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I'm turning 21 tomorrow. Will I still be considered young in your country? 21 sounds so much fucking older than 20. Needless to say I'm a virgin and live with my parents
21 is super young in Germany especially if youre white
u are young till 25 now stfu and stop larping as an old person
>especially if youre white
Young germans are a rare breed, over 50 percent of 15 year olds and younger have migrant background there
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21 is young in Europe.
>in your country?
In Kazakhstan, it's not uncommon for men to get married and impregnate someone at that age
Alright you made me feel a little better
If you haven't had sex by 12 and gotten a degree by 15 then it's completely VORBEI for you
Sorry :(
shut up retard im going to be 22 in a few months, and im a KHHV NEET
im a 27 year old virgin
years pass by quickly. don't waste your entire youth like me
I’m 21 and I’ve hated this whole year. I wasted my teen years and now I’m too mentally broken to do anything. 21 is old if you haven’t done anything with your life but it’s young if you’re living up your youth
I'm 18 and my parents want me to find a job already. I feel like I'm a guest in my family house.
If you're not a woman you should feel very embarrassed for making this thread, but since you're a zoomer you've been conditioned to act like a woman.
I'm 36 and I'm the youngest guy in my workplace
Youth ends when you get your college degree
Welcome to the club buddy
21 is pretty old
You're supposed to get a tuition career by then
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>you've been conditioned to act like a woman
This is the one thing that annoys me the most when older men complain about the state of younger men. The school system is trying it's very best to stamp out any kind of masculinity in boys. Punishes them more frequently and more harshly than girls for the same misbehavior, rewards them less frequently, grades them worse than girls for the same competency, and prescribes them "attention-deficit" medications at 4x the rates of girls.
Many were raised without a father and, even if they did have one, he was likely already dominated by the mother.
>why are young men so pathetic and lacking in agency?
because it was intentionally crushed rather than cultivated
Bro, I am going to be 24 soon and let me tell you, it does not really matter. Time is flying by so fast, you will blink and look back at your "youth" as a 40 yo soon. Focus on your health.
Yeah I remember thinking I was really old when I was 20, now I'm 33 and giggling at these kids thinking they're old men
one foot in the grave grandpa
I remember coming to 4chan when I was 21 back in 2013 and posting a thread about that on /b/, anons were pretty nice and wished me happy birthday.

I was a suicidal loser and a virgin back then, nowadays I am still a loner but less suicidal and more experienced, with a few good friends I can depend on. I'm also not a virgin anymore (had one night stand) but still no gf. I've come to terms with my weaknesses and relised there's no point in worrying about things you can't influence anyway. Moving out back in 2017 and renting my own flat as well as getting my first "real" job definitely was a gamechanger.

I also started acoomulating Bitcoin back in 2021 so I might still become rich, who knows.

So yeah, you still have life ahead of you, take if easy.
Want some advice?
Get a job that won't drain you completly at the end of your shift, then work on your career/business.
I started working on it year ago when I was 25, now Im 26 and my only regret is that I didn't started at 21 instead wasting my life on jobs that paid a little bit better but drained me completly.
41 for me.
You're at the beginning of the end, kid.
I wish I hadn't taken my body at 20 for granted.
I feel like I was you only yesterday, but now I'm 31

And let me tell you that I am old, and it will happen to you too faster than you think
Even at 30 I consider you young. Stop worrying about age, live life.
>30 is young
I'm 30 and I feel prime. Go work out and stop drinking and gooning all the time.
I’m turning 23 soon. I have nothing going for me and I’m so close to killing myself. It’s so fucking over.
That's because you live in America. If I had a high wage like you I could work out and have a fine life
>I'm turning 23 soon
>It's over
Zoomers are so funny.
22 here. You're definitely no longer young. After age 30 you're already old and age 50+ is grandfather age.
Maybe 23 is young in the zero suffering zone of Norge, but here in Ohio I fucking suffer
You are a baby. Literally a whiny retarded child.

Christ I hate zoomers.
Nigga the thing is, it wont stop here. It doesnt stop for anyone. Chances are hig if you arent genetic garbage or some atomic war happens that you will reach atleast 90y while working up to 75-80y.

Bitch nigga.
come back when you're 30, child
I mean, you're at least too old for anime
Go get a job and stop jerking off to little anime girls, faggot. Do you not have a crumb of pride?
>I have nothing going for me
You have access to internet right, and I assume you are not posting from your homless tent.
It takes 3 years to make decent moeny online,
6 if you are mentally retarded. Start doordashing or working in McDonald and after your shift work on your projects. In 3 years you will work 20 hours a week in your business/career and make the same money as wagies working 60 hours a week in some soul draining job.
what kind of business and projects are you talking about
The le "just work on your mistery projects after work online bro" advice.

Anytime I see one of you cunts pop up I wonder in what kind of scams you are involved or if you just straight out sell drugs or pictures of your assholes over the internet and call it "business".
I'm a 30 year old gross tranny.
Age is just a number. No pedo.
Stop caring, enjoy life.
>Anytime I see one of you cunts pop up I wonder in what kind of scams you are involved or if you just straight out sell drugs or pictures of your assholes over the internet and call it "business".
Both perfectly reasonable businesses.
I left it not specific because, what worked for me could be tedious for you. I have a youtube channel making me rougly $30 a day even when I don't upload for week or two and I retouch photos for people in photoshop making me another 30$/day sometimes more, sometimes less. That's enough for me to live in Poland comfortably without a proper job.
I know 30 year olds who I still think of as children.
The only kind of business I could imagine doing is mass producing shitty mobile games
Then do it, in your 1st year you will throw stuff at the wall, in 2nd you will finally start getting few shekels here and there and by 3rd year you will go full time, if you are smart and don't waste your time then even faster.
23 is when you really feel older. 25 is even worse. 30 is it's over.
21 is very young, 25 and onwards is when you're an actual adult.
Youth is wasted on the young yaddayadda. Don't slack your entire life away like I did. It won't end your existence but you'll regret it later. Find something to do and by that I don't necessarily mean go full toilberg but a good mixture of grass, socialising and a little disposable income/qualifications
I want to make game reviews and produce my own indie game but I dunno how to make my videos interesting…
Improve one thing every video, like script, editing, titles, be sure to choose topics were there is more people looking for it then youtubers making videos on it. Choose one thing to improve in every video and keep uploading. If you have to force yourself to rewatch your video its a bad sing.
For start focus on 3 things
>Looking for good topics/games where there is big market but not big competition
>Titles(This one is so fucking important its not even funny)
You're still young, it wasn't until 24 that I really felt like I wasn't a kid anymore.
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33 virgin. you got some time to waste boy
My local gym membership is like 20 euros, or then there's even those free outside ones in parks
Should I just rope? Gonna be 24 in a few months and I’m in the same spot as op with almost no shot at getting out. Even if I became rich tomorrow, I don’t think it’d make up for the years lost. I don’t really wanna bother with anything anymore
I'm 28 and I've been here since 15...

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