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>1.4 billion people
>Spends trillions in R&D every year
>Steals and copies every technology that the West produces
>Still decades behind the West in every field of technology

For real, why can't they innovate? They are still India/Africa tier in basic research and technology. Even vastly small other eastern asian nations like Japan and Taiwan still continues to mog them
All that is useless without the faustian spirit
The smart guy doesn't replicate work that's already been done
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They're basically fucked, Chinese people don't have the biological capacity to innovate either while America is ranked third in the world and they can't get in the top 10.
I never hear of them doing anything though
nice cope
all of your leading STEM talent is chinese who're increasingly returning to their dragon land
Meanwhile firsties have to tariff chinese evs so that their obsolete expensive shitwagons could compete
The swiss are worlds no. 1 innovators in banking and tax evasion
>why can't they innovate
This is not true anymore. Look at EVs and drones. China is far ahead now.
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how're you going to cope with the fact that your next gen STEM leaders are all virtually chinese?
Drones? What drones?
>anons shill Chinese EVs
>but don't buy them and show them off
>probably because they're bitch to fix and cost small fortune to repair
>not even local mechanics will touch them
But they're American?
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literally half of the folks who came in top 10 are chinese.
american in what sense? citizenship? lol.
Their hearts belongs to the ccp. This is especially true if they're chink men who get treated like shit by your own women.
Oh wow, one irrelevant field of technology. That will surely prevent China from collapsing
>That will surely prevent China from collapsing
two more weeks?
They mog europe in stuff like electric cars, batteries, production of solar panels and wind turbines., trains They are dominating world trade in almost all groups of products except military, chemicals and pharmaceuticals which are last groups of products where West dominates
It could be worse. They could be LK-99ing themselves
Japan propably has some upper hand in advanced steel and in machines like CNC machines (not even all of them) and thats it
China is the main exporter of those products using western knowledge that they stole, western money and investment and it's only being sold because it's cheap- which is due to child slave labour. They're not the leader in any of those fields, they're just copying and stealing western technology
Lmao this. Eurocucks outsourced all the manufacturing to china, china simply copies all of it not giving a fuck, over time becoming the world's factory. Now they are becoming more and more capable of doing high quality tech manufacturing as well meanwhile lobbying European leftoid saboteurs like environmental green parties, human rights groups, and other scum that sabotages European countries
It's truly over for eurocucks, and we voted for it within our retarded bankrupt beurocratic democracies
Sorry but China is in the middle of collapsing. All their factories are moving to India and Vietnam, or back to Europe and America. Investors are pulling money and factories out at record pace. The days of China as a manufacturing powerhouse is over. They will be lucky if they still exist by the end of the decade
Sure they are.

No offense but you Indians are pieces of shit in general I've noticed
We put Kamala in charge of the white house

And you'll all stay say racist shit to us.

You guys



The victim

Aren't you lil buddy? Maybe you are Chinese still funny
the west did have a shite ton of money & time to develop tech like the ones you see in ASML or Carl Zeiss
explain their advances in battery tech then

You are just kind of pieces of shit
Always playing the race victim
How do you even measure these things?
That's because you're a dummy
Big pharma is mostly Swiss
fuck off already burgerfag. You're derrailing this thread while getting railed by big chink brain
Most of that stuff is exported by chinese owned companies. Lithium battery cathodes are produced just 2% by European companies while rest is full Chinese with low part going to Korea. Anodes arent even produced in Europe. Just two european companies have tech for that while in China is probably 50 of them. There are many such cases in other industries. High grade silicon for solar panel wafers isnt even made anywhere else except China. All european solar panels are just assembled chinese cells made of chinese silicon
China is already going high tech exports except for some niche shit its only due to their low cost that they are still massivelly exporting toys and cloths but when you take out these out of consideration China has no different product mix than Germany really. Maybe closer to Korea
Cute graph, now do per capita
it's only the elite talent anyways that produces stuff. The top talent in us is chink and the top talent in china is also chink.
I don't know what you mean by talent, what you are saying is false either way
What will China do when white people finally vanish?
using per capita as a metric may not always be the best way to compare.
why innovate when whites do it for them, bring it to their doorsteps and build the facilities in their lands for free?
Taiwan is Chinese though
China has to subsidise their EVs so they can compete with western ones
If Chinese were so good they wouldn’t need to benefit from Japanese welfare and anti-discrimination laws when they immigrate to Japan
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China will win. Sorry not sorry.
>do nothing
>continue do nothing
>the world seethes
Bow to your Chinese masters
Besides inventing the story of las malvinas, the argies haven't invented a single thing
This chart is bullshit, how the fuck are
4th? We haven't done shit for decades except financial scams and sell weapons to saudis
progress more slowly and lord over the sea of browns
chinese evs are cheap because the intent is to flood foreign markets with them (dumping)
in some cases they're even sold at a loss, but it doesn't matter because they're state-owned enterprises and they don't need to be profitable
No they're not. You have no idea what you're talking about. They are leading the world in energy sector, advanced computation, BEVs, HS railways, infrastructure, ML and many more. Nearly 75% of all the research I cited in my thesis were from China. They are slightly behind the US in material science, military tech, and space tech (propulsion and such) but remember the long headstart and gorrilion of dollars already poured in by the US government. India's R&D investment is a pathetic 2% of the GDP since most of the budget is being used to throw gibs at the most multigenerationally unproductive part of the population
They look American to me
>increasingly returning to their dragon land
This simply is not true. Every single Chinese national I knew that wasn't an obvious party plant to keep tabs on the others wanted to stay here after graduation
It’s all fake and/or copied and stolen from western technology
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They copied it and built up on it. That's admirable and more than any country which has to play by internationally imposed demoncracy can ever hope to achieve
>They copied it and built up on it.
I have no qualms about the chinks doing this, intellectual property is a scam.
Their copied versions are inferior. Just look at the J20 vs the F35. They’re decades behind the West in every field and the gap will only widen as China slowly collapses
How did they get 5g before the west?
How are they leading in electric cars?
How is tiktok arguably the biggest social media owned by them?
F35 is as dysfunctional as the J20s lmao. All 5th gen fighters are a scam
>biological capacity
>America is ranked third in the world
you just admitted being mutted gives you "biological capacity".
Talking point from 2012
ITT: all the stinky chinky VPN wumaos
I know what's holding F35 back because my research was slighlty aligned with it. But in short, it fails to accomplish its "stealth" part at any angle apart from direct head on after the first 20 mins of flight
Wumao spotted
Again, talking point from 2012
Next you'll say how expensive it is despite it being cheaper per unit than the Eurofighter
>They look American to me
>Alexander Wang
>Jessica Wan
>Linus Tang
>Krishna Pothapragada
>Qiao Zhang
>Jordan Lefkowitz
4/6 are chink descent
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the make scientific advancement all the time, here's one literally from last week
we just never hear them because why would we? china bad after all
Niga look at my namefag. You're in denial. The difference is that I have higher ambitions for my cunt while you are satisfied with the present state
No. Even if it was expensive the US navy has endless supply of money to throw at it. The problem is that of its operational conditions and material science
What's with Anglos and hating China.
No it's not. The Chinese have spent 2.7 trillion dollars over 15 years to produce a non stealth piece of shit that's below a f 35. On and there's 29 actual working j 30s. They are making "30 a year" for 4 years now.
Most of the money was actually embezzled for fucks sake. That program is only 3rd on Chinese fuck ups of the decade. "6700 total dead of covid in China, we swear for realz" and the "19 year non nuclear carrier build"
Just trillions stolen.
That's your answer by the way. Most of the profits were stolen. Its either the really old 300 year plus families of the ccp who all cash out and retire to surrounding countries. Seriously look up billionaires in Asia. You'll see alot of recent Chinese immigrants with billions going to places like laos
We don't hate China. We hate the fucking trolls who do this shit everyday and basically killed the fucking board so it's all just pure shitposts which these fucking losers enjoy. They need to go back to pol.
I said all 5th gen fighters are a scam. Even the russian one
Total CCP Chigger Death is what i desperately want
>How did they get 5g before the west?
authoritarian government supporting it
>How are they leading in electric cars?
authoritarian government supporting it
no r&d costs when you steal from the west
>How is tiktok arguably the biggest social media owned by them?
authoritarian government supporting it
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China continues to headhunt researchers
That's the problem in Japan, but they can't easily subsidize research.
This. Developing countries should not be expected to develop under democracy. To do so is to guarantee that they remain perpetually poor. Every developed economy on this planet developed either through authoritarian rule or theough exploitation - a medium that is no longer acceptable to thirdies. Democracy is something a country adpots after all its industrial, human resource, and security needs are met
And? They look American to me
>is that of its operational conditions and material science
Again, talking points from 2012
Get newer material
everything looks american in the low iq muttland
Yes, we have all sorts of people here
That's why the rest of the world seethes at us so hard
Your best and brightest move here
There's no point reinventing the wheels plus the westerners could innovate for them anyway.
>russia lower than romania even
god what a fucking shithole
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>There's no point reinventing the wheels plus the westerners could innovate for them anyway.
who's gonna tell him
This is the type of guy to literally believe the Amerimutt meme at face value, like if you move here you LITERALLY digivolve into a gross brown goblin thing with a McDonalds t-shirt
Honorable mention >>200164259
even pure blooded whites are getting dumber anon. It's happening literally everywhere in western europe. Sad, but true
At least we have IQ points to lose, Janjesh.
>Chinks don't innovate
>Singapore, which is dominantly chinks, somehow innovate more
>chinks leave China for greener pastures
Tale as old as time
chinks aren't a homogenous ethnicity
han imperialism congregated several different peoples under a nation
and amerijeets have a homeland to return to unlike you landless, rootless, cultureless goy cattle.
>Chinese people don't have the biological capacity to innovate


The Chinese have been around for thousands of years. What have they invented? Fireworks and sweatshops?

Yes, when we apply IQ tests to Chineses and Asians in general, the results are impressive. However, something seems lacking. Their supposed intellectual prowess seems to hardly ever give birth to results. It's almost as if their brand of cognition is hyper-specialized in rote memorization, performance of tasks and understanding of pre-existing systems. That additional step - call it "divergent thinking", "creativity", "soul", whatever you want - it seems to be missing.

This is also true of their art. China's failure to become a cultural player despite their massive population is a reflection of the Chinese people as a collective lacking empathy and conception of the numinous. Their art lacks 'that spark of emotive connection' because the Chinese lack the internal awareness and emotional volatility that permit European art to communicate on a more profound and abstract level, just as they lack the ability to relativise their experience of reality. The results – as women are incapable of making art about anything other than their vaginas, so too are the Chinks incapable of making art about anything other than being Chinks.

They simply don't have the ingenuity, the spark, the soul that propelled the White Man towards world domination. And for that reason, China will never shine brighter than the most precious pearl of European achievement: the United States of America.
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>born in the USA
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
>born in the golemSA
>dat's my homeland. hoW dARe YOu
kek. Bharat was a real thing before america as an idea, was even concieved, muttnon
I won't be redeeming the (You) for such poor bait, Ranjesh.
Meanwhile American planes are falling out of the sky
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china's space station is fake kek
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American exceptionalism
There's a huge difference between 2nd Gen + Asian migrants and International students.
Well, economic power and technology generally cycles back and forth between regions throughout human history. The west has only had a bigger economy than India and China for a little over 200 years. Most of the world were technologically and economically ahead of Europe before the 1400s. Madrid, Lisbon, London and Venice are all provincial backwaters of Baghdad, Cairo, Guangzhou and Calicut for most of world history. Anglo and Nordic countries were still living in mudhuts. For Europe, Med countries eventually became the most advanced and they had a great position with being close to the Middle East (the center of learning and culture from 750-1258), and the Silk Road. however, as of recent, the med region has not been a dominant center of technology as they were in the past.
in the case of china, by the song dynasty, they had invented the compass, paper, gun powder, movable type printing, cast iron, silk production, vaccines, porcelain, fishing reel, seismograph, iron ploughshare, paper money, alcohol brewing, blast furnace, trebuchet, gas lighting, well drilling, oil refining, drums, soccer, color printing, bombs, water wheel, rotary based vertical flight, wheelbarrow, umbrellas, crossbow, playing cards, tea cultivation, kites, co-fusion steel process, bristle toothbrush, meritocratic system, ink and brush painting, pound lock, rockets, etc. technology from china would become part of an east to west tech transmission that would later enable the industrial revolution and renaissance in the west. china, however, became too comfortable with their success and isolated itself during the ming dynasty. european demand for chinese products was high but chinese demand for european products was very low until the 1700s.
even something like the examination system was invented by china and then copied by europe.
>According to Ferdinand Brunetière (1849-1906), followers of Physiocracy such as François Quesnay, whose theory of free trade was based on Chinese classical theory, were sinophiles bent on introducing "l'esprit chinois" to France. He also admits that French education was really based on Chinese literary examinations.
>In 1853, Lord Stanley of England called the examinations the "Chinese Principle."

china had even reached and established peaceful trade relations with Africa using the world's largest and most technologically advanced ships at the time. however, they were never an expansionist empire in the sense of the mongols or the west. they were building walls to keep others out. this tendency towards isolationism would end their voyages. but they were technologically ahead of europe at the time, and japan hadn't invented much at all.
>if you move [to the USA] you LITERALLY digivolve into a gross brown goblin thing with a McDonalds t-shirt
china's isolationist policy and limited engagement with the outside world and with it, the exchange of ideas, would cause them technological stagnation. europe after the middle age embraced the ideas and inventions of many regions in the world including china as shown before as well as the islamic world who had made advancements in medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and engineering which were then transmitted to through Spain, Sicily, and the Crusades. for instance europe adopted the decimal system, Arabic numerals and integrated Algebra into their mathematics. Islamic mathematicians also developed spherical trigonometry, which was essential for astronomy and navigation.

as for japan, they had adopted many chinese innovations. and starting in the late 17th century, they had roughly 50 years of peace with a colonial power (dutch) that willingly shared everything, transmitting the knowledge of industrial and scientific revolution that was occurring in europe. in the 17th and 18th centuries, the dutch were the most economically wealthy and scientifically advanced of all european nations, which put them in a privileged position to transfer western knowledge to japan. the japanese purchased and translated scientific books from the dutch, obtained from them western curiosities and manufactures (such as clocks, medical instruments, celestial and terrestrial globes, maps, plant seeds), and received demonstrations of Western innovations, such as the demonstrations of electric phenomena, and the flight of a hot air balloon in the early 19th century. This led them to their industrialization in the late 1800s and they went on to surpass china. by that time, china was going through the opium wars and civil wars and then eventually partial colonization by japan and other countries

Not the nordic countries
They tax their population to subsidise that stuff instead of welfare
The only innovation behind that was that they learned how to produce what others have but cheaper. Which isn't hard when you have what is basically a third worlder class within your country that will work for peanuts.
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from its isolationist policies to the opium wars and a series of civil wars, china went from technological stagnation to falling behind the west and japan. japan went on to become the technological powerhouse in the asian region after their industrialization. however, they also had a period of playing catch up with the west and copied everything during the early 20th century. then they eventually became inventors in their own right, going onto revolutionize the gaming, audio equipment, industrial robots, camera, and car industry. flash memory, DSLR cameras, LCD, LED blue light, fiber optic communications, the first bullet train (Shinkansen), CD/DVD, QR code, blu ray, etc. all sorts of engine technology for planes and cars came from Japan. The Kawasaki H1 was already one of the best motorcycle in the world in the 1960s -- the other best motorcycle was the Honda CB750, regarded as the first modern superbike. Porsche had to purchase Mitsubishi counter-balance during 90s. Pokemon is the best selling media franchise of all time. PS2 is the best selling console of all time.

japan went from imitation to innovation.

Japan even had the most advance semi-conductor industry in the 1980s. Fun fact though, immersive lithography was invented by a Han Chinese working for IBM division... he sold the patent to ASML Netherlands, which made the company successful and it was the foundations for EUV lithography. Look up Burn Jeng Lin. Worst part is? He tried selling to Nikon and Cannon (biggest lithography producers at the time) and they rejected it because of hostility towards the Chinese. Could had earned 100 trillion... Their lost. A Han Chinese also started and runs Nivida which is the most valuable company in the world today.
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China's cultural exports are blockaded from external exposure, whilst other Asians aren't. The Chinese aren't any less capable of producing great art and inventions than the Koreans or Japs whom are renowned worldwide for such. Low IQ, easily disproven wignat talking points being spouted by a Brazilian of all things is quite pathetic desu
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Assembling stuff that was invented in the west
China is a society based on cheating so their brains aren't wired to innovate.
meanwhile, china only began to starts its industrialization in the 1980s much longer after the west and japan (also korea who went on to innovate on their own after a period of industrialization and copying), so they're playing catch up but they're also doing it very rapidly. in the 1980s, a toilet was a luxury in China and now they have their own space station, a rover on mars, and DJI is the world's top drone company. we are already beginning to see china's nascent ascent for innovation. DJI is the world's number one consumer drone company, and it's not because it's cheap, it's because they are the technological leader -- Hollywood, US police/fire departments, consumer drone enthusiasts, all use their drones because they offer the best product BY FAR. they're curing diabetes with stem cell research. tesla uses battery tech from china (the battery that tesla is developing is still too inefficient) and ford also needs to license battery tech from CATL, a chinese company, for the their new EV factories. however due to the trade war slowing down the factory plans, lawmakers were grilling the CEO of Ford on why he has to use battery tech from China and he said, "There is no viable alternative. LFP technology is very well developed."
While this is neat, I would never trust the Chinese with anything of this scale or importance. We’re getting Chernobyl 2.0 for sure
Oh, Sven! You swedes are always goofing around when you're not sucking off men
Japan is on a level China can’t ever hope to approach and all Korean “art” is just them trying to do what Japan did but more palatable to the lowest class of westerners
so you might have notice that the history of innovation and progress is also a history of piracy. countries have always engaged in IP theft so long as they weren't leading in a particular IP. the United States has been stealing IP since its inception and blatantly stole British IP in order to give US industry an advantage during the 19th century. in fact, The Founding Fathers of the US not only tolerated intellectual piracy, they actively encouraged it. in his 1791 “Report on Manufactures,” Hamilton advocated rewarding those bringing “improvements and secrets of extraordinary value” into the country. and according to historian Doron Ben-Atar, in his book, Trade Secrets, “the United States emerged as the world's industrial leader by illicitly appropriating mechanical and scientific innovation" at the time.

for example, under the Patent Act of 1793, the United States granted dubious patents to Americans who had pirated technology from other countries at the same time that it barred foreign inventors from receiving patents. “America thus became, by national policy and legislative act, the world’s premier legal sanctuary for industrial pirates," writes Pat Choate in his book Hot Property: The Stealing of Ideas in an Age of Globalization. “Any American could bring a foreign innovation to the United States and commercialize the idea, all with total legal immunity.”
I will never respect China until their games industry stops being 99% copy paste gachaslop.
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It's really entertaining to know that the brainlets ITT somewhat represent the average Westerner and their view of China.

I admit that West is really leading in one area that the CCP wish they could reach, brainwashing on every level.
>There's a huge difference between 2nd Gen + Asian migrants and International students.
how are you going to pander to your asian male stoodycels who get treated like shit by noodle whores & white whores? It's much easier to buy them and make them defect to the ccp because the ccp can arrange a wife for you using many of it's match making services that sometimes can & do resort to kidnapping if necessary. Your western culture is literally digging it's own grave by treating it's own men like absolute, disposable, combustible tras, but then again it's understable because the chads who run your society can themselves defect to the strongest bully in the block with their money & harem.
Brazilmutt's point was that Chinks lack a genetic/spiritual component that makes them unable to produce great art or inventions, this isn't true since they do make kino art and inventions.

Chinks/Gooks/Nips are literally 99% genetically similar anyways so the basis of it being some sort of Chinese people are incapable of being creative because of genetics/lack of Faustian spirit to be mostly null. Thoughever the CCP mass killing of intellectuals/people who resisted definitely put a dent in it. Point is I just don't think there's any hard proof that Chinese people are specifically less innovative than other races

>how are you going to pander to your asian male stoodycels who get treated like shit by noodle whores & white whores?
by AMWFmaxxing
i rove china
>t. crying currycel
Laugh at this man everybody!
forgot to add, i want to visit either beijing/taipei/shanghai/chengdu/hongkong

will accept any other tips
>by AMWFmaxxing
all the best trying to convince a white women to settle down with a asian nerd
make better b8s mutt
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Polish women absolutely fucking obsess over Asian men. Even the 5/10 short Takashis get solid 8/10 Polish women here. Most common interracial couple at my uni is AMWF too. Asian men, please stop taking our women, thx.

Bring your women as tribute
Still got you to reply my seething friend.
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Jeet, your own women would drop you for a gooklee by the nanosecond.

shut up chink
>Jeet, your own women would drop you for a gooklee by the nanosecond.
I wish that were the case m8. But the average zommjeeta has already gotten tired of the kpop fever and is reverting back to liking the european beauty standards.
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You better shut up.
Lol Japan's writing system is copied from china. its architecture, philosophy, cuisine, etc is derivative from china. Sushi comes from the chinese dish narezushi, Ramen originated in china and made it's way into mainstream Japanese culture from Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century. Komonos, soy sauce, tofu, miso paste, origami are all chinese origin. China was the leading technological powerhouse in asia for almost of of recorded history.

As I showed in this post >>200171039, they were out-inventing japan until the last 100 years. The difference is Japan got a huge tech transfer from the netherlands in the latter half of the 1800s and was able to industrialize first. Had that been china, we would see a completely world today. The netherlands btw got tech transfer from the British who got tech transfer from Germany/France who got tech transfer from Med region who got tech transfer from China... The same way transmission went from East to West, it went from West to East. Most of East Asia (South Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc) was able to catch up in terms of technology, standard of living, life expectancy, etc. Once they caught up, they were able to become innovators of their own.
You can simply say that you hate China. There's no need post word wall to convince something
Why are jeets on this board such a massive China shills?
turd world unity
>They are still India/Africa tier in basic research and technology.
you people are insane
Do not include Japan and Korea in Chinese group
macoco cope posts worst cope posts
china is collapsing in 2 weeks, watch some youtube and learn
this is your mind on western propaganda

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