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no its good
I dress nice because I'm ugly
whygena is so cute
and i love him. if he was sad, i would support him
just noticed that my phone has a compass
co-op electric is reporting over 80% power outage for the region. i cant believe theres actually casualties.
Americans b like:
This golden oportunity of suing the company I work in too spicy
i thought "whygena" was the word "vagina" pronounced with an Indian accent
this will be good for co-op funeralcare
reading the intelligent ivnestor. this would be useful if i had like 500k just sitting around and if i didnt mind wage slaving until i need to have my own ass wiped by a nurse
Kamala down in polls BIGLY
fuck allergies
Kamala slapped my pussy
kamala fingered my butthole through my pants
at least you sort of took a step in learning or progressing forwards to doing it properly about how images on 4chan are used and what reaction images or macros are. at least its a positive step towards you doing it properly, but it shouldnt have been possible for someone to go take a step a step only and not to do it entirely in one go, but ok
it's #her turn bros
kamala is ugly af
my barrows setup :)
She has big tits tho
when that one leaf enters the thread and sees this he's gonna start seething and dilating lol
for me, its women that are the blonde (not evil) version of my mom
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It is wise to listen to wizards
woah same
aoc has bigger tits
poop amber heard
Listen to my wizardcel wisdom: exercise will benefit you greatly if you start the habit now
bicyclic derivatives of aluminium chloride 2 and OTC medications i have known and made in my garage to take and eat
AOC is certified as Whites only, Kamala isn't
she's for BHC/BLC only
large bin bags i will put over my bed (and ill also put some of my outdoor clothes in the bag) to pipe into it with a hoover and mixing bleach and sodium hydroxide in the bag to gas the bed bugs (im sick of them)
>went to Boston University
>engaged to the whitest Irish man possible
You think that's a coincidence? She is BPC only (big potato cock)

>Americans when they're greeting someone
she kissed him - he was Irish
why is it always the women who initiates sex in western porn
Because it's a fantasy
ChatGPT, write a suicide note for a late 20s guy who's just about fucking had it.
she's never had sex with him though, she has mocked him publicly
4 barrows pieces for me already so far... easy 350 purple currency
What do you mean
me when I'm on my commute in the morning and getting reds
Started writing my book about how the state perpetrates violence on the citizen through policy decisions
lmao nah
whats ladbible because theres a very girly puppy video on a channel called LADbible
>super hot bitch comes on to you in every day setting like work, school, doctors office etc.
nah, she's in that "woke girl who constantly complains about white people but has a white bf who calls her slurs in the bedroom" category
It gets old though. Other way around is good too
yeah but in the [current year] if they made some shit like JAV where the man more forcefully seduces her it would be called rape
i know what its like to lose
The gf's family got a chihuahua
They live in a pretty rural area so there are rats around outside
They let it outside to take a shit yesterday and it came back with a dead massive rat in its mouth
Do people not realize chihuahuas were literally bred to hunt rodents?
Probably something cringe and leftist gay shit.
I mean when have you ever mentioned some name within the entertainment bubble in here and people say: "oh yeah that's very cool and super interesting totally not bias or with an agenda really not cringe but totally based you have wonderful taste"?
>guy comes when i am more than half way done
>is finished before i am finish
its so over for me. ive been done
we so back1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just realized I didn't have Britain filtered on my work PC
noticed i dont care
it's now a requirement to use the general
Jav isn’t even seduction usually it’s full on assault
if i knew you were comin' i'da baked a cake
baked a cake
baked a cake
if i knew you were comin' i'da baked a cake
>browsing 4chan at work
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That scene in Lost in Translation was accurate
Japanese girls make it seem like you're full on raping them
discord just woken up then
I do this
I’m doing this right now haha
Poverty and homelessness are used to threaten the lower classes
>not have a managerial role at a company that's too big to actually give you anything to do at work
no, this is your job
>boss comes up to you and looks at your internet logs
>"looks like you've been browsing the incel racist site, care to explain yourself"
>full on assault
That's foreplay in Japan
Electing a billionaire who raises taxes on the poor and lowers them for the rich will fix this
NTA but I only browse on my phone with the wifi turned off so toilberg can’t catch me
I'm the guy checking people's internet logs
always done this. i prefer doing that than phoneposting
com con sex
com con bepis
when was the last time in osrs that 200 people showed up for an event
>passes the biggest tax cut in history
but who got the tax cut?
Is this middle class tax cut in the room with us now?
The gay black indian jewish old party (also known as the GOP) has one priority and that is the Zionist state of Israel.
>some day we'll find it
>the rainbow connection
>the lovers, the dreamers, and me
>we need to get taxed just because...uhh... WE JUST DO OKAY
>I was only pretending to be retarded
watching le samourai
on tubi
hes literally me
Where's the anon known as Placer?
with how obsessed /pol/fags are with israel they should just move there, they are far more obsessed with it than any jew or politician
hes using a new flag now but his posts are unmistakeable
I’d like to visit one day and urinate on the wailing wall
Wrong. The only permanent changes were to corporate taxes, which were considerably reduced. Everyone else's tax cuts were temporary, expiring next year, and far favored the top 1 percent of earners while the bottom 60 percent ended up paying proportionately more. All but guaranteed the " biggest tax cut in history" actually raised your taxes
unironically would start a huge international incident but it would be hilarious.
That would've been nice if not for the fact that the rich didn't actually get much larger tax cuts as well as corporate tax cuts and then also raising tariffs and creating a shit economy
no one asked
it's interesting how all the jewish politicians hate isreal and all the non-jewish ones love it
PKers love saying "who asked" dont they
and they love to say something like "when" or "who" for the next thing you say, or when you dont say anything, to go "who asked" and force that thing in every single time even if it doesnt fit, dont they
The trump tax cuts were corporate welfare and there’s no debate about it. It was the only thing he accomplished in his 4 years of being president, that and moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
Anyone here from Jasper?
are you?
This is the result of our country having no welfare system and no family values. 4chan users are forced to shitpost at work. State of our country
Yeah posting from a Jasper IP right now. Wanted to ask people about the fire.
i love making the noises in real life when a boss hits me
take a pictureu of the fire :)
i love fire... AND jasper
>posting from a Jasper IP right now
>american flag
did i sleep for 24 hours? i thought it was 12 hours
Yeah I'm definitely in Jasper right now
no idea how to play go
computer storage is a superconductor
practice against a computer on the lowest difficulty, it's very difficult thoughbeit
Tried to learn but I got filtered even at the lowest difficulty
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anyone else a beardlet

I can only grow a patchy moustache and chin pubes at 27, it's over
in addition to being totally right about computers (everything about them), i also had the same idea as the guy who won a nobel prize, after trying to make diamonds with explosions. we were both wrong and im not going to go on to do what he did, becauase he was very clever, but for a moment we were on the same path. and also i was right abou tthe computers
unironically genetic, it's over if you have this gene
Take the stubble-pill. I use an electric razor, 3mm on my fave and 1mm on my neck. It creates the illusion of growth
and if computer storage is a superconductor, then storing it in cold (and solid state), where the particles dont vibrate, and all of the memory is 1, then the qubits locations within the atom with let it be quantum computer storage :3
if we knew where the qubits would be in cold, for something like the thyroid, then we could connect it up to a computer and read the thyroid - on a deeper level. we could hear what it is saying o.o
i want to still try and make iodine-doped diamonds and also i think it would be cool to do that and then put it in the thyroid. then, you have like, a line of diamonds in your thyroid, with iodine in it. then when the atoms vibrate it will release iodine (based)
I invented a product. It's called niggets. It's basically like a tic tac, except dark brown and it tastes sort of like an artificial grape flavor mixed with beef and cough syrup. And also it makes you angry.

On the package there's a picture of post malone with a watermelon doing a thumbs up
yeah my facial hair is retarded but im so goddamn ugly that i still look better with it than without
i dont see what the problem is, as you have all filtered me ^.^
On the back there's advice for how to call 911
>rage virus: tictac form
you must be stopped
they would just invent cough syrup flavor jolly ranchers instead...
Family keeps shouting up and down the stairs
Just go upstairs goddamn
how come you cant see how many posters are in a thread anymore
my baalls are so wet
That's the premium niggets anaconda edition. The tagline for that one is "see how many you can fit in your mouth!" And you're supposed to play a game with your friends or you try to fit as many anaconda niggets in your mouth as you can without choking before the time runs out. When the time runs out you call the police.
There is no good reason, it’s pure sabotage
ok do that so long as you dont have brown skin
The whole town of Jasper was burned to the ground, my province is having ecological disaster after ecological disaster cause of global warming
is /v/ a popular board
forest fires i call that an environmentally friendly oil rush
>global warming
Not real
I'm sorry for your loss sir. Would you like to try some complementary niggets?
I can only assume storage or Hiro got paid off
My state is majority Hispanic, so I don't see why brown people would have an issue
ecumenical key - away with numbers
Yes you are
We're living in a hollow sphere, all warming is controlled by the One World Government
the police love hispanics and saying things twice - once in English, then in Spanish - on first contact in those states and Florida
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I had a vehicle accident today
i think i would be pretty good at D&D except for the creativity part
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I'm Ben Shapiro irl
what do abbys toes taste like
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Giga Stacy
Kosher salt
In other news, hit rapper peep zep's hot new single "nigga I farted" has reached the top of the Billboard charts, earning the confirmed rapist and pedophile about 3 fiddy trillion dollars. According to our insider sources, peep wrote the song as a dedication to the black lives matter movement, postulating that "in this country all a black man has to do is fart, and the white man trying to kill he ass". This heartfelt love letter to the black community has nearly infinite value, as long as white kids don't use it as an excuse to sing the n-word. Peep says he will be spending 100% of the proceeds for his new album on drugs and alcohol. Now to the weather
>YouTube keeps trying to shill pro woke propaganda
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i am drinking coffee
No, that's how they control you
But you won't listen, they got you already
been like this for maybe 4-5 months now, I assume gookmoot didn't want advertisers knowing how many people are really using the site
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i just earned a loyal goy reward for drinking so much coffee
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I have seen a huge uptick in this sort of thing on my feed since Biden dropped out
>retarded campers and lightning strikes clearing dead overgrowth for new fresher forests to take their place
wtf I love forest fires now
Arent advertisers just regular people who pay for ad space?
Yea cause everything was dead there
1,125,770 acres are burning from lightning strikes huh
We just need to work towards ending fossil fuel dependency
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>Norwood 3
>Sickly pale
>Stick thin
>Nerdy voice that still cracks well into adulthood
It's over
but there are bot scrapers that can look at how many posters are in all the threads in almost real time, I'm guessing that's why he stopped it
please tell that to the saudis who shoot down alternative energy every single time
Well the lightning is normal, the dryness is not normal
Start by tellin your mom to stop her dependency on my dick
Don't they only have like 80 years of oil left
I remember the conspiracy theories last year, space lasers and the candian military was dropping fire from airplanes
>>Nerdy voice that still cracks well into adulthood
This is the only one you can't fix
Need to go buy alcohol but don't feel like leaving
actually, it's the entire middle east that is heavily against any type of alternative to fossil fuels
Why? They think is gay?
nobody said that thoughbeit. Everyone was blaming environmentalists for arson. You gotta work on your chud monitoring skills
yes and at the last energy summit meeting the saudis, qataris, yemen, all of those people told electric cars to fuck off
I skipped ahead in the video. He doxxes end wokeness. Why are liberals so dishonest?
because they're retards who built their entire economy around it
why my pussy be purple
quit slapping it
No I remember specially seeing how close the fires were starting and the freedumbs were saying candian military were starting them
i lost all of my items in runescape
Finnschizo might be a tranny janny/mod, very odd habbening right now
I hope there's riots and stuff again with the black people because of the lady who got water thrown on her face
Found out I have a childrapist living not far from my house at some apartment
Should I send him a piece of paper in the mail that says I know what he did?
which schizo? there's so many.
>election year
>black cop incident goes viral again
amazing coincidence innit
They should add tricking to the Olympics
died in wildy to a player and "its bugged" so i lost all of my shit it took 3 days to get
Did you win?
What does this do to the rate on your homeowners insurance?
got my items back from the admins
Toby, its my birthday today, it would make my day if you wished me happy birthday
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>reminder not to safespot wildy bosses
happy birthday :)
Happy birthday, fag
can't even hear the sound of rain hitting the roof. i hate being a rentcuck
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Thankyou c:. I am 31 today. I am an unemployed virgin, any advice?
thank yank
70 def / 60 attack / 99 range and 99 mage / 52 prayer
assembling a dragon claws warrior
Ehy is rape so fun
mexico :(((
I think I'll role play as a religious scholar for this skyrim run.
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Your thoughts on the Betamax Bandit?
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should i download an emulator to play ps2 games this weekend?
back in my day they said there would never be a PS3 emulator because of how powerful a computer would need to be to do it
>BIOS setting for Fn keys set to "always on" niggas
which games
thursday afternoon is practically friday which is basically the weekend which comes right before the dread of monday morning.
i'm not convinced that microplastics are any more harmful than consuming any other microscopic-sized material that might touch our food like wood or clay.
sitting on my computer without anything to do for a bit, just sat there staring at the screen. its a bit wild that i used to do this with my phone (just sat staring at 4chan)
so i dont mind doing it this one time because ive never done so on the computer, but have on the phone. puts it into perspective how much of a waste that all was and how shit Android phones are. and their games are full of ads every 20 seconds
"Friday junior" the young people call it
Fourth day in a row it rains
raining here where i live too
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Microplastics don't break down like those other things and bioaccumulate THOUGH
2 more hours of work
46 minutes
i'm not convinced that oil is any more dangerous than olive oil or avocado oil that gets into the ocean I mean pff how bad can it be? We like.. use ot right? I haven't research absolutely anything about but I just feel that way... yeah sounds right to me.
someone just gave me dragon claws for free :)
Going to have sex with this girl when she visits my apartment, anything less than full penisary contact with her vulva will be an unmitigated failure.
who is she?
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drakengard and ghost in the shell
This literally who on YouTube is a pretty good dj
A girl
A girl(boy)
Based Arab subhumans talking to cars
i also lost 10x casket when i got PKd in wildy but i got a noted drop of 10 of them just now :)
why is a tax cut bad?
UAE will be okay without oil because they make more money in banking and other investments, but Saudi Arabia won't be okay without oil that's still their life blood.
>Whatcha reading, googootz?
>Comic book. It's got a Jewish wizard and Robin Hood in it.
>Huh. Didn't know they had Jews in the middle ages
>Well...uh...y'know, the Bible
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
A bag of chips is $6.29 in Biden's America.
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Is lip filler popular with women in your area?
Food is too expensive to purchase
Had to train a zoomer at work.she was 23 years old. She was unsure of herself and cute. But she already has a kid and no husband at 23. Latinx. Many such cases
rent should be like £200 a month max unless you live in a nice area/house and then its normal
will you betabux for her?
It's a retarded argument that I have no idea why the Democrats even lie about it. He literally passed tax cuts for the middle class and they act like it only was for "the wealthy"
>they make more money in banking and other investments
untrue thoughbeit
is del taco good
is htis the mentally ill girl
Put remote on docking station
It depends on how it's organized. If it's only for a select few, then everyone else ends up paying disproportionately more. Some people have the naive understanding that tax cut=you pay less. It's especially difficult to understand why they believe this when the cut only effects corporations
High rent is a ghetto people filter. Id rather pay $2,600 a month to live in peace than pay $200 a month and be surrounded by sub-verbal australopithecines.
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>your area
Yeah I see bogged Persians all the time
what does austral- mean? does it have anything to do with Australia?
Not a chance in Tartarus.
Me? I am Latin
My rent is 1050 a month
The regular Tacos (which I guess are now called snack tacos) is the only sst food ill still eat. Soft or hard taco. Don't matter both are good. They put too much bean paste in their bean and cheese burrito though. I was basically drinking cheesy bean paste through a tortilla straw after the first bite
You sound cute anon
You probably wiped your ass bare handed before you came to this country, now you're givin orders?
99% of the world are NPCs who only live for their job and paying bills and providing for progeny
>If it's only for a select few, then everyone else ends up paying disproportionately more
ok, this isn't relevant because there weren't tax cuts for only a select few.
the standard deductible for personal income was raised across the board. if you don't know what this means, why are you posting?

if some other class or caste receives a tax cut, and my caste does not receive a tax raise, how is this bad?
incorrect, black people exist
We need a wall between USA and Canada before the pajeets start trying to pour in when communist Canada eventually shits the bed
i agree.
its only "communist" because you cant say "liberal democrats", which it is
back from costco
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Did you buy cookies?
What was the damage?
>before the pajeets start trying to pour in
they are already doing this. Mexicans were even doing this because Trudeau got rid of the visa requirement
Nope, we need them to gentrify the LatinX
Trump will win 2024, Biden will die soon and nobody will remember who kamala was after the election is over
would have been more convincing with digits
I wonder what working at a dead business would be like. Every place I ever worked at was busy as fuck
its over for noobs
everything i've read implies that microplastics have only been proven to be harmful in mice. that's a lot of extrapolation to compare to human sizes and over an 80 year lifetime.
Damn I thought the northern border was chill
Besides the injuns smuggling in drugs and weapons
14,000 swamis in 4 months holy shit

I wish I could have one of those jobs where people are like "I'm so bored all I do is scroll on my phone"
Even dead businesses I've worked for have had hard ass bosses that would find shit for me to do so I wasn't just bullshitting around
And what, prithee, was purchased?
There was a recent study on humans that found it to be harmful
It was only for the wealthy. All but the corporate tax cuts were temporary, and the bottom 60% of earners ended up paying disproportionately more than they did before. It mostly didn't effect the middle class, and any changes it did make expire next year anyway
I have a job like that. I do security and just stare at a gate all day and shit post here
There was a recent study suggesting that Spanish women should spread their legs for me.
Why would someone come to /cum/ to discuss politics?
Why not
lot of meat, nuts, juice, cheese, milk
Alright alright go and eat a bag of dinosaur toys a day sure nothing wrong will happen to you mr scientist
They all have hairy forearms
hailstones ^o^
Injuns (feather) are often the ones smuggling the indians (dot)
and those are just the ones getting caught
If you wanted some meaty nut juice to milk out, you could have just asked me. I have cheese too!
>neurotic feminist maniacs and neurotic nationalist maniacs
You can take as much as you want
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why would someone come to /cum/ to roleplay as faggot twinks?
i think ive seen these plants on etsy, i think theyre popular
but edited or bred to be half and half
nothing wrong with being a nationalist
Nothing wrong with being a socialist
there is actually
I am a /cum/edian
Light brown hair or dirty blonde, hardly visible with their complexion.
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waiting for the admins to give me my stuff back then ill log back in and play more rsps :)
are you neet by chance?
Spinster you dumb hoe, get ready to make the new. And don't forget to have my dinner on the table too.
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but of course they are busy because a lot of people have also lost their shit
No there isn’t
what if we just dropped a brick on their skull from 50 feet?
Money is the root of all evil
Canada, the USA and the EU all have de facto open borders. What a coincidence.
Hillary Clinton is evil
There was evil before money though
whos making the new thread we're autosaged
I prefer costco milk over walmart. i got salmon as well.
Boutta drop the new
No there wasn’t
Desire is the root of all evil. The Buddhists will tell you. All life is suffering, and suffering springs forth from desire.
im going to calcify my poopoo gland
No cap?
birds cant eat cheese
Yes there was
last so the autismo doesnt get it
heh, you thought you could out-last me?

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