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2 muzzies in belgium died today, both age 19, after they "did a challenge in the neighbourhood" to climb the wall in pic related.

One of them jumped up onto the cable, electrocuted himself to death, the other died because his friend fell ontop of him.

Their uncle doesn't blame anyone, but finds it problematic that there was no sign of danger. He said that climbing the wall was a big challenge among "youth" and part of their culture, but they could atleast put up warning signs of electrocution.

These people are fucking inbred and will always blame everyone else jfc
Nafris are subhuman.
>Their uncle doesn't blame anyone, but finds it problematic that there was no sign of danger. He said that climbing the wall was a big challenge among "youth" and part of their culture, but they could atleast put up warning signs of electrocution.
Well he's not wrong although this would make the challenge even more tempting
This is a really sad occurrence, to lose two members of the community at such a young age.
The Belgian society needs to do better to prevent such senseless deaths in the future
>These people are fucking inbred and will always blame everyone else jfc

Typical /pol/ take, baka. Tragic as hell that two kids lost their lives over a stupid stunt, but calling for warning signs is hardly "blaming everyone else." The uncle even said he doesn't blame anyone. It's called an accident, folks. It's not about their culture or race, it's about being young and reckless, which isn't exclusive to any group. But nah, gotta get those edgy takes in, right?
Literally everyone is laughing at them, even the leftist shithole that is r/belgium
Muslim are white
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Are they in hell or heaven now?
Culture... lol
>finds it problematic that there was no sign of danger.
nigga should we also put up danger signs on every roof building that jumping off of it can be dangerous? or warnings on knives that if you slash your throat or wrists you could get injured
i thought that you shouldn't touch a 3kv railway line was common knowledge yet they went out of their way climbing a stupid wall and did it anyway
play stupid games win stupid prizes
Wllh its the state fault for not putting signs and making barriers. We have a long culture of bravery. Your fault for being cuck western kufr
>the other died because his friend fell ontop of him
Hahaha were they engaged? The touch of his lover literally stopped his heart.
Brown people and electricity is a dangerous combination
>Captcha: TAPJAP
why don't wypipo do challenges?
Yeah, it's common sense, but not everyone has the same level of awareness, especially teenagers. A sign isn't going to hurt anyone and might save a life. It's not like they're asking for a bubble wrap world, just a heads-up on hidden dangers. It’s easy to say "play stupid games, win stupid prizes," but if a simple sign could prevent tragedies, why not?
If you're 19 years old and not living in a third world shithole like india and you still don't know to not touch train cables, you're fucking retarded.

Then again, average muzdog iq is 80 thanks to your generations of inbreeding fucking faggot. Thats 2 potential criminals gone, A fuckin' MEN!

This happened at 3:40 am so they were probably causing trouble in the neighborhood.
I'd prefer to keep it this way so more brownoids win the darwin award desu.
>No, you need to put up a sign so that Muslim animals don't kill themselves, nooo.

Lmfao we could build literal giant electric mouse traps in the streets and these bellends would fall in them with the shoes on HAHAHAHAHA
>This happened at 3:40 am so they were probably causing trouble in the neighborhood.

Sounds like a lot of assumptions and racism packed into one post. Tragedy doesn't discriminate, and calling these kids "potential criminals" without any evidence is just showing your own ignorance. Yeah, they made a stupid mistake, but celebrating someone's death and making it about race or religion is low, even for /pol/. How about sticking to the facts instead of using a tragic event to push your hateful agenda?
All you have to do is leave a black electric cable down from a mast and some brownoid will touch it guaranteed
I will not and I hope their family gets sued by the railroad company.
functional members of society don't go around parcouring at 3:40 in the morning, sorry ahmed but everything of this story points to "youth"
Hans, stop the joke please, it's already getting embarrassing. You got the (You) you wanted, now shut the fuck up.
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>Saviour of the universe
Go be young and reckless somewhere else.
brown religion, brown people
Yeah, it’s not typical to be out doing stuff like that at 3:40 AM, but jumping to conclusions about their character or blaming it on their background isn't fair either. Teens do dumb things regardless of their background or what time it is. Tragic mistakes happen, and it's more about poor judgment than anything else. Let's not use this as an excuse to bash an entire group of people.
Top tier bait posts.
Well played Adolf.
I'm not sure about Germany, but railway trespass is a criminal offence in the UK and you can be taken to court and fined up to £1000
You're insincere and fishing for (You)s. Suicidal teens do dumb shit, but then there's menaoids who do it out of ignorance and a complete lack of upbringing.
maybe, but it's yet again a confirmation of a certain stereotype. when i read OP's subject i thought they were stealing copper or something but this is even more retarded
one thing i do know is that admittedly i did dumb shit as a teenager but life endangering shit never crossed my mind. if playing footy on a highway is part of your culture and people get run over, who is to blame then? the driver? the government? everyone but the the dumbasses who 404'd early
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Picrel is rare exclusive footage from this terrible tragedy.
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I can't keep that up anymore. Sorry for baiting you, /int/ bros
You post islamophobic content leaving cables hanging and encouraging Muslims to climb was probably so that you could kill them and blame Islam because we are winning and you are butthurt about it so you resort to killing kids
muslims go to hell, all people who deny God and the Lord Jesus Christ are in hell, when judgement day comes they will be transferred to the lake of fire because they rejected the free gift of eternal life.
7/10 dolf, you made it somewhat believable. some leftoids and brownies actually are like that
there is globohomo regulatory warning signs all across Europe in very vivid colours for any situation this uncle needs glasses.
it's just some arabs, it's not like an actual person died or anything

No, its yellow and asian.
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>He said that climbing the wall was a big challenge among "youth" and part of their culture, but they could atleast put up warning signs of electrocution.
New gen of /int/ is slow.
My congratulations for the darwin awards winners.
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it's brown and you're brown for following it
You're not winning shit retard, now go back and fuck your whore sister, you subhuman beast.
Go back to your desert shithole
wait, it's actually even dumber than i thought. they didn't got eelctrocuted by climbing the wall, no they used the wall to climb on the pole that's carrying the high voltage wires
holy shit how retarded can you be
That makes >>200170850 even funnier.
But that's indian skin color, im yellow
if you're muslim you're brown
>At least we mosques German
Powerful baiter
oh well
>climb a wall
What wall? This looks to be less than 2 meters.
gas yourself
>>Brown people dying in a completely retarded way
LOL dumb brownoids
>White people dying in a completely retarded way
if these were natives i'd call them dumbasses as well
i actually saw some teens almost getting run over by a train passing by while waiting for mine to arrive because walking over the tracks instead of using the bridge is cool, you'll never guess the skin colour
oh no!

Low testosterone, shame culture, passivity from technology.
nah, retards dying in retarded ways will always be funny regardless of race. It's just a bonus when browns are the ones who die.
Mamewey. Gordita queso crunch
Good ridance.
I don’t like Germans
Ugh my quesadilla eat by speedy gonzalez Holmes wat nou wat nou
Dont make me post gore, go back were you came from
if there was muslims in heaven it wouldnt be heaven

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