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people clown on these women but in all honesty they're more intelligent, hard-working and useful than every single pajeet or arab male COMBINED. How's the work force in your cunt?
Yea they're doing so many useful tasks like HR or managing the social media accounts
>they're more intelligent, hard-working and useful
they're probably more physically strong too LMAO
Ali doesn't get migraines or vaginal cramps
Bullshit jobs are the polar opposite of useful jobs
Very true
That ticktock is very
unironically still better than a pajeet or latino code monkey with an IQ of 7.
in what company do they even work at?
Nicely catered (you) bait only a retard board like int would fall for
no, those monkeys at least can carry a box.
The only reason why companies hire women is either because the managers want to sleep with women or because they are scared to get canceled by politicians
Im-fucking-possible lmao. I am guaranteed to be more over qualified than everyone in that office combined. Even in meme HR roles
>t. seething nafricuck
an white or east asian woman is more intelligent and valuable than 100,000,000 moroccan ""men"". Their output is greater.
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>How's the work force in your cunt?
>no, those monkeys at least can carry a box.
a white women is physically stronger than a pajeet male. They're better for labor

poo in the loo saar.
qrd? What did I miss?
I wanna give them my average sized girthy brown cock
>average sized
LMAOOOOOO saar please.
Shut the fuck up
cope juanito
no they're not simp
They work as HR consultant mood managers on CDA, a conpany that offers business solutions for app optmizations for human interface on android phone apps made for middle management
Yes this is what wypipo do for a living
Shit like this used to cause mass layoffs back in 2021
no you retard, they work at a skin cream startup company. The boss is literally the first one “gen z boss and a mini”
Put all of us in a room together and we'll see who's stronger
>why are these women HAPPY and not brooding stemcels like myself!!!
>t.HR consultant mood managers on CDA, a conpany that offers business solutions for app optmizations for human interface on android phone apps made for middle management
Stop listening to grifters, can't you see they make money out of your hate and are actively making your life shitter?
I'd be happy too if my job was making memes instead of actual work
Mr. Lim wouldn't allow this in his company.
it'll end with you getting manhandled and thrown out the building lmao. A swedish woman could beat up 200 pajeet men in the span of an hour.
they're based and only incels got angry at them btw
elaborate friend
Why would you put fake tan on your hands?
only brown incels. Whites appreciate these women more than any shitskin.
I actually like Indians and find them very endearing
I also respect their civilization - both historical empires and modern democracy
My heart swells with love for the people of India

Now, on the matter of women, I feel another way entirely….

Women produced a short video of a fun workplace activity, CHUDS melted down in rage
how so? By being insufferable pricks doing marketing or other bullshit meme jobs? lmao. such is the state that the land of mutts has come down to. Mutts would rather support literal shitlib feminists who're destroying their civilization rather conservative jeets or arabs who're ok with classical white liberalism & are ready to work for peanuts if it must be done. Then again, the muttland is a matriarchal theocracy that treats its own men with great contempt.
SIMPS. fify
ahah nice try
Gen z boss and a mini can definitely squat more than the average jeet
>people clown on these women but in all honesty they're more intelligent, hard-working and useful
Come on now...

>than every single pajeet or arab male COMBINED
Ok, I agree
>a white women is physically stronger than a pajeet male
Then how come they get raped when they go to India? They wont carry shit in a useless HR position that happens in the underpaid warehouse jobs where these women will never work.
>literal shitlib feminists who're destroying their civilization rather conservative jeets or arabs
white liberal women are far more competent and superior to ""conservative"" jeets and araps. Pajeets are worthless. White and east asian women are at least high IQ and good at math and get the job done efficently unlike retarded arabs and pajeets. White cat women are still better than insipid vivek ramaswamy type jeets. Jeets work long hours for little money. That's their only appeal. And that's unironically more bad than good. We need white and east asian women. Nobody wants arab or pajeet men who have IQs of 80 (and that's if we're being generous).
they could lift more too

based greek.
>Then how come they get raped when they go to India?
it takes like 11 pajeets to rape one white woman. You're acting like the average chinese or nordic girl who's in the military couldn't fuck up even the strongest jeets (which they can)
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>white liberal women are far more competent and superior to ""conservative"" jeets and araps.
quite cringe desu. I'm not going to read the rest of your mutt prose
Its all a Larp; women are obsessed with image & social hierarchy. They dont actually want to work, they want to be seen as working.
Somehow someway they cheated to get where they are, but you'll never find the truth.
>it takes like 11 pajeets to rape one white woman.
sauce:my mutt brain that was skullfucked by BIG BLACK COCK
cope and seethe more poojeet. White liberal women are superior to you and more capable. White and east asian women are genetically superior to brownoid men.
>jeet brings up BBC out of nowhere to mask seethe
kek. Everytime.
and you bring up our supposed tendecy to gangrape because we're 'weak'. Listen mutt, a 5'4 pajeet would suffice to rape 100s of your muttified women who you venerate as white aryan queens. and force them to give birth to actual aryans, no the fake ones you worhsip on /pol/
Can someone actually explain to me what these types of manager-HR-consultant people ”do”?

They’re not RND, they’re not in prod actually slinging stuff, they’re not in upper management/board calling the shots, they’re not in accounting doing the books or taxes, they’re not in marketing or sales trying to pitch the product, sell, or get investors in

what the fuck do they do? what do they contribute?
>a 5'4 pajeet would suffice to rape 100s of your muttified women who you venerate as white aryan queens.
LMAO do jeets actually believe this?
i love /int/ so much i don't even have tiktok yet i get to know about ALL the latest trends right here. what a useful resource.
I hate mudslimes but the western european economy would collapse if all the dirt cheap mohammads were kicked out. These worthless monkeys on the pic never did any real work in their lives
good morning muhammad
>a fucking american calls me that
they keep all of the top executives happy by taking turns to suck their cocks.
c'mon mutt bro. What do you aim on doing with these silly shitposts? We all know your women suck cocks and that you literally live in an idiocracy.
>mutt prose
kek. kope moar mutt. We rule you and these muttoidessed who I claimed to be mere cock suckers are just that, cock suckers. wanna know whose cocks they suck? It's ours. Now go back to whatever /pol/tard thread you came from and coom to your BBC fetish of getting anally & cranially penetrated by a 12 inch black phallus
>and coom to your BBC fetish of getting anally & cranially penetrated by a 12 inch black phallus
lol pajeet projection at it's finest. There's not one white woman in this world who thinks about BBC more than you do. White women carry STEM fields while jeet men are fantasizing about getting railed by negros LMAO.
>White women carry STEM fields while jeet men are fantasizing about getting railed by negros LMAO.
lmao even. East & south asians literally are the ones dominating STEM in ur cunt mutt.
so your hands don't look weird compared to the rest of your body after fake tanning.
"fake tan hands" refers to the fact that the crasing of the hands that makes fake tan look weird cuz it's hard to apply evenly.
Thus and unironically. I spend 9 hours a day sitting in a cube staring at a screen until my eyes bleed. These bitches film TikTok videos and probably make more than I do. I have every right to be upset.
""south asians"" forging certificates, scamming, lying about their credentials, and through unearned nepotism. White and east asian woman get positions in STEM fields through merit alone. While jeets scam and lie, whites and east asians work their way to the top with their intelligence. Jeets can't say the same. That's why a white school girl is more intelligent than a jeet in college.
>east asian woman
weird why you simp so much for east asian woman. Are you high on the fantasy that a gookess will suck your minute mutt cock, mutt?
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she's cute
>Verification not required.
the one on the left looks exactly like the woman sitting on the desk next to me at work
I'm not a psychopath but I wish those women died for some reason
>latino code monkey
u wut now m8?
They should be raising their children.

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