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What % of “European” DNA does a person need to be considered white in your country?
If you grew up and were socialised in germany, you are german in my eyes
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Mein Bruder...
So you have more in common with a Igbo or Yoruba who grew up in Germany than a White American?
Percentages don't matter. If you have a white phenotype then you are white.
>muh race
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if they were socialized in a german environment (i.e. not in an ethnic subculture), they are 100% more german than an American who doesn't even speak German
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>the White Man's strongest soldiers are brown
What’s wrong with talking about ethnicities in the international board? Why are you so mad?
One drop rule
What if said American learned German?
he might be a schizo somalian who terrorises /his/
Who knows.
Because it's literally just bait, not like I have anything better to do. But again, if you have a white phenotype then you're white. That's how it works in reality.
Cultures are basically the same in every country anyways.
It’s not bait
learning a language is not the same as growing up in a culture.
However, if he learned German as a kid, like the German minorities in Brazil, I would consider him German as well
id rather be speaking german than living in a world full of people like you
Tell me how it's constructive or a good use of anyone's time to babble over some guy being 14/16 white vs 15/16 white. It's already a nonsense question. And every country is pretty similar anyways like I said.
What’s an exclusive aspect of German culture that a 100% German American could not integrate after adulthood?
This motherfucker could be so succesful if only he were a democrat. He has no future in the goylem party.
That’s not what we’re doing though?
different value system
Germans value order above all else, while Americans mostly value freedom
we don't like white fellas around these here parts
>What % of “European” DNA does a person need to be considered white in your country?
Ok so what are you doing then?
But that’s too vague, and somebody born in Germany won’t necessarily value order, same for an American with freedom. Also don’t see how that makes a person unable to integrate.
We are not discussing anyone in specific.
i don't know what you expect me to say. These are the little things, that you notice in everyday interaction.
For example, a typical german pedestrian will stop at red light, even if there are no cars around. No self-respecting american would do this.
Do people get their German status revoked if they don’t?
>Vaguely mexican descent
white is a skin color

White are Northern Slavs, Nordics, Balts and Japanese.
What does nick even believe in?
Aren’t British Islanders the lightest in skin pigmentation in Europe?
He literally just does it because it pisses people off. Also he likely molests children
Arabs are white
This man is considered brown in AmeriKKKa
Gay sex with cat femboys and Asian women. In other words, he's a 4channer without even knowing it.
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lmao fuck off

A Sicilian would be considered an aryan in Egypt
one drop rule
we kick em out
What about Ashkenazis?
You people accept people with 1% Jewish ancestry and converts.
We don't use that term.
How come?
if you have a drop of negroid blood you are not white
t. 100% white
What is considered 100%? European populations have admixtures. Somebody who scores 100% on a DNA test could have non European DNA that’s baked into the population.
I may have Georgian DNA so I may not be white
You must personally know Yakub and accept him as your creator.
75% at least
if he's only 50% then he's basically the non white side
but if he's only 1/4 then it's likely to be far less relevant in his behaviour, culture and identity, and also he would look more similar to us
I'm fucking italo ethiopian you nigger
Dio mio...
But who is “us”? Anybody that falls within the European cluster? Ie, somebody who’s 6-12% Indigenous and the rest Spanish, will be further up in the European DNA cluster, and be closer genetically to Nordics than pure Spaniards are to the latter.
But a pure Spaniard will technically be more European than them.
not german but this is such a retarded question.
obviously someone who great up in germany and partakes in german social culture will have more in common with a german than a non german regardless of race
Foreigners and terroni begone.
Then answer this question: >>200168436
Moot point, they wouldn't do it unless they're in some med town
Answer: >>200170311

Same one or different schizo?
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Why are you like this? A mouse born in a stable is not a horse and will never be a horse
nick and dave smith consistently have the best political takes right now
Different one.
>i don't know what you expect me to say
You can't answer a simple question about what binds German citizens together regardless of race. Your argument about being born in germany or whatever is shallow. Race is everything because that's where culture originates from.
>For example, a typical german pedestrian will stop at red light
I'm sure arabs and sub-saharan africans in Germany adhere to these Germany social rules lol

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