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how did they get so filthy rich?
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don't ask mehmed
By not mass importing browns
by keeping their population white and making you faggots pay the bills as a compensation for you being retarded 80 years ago
>tfw got second salary raise in the last 3 months and didn't even ask for it
you can't suffer in Poland
Poland is always a utopia when not aggressed upon by all the evil neighbors for being too good.
Poland is an utopia if you are an owner of an apartment/house in a big city (I am).
But if you're a rentoid and see no chance to ever save enough money to buy your own dwelling (without mortgage ofc) then it's better to move abroad.
thanks to us
Wow Sri Lanka, thank you
EU money + politicians that at least attempt to use the money given to them to better the country and it's citizens. Similarly to what the US did with the marshall plan, rebuilding poland after the unfortunate disaster of being a communist country was probably the smartest decision the EU ever made. Having a stronger economic country is very beneficial especially seeing the growth of Poland. It's not too hard to imagine Poland leading the EU in 20-30 years so long as they continue to focus on the growth of its country and well-being of it's citizens, that is so long as Putin doesn't go senile and start world war 3 and ruin everything for everyone.
I love America
like 90% of Poles own housing.
only now thx to ur tech transfers (tech which u got from tech transfers from frons and germland)
>like 90% of Poles own housing.
but not in big cities where jobs are
Subsidized by the EU as their meatshield against Rossiya
unemployment in Poland is the second lowest in the EU according to Eurostat. the minimum wage is the highest of any post-communist country. and 90% is 90%. of all people.
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net eu gib average to Poland is only half of what much poorer Hungary (was twice richer 30 years ago) receives, and comes out to about $14 per person a month

the child benefit for every single child in the family from birth till 18-24 is $200 per child here
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>It's not too hard to imagine Poland leading the EU in 20-30 years
lol shut your obese mouth you polish named sack of fat trash
Mehmed won't lead the E.U. bruh. ethnic germale median age is 51 now, the highest in the world (this means half of ethnic germales are older than 51!) together with Japan

the Polish Pan's median age is 39.
>the minimum wage is the highest of any post-communist country
In eastern Germany it's higher
What are you Russian or paki or what the fuck come on man
Can you cherry pick harder
eastern germland is not a country, ossi.
see >>200166914
Dear God
You don't realize you are cherry picking
You are brainwashed
it might be a russoid. plenty of so-called russlanddeutsche in ossiland. they try very hard to be "GermanTM" i.e. nazi but actual germs see through that and mock all of them.
Wow, Japan is so diligent! A role model to all asian nations.
Witcher and LGBT Projekt Red generate 50% of Polish GDP unironically
The fact he's ignoring the 22 to current flood of immigrants from the east who are increasingly Russia into Poland says maybe.
Idiot was probably saying 1 million new immigrants into Poland from Ukraine was going to sink it a year ago.

He totally memoryholed it.
I hate russian as well as the usa and by extension their empty vessel void-brained 5th column lapdogs the poles
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Hong Kong (China) > China
>I hate russian
but they created your whole Ossiland and Ossi identity
What are you paki or Indian what. You keep using cherry picked stats.
You just keep looking less legitimate.
>He totally memoryholed it.
russians are asiatics, they memoryhole bad info like all asiatics do. something something save face culture
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Stalin, a Russian, literally created Poland. Poland is such a fake country that they say themselves that there aren't even regional identities in the first place.
Jeet CEOs are working for Poland's success
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Forgot pic
>Poland is such a fake country that they say themselves that there aren't even regional identities in the first place.
it means it's a real country that emerged naturally, the fake ones are those with 100500 identities because it means they were artificially lumped together by some external force
Also money.
Now that we've been in stagnate for years, it's Poland turn to invest in us.
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>Ossis will now claim that homogenous nation-states are unnatural
You guys literally built a wall to keep Belarusians, Russians out and he's saying you'll have a demographic issue

They don't get it. This is your region. Your century. You tell us what you need otherwise we don't care, we aren't rulers, we kill and invent
Russians don't understand American autism. ,
>planned identity "countries" like China and poland are real
>regional identity countries like Germany, France, Italy, England are fake
the communist mindset (created by Stalin)
undeserved EU gibs and liberum veto threats if not enough gibs are being delivered
german identity was invented by bismarck
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>Stalin, a Russian
mehmed you need to learn history better,
also you live in american occupied post ww2 german reservation
>american occupied
you are just jelly that we have american bases and you don't
>regional identity

lmao, they literally genocided their minorities
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you will never BTFO japan
Having received so many EU gibs from us, I think they should allow me to live their and give me their females
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less mouths to feed, more housing to go around. there are way less people than there would've been under communism. massive borrowing and immigration since communist fall lead to an increase in gdp. also a little bit of the Ireland effect where multinationals park money here and and a little bit of the switzerland affect where a 20$ burger and a 300,000$ commie bloc in prime location counts towards value created. materially, the polish aren't that much better off
pretty sure that as an eu citizen, you are free to move to poland any time you want
A moment ago I was east German

The concept of a German identity has evolved over several centuries and is rooted in various historical, cultural, and political developments. The HRE, which existed from 800 to 1806, encompassed a large part of Europe, including many German-speaking regions. While not a unified nation-state, it provided a sense of collective identity among the German-speaking people.
Around 960 Otto I created the imperial church system, often called "Ottonian church system of the Reich", which tied the great imperial churches and their representatives to imperial service, thus providing "a stable and long-lasting framework for (author's emphasis:) Germany (!)".
Yes but they should welcome me with open arms
They should simply give back the gibs including interest. That will be enough to purchase whatever one wants and rightfully belongs to net contributors.
fuck off szlachtoid
>materially, the polish aren't that much better off
I don't think you realize the huge gap that is between current day Poland compared to communist Poland (or current day Russia). we live so much better off it's not even comparable
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you will NEVER fulfill your fantasies
I am not the same anon
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how so? my parents had a commie bloc and a lada. I'm a rentoid, and I don't have a car yet.
The population just stopped growing and in fact shrank massively, so there was a lot more to go around.
it's easy to quadruple your gdp/capita when you half the people and take out 100% debt on your country
>The HRE, which existed from 800 to 1806, encompassed a large part of Europe, including many German-speaking regions.
and at that time Poland already finished its evolving in 966 and has been a fully fledged nation ever since, something Germans needed the next 900 years to achieve lmao
america is building them up because theyre strategically important against russia. Theres a reason only eastern europe is allowed to be nationalistic and conservative.
dude I am 30+ and I remember how Poland used to look like in the 90s and early 20s
people now can afford to drive modern cars, live in decent houses or apartments, buy electronics, go on vacations abroad
this was all unimaginable 20 years ago, we've made such a huge progress
Kingdom of Poland/PLC has nothing to do with the made-up modern state of Poland
holy ossie butthurt cope ITT xD
They are good allies and fighters. The faster they become totally self sufficient and projecting power in eastern Europe the better. Romania as well is on the track next.
the same way modern German Federation has nothing to do with all the previous entities
you're a fake nation created in 1991 by America
I would much rather have a neoclassical stone building like pic related than a soulless modern glass cube. vacation is for women to take instagram selfies. cars and electronics were yeah heavily under prioritised
> people now can afford to drive modern cars, live in decent houses or apartments, buy electronics, go on vacations abroad
>this was all unimaginable 20 years ago
So please stop blaming us for WW2 because it has nothing to do with modern Germany
>I would much rather have a neoclassical stone building like pic related than a soulless modern glass cube
same, but I'd also rather have 60 sqm for myself than 25 sqm for entire family like it was during communism times
>vacation is for women to take instagram selfies
I have 6 weeks per year off work and it's not nearly enough to feel to be a free man. I pity people who get even less than that, especially drones who take pride in working for other people
>cars and electronics were yeah heavily under prioritised
for me Lada Niva is one of the best cars in history but yeah it's better to have a choice on a free market
I officialy absolve you for all your sins
It's time to cooperate Hans, let's build a better future
so you can give up your territory and wealth too, since it was acquired by other entities than FGR
I have even started looking for engineering job openings in Poland.

What a timeline we live in.
believe me, I would gladly give over eastern Germany to Poland, but unfortunately this anon >>200169670
already absolved us from our sins, so it is no longer an option.
This is not neoclassical
it's got the greek columns and temples
EU gibs.
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>how did they get so filthy ri-ACK
bait. very old pic. these look like they were made today now. (unironically btw)
See >>200166879
Konfederacja will never be in power, we're in the same boat. All I care about is keeping my Lithuanian brothers safe from the poolish hyena anyway
it will be after 2027, as a junior partner in the PiS-Konfederacja coalition.
Those don't make something neoclassical. Socialist realism loved arches too
Nope, you still have at least 10 years left of KO-Lewica, enjoy your confederated sejms :)
nigga that's NUTS
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You and me
I would also like to give western "Germany" to anyone really, simply don't care to get rid of all the green voters and ZDF drones
they get free EU money
that anon was a jew or ukr, real poles never forgive, never forget xD

now deliver german gfs as wwii reparation
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your game will suck ass
I WILL btfo CD Projekt Red and there's nothing you can do about it
thanks to you :3
traditional roles
Germany is the seme, Poland is the uke
Verräter! An die Wand mit dir!
You can get your bussy rammed and you can get cuddles, or you can get spankings.
Yeah I think I will go with 1
Is Silesia heaven on earth
See >>200166879

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