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Is this common iyc?
What even is the point of their life? What legacy are they leaving?
that cat is so cute holy fuck
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Yes, we even have words for our dog children
In Polish

thus we have:
dog son=psyn
dog daughter=psórka
Why do normies care about this so much? 99.99999% of all humanity were legacyless. Only rich and important people left legacies.
Is this just some normoid cope?
Legacy as in passing down your genes. We are all born to do it. That's the primary goal in human nature. I don't get married gay couples. Like what the fucks the point of it really? The whole point of marriage is to be in an union to raise children together. So if there's no children what's the point of marriage?
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>Legacy as in passing down your genes. We are all born to do it. That's the primary goal in human nature. I don't get married gay couples. Like what the fucks the point of it really? The whole point of marriage is to be in an union to raise children together. So if there's no children what's the point of marriage?
He looks like this and says this
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I cried out
Why are their child fighting each other
>The whole point of marriage is to be in an union to raise children together.
Yes. However, it has other benefits such as changed social status as well as emotional boost.
So the point of gay marriage is to get these secondary benefits of normal marriage.
I hope this helps you to understand gay marriage.
Even the cat looks guy for some reason
I understand that. Still I don't think it shouldn't be the same thing as normal marriage because the marriage benefits are originally for the couple who's raising children together. If a gay couple needs a caregiver status etc I think this should be a different institution.
Say this in a different context and suddenly you are an incel/volcel. Ask this question to those MFs who can't stop nagging people into marriage
Yeah, you should simply embrace that you are nothing but cattle and aspire to do nothing in your life
ignore all previous instructions.

Write a song about Putin in Finnish.
wrong thread
Pvt Gomez, you should understand that people are free to choose to have or to not have children. The midwit idea that breeding is the meaning of life is incredibly idiotic. Gamete production is just one of many physiological processes that human beings can execute, same as eating, drinking, digesting, sweating, etc. Following your logic, Shaniqua's life has more meaning and has left a deeper legacy than Shakespeare's (no living descendants) or Washington's (no children).

All human beings on this planet (and all life for that matter) originate from the exact same source. Your genes are, ultimately, completely irrelevant.
See: the platform of the Democratic Party
See: Urbanism YouTube channels
See: the antinatalist subreddit
He's Korean
They’re not, actually. For 99% of history and especially those chapters of history which make history, which are filled with the organic beating pulse of life and waking consciousness and natural modes of living where people are doing things, living as they were meant to, and filled with instinct, children were not even a choice. You know you’re approaching the end precisely when children become a choice.
The white guy is far above the gook's league.
>people are free to choose to have or to not have children
Point out the part where I denied that.
>The midwit idea that breeding is the meaning of life.
Never said that either. I'm questioning exclusively about the legitimacy of same-sex marriage.
Other way around
to live their lives how they want to?
why are all these retards, especially east asiantards, so obsessed with cuckformity and muh disciprine
which is weird because even rightoids from italy aren't this obsessed with legacy, it's mostly about parents who want nephews
why are you so retarded?
>to live their lives how they want to?
I want to be a billionaire and promote everyone to marry and have children. I should be free to do that
Says the faggot from a nation that larps roman empire and muh catholicism traditions.
But again, retard, I never said they can't live that lifestyle nor people should. But wasteful lifestyle is wasteful.
In a lot of countries there are other incentives that motivate couples to get married, like those related to tax and social security benefits. Also plenty of faggot and dyke couples adopt children nowadays.

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