is a mental illness website
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couldn't be me

It's honestly blackpilling to realise women don't care about helping others, the first thing JFK's wife did after she saw he got shot was jump out of the car
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The old gunfighter stood on the porch and stared into sun
And relived all the old days back when he was living by the gun
When deadly games of pride were played and living was mistakes not made

And he thought of the smell of the black powder smoke
And the stand in the street at the turn of a joke
The thought of the smell of the black powder smoke
And the stand in the street at the turn of a joke

And it’s always keep your back to the sun
And he can almost feel the weight of that gun
And it’s faster than snakes or a blink of the eye
And it’s a time for all slow men to die
His eyes get squinty and he’s straight as log
And he empties his gun at the dirty dog

Now the burn of a bullet is only a scar
And he’s back in his chair in front of a bar
And the streets are empty and the blood’s all dried
The dead are dust and and the whiskey’s inside
So buy him a drink and lend him an ear
He’s nobody’s fool and he’s the only one here

Said I stood in that street before it was paved
I learned the shoot or be shot before I could shave
And I did it all for the money and the fame
Noble was nothing but feeling no shame
And nothing was sacred but staying alive
And all that I learned from a Colt 45

Now he’s just an old man that nobody believes
Says he’s a gunfighter the last of this breed
And there’s ghosts in the street seeking revenge
Calling him out to the lunatic fringe
He’s out in the traffic down checking the sun
And he’s killed by a car as he goes for his gun
I sometimes think about being a Red Hood style vigilante and hunting down child predators.
I also imagine protecting my wife from a group of chavs and cracking their skulls open on the pavement.
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I think about solutions to mechanical issues, then fix them successfully. I've had a pretty good track record so far.
>but I ignore them, be humble and I live rest of my life in a small cabin at the mountains
Then Turkey never modernizes and remains a middle eastern shithole
nice job, retard
I saved this kid from drowning back in 2018.
Saw him in the shallows with a big red plastic bucket and as the bucket filled with water a wave collapsed him into another bigger wave. He was under for a second. I got the impulse and ran as fast as I could. Probably fastest 30m run in my life. The adrenalin spike made everyone around me feel like frozen or slowed down.
Boomers 10m from not noticing it at all, his mother and her Russian friend watching him go under, other kid screaming, dumbfounded tourists, etc.

On the same beach a year later, next season. Coworker and I notice a boulder rolling from the cliffside towards a tourist girl. He started shouting at her to move but that scared her and made her freeze in place.
This time I was hesitating maybe for 2 seconds, something about running face first into a boulder just needs more resolve. The boulder missed by like 3m so it was non event. But the impulse was there.
>run into the boulder
And it was stronger than reason that says to not run into boulder.
I think about what I would do if my family got killed
wow good job, are you a life guard ?
I once saved a baby from getting hit by a basket ball and broke down a door to help an unconscious granny on the floor.
I fantasise about marching on Berlin with Berlings army sometimes, and shooting at germans and destroying their tanks.
Having fantasies is normal and healthy. The fantasy is a way of organising your thoughts and mentally preparing for hypothetical scenarios. Like having fire drills inside your head so you're prepared if there's an actual fire.
I sometimes dream of the time I rescued a girl from drowning, 19 years ago. The dream is closer to a nightmare where I'm trying to reach her but keep getting pulled down by something below the water and can't move forward in it.
I svffer because I live in a world where I can't rescue a girl from apocalyptic conditions
Before I became bitter, yeah. Not anymore.
just like real life
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I fantasize about healing people by taking on their pains and illnesses and suffering in their stead.
I might be autistic btw
Do you post on ylilauta? That place is full of people like you.
When I was a kid I used to imagine myself surrounding myself with an invincible bubble and going down to Hell and saving everyone in Hell including Satan
Why are naked women gross?
Oh, obesity, nvm
Christian Universalists believe that everyone will be saved in the end, even the Devil.
yes, it's the opposite of real world where they harm innocent defenceless people
very common among wiggers who call themselves heroes but in the same breath take pride in the "glories" of their ancestors
I spend most of my time in fantasy land and often it is about either having a loving family or going on big fantasy adventures, or yes saving people in scenarios like war

I know it's sad and kid-like kind of but I don't understand people who don't imagine themselves in scenarios like that ever
I dream about selling my house and buying a cabin in the woods. I day dream about developing a thick midwestern accent, and imagine scenarios where strangers pull into my driveway, and I storm out of my house pumping a shot gun while yelling “git off mah propertah, go back tah New York”, and they get scared and run away.
No. I was working on the beach renting boats.
t. witless NPC drone

You write what you know, I guess
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Unironically npc
I bet you cant even imagine apple
Sometimes but mostly I fantasise about having sex with little girls.
No, I don't like "heroic stories" from childhood, because they all sound like bullshit for braindead people. I always had more sympathy to many villains, if they're not stupid and have reasons of course.
I have never fantasized about saving someone, I don't like to help anyone, I feel it like a burden. And I don't mean that I never help anyone. If people ask for it, I help them, but I don't become happy from that, more like otherwise.
of course, i would zone out completely and imagine myself killing terrorists and getting grievously injured
did this while listening to music
least stereotypical slav
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A true hero!
what makes finland turn people into this
Yes I live most of my life in films I make in my head
Most empathetic modern russian
yes i just want to die alone after holding some sort of line allowing however many people to escape from an approaching threat
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My daydreams are constant and varied. I'm a Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon, so I'm an overemotional retard with mood swings that would sink ships from the whiplash. Within seconds I go from daydreaming about saving the world to wanting to see it burn. I think about becoming a leader in WW3 and ritualistically sacrificing billions to power my ascension to a god. I dream about killing myself to spare the world of me. I dream about helping random people. I dream of a monastic life where I remain forever alone and give my money to local charities. I dream of torturing those I hate, and I dream of forgiving them. I dream of a happy and quiet life. I dream of sacrificing those I love and could love, and falling deeper inside the darkness, playing the events of my fall and drawing a sort of sick satisfaction from my damnation. Sometimes I have the urge to rip off my own skin, crack open my skull and scramble my brains. I thus have the fantasy of having my face burned so badly I become like Vader and have to wear a mask.

There is no equilibrium in me. I dream about everything, from one end of the spectrum to another. There is no real me, just a whirlwind of intense emotions and pretenses of multiple characters. There is no anchor. Most days I feel as if I've lost my mind, or that I'm a vessel of multiple souls. I cannot steady myself. I feel lost and afraid and weak and then I get spikes of intense ego and then back again and it just goes on and on and there is no end.

Myself I believe that everything would've been better if I was never born. If I continue like this, I will be a burden and a cloud of sadness over everyone around me. But if I take steps and change I will become a monstrosity, a terror to the world. God is a sick and twisted individual, waiting for me to act and wreak havoc, or just stay still and live in shame. I should've never existed. I am a sin personified, bound in flesh and powered by blood.
nice copypasta there
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Not copypasta, I just wrote it. Search through the archive if (you) don't believe me.
i used to daydream about saving girls but i don't any more after finding out what women are really like
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My fantasy is one where the government collapsed and my band of warlords somehow established a black republic in the south, where we're constantly at war with the surrounding white community where me and my army systematically execute whole towns except for a few attractive white women that are added to my somewhat secret harem, the population hates me but my expeditions have destroyed race relations and I'm the only thing holding back TND
I often think about visiting fantasy characters on their death bed and pretending I'm some kind of death god, making them feel at ease with their death by telling them how the future would unravel and how they lived a good life blah blah blah.
One can hope
honestly no.
guess I'm a psychopath.
There was an x-files episode about that, there was this humanoid guy that the townsfolk would transfer their sickness and injuries to, and then heal superfast.
Yes, all the time when I was little, and being made aware that women don't made me realize just how different we are fundamentally
No, I only fantasize about having a conversation with other people.
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I once fantasized about saving Junko Furuta.
When I was 14 maybe, nowadays is mostly this
Not since I was a little kid. I'm past juvenile fantasies.
For me it's imagining an expansive dwarvern empire mining deep under the mountains and wearing cool armor and trading with humans who are fascinated by their discovery of the sprawling subterran fortresses and cities. They travel through tunnels deep underground and the caravans have to be protected by guards from the monsters that live down in the caves. Sometimes they go to war with the humans and use siege engines and crossbows. They also have an innate ability to navigate labyrinthian tunnel systems even without needing any light due to their empathy with the earth giving them an uncanny ability to sense their surroundings.

This is what I fantasize about at night until i fall asleep
Same, but with Warhammer sets
its funny because as far i know that "save my friends" they instantly back down when something actually happens
very understandable, I think many of us have
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fantasized about playing my favorite song with my best friends in front of my high school again
Why hasn't everyone stopped falling for the thing girls do where they pretend they don't have an inner monologue to get clicks on social media
I fantasize about being a holy knight, a stalwart warrior of justice mowing down hordes of enemies as a one man army of righteousness.
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I have fake scenarios of having a time travelling RV and giving modern food and products to starving medieval peasants and saving their village from raiders
you sound like a sigma to me
This is literally how females think and why they barely innovate anything new.
i fantasize about going to war a lot but it's more about honor and making my parents proud
I fantasize about being the Roman governor of Egypt and having sex with lots of Nubian women.
I fantasize about bringing historical figures to the modern day and filling them in on all the technological advances we’ve made
Like explaining smartphones to Goerge Washington and shit
As a kid, I would dream of saving people and walking away mysteriously. Nowadays, those were replaced with ones of me figuring out ways to survive. I think it's from stress of my financial situation.
I do that too
I go into 1 hour rants to imaginary greek scholars and show them Google earth
woman can't fix exploded skulls, anon

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