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We could've had this instead of kikes, christcucks and mudslimes. What happened?
unironically jews
Mudslimes just worship the moon god and replaced his name with al-lath
why is this dude not included
kek now nevatim is the name of a town
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bunch of farming going on
that boi got mogged
and an air base where F35s are stored but we don't talk about that
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what about moloch?
we dont talk about that because its a shitshow
they let some car thief in the base and our joke of a 'judicial system' did nothing
moloch was worshipped by plishtim i think he was not an arabian god
well you don't have to worry about a car thief stealing aircraft
Can a Jewish or Christian person explain the prophecy of the Millennium temple?
The first temple of Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, the second by Romans, was there a third timple that was built?
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there were plishtim in judea and samaria?
its just a sign of the army being cucky, afraid of their own shadow.
back when soldiers had the proper attitude he would have been shot on the spot, buried in a ditch and the soldiers would go back to playing cards in less than an hour
Moloch was never a real god. Biblical scholars misread the text and assumed the word refers to a deity instead of a ritual (the ritual of sacrificing animals/people).
>was there a third timple that was built?
No, and most jews believe that a third temple isn't allowed to be built until the messiah comes
there are conspiracies among arabs that jews are planning on destroying al aqsa to rebuild the third temple to stoke hatred against jews though
no but the people there had the same religion before we genocided them
>most jews believe that a third temple isn't allowed to be built until the messiah comes
But the messiah did come though. Jesus was the last of the royal lineage of Solomon and David.
>there are conspiracies among arabs that jews are planning on destroying al aqsa to rebuild the third temple to stoke hatred against jews though
The Red heifer thing?
>The Red heifer thing?
not exactly, that refers to animal sacrifice
This looks like a game of Dominions IRL.
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i thought it was just the local name/version of the phenician baal.

the words baal and molech have a similar meaning in hebrew (owner, ruler)
OK why don't jews believe in Jesus's claims of being sent by God? You didn't say anything about that.
i think you need to wait for the maschiah for the third temple
Because it's Arabs not Canaanites
There are some semitic gods whose names stem from mlk (Melqart, for example). But Moloch probably means something closer to "to offer":

>Scholars who do not believe that Moloch represents a deity instead compare the name to inscriptions in the closely related Punic language where the word mlk (molk or mulk) refers to a type of sacrifice, a connection first proposed by Otto Eissfeldt (1935).[14] Eissfeldt himself, following Jean-Baptiste Chabot, connected Punic mlk and Moloch to a Syriac verb mlk meaning "to promise", a theory also supported as "the least problematic solution" by Heath Dewrell (2017).[15] Scholars such as W. von Soden argue that the term is a nominalized causative form of the verb ylk/wlk, meaning "to offer", "present", and thus means "the act of presenting" or "thing presented".[16] Kerr instead derives both the Punic and Hebrew word from the verb mlk, which he proposes meant "to own", "to possess" in Proto-Semitic, only later coming to mean "to rule"; the meaning of Moloch would thus originally have been "present", "gift", and later come to mean "sacrifice".[17] Stavrakopoulou reminded that Eissfeldt's "now-familiar proposal" was broader than commonly remembered, including both the act and the object of sacrifice.[4]
I see. Thank you for the response.
you forgot yhwh
baal was worshipped by all semites also el, moloch would be the canaanite exclusive god
Ba'al was a title applied to Hadad
The one you're thinking of is Baalshamin
a lot of words in hebrew originate in the name of gods from the region. shemesh,shahar,resheph,mot,el,yehova... many others. god of dawn becomes the hebrew word for dawn and so on.

i think since both el and yhova were 'boss gods' in local religions they identified our god with those and the slang spread to us.the actual hebrew names for god are all very long and the personal name is considered sacred and secret
yeah baal (lord) was a title to all gods but I thought when it’s just “baal” it was a short for the big one baal samayim semitic zeus not sure tho
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You forget the arab moon god of war Allah
You just reminded me that fucking ISIS destroyed his 2000 year old temple. SemiticPaganismbros its beyond over for us
you also worship allah faggot, allah comes from ilah, ilah in hebrew is eloh, allah in hebrew is haeloh both eloh and ha eloh are mentioned in your bible referring to your god. If you spoke your jesus’ language you would’ve understood it instead of making a fool of yourself
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This was so much cooler than worshiping the negrophilic foreskin stealing Allah
I worship Jehovah, not your moon god, heathen
If it weren't for Islam, Arabs would just be one of several irrelevant MENA ethnicities instead of one of the largest and most important ethnic groups in the world. I agree the foreskin thing is weird though.
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>explain the prophecy of the Millennium temple
Misinterpreted stuff from the book of Revalations
>was there a third temple that was built?
they expected an earthly conqueror.
read a divine liturgy prayer book in arabic then come back to me.
never understood why islam kept circumcision.
Palestine is really beautiful!
Bible has Messiah with two roles. The suffering servant is not the one that ushers into eternal peace.
Its because of oil though, which would have happened anyway
Are we supposed not to want this?
might as we call that an arab pagan god
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>Arabs would just be one of several irrelevant MENA ethnicities
Would've been better than being the ethnicity responsible for dumbing down the middle east with the spreading of SSA concubines and Judiac legalism
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wadd kahl with you brotha
low key this girl is kinda fine
'amm sayin bro.. id make her my ma'in bitch
>T. Spiteful Bharati working for his Muslim Arab employers.
Don't you have a construction site to return to, or a sleeping floor to lay in right now?
منب طيازبورا مثلك
abrahamic monotheism isn’t exclusive to kikes retard
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yehova is not the personal name its more like a descriptor (like 'the creator')

was allah the god of war and the moon? it kind of reminds me of huitzilopochtli the war god that had his people the aztecah move to mexico (center of the moon) and rename themselves to the mexica
Jahili Bvll I kneel
Kek the average Saudi watanji would turn the Kaabah into a casino if MBS ordered it, the only remaining people today who are ardent defenders of nigslam are pakis and zoomalis
and thats bad because...?

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