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Godless beast edition

Wake up subedition
Good morning /med/.
No wageying today because it's a holiday in Madrid.
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Feels like I've been waging for hours already and it's ONLY 10am FUCK
Can’t suffer is Madrid, Espana
Got a like from "Naomi"
What will she look like bros? Any bet?
Thinking it could be a black gal.

Previous : >>200115281

Only in Madrid?
Fakecelian post...
Can't you see her face?
I stopped swipping for like a month now. Kinda hesitant to dive back in.
Tinder pictures of your likes are very blurry (Fruitz does it too now, sad!).
Most likely Naomi will be the second profil I see. I have yet to swipe today.
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hate working
simple as
To quote a famous autist who eventually made it:
>it all runs off me like water off a raincoat.

You love it though.
Portuguese niggas have a very low % of neets here.
Well I live in Granada but I get the Madrid holidays because I work remote.

Also in Navarre and the Basque country, not sure in some other autonomous communities too.
I was right, it's an unattractive black girl.
I should like her to unmatch her so she gets removed of my likes (they stay in your likes if you don't like back).
The preworkout is hitting hard today.
not by choice, if I was eligible to get paid for doing nothing I would
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The anti-christ got me.
Spent three hours of my night in the toilet shitting water.
I’ll give feedback later to Andaluzanon regarding this novel way of cutting.
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Happy national day of Galicia /med/, no wageing today
That’s only because the gibs here are nonexistent except if you’re
>a gypsy
>some pajeet who came to the country 2 weeks ago (these receive houses outright)
>some blackie from our former colonies
Not even huezillians escape the need to work in this country.
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>national day
>not an independent nation
Happy day irmão!
You’ll spend the day with the family, or travelling with the gf?
>/med/ a general for wagie slaves
i work only for 2 hours as a swim coach
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New shitbox achievement
Will probably go to the beach with the gf as this is the first week that we see the sun since October
S-shut up
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just a bit of banter
have a good holiday
To be fair, Galicians rule Spain, so this picture is accurate.
Total Asspain Death
Freedom for Basques, Catalans and Galicians
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>shitbox seat with vw motor does 400k
>meanwhile someone’s newish Clio commits gearbox seppuku at 170k
Totally not seething right now.
Today's training.
Sumo deadlift, 3x3 with 245 kg.
Pull ups, 3x8 with bodyweight.
Machine low row, 3x10 with 80 kg.
Why are you so cruel, give her chance, she might be nice.
>new Total War game comes out
>new Fallout 4 total conversion mod comes out
>can't play either because of w*rk
I truly do suffer
At least you have games you want to play, I've got nothing until the next wow expansion.
How is she out of 10? I would probably go for it if she had a nice personality.
Happy holiday Galicianon!
Can't suffer in the UAE...
pretty nice dashboard. Enjoy the beach fren, here the temps will soon get outta hand and I'll have to hide out inside for a week.
>new Total War game comes out
Tf, really?
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seriously just wow? you don't like anything outside MMOs?
I have a couple games that I'm looking forward to, mainly just RPGs and strategy
just that two of them up and decided to release the same week
Years of gaming have made me very picky.
I don't enjoy playing most big games now.
Last single player game I had fun with is Weird West.
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yeah, bronze age game comes out today
it has Mycenaeans in it and that's pretty neat
>bronze age
Nigga, Pharaoh came out last year.
She's a woman, her profile is mostly empty.
they're literally putting out tweets announcing the impending release nigga
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Good almost afternoon.
Like her head.
So, it’s a standalone update to Pharaoh?
I’m quite busy with Roma Surrectum, so I won’t be playing it right now.
>use the moment barbarians on the east get fucked trying to take a rebel town to make them a vassal (they were allies), securing eastern flank
>tone down army size after securing Crimean hinterland (three greek coastal cities missing)
>focus on upgrading cities’ infrastructure
>making DOSH
>finish Crimea
>build up forces for a Colchis or Pontus expedition
>backstabbed by the barbarians
>now busy conquering the shitty cities on the east, razing everything
>Anatolia post-poned
I suffer because of barbarian Scythian niggas.
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Dynasties is a different launcher but you just get both if you own a copy of Pharaoh
also get fucked greekoid
sedentary nerds
I'm working on site, but still filling out paper to send to town halls.
The research must go on.
The scale of this is insane. The Crimean peninsula alone has 8 towns.
I’m at 16 towns now, from Crimea to Tanais and a bit beyond it to the wastelands.
The scale is fine, but I feel like troops and agents should have more movement points because it’s retarded that a diplomat takes four turns to traverse Anatolia.
TW's scale has always been kinda wonky
both in timescale, in Med 2 I'm pretty sure if you sent an agent to the other side of the map he'd die of old age before getting there, and scale, with major Napoleonic battles being 5000 guys in a field
just par for the course
Didn't Troy already exist? Why do they need to make such a similar game?
Hilarious to read about embassies back then, niggas would just get lost and go home, or arrive and get sent back immediately with some crappy gift
My guess is money.
You're right on the money
It's baffling, they keep funding failed projects like Hyenas and now Concord.
Those people are supposed to be smart, no?
I've stopped caring about Total War ever since they announced they would make fantasy games
It sucks, I love Total War and I felt like Attila was a step in the right direction
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iFeliz dia Galicía!
>tfw can't play fallout london yet because i haven't finished my WOTR playthrough
Why did they have to make this game so long.
It's basically like fifa.
They release it on a yearly basis for a steady income.
How can people keep buying them is the weirdest part for me.

You can be like me, start both games and finish none.
because history and mythology aren't the same thing?
don't get me wrong asking Zeus to lightning bolt someone is funny, but I much prefer the real people and civilizations instead of gods/monsters/heroes/fantasy
Mika is made for headpats.
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Mythology is basically too old and unwritten history.
>that Chinese guy who made it all the way to Medieval France(the part under England's control) and basically accomplished nothing other than to amaze people who had never seen an Asian before
I know it wasn't an official embassy from the Chinese emperor, but still
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because not only is it long from the getgo, they also have a habit of DLC drawing it out
I'm also surprised you care, I thought you absolutely despised London
What about the whole "historical accurate"/"mythical" mode selection?
>see video of American in Spain
>show totally normal, average thing
>act like it's amazing and totally blown out by it
the half-assed "historical" mode has the same problem as Three Kingdoms in so far as the character designs and storytelling are clearly mythological and basically just remove duels and replace the single unit general with a bodyguard unit
it's much better to pick one and stick to it, then balance the game balance and aesthetics/worldbuilding around it
Garden visited by a cicada.
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going to the store to buy chocolate and the day's bread
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>day's bread
this is how our bread looks like
Sexo with British roses in your country (strictly finalised to procreation)?
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I hate London, but I love Fallout, and love is always stronger than hate.
>You can be like me, start both games and finish none.
If you keep leaving deeds unfinished, you're going to end up trapped in this world after death as a restless spirit.
That's my goal, I intend to live forever, doesn't matter if it's my natural or unnatural lifespan.
there's a lot of choice, I usually pick either Galician style or French Baguette style, I buy a garlic bread if I'm feeling particularly fancy
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sexo British roses till your cock breaks, that's the dream.
I was in London once and liked it, I hope they have shit like Buckingham Palace and Downing Street in the game because I only saw those from the outside
I also do love Fallout
just 15 more minutes mate, we're all gonna make it
Drying some garlic, parsley, and red peppers from my plant to infuse some olive oil.
Yet you claim to suffer.
Why do the people evaluating her looks like they should be culled?

>not pão d’avó

they're vault-dwellers, they should be culled
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Your lifestyle is becoming more bucolic by the day. We should all envy you.
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Talking with the intern made me realize I'm starting to despise my colleagues and that I prefer the way it was in my previous lab.
Were your previous colleagues also fascist scums?
I've got the opposite issue kek. Got too many games to play.
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Don't know, half were Russians.
Anyway, fascists are rad. Like futurism is such a god tier art movement.
This shit is so fucking kino.
>We want to glorify war - the only cure for the world - militarism,
patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the beautiful ideas
which kill, and contempt for woman.
>We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism
and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.
>Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an
aggressive character. Poetry must be a violent assault on the forces of the
unknown, to force them to bow before man.
A true revolutionist movement, against reactionaryism and the status quo.
To be honest the french version so even more kino in the vocable used.
>Don't know, half were Russians.
So they probably were and that's why you felt at home there.
The new metro stops look very cool
One of the few things good about this shithole
I really like Russians, despite their predicament every single one I met struct me as being people with deep struggles that I felt sympathy for.
That's a good change of pace against my countrymen who are insufferable until they have the nose in their shit and start trying to get out off it.
You can do it too? Only the red pepper is grown by me.
My town is probably still classified as rural, despite the increased urbanisation in the past couple of decades - particularly the current one.
>You can do it too?
But olive oil is 10€/l now, I can't afford it.
>Only the red pepper is grown by me.
My parents don't have peppers but they have a few olive trees.
Do they press the olives?
Yes, I think they give like 20 l a year.
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>looking up Fallout London factions
>Medieval LARP faction
>they have a functioning post-apocalyptic trebuchet in the trailer
they just made faction choice really fucking easy for me
for the Round Table lads!
>20L of homemade olive oil
And yet you claim to suffer.
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he's das moselle and he's looking good
I'd like to take him home that's understood
I think you have two wolves in you.
You will have to transition and get a gf to get attention from Der Moselloid.
Nice. Do you not aquire some of it?
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one is a massive gaping anus homosexual
the other is burping and farting cum everywhere
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Maybe you could try to tame and get them out of you for the grace of God.
I only get 5 l per year.
You can use some of it for infusion. You don't need to use a large amount.
Croatfren should slap you in the face more often.
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For me, it's the Gentry. Anglo supremacists who want to restore the United Kingdom and retake our rightful place as leaders of the free world.
Office cuties in summer dresses are turning me crazy.
No office cuties here but outside cuties work too fr fr.
Clinically INSANE
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It used to be a sweet pain before but now it's really HURTING AAAAAAHHH
>nobody's heard of the queen in a while
>the gentry is becoming incrisingly tyrannical
I suspect foul play here and with a name like "gentry" they sound like a bunch of nonces
give me 11th century nobility not 19th century
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Good day med am back from the cagie wagie.
Anybody hyped for the Olympics ?
I am, Moselle!
Rugby and football already started, but I’m not seeing those.
I watched France vs USA football yesterday it was a good match, better than our real team.

What are Portuguese medal chances ?
It is challenging for me to get hyped up for sports, even if I want to.
Only four, two gold.
I do believe in the four golds, since o e of them is a very good team for canooing and the last one is Pichardo on the triple jump, who won gold in 2020.
I know this Pichardo guy he used to compete for Cuba.
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parabéns galego, vá com calma no licor de café
kek, isso foi um pouco rude
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Went hiking to the beach
Should've trusted the eternal german anão
Here we're gonna be over 30ºC soon, and the humidity is still +80%, or hell in another words
>Galician style
You wot?
Nice beach. Humidity here is 40% or similar.
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Would you buy it ?
Classic Udinese win.
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rate the fit
ugly af (sorry)
>tee hee rate my fit
>spent more time arranging his hair to hide the twink death
Oh no no no

In all seriousness I'd think something like: that twink is zesty
Decent climbing sesh, saw a cute Quebec girl, she even asked me something, she had pretty eyes and genuine smile, vgh..
Massive back tattoo though
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but it's chiggens on it
look at it....
>shirt full of cocks
Couldn't have picked a gayer shirt.
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Needs more chickens on the shirt, and you need a matching rooster hat.
>bla pipo invented dread-ACK

But motif is badly cut in the middle, it's over
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>matching rooster hat.
saw one in an expensive shop for parisians the other day but it was 50 bucks
I suffer
wearing that shirt feels like wearing a legendary item around that gives you extra dialogue with npcs
people are very impressed by my dedication to the chicken fandom
that's just how patterns are on Hawaii shirts
I have a similar one with tigers, but tigers are much more normative as a animal in a shirt, so no extra dialogue for me.
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Is this meme magic?

Needs croatfren slap in the face.
But +1 for the chiggens kek

>he has a tiger shirt
I believe you meant T I G E R S
>>he has a tiger shirt
What's the problem?

They are not Russian tigers.
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I didn't see
I failed you...
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>what’s the problem with a tiger shirt
Please ask venetanon, he’ll explain it to you.
But enough about Breizhnigga, what are your thoughts on the shirt?
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Oh nono nonononono
i look like this and eat this
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they probably would have been racemixed to death and all be hafus after 200 years of isolation in europe, but the aesthetic sounds about right for tommies
I don't get it
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Maybe I was thinking of piedini? Who gives shitalian fashion advice?
I talk about clothing sometimes but I'm far from being an expert, but I don't see what's particularly damning about a tiger print that's worse than a regular Hawaiian shirt, which is already terrible anyway
>a tiger print that's worse than a regular Hawaiian shirt, which is already terrible anyway
There you go, let’s hope Andaluzanon takes this positive criticism about his clothing choices.
What's wrong about Hawaiian shirts?
I just think they be cringe fr no cap fax no printer
The extremely busy pattern and colour scheme ruin them
Well I guess I'm not a minimalist.
De gustibus...
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I just saw they are selling Junji Ito t-shirt in Pull&Bear.
I'm sure Gman will be happy a horror author is getting such mainstream success.
ayo, das racis
that's me tho
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ah ok, sorry
keep on then
Luv orange cats
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Shut up. Maybe he's...wearing make up or something. Doing a cosplay maybe.

Stop looking up let's plays and just play the game.
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You’re actually right catnigga. I read a bit about it and he’s an American character from DC who is cosplaying as a brit.
Just came back from padel, tonight i won. Nice match, i had the stronger partner but i was also the weakest player so i'm satisfied that i managed to keep up good enough to get us to win. Usually i lose those matches, since i make errors that tactically destroy us.
Ohhhh interesting! I'll have to check how they look.
Stupid sexy buttcheeks.
Oh nice.
Pull&Bear offers actually nice clothes for the younguns, sister always shops there.
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I like that they carry a few oversize t-shirts, which I find comfortable.
Sister also wears oversized shirts sometimes.
never heard about those Pull&Bear thingie fr
stop posting this
its disgusting
its making me hate human anatomy
holy newfag
What the fuck is this new cringe meme i see on bumble? All women are supporting lgbtq rights, migrants rights and neurodivergent right. How do i de-clown the situation?
i just swipe left
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>loyal loving wife
>adoring son
>dab on the gods of olympus
>ruthlessly slaughter anyone who hit on your girl
you may not like it, but Odysseus is peak masculinity
also the only confirmed straight Greek man in history
>All women are supporting lgbtq rights, migrants rights and neurodivergent right.
Based women.
just saw one calling herself enby kek

migrants are often chud though
Didn't know what it meant until now.
Clown world.
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>feature a horror mangaka on your tshirts
>don't actually put any horror panel on them
Disappointing. I love Tomie but damn, corporate fags strike again.
Back to wageying tomorrow.
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Straight out of the 1960s. America is healing. They are returning to a better time.
gute Nacht, Herr Negerkater
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