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Irish diaspora edition
Your mum sucks my limp bizkit
I am otherly special
got the icelandic asmr gf simulator on
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the flesh of fallen angels
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if you see a foreigner they are most likely of welfare
alri let's have a link
London is practically a different country at this point
The north and midlands are more similar to Scotland than they are to London
If you want to destroy my sweaterrrrr
/brit/cels think randall from recess was based
however... of could work too please understand
london is just rich cunts and then a load of literal subhumans
there’s no difference between anywhere in the uk. just filthy grey and brown streets and vape shops
Just want all the foreigners to go home, to be quite honest with you.
You'd find we'd have less on the welfare bill, more housing available, better nhs waiting times
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capekino is back on the menu, boys
would she have forgiven him if he was 5'6" and not 6'6"?
*grills it, throws on some challots and a bit of rosemary*
My dad went to London in the 2000s to do joint urban training with the SAS and he said it sucked
can’t stand this sterile quippy bullshit
just cleaned the windows. they were a bit filthy.
this but my bellend
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Honestly, I couldn't even understand about 75% of what she was saying. Other sounds, muffling, mumbling, bad editing, impossible. What is with her snobby attitude, too? She seems so full of herself, yet she is constantly making mistakes, spills food down her clothes, always so awkward. Finding out how long kids attended school in Shakespeare's time was just another testament of how she jumped into a time period for her Masters and didn't know much of anything about it. We learned stuff like this back in High School, when we studied Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age. She just isn't very smart, is she! The way she talks about taking in all the Oxford libraries at the last minute confirms to me, at least, that she doesn't know when she is going back yet, or if ever, and her library stint also won't be there. I still think she will be working at her old local school and continue to live at home. She can't have a summer library job. Summer is almost over and she is off in Copenhagen or something. Just bizarre, as usual. The whole thing still reeks of being a tourist at Oxford and vicinities, not an actual student.
bet you licked them clean loooooooooool
Every country has its heyday and Britains is long gone. It’s just the way it goes.
We should stop larping as a world power when we are a skint, overcrowded, half wog island in the North Atlantic
got the kpop on
Reckon I should become an addiction counsellor for the laugh
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yep, just the way it goes, buddy
My dad gave your dad a wet willy and said your dad tried to suck him off.
got approved for ozempic
gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
This breaks the gearoid
wish the wog dafties would get the message though, literally jumping across multiple european countries to flock to a country no cunt will say is on the up and up

yeah i know bennies, but even these 90 IQ fuckers should realize it's no place to raise a family.
might get some beers in and some choons on. fuck all else to do is there
just drank some water and walked up the stairs
can someone delete a couple of their podts from the last thread so i can keep bumping it for hours please
Cause we speak English. Literally that’s the reason we are the number one migrant destination
>30 bucks?! I don't have that kind of money!
any films set in places like that?
a clue gained
bit experimental for my liking but if i had diabetes id consider giving it a go
but half of these cunts dont speak a lick of english
done (maybe we can trick the janny into deleting this thread)
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sincerely love are keely
pushed an old woman into a river earlier while shouting tunnel snakes rule
are we the number one migrant destination?
who would ask 30 bucks from the guy in the chair? that's not right
been outside lately lad?
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this one was shared early but i don't expect him to delete it, i just want to send a message
they're pouring in relentlessly as if spawned from the bowels of hell
been to france or germany?
think you’re a fuckin smart cunt?
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Chess day is the best day.
France yeah
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want a bf to play video games with
wogged up too innit
chess dweebs are trying super hard to make it cool, it's super weird
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Not exactly an encouraging fortune
Been to Nice and Munich recently and they were nowhere near as enriched as the UK
not as much
are you a lass?
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apparently that hero academy series is about to end
seemed very shit
more by some estimations. they don’t keep race statistics so it’s hard to say for sure. in any case i’ve always seen loads there
brucie salivating at this post
i'm /brit/'s che geuvara
i'm /brit/'s dante
Mad how this was the end result of the levelling up campaign
yeah it was
you're /brit/'s gilles de rais mate
Irish style lmao
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fuck no imagine being a woman
gross beings.
not a regular shagger but have got a lady interested in me and we MAY shag this weekend

how weird would it be to go near her arse (tongue only) on a first shag?
>In May 1440, he assaulted a high-ranking cleric in the church of Saint-Étienne-de-Mer-Morte before seizing the local castle, thereby violating ecclesiastical immunities and undermining the majesty of his suzerain, John V, Duke of Brittany. Arrested on 15 September 1440 at his castle in Machecoul, he was tried in October 1440 by the ecclesiastical court of Nantes for heresy, sodomy and the murder of "one hundred and forty or more children". At the same time, he was condemned to be hanged and burned at the stake by the secular court of Nantes for his act of force at Saint-Étienne-de-Mer-Morte, as well as for crimes committed against "several small children". On 26 October 1440, he was sent to the scaffold with two of his servants convicted of murder.

ah yes london

the L D N
a good man slandered by english sore losers
Got a devil's haircut in my mind
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the spaedo of the high middle ages
Wonder if she's got blacked yet
i won't play with a misogynist
absolutely insufferable
Saint Etienne mentioned
Perfectly designed carton. Pours like a dream.
>playing tennis after work
>little shits harassing this Asian family on the court next to us
>keep calling them chinks, four eyes, etc
>saying they’re gonna bully one of them at school (assume they go to the same school)
>start saying they need to give them money
>cba with them to tell them to leave them alone
>they tell me to fuck off and start calling the other people chinks again
>say “fuck off you little niggers”
>suddenly everyone turns on me
>even the people on the adjacent court who said nothing when they called the Asians chinks tell me I’m out of order

Fucking double standards. Was just teaching them about glass houses and all that. I mean if you’re going to be racist as a wog you better learn you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position considering you’re the most dislike ethnicity
alri fish
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>A toddler died of a fentanyl overdose. DCFS trusted his mom’s friend to keep him safe
joan d'shark
Next time i’m with my mate and he’s tripping on ket going to convince him we’re being invaded by the chinkies
got me tits out
don’t think this happened
should've told them to fuck up as well then

always double down
>go to /sp/
>/trans/ thread is obsessing over /brit/ again

Every time
sex (gender), nationality, race, class, religion, political inclination
they are all one big distraction
a smoke screen that bars you from seeing the truth

one day you boys will know what i am saying
>READ MORE: Paedophile scout leader admits molesting even more boys

Happened in Romford of course
You submitting this for the Booker Prize? Best work of short fiction
going to go to tesco to get some scran and scran that is easy to whack in the airfryer when a bit steaming (me atm)
i wish /sp/ was sound but the people on there are weird as fuck, it's a board full of 190s
this is easy to say when you live in a comfy monoculture
>we’re all one man
>all this shit is just like a social construct dude
literally the most midwit stoner platitude ever.
and then you get loads of 90 IQ blacks and muslims in your country and you realize racism was actually right
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can of corn from 17 years ago
(2007 was 17 years ago)
Looks like a bloody bottle of bleach
apparently /cric/ is like brit and comfy but i'm not autistic enough to follow such a sport
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What’s the nicest place in the north?
Went to Scarborough a few years ago, liked that
Auntie has a cottage in Hawes

I’m scottish so don’t go there often. Might go for a weekend.
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>always double down
/cric/ is awful and has been for many years
me either

i wonder if the tennis threads are any better, been getting into that sport more lately.
blacks and pakis are just as smart as your average englishmen
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Was doing my gcses then
Is that really what boobs look like
plumstead common
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>woman is covered head to toe, can only see her eyes
>guy is in trackie bottoms and a t shirt
very weird honestly
le south yorkshire phenotype
Rochdale is lovely at this time of the year.
>Not autistic enough to follow a popular spectator sport
Real autistic take, that
what the hell is a gcse?
I'm Jewish.
not like that
there are male and female in japan, there are poor class and upper class in japan, there are communists and neo-con in japan

i am not talking about what you lads easily imagine
one day you lads will just know
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>(2007 was 17 years ago)
/tennis/ and /cric/ are probably the two i like most
/180/ as well
/f1/ used to be good
god i miss the tim era so much
finally the full fight leaked

is cricket actually huge in australia? cause it's a bit of a weirdo sport here.
I thought this until I was actually exposed to non-whites and non-chinks. The other races are genuinely dumb as shit and you quickly learn IQ is the differentiating factor for why East Asian and White societies are so much better.
the tim era overlapped with the mikey the pikey era and im glad thats over with
2007? Canslad was starting his 3rd PHD then at the ripe young age of 83
It's a type of exam that British people do at the age of 16

Then we do another type of exam called A Levels at the age of 18
/cyc/ is the kino thread
all of whom are ethnic japanese
you live in a monoculture with a strict morality and sense of unity
bitch bloody bhenchod
hello saar you cant fool me with that flag saar
mikey was mostly sound
this general needs more mikeys and less mongis and 190s
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For me it was /180/
so unfunny
Respect lads that are so dedicated to the racism they just go full 18th century calling even the Irish and Italians not human
Never mind Pakis, blacks or abos
No half measures
sounds like some harry potter shit
do you lot take your OWLs and your NEWTs too?
ah yes forgot about /cyc/
still call chris froome piss vroome to this day
>and Italians
the entire west rests on italians shoulders
We call him rorke
/f1/ went to absolute shit around the 2022 off the back of 2021 being so popular and coinciding with F1 management finally getting their wish and it going super mainstream.

Seems your average F1 fan is now teen to mid-20s girls who just obsess over the driver twinks and don’t give a shit about racing.
used to particularly enjoy /180/ when the BDO meat raffle championships were on
mama mia there's covid inma pasta
>dude britain is so quaint it’s like a harry potter film and they drink tea in castles all day!
post that webm, you know the one
I didn’t mind mikey but he started being a horrible cunt to me when I asked about his money making methods
Yeah alri Pierre Garibaldi
got no respect for italians, they tend to be dishonest and unreliable but i do respect Italy and its History
Mikey stayed around way after the Tim season of /brit/, also he was mostly alright just something had a schizo moment and acted like a huge cunt
this, the anti-italian shit was and is extremely stupid

and i'd rather live in italy than here to be honest, probably less wogs despite being so close to africa.
wanking a cock with my arse
Thunderstorm approaching my town lads
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is right
the 2020 covid season was pure comfy with all the different tracks
2021 was the best and worst thing to happen to f1 and i hate what it's become. kpopesque fans
im italian but ive lived in UK long enough that im basically one of you guys, even have UK gf
got the russian teacher asmr gf simulator on
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F1 fandom is dominated by fangirls and racists. It's a very lucrative audience and F1 is now more popular than ever.
>But that greasy wop could he descended from Augustus!
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Lads, just wanted to again remind us all
FUCKING CHEBS on the new toil Sadhbh
I'm not sure how the biological aspects of physics work but surely putting stacked fucking chebs on a girl that's about 4'10 at most 7 stone is some sort of miracle and lads, like the cans, it is lovely
Italians are mostly spastics. Get angry over literally the dumbest shit, constantly argue about anything and are just generally unpleasant liars. Worked with a handful and they’re always impossible to work properly with because they can’t have a discussion without losing their cool.
imagine getting stabbed from all angles by multiple men and the fella in the front of the car is just chillin lol
English women get insulted so much online
alright joe
Mental how Talk Tonight is just a slightly remixed Wonderwall
putting on my steel-toed boots
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dont know what that is
No bum
If it's not a bloke it may as well be one
best girls
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alri abo
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>Sainsbury's has apologised after removing a pair of trousers from its online store that was advertised using a 'racial slur'. The two pairs of trousers in question are advertised as 'Grey Skinny Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Trousers 2 Pack' and 'Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Woven Trousers 2 Pack
Cannot put into words how irrationally angry this video makes me
nah i'll have a fanta please mate
good one kek
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Based whoever named that
support the knee grow hem
Million times worse with sound
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i love them
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>Getting rid of the knee grows
hate white women so much
this is why i only fuck black girls
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>if-a my mother had-a wheels-a, she would-a have been a bike
like a fucking hurricane lads
hail pelting aff the windae
make it stop hate this~
make it stop hate this~
I’m a 26 year old virgin
Now THAT'S a woman
knee grow hems and a whip
still remember that coolest monkey in the jungle thing lol
What is a good apology gift after ghosting someone for 5 years
i find it hard to believe anybody is a virgin past 20 unless they have serious physical deformities
actually felt a bit sick when i opened this
>every bad creepy person is white
>honourable black man tells white devil to shut up

Reckon you could get the entire bingo board with this ad
last shagged on october 8th 2022 at roughly 8pm
a pint
listening to lush life by zara larsson
fucking hell
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Women don't believe that any men are virgins
what do you expect from Anglos?
They’re intent on white genocide
Sounds perfect.
This response was actually decent from them but it still can’t undo the original cringe
remember a lass in uni making fun of a lad to me for being kissless but i was also kissless at the time lol
The Shining remake with me as Jack Torrance and Ruby Granger as Wendy but I get her in the end. Fucking bitch
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i love my wife sylvanas
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gen z boss would get it
not from me obviously i'm an incel freak, but from one of the shaggers yeah
I’m just too unlikeable so I gave up on friends and relationships
Did Sauron even need the ring anyway? It seems he already had half of middle earth dead already and whatever rabble of men from Rohan and Gondor were left at the black gate they were completely outnumbered and would have all been slaughtered
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sauron was like a crackhead dealer who kept getting high on his own supply
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Going so long without a shag makes me wonder how you shagged in the first place because you're clearly not a shagger

Was your last sex a pity sex with a friend or what?
hnnnnnnnng she's so young looking... *drools*
she's very pretty
Does Ruby Granger know how many people hate her? Has she even heard of Tattle Life?
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think he could stop being that big ball of fire if he got the ring back. must have been bored as fuck sat on top of that tower for thousands of years
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two gold medals for SEX
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i only shag once a year and i use grindr to do it.
Would love to watch her do a poo.
doubt she cares about what some chavvy broke bitches think
was with my ex, haven’t had a gf since
been out on the pull plenty times since then
can’t drive so that puts most potential women off me
going to have pasta for tea
of course she does, she replies to comments calling her shit out sometimes so there's not a chance she hasn't googled herself and seen the tattle mongs
2007 for me
say his name and he appears
alri luigi
geraldine is so fucking FIT it's unreal
heave ho
all hands
song used for youtube shorts
This Olympics is gonna be a shit show
Thirsty all the time. Think I've got direbetes.


might go down the Co-op
when's that convicted nonce competing
i reckon if tolkien forgot he wrote LOTR and read it back when he was like 60 he would have hated it

yeah but this year they'll have breakdancing as an event surely that will bring in all the idiots who like breakdancing
*looks in a mirror*
Any poo whiffs going?
Think the problem might be talking to women about driving while in a club
get me some white chocolate cookies, the expensive kind
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we actually do live in a clownworld.
what makes you think that?
You're not Mihai
nah problem is taking it from woman i’ve met/kissed to relationship stage
could probably shag a bunch of chav slags if i really wanted
chat is this real?
jeffo from 2 years ago, back when he was a nice lad
everything on reddit is fake and most likely written by an ai
How many other people know exactly what I'm talking about
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his tastes changed a lot from when he was writing lotr to later in life, became a lot more "elitist"
Jacob's Ladder. Great film
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the webm.
you have all been waiting for.
Many such cases
Men shack up with a prossie thinking it'll be 100% sex or they can be the pimp or something and realise too late that it's perpetual cuckoldom
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I don't know what diaspora means desu
people who emigrated but still form a community
everything is so shit now
you'd think olympics are the one time they get to be treated like gods but instead they get cardboard beds and rationed meals
we need more russian diasproa
we need more north korean diaspora
we need more chinese diaspora
we need more brazilian diaspora
we need more south african diaspora
we need more indian diaspora
only wokes would have a problem with this
Wish we could go back to this over here
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woke mob coming for our child smokers now
big slimette down
she should send this in to you've been framed
a cool £200 heading her way
the first 4 sure, the last 2 fuck up
Tight Asian fanny diaspora
>we need more indian diaspora
we don’t
I see people say this a lot but that is literally a bot post
>a cool £200 heading her way
she sued the property owner and got 6 digits in court lol
unless you mean south african whites (non left wing) then yeah
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yea i got a webm for you
i really have no idea how you could win
do americans really need bars strong enough for fat ugly bastards?
she can barely walk up those 5 steps with the weight on her
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na, just an actual whore
classic webm
bring back smoking in pubs
it's america mate.
One more will do it
Poor little tyke
got a bottle of robitussin lying around, should i neck it?
>hello police, my teacher raped me
>LOL send her a thank you card lad!
you're lying around as well, neck yourself

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