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I am 27 years old.
dose happen iyc
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i took drastic action before i let it happen.
do men really
send bobs and vagene butiful
You're a man too tranny
How do you say it's over in Chinese? Time to shave it all off and bloatmaxx bro
you transformed into milk-chan?
calm down baldinho
somehow thatd be an even worse situation than im already in, wow.
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i shaved at 27 and been bald almost 3 years now
No. I have portuguese and italian blood so hair grows even on my teeth
you shaved your head?
My hair used to be like a rainforest. It's just that one day they start to fall, like a ball of yarn
Not yet but it's happening
hairy =/= not prone to male pattern baldness
Me when I was 20.
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What's the deal? There's plenty of ways to make it look cool. If you were a woman I'd feel pity but there's plenty of balding men. It's normal. The sooner you embrace it the better.
took drugs anon
a few
I will typically make fun of people online for all sorts of shit but balding is not one of them.
I am thankful everyday that I still have thick hair in my 30s. My condolences to anybody who has to deal with this shit before their 50s.
Thinking those 2 are cool because hollywood tells you they are.
This >>200172226
I'm hairy like a gorilla but Norwood Reaper hit me hard. My brother has near hairless body but his hairline is impeccable (though he started graying very early.)
Genetics are fucked.
You think the Rock isn't the coolest guy in hollywood?
topical fin min + RU + dermastamp
I'm 28 and now taking dutasteride daily and using minoxidil on my temples because it's starting to get nooticable
Hairy men are generally a more common victim of baldness. OP is very unlucky. For most europeans and middle easterners it's just a fact of life
Are you the guy that took HRT to stop it?
hollywood is filled with finasteride users TH0
Yeah, I'm 24 though

You would know that iberians are prone to balding, but having portugese blood will make the woman of your family have mustaches

also this, I mostly have basque+catalan blood and I'm balding significantly while being hairy elsewhere
So will it work more effectively than fin or dut? Because I think they have become less effective over time. So I might try to switch to hrt if I have to. And will it definitely give you tits?
yes it will def give you tits i think you can have them removed thru surgery or something tho i think you should be more worried about your dick not working afterwards anon
i took finasteride for a year, then switched to dut and estrogen injections. i know i know, it sounds stupid. and i agree im stupid.
all testosterone is poison to vulnerable hair follicles, and estrogen has some protective qualities for scalp follicles. so it is more effective, how much? probably depends on alot of things and results vary
>And will it definitely give you tits?
yes, it will at the very least give you mild looking gyno. they hurt and itch too while growing. its a sacrifice.
You CANNOT suffer once Kintor pharma releases GT20029
I see. I'm gay and don't like topping much anyways so it wouldn't be a big deal if my dick stopped getting hard. And in fact I did suck off some trannies and they could get hard just not cum.
>i took finasteride for a year, then switched to dut and estrogen injections. i know i know, it sounds stupid. and i agree im stupid.
Reason for doing that?
>you should be more worried about your dick not working afterwards anon
i think that stopped being a worry a long time ago
there's niggas admitting on tressless that they're fine with dead penus as long as they see less hair fall in le shower
Maybe in a 2-3 years my scalp will look the same. I just started losing my top hair at a noticeable rate. I'm 34 THOUGH.
modern society has no use for testosterone anyway. Men should either die in wars or castrate themselves
good for u anon, its completely random if it stops working or not btw
speaking from experience
yes, that is why everyone should try HRT
Why do the fags on this board try to convince people troon out.
long story short i spiraled into a mental breakdown last year because i thought i saw more hair falling out. fullblown hrt was all i could think of trying, and i had to try something because i had spent over a month paralyzed in bed
Breh no way Mexico is that high, I've been there several times and norwoods are a really uncommon sight, they all have those premium Indio hair genes where they retain their juvenile hairlines until their 80s
You couldnt get out of bed because you were losing hair? Did the injections help at least?
You have to inject it you can't take pills?
because the western world has a desperate need to keep population under control when jobs are being replaced by AI
>You couldnt get out of bed because you were losing hair?
the stress and anxiety made it almost impossible, it my messed up head i thought itd increase my testosterone if i exercised or got up, which would make the hairloss worse, and make me panic. it got to the point the stress from just walking could make me puke.
Did the injections help at least?
maybe, im somewhat functional now at least. it makes me feel better knowing im doing everything i can.
im on monotherapy, so ya. its not so bad tho, just a weekly shot
I am 39 and I have every one of my hair
It's already a bit out of order. Check your mental state. For me, baldness is only a moderately sad thing, probably because I am very old
So it did stop the receding completely when hrt kicked in? Do you think if you had to you'd get a transplant?
I'm just a little sad. Because it means I'm not young anymore
it is obvious i am insane and i admit it. theres nothing more i can do for myself though
yeah, i havent seen recession since. i dont think i need a transplant as im norwood 1
I mean you could literally just wear a cap, but no, I am going to do drugs that will fuck you for the rest of your life
How old are you? I've never heard of anyone injecting hrt to prevent hair loss
21 now
>meds and hair transplant
you can get it done anywhere between 3k-5k eurobucks in turkey if you get too desperate.
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for niggas with ok head shape, just look at those micro pigmentation tattoos on the scalp (SMP)
unitonically looks better than hair to me tbqh (i swear i am not bald)
i'd do it if i started receding badly
Why didn't you just keep taking finasteride instead of fully trooning? Were your results unsatisfactory?
>I mean you could literally just wear a cap
I'm past that stage. The way I look now fits my job perfectly. People know I'm professional at a glance.It's just that I bring my wig when I go to the bar
Can understand your behavior if I lost my hair when I was 21. I'm sure I'll be insane too
You're not insane anon, you're just ahead of the curve. I'm considering biting the bullet and HRT myself aswell, to save my hair. And other benifits are, desirable.., excpet breasts, mental retardation etc.
>Were your results unsatisfactory?
i felt so
>Can understand your behavior if I lost my hair when I was 21. I'm sure I'll be insane too
yeah. life seemed worthless and horrible when my mental illness was at its peak. i think most of myself had already died from the stress by the time i took the estrogen.
>mental retardation
what do you mean by this? like making you act less masculine?
27 is young
what is your job
How far on the norwood scale were you when you started fin? They say you'll have the best results if you take it early (NW2 - NW3 Max.)
slight recession, probably NW1 or NW1.5. some hair thinning i think too but i cant be sure because my female relatives have similar looking hair thats thin too
that comment was a hyper bole. it supposedly decrease the function of frontal cortex.
Help the company buy equipment. There are a lot of factories that need to be dealt with. Including drinking party entertainment or something. 27 years old is not young. I used to look handsome. I look like a nerd now
Balding is fucking retarded, why did nature think we needed that gene in our DNA?
>OH! Let the homo sapiens lose hair, that will surely help in hunting mammoths!
I could have done a better job
I'd be fine with paying even 20k if I knew it was permanent but man taking hormone altering pills every single day for the next 60 years is just too much of a bother. It'd be fine if I was in my 50s, which was the original age it was prescribed to for people with prostate problems, but I got too much time ahead of me in which a myriad of other health complications can appear and I'd constantly worry if it wasn't because of my hormones going whack.
>I'm gonna make them grow hair in the ass but lose the hair on their head, fucking genius
well it kind of is permanent. you have to take care of your hair etc. either way so popping a pill before bed isn't really an issue in my opinion. i'd take that over not having hair and looking 30 years older desu.
as for other side effects, that's just a very small sample like with any other meds. some people are more prone to them than others, doesn't mean you would be too.
plus there are are creams and whatnot if pill and those side effects are too much, and in some cases some people don't even need any meds at all after a transplant.
So you pretty much castrated yourself even though you still had plenty of hair left to recover with with the most basic and accessible of treatments (fin-min). Unless you're trans you have taken things too far brah
maybe i went too far, ya. doesnt matter now tho, this is how it is for me now, forever
Not chastising you btw I respect the dedication and hope you maintain lustrous hair for eternity. Fuck baldcelling lmao
I started to notice my hairline recede when I was 20 and spent my whole 29s resolving that I was gonna go bald like a man instead of fighting it.

I changed my tune pretty quickly once I started passing Norwood 3. Now I do a gel rub of finasteride and minoxidil, but I'm pretty much just treading water. You can see my scalp through my hair if it's wet or if there's direct overhead lighting.

31, entirely Irish bloodline.
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To all the posters on meds and minoxidil, just a question out of curiosity. What's your height? Tryna see sum
zoomers obsessing over hair will never not be funny
this your head?
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i refuse to go bald.
Bluds is creeping up into their 30s and obsessing over their hair instead of worrying about not still not having a wife or kids. This is what the infantalization of modern men looks like. Aging mental 21 year olds. Shit like this isn't going to get better even if you manage to fix your norwood. You're supposed to be wearing socks with your sandals by now
Look up "dutch hairline"...
> You can see my scalp through my hair if it's wet or if there's direct overhead lighting.
I got on fin at 22 cause I was NW3, a few years later I realised that despite that my hair was still shit and receeded and thin, so I just got off it and accepted what will be will be, but yea it fucking sucks looking like an old creep around your peers due to something out of your control

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