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What caste is the average online Indian nationalist?

Are they brahmin or lower tier? I can't imagine an untouchable shilling for their country
just castemaxx to the best caste whats the problem
indians can tell your caste by your name, you can’t escape
namemaxx to the highest caste
dalits shill the hardest to delude themselves into being accepted. It’s like greeks with albanian grandparents. They go extra nationalist so they don’t get bullied by real greeks. But they still do behind their backs anyway
Scheduled Castes are the most common castes in the country, which correspond to the lower caste.

I'm Ramgarhia Sikh, which is technically a Scheduled Caste but also fairly well off and respected in Punjab.

The number of Indians who qualify as Dalits is about 200 million out of around 1400 million Indians, so assuming everyone has internet access in India, you have a 1 in 7 chance of talking to a Daily.
why is there no records of gypsies getting kicked out of india, seems like a void mark
>SAAR caste SAAR tell us Indian caste
Why are whitoids like this? Caste is irrelevant.

What matters is if everyone follows the supremacy of Marathas.If they don't, then they are mlecchas.
It was so long ago that whatever records were likely lost, and the gypsies likely had roots amongst the most degenerate elements of Punjab who were eventually segregated and kicked out.

To be honest, most Indians would be surprised to know gypsies came from India. Whoever expelled them probably thought "Good fucking riddance" and put them out of their minds.
The modern Indian republic is the best thing to happen to lower castes.
the govt virtually doesn't allow you to fakemaxx your caste, atleast transitioning from upper caste to lower caste category, and in there's no incentive in claiming you belong to an upper caste because more than 50 percent of seats in govt run universities & 50% of govt job vacancies are reserved to lower caste groups. it may go as high as 69% in state govt run institutions leaving 31% to open competition that is upper castes(often clubbed under and called as general category or open category) can only compete for this 31% space whereas lower castes can compete for this 31% in addition to specific reservations each lower caste category is reserved. For instance the OBC(other backward castes) category gets 27% reservation iirc and that means they can compete for the 31% open competition and when that gets filled up, they can avail the 27% reservation but not more. All kinds of scams have & continue taking place here btw to benefit from reservations. There's also reservations for people with disabilities & for women Here's the latest one that was quite hot in the news for about a month and soon died down as other top names who've media influence could've been involved:
On top of that, if you plan on larping as an upper caste to gain fame or to be seen as superior, but happened to be a lower caste faggot, you will soon be outed as a charlatan because if your relatives happened to be of lower castes, you'll be prime sus. This is why many relatives are invited to betrothal & marriage so as to gurantee that you're not a charlatan to the spouse's family. But of course, this can only work in a society that isn't atomised. This is why liberals and soicialists in our cunt are actively trying to do whatever it can to destroy the families & relative connections.
why do you care ?
after all to any indian nationalist or superimacist
you're all way below the lowest of the low
even the dalits are part of the varna system which makes them human
same can't be said about mlecchas
>'m Ramgarhia Sikh, which is technically a Scheduled Caste but also fairly well off and respected in Punjab.
Everyone knows your kind are scammy scummy kind faggot. Your caste clearly doesn't deserve any reservations does it.
Who shat in your cereal this morning?
>Whoever expelled them probably thought "Good fucking riddance"
it was the invading muslim afghans who did the needful
How do Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians etc fit into Indian society given that they all reject the Hindu caste system?
Do Hindus still see a Sikh or a Buddhist and say "oh they are this caste, even if they don't believe in the caste system"?
Or do they truly live outside of the caste system?
>even if they don't believe in the caste system
retard alert
this is like saying bible teaches all christians are equal
yet in real life whyte christians are still racist towards niggers even though they're christian too
Alright real question
I'm not trying to be offensive
But you all are aware how scientology is incredibly complex and you have to spend years learning it and it's a cult and no one outside of scientology cares of someone is a level 3 or level 5 in the thetan counts.
Its not that we are stupid or are unaware, it's more we know scientology is a hyper complicated cult designed to create a hierarchy to tax retards.
That's pretty much how we view Hindi shit. Like a level 7 praetorian scientology a dalit a Bahamian... Its all just bullshit.
You all have to know this is what we think right?

You guys come off exactly like scientologist online. Its just insane. I swear they must copy Hindi scripts on their hustle. They even have you play to win otherwise you just repeat but don't go to hell shit. That way you tell people not buying in " you aren't going to hell to me, you just are playing"
So you're saying that in practical terms, they acknowledge the caste system, even if their religions tell them not to?
literally every religion integrated the hindu caste system in their religion when they set foot in the subcontinent.
this documentary features caste discrimination in hinduism, islam, sikhism & christianity. It's a 2hr watch, but absolutely worth it
Caste is pretty much how Indian society operates and organises itself, being at heart an inherited labour union that gets people to specialise in a specific niche without interfering and competing with others.

Even religions that reject it have to work with it because it's the only way you can have such a diverse array of different peoples and cultures live in the same place without killing each other. Think of it as how blacks and whites were considered separate but equal for the longest time in the US.
how many public latrines did you clean today inbred bhungi pagchod?
yeah because what you call caste
is just your jati + varna
so even if you convert
how are you going to magically wipe out your lineage?
for the example just because a russian converts to anglicanism
does that now make him englishman ?
You don't care about caste because you don't live in India and you don't have family who live in India. It's not some esoteric knowledge, it's a social fact.

You're right that it doesn't make sense outside of India, but it makes perfect sense inside of India in the same way the distinction between Whites, Latinos and Blacks makes sense in the Americas, or the distinction between Whites and Jews, or Whites and other Whites, or between Normans and Anglo-Saxons, all of which look equally superficial and ridiculous to us Indians from the outside looking in.
Yeah... Seems to be working .. great.. in India ....
Why didn't your family stay in India.
The caste system is a cancer to humanity. Its bullshit. I'm an American. I say what I want. Will I stop it? No. But I will call bullshit out
fascinating indian-to-indian responses,
None. Ramgarhias are blacksmiths and carpenters. The tea plantation over in Assam, or the infrastructure across the country? We helped make that. You're welcome, by the way.
How did the Civil Rights Act work out for America, or the end of Apartheid in South Africa, or the transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe? You're ideas of equality and race blindness hasn't worked wonders either.

You're welcome.
There should be two cases:
>Upper Caste
>Untouchable Caste
It is.
200,000,000 people getting crippled their entire lives. How much wasted potential was lost so a caste system can justify some .01% getting hyper rich just being born into wealth and using it.

Wealth inequality is bad enough and limiting people but caste systems are just a next level of retardation
It work out well. Duh. How did India do in that time.
While it is a scientific fact that blacks are lower IQ than whites, i cannot imagine dalitjeets being proven to be dumber than brahminjeets
ramgarhia is OBC though
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>Scheduled Castes
boo hoo why don't you try fixing your own country first?
native americans are still suffering in the rez they are still living in concentration camps
>50 percent of seats in govt run universities & 50% of govt job vacancies are reserved to lower caste groups
gay trash
government should be abolished anyway, benefits of castemaxxing will be better in real jobs/businesses

just say you're trans-brahmin
>just abolish reservation bro
the entire nation will see a civil war with atleast 10 million dead in a month if something like that happens. lol
not just reservation
abolish like 90% at least of the indian government you're bloatmaxxed almost as much as us

all it needs to be is army,police,paramedics,firefighters delete everything else of the government
Right, that's why you had the Summer of Love, why South Africa has routine droughts despite having the ocean on 3 sides and how Rhodesia went from the bread basket of Africa to the basket case of Zimbabwe - while India went from a crippled former colony reeling over Partition to a modern nuclear power, the largest populated country in the world with a rapidly developing electronics and manufacturing industry.

They aren't, hence why the reservation system in India has been semi-successful in uplifting the lower castes in contrast to the total failure of affirmative action over in America.

Nehru and his buddies in Congress were autistic about definitions, being wannabe Englishmen

Fair enough. Been a while since I checked on that
All Indians are Dalits, every single one of us. Anyone who says otherwise is coping.
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I'm am the highest Indian caste. American.
On the contrary. Even amongst Europeans, Americans are the lowest of the low
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>Even amongst Europeans, Americans are the lowest of the low
If I cared what a Euro thought that would have an impact on me, unfortunately I don't. You live in a euro poor country that is rapidly transitioning into being third world. The fact that you can throw stones from within your house made exclusively of glass panels is quite astonishing.
Nta I noticed how you just went really vague when you lost the point. The USA over the last 70 years compared to India crushed India in every realm. Our system works better. That's why Indians flee India. They can't get ahead of make money there. The Caste system keeps the poor divided and the rich on top. Maybe Indians should change their dumb shit!
Even if an Indian goes to America, he is still a Dalit.
This but Marathi Deshastha/Konkanastha Brahmins
Bro. That shit only exists in your head. Lol it's a concept. Lol
Bro he makes more making donuts at Dunkin in America in 1 year than you will ever see working in India for 20 years.
America worked better because 70 years ago it had a majority WASP population that had a strong sense of trust in each other. Hispanics were kept south of the border, and blacks and native Americans were kept segregated from the rest of society in a situation analogous to the caste system.

India never really had any of that. The caste system is a compromise between balkanising the entire country in the manner of Africa and the MENA did over tribal and clan horseshit, or forcibly assimilating the minority populations and exterminate those who won't let themselves get welded into an artificial identity like the Han over in China.

It's not perfect and reforms are long overdue, but it's an inevitable fact in a place as divided in India, and it's at least had the benefit of preserving regional and even local culture identities in ways that people like the Welsh, Bretons and the multiple sub-German ethnicities couldn't.
Your going to be below a dalit if we are going by caste rules. Only a hindu father can make you part of the varna system
Yup. Life of an upper caste man is hell in eart in lundia. Shit is even more fucked if you happen to be the unlucky bastard who happens to be dark & ugly because you can neither claim to lower caste nor garner sympathy for being black
I'm assuming it would be brahmin, I'm a rajput (Kshatriya) and I'm not a hindu nationalist
Still we are all Dalits. Be Provd Dalit.
White people don't care about this caste. We put Brahminjeets and Dalitjeets in the same mental category - brownoid immigrant. The concept of some brown person being somehow better than another brown person because of the genetic lottery is utterly alien to us.
Let me correct you by saying they mean Indian immigrant
No, Indians get the same hate as Pakis, Iraqis, Egyptians, Moroccans, Mexicans, Venezuelans, etc. Especially in Europe. America is actually more tolerant of immigrants because they get the same opportunities as Timmy and their children end up socializing in the same spaces.

The only immigrants that are received well are in places where they're already the majority (think Mexicans in border states or Arabs in Dearborn Michigan, Indians in Edison New Jersey). Everywhere else you're all brown to us.
>An actual informative thread on /int/

Umm janny? Could you please delete this racist political trash, we need to make space for 3 more BBC threads, thank you

How does the caste system reflect on rates of public pooping? Do Brahmins also poop outside?

Also, Brahmins are the priestly caste right? So are those the guys rubbing the cow poo on themselves for spiritual reasons?
I believed they defecated in certain designated areas into tiny pits or catholes, kind of like what soldiers do in frontlines if there's no toilets.
>No, Indians get the same hate as Pakis, Iraqis, Egyptians, Moroccans, Mexicans,
Kek no, Venezuelans maybe though
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what caste is this?
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Did you make this video lol?
I'm feeling REALLY like a Bania right now
some tiny cult like followers of some minor hindu belief I guess. You literally don't see this kind of shit in urbanjeets at all.
Yadav. Their traditional job is raising cattle for dairy.
Who is the tranny on the left
Shilpa Shetty
what the fuck are you talking about
you don't know anything about caste man stfu

if you want to have negative opinions about india I'd rather you just talk about some retarded shit like street food instead of making up garbage
The caste system is just feudalism pretty much

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