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Enough is enough. Britain. Union, now. Your opinion is unimportant.
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>this easily could have been reality
Shouldn't 'ave opposed 'enry
shouldn't of come here
I don't want to live in a islamic country.
No thanks.
We're not as kind and liberal as the anglos when it comes to cults. Being one with them would make things even worse.
My point stands.
while France has perhaps just as many immigrants as the UK, as anon said it is far less accepting of other religions, because we are autistically secular
Islam and other cults are given no place in here, and in some instances actively suppressed
OP here, je suis trans if that matters
>we are autistically secular
>Islam and other cults are given no place in here, and in some instances actively suppressed
You cannot suffer in France.
We actively suppress the French
You wish.
Do you know what a union of British and French looks like in reality? It looks like this >>200173367 next time think before you post.
northern french people are unironically just brits who speak forren
Looks more like something like this actually.
He's right. We do it!
Vive le Québec libre.
I sometimes wonder how dramatically world history would change if a durable Anglo-French union (led by either, don't care about petty nationalist squabbles) was forged during the Middle Ages.
We shall deport them, and this will save your demographics. Be grateful.
You can't deport the people who arrived first. Tm
Québécois are the real and original canadians, unlike you, cur.
It's their home, now and forever.
Cope and seethe.
>It's their home, now and forever.
Not him but they are maximum 15 years behind the rest of Canada on being replaced by minorities like the rest of us...
>You can't deport the people who arrived first.
We can when we conquered the place and defeated you in the Seven Years War. They are coming home to you.
>original canadians
They don't exist. Unless you mean the natives. The rest of us are British or French origin.
>looking at California slowly becoming spanish land again.
You ain't doing shit. Québec is ours nigga. Our blood lives there, not yours.
French settlers are the true canadians.
>Québec is ours nigga
>abandoned it
>doesn't attempt to re-take it
You were cucked. You only care about metropolitan French. That's why you were outraged when Germany took majority German lands in Frnace. Lmao
Probably not that different up until Napoleon who likely wouldn't exist because absolutism wouldn't be as strong in France
> true canadians.
They don't exist. The nation they were loyal to died in 1792/1848.
Im not trying to convince you.
I've been to Québec 3 times, no ones here speaks english or consider themselves canadians before being québecois.
Even people in Montréal speak 95% french.
Go see separatists videos on youtube. See for yourself if they think like this.
>I've been to Québec 3 times
I lived their from 2003 - 2009. I know what I'm talking about. Half the things the nation does is to appease our largest crying minority.
>no ones here consider themselves canadians
Pure lies. They get mad when you call them anything other than Canadians. Even the provincial politics is like that.
Dying out.
>Half the things the nation does is to appease our largest crying minority
As it should be.
>They get mad when you call them anything other than Canadians.
Ahah you wish. Pffff who would believe this bullshit, seriously?
Hardly so.

Anything else?
>As it should be
Do it to the Blacks and muslims in France, then
>Ahah you wish
You've never been here and it shows faggot.
>Anything else?
Yes, you're clesry retarded and don't know what you're talking about. Stick to crying about the Germans.
>Do it to the Blacks and muslims in France, then.
>You've never been here and it shows faggot.
I have, and will go again. Don't cry.
>Stick to crying about the Germans.
We tolerate them, and forgave them a long time ago. We're not poles, eternally butthurt about worthless things of the past.
Cope and seethe mongrel.

Also i speak better english than you.
You make so many typos...
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Pajeet much?
>We're not poles
>frogs cry about le Anglo since 1792.
Fuck right off. This attitude is why Quebec is hated throughout the kingdom.
Hypocrites should not speak.
Please no
>frogs cry about le Anglo since 1792.
Our blood. Our people.
>Quebec is hated throughout the kingdom.
>Hypocrites should not speak.
Literally fuck arabs and niggers. And you angloid.
you can join with austria or poland, only 1
>>Our people.
>abandons them
He was 100% the legitimate heir to the throne. Got the last laugh at the end with the usurpers getting guillotined, tho.
He was the legitimate heir.
But our people are a stubborn lot.
He married a French princess too. He didn't suffer....
Gotta agree on this one.
As much as it pain me to say it, the french lords are the bad guys during the 100 years war.
The plantagenet dynasty was 100% in their right.
Oh well, still won i guess.

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