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Everyone is invited except Germans
Germany is in Western Europe
first for central european unity
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i can i can scramble the the language of the entie planet unscrambled :), 10 musics per day :)
lifeforms get ever so more complex ova time
Btw, you, funny tonight.
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Btw no clouds so far
Pooping rn
made probably biggest poo of my life
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Henlo frens. Long time no see. Provided it’s the same milieu.
Enjoying the holidays?
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Not really, that one day of work continues to this day. But I don’t even mind. Better than being alone with my toughts again.

How are you, Silesianon?
>that one day of work continues to this day
Kek, with dad/for dad? I really feel sorry for you.
>Better than being alone with my toughts again.
Agree, sometimes it's better to keep your hands and head busy involuntarily.
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am i invited this time?
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Greetings, frens.
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>am i invited this time?
You always were.
Yeah, with dad. It’s a specific type of construction work, usually much easier he says but this job was hard and 5 hours commute everyday since he works all over the cunt and wider. I didn’t even mind the work itself but a philosophical battle was brewing inside me the entire time and after also.

I ask once more, what’s new with you? How are the hounds?
Hey Baiano, how’s that painting coming up?
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>5 hours commute everyday
fuck meeeeeee
>but a philosophical battle was brewing inside me the entire time and after also
>what’s new with you?
Literally nothing. Regular doggo walks, long sleeps, occasional sex.

I'm going back to "work" in September.
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I haven't created anything in the last month except picrel, when I hit 65kgs.
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Henlo Polska sir
howdy, how are the horses doing?
Btw, nobody's gonna comment on those beautiful sutures?
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would dis politician look like a native in your cuntry?
No, it's scary.
I could sleep during. Didn’t most of the time.
I didn’t mind doing the work but I minded doing it. Especially knowing that there was no good reason for me to do it. There’s more to it but I simply cannot put it to words now.

Since we mentioned fathers, you heard from yours?
top one looks pretty shit
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Gaining or losing? Also I think you don’t remember me which is both benefitial and saddening.
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>top one looks pretty shit
it looks like shit because I didn't give much attention to the start knot (the bottom one), I just wanted to practice the ending knot technique of a simple continuous (the middle one is a simple continuous done properly).
I did not forget you, croat bro.
>There’s more to it but I simply cannot put it to words now.
>Since we mentioned fathers, you heard from yours?
He's on the road somewhere, so fortunately I have no reason to talk to him.
>Gaining or losing?
Forgot to answer, kek.
I thought he might have called you to make amends.
I appreciate it. Where’s the rest of usual fellows? Operenc, John Sterling, Nazi/US Brazilian, loli posting Polack?
Did you take the twinkpill? Wait, you’re not that tall iirc, right? Doesn’t exclude the first posibility, thoughever.
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He was fighting bravely in Ukraine, then he moved to Uzbekistan
>John Sterling
Don't who who that is
>Nazi/US Brazilian
he made this thread
>loli posting Polack
Haven't arrived yet, I think.
Neither a fag nor greek.
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>Did you take the twinkpill?
Yes. I'm still not satisfied, might try to reach 60kg until the end of the year.
He arrived to the general shortly before my departure, I believe. I do not know enough of him to tell if you’re joking.
Kek. He got in some drama with a jannie, so now he is using a VPN.
>I thought he might have called you to make amends.
I'm always "busy", so I successfully basically ignore him. I'll never forgive him.
>Where’s the rest of usual fellows?
Most of them aren't here until after midnight.
>>John Sterling
>Don't who who that is
Music maker, met him in /dixie/ last night. Had birthday btw.
What happens if I overstay aus visa? I am tired of euro hellscape.
>e arrived to the general shortly before my departure
Some Czech mod doesn't like him and flagged OP pic as a child porn - permanent ban, and for me too + deleted all my posts.
I had to use a slightly modified OP pic to have a different hash.
>Music maker
WTF, I thought that was the american brazilian
Nope, lives in Puerto Rico and composes music for fun. And he is white.
I wanted to get the underfed, very slim student look. Kafka or Rilke like. Stopped at around 73kg. Never had more than 82. Looking to get more lean but do not plan on losing more. Too manly to be a twink, not that I was ever aiming for that.

And why do you wish to become one?
>And why do you wish to become one?
because I personally find that bodytype attractive and I also have never been low-bodyfat.
Actually I used to be morbidly obese back when I was a teenager, but then fasted to lose weight and I believe that's why I'm short today.
It is terrible what he did. My father was also not good to me so I can understand witholding forgiveness.

Saw a lot of icy+dixie generals. How did they come to be? I find it cool, I like the South.
There is no way 4fags has czech jannies, I thought entire 4fags runs from merican AF base.
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did this ever happen to you?
>How did they come to be?
That's a question for them. I go there during the day, very nice and comfortable place.
>czech jannies
He is not janny, but mod.
I'm forever grateful for dixieland for giving us Chris Chan and Wingsofredemption.
I now recall you talking about weight before. Twinks do evoke images of upper class roman and greek youth. A type of beauty that seems to be tied to opulence and not having done a day’s work in a lifetime. It is a beauty I wish I had in my younger years, sadly I was a bit chubby ir rather skinnyfat. At this time I find it unfit for a man of my age and in truth impossible to acquire and sustain.

Disclaimer: not a fag, do not want to fuck twinks.
I'm still not there yet, mostly because I still have a lot of loose skin (some still from back when I was obese).
>Disclaimer: not a fag, do not want to fuck twinks.
I’m just saying I acknowledge the beauty of a clean shaven, slim, young man of shorter stature and sharp facial features. It is a type of it. I do not deny it. But it does not attract me, partly because I’m not a fag.
The truth of the matter is that Mädchen love lean men
Anyway, heil Hitler Kamerad
How have you been in this fine Abend?
>and sharp facial features
I don't have that yet, but I'll probably get it when I get slim enough (my face is still a bit puffy)
Women like TALL men. Skinny, muscular, long hair, bald, doesn't matter as long as he is tall.
>Women like TALL men.
yes :)
True, but I do not shape my appearance to be likable to women. I shape it to my standards. Or that’s what I would like to believe.

Not a nazi, try something with the Kaiser. But doing fine, you? When are you going back to the US of A?
Anyway, it's time to invade Poland
Evropean beauty died with monarchy and aristocracy.
You live in weimar times, bigger freak better.

He's ignoring me because I supposedly insulted him.
>Evropean beauty died
my peepee is beautiful
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>be me
>live in croatia
>home to some of the tallest men on earth
>almost never be the tallest person in a given place
>feel small
>pic not rel
The Joke is that this Mädchen Komm aus Polen
I am well aware as anyone here who knows me can attest. Still, there are different types of beauty. It need not be twinkish.
She does seem to have an eastern european phenotype so this comes as no surprise.
>But doing fine, you? When are you going back to the US of A?
Should I do German there? How did you learn German?
My uni has a massive German tavern. It's all written in German. They are big German larpers.
>Evropean beauty died
It is DYING, not DEAD.
>be me
>live in Bahia
>actually a bit above here
>was the tallest guy in my classroom in high school
>it didn't matter because the other classes had guys above 180 and as far as the girls cared those were the only dudes in that school.
Does she? She looks Arisch as fuck?
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Learn danish.
*a bit above average
Props to you of having the discipline and will power to sit down every day and learn the language. I haven't even started learning German yet. Hahahahahahaha.
i drank so much caffeine today that my chest and heart kinda hurts. i fear if i got to sleep now i may not wake up tomorrow.
what do i do?
I think please in German means "bitte", aber ich nicht Weiße
Trinken Wasser
Canada is in Central Europe
>loli posting Polack
A man after my own heart
I don't know how to pronounce words in danish yet. And I stiff have some trouble writting.
It's over.
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Anon, you are doing it wrong, you need to learn alchemy, finances, and be a nomadic capitalist like most white dudes with higher IQ. Matter of fact, there is nothing in Denmark except slave morality, and shit weather.
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yesterday I bought 2 million $PEPE and crashed crypto markets as a result. Sorry about that.
I've fallen for the grindpill once before, bro.
I'm not falling for it again.
I'm gonna go make dinner.
i'll try, thanks. feels like i'm having a heart attack kekw.
so be it. if there's a thread tomorrow i'll check in, if not i probably didn't make it.
god speed, anons.
>yesterday I bought 2 million $PEPE
I don't know what it is. I bought stocks and ETFs from BlackRock yesterday.
Goodnight and good luck, anon.
>giving financial support to the enemy
WTF czech bro, I though you were based?????
What's for dinner?
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i can toutrure you into bodydysmorfia if you like, wiht out systemic pressure that is.
Are you hunter anon?
I really don't know what to do with the money. Sorry.
>What's for dinner?
spinach, cream, tuna fillets, eggs
I wonder if our german-speaking brazilian bro watches Mark Felton.
>I really don't know what to do with the money. Sorry.
How about NOT giving it to Hydra?
wtf, that's the wrong link.
How tall are you?
>How about NOT giving it to Hydra?
Do you have any better ideas considering I'm lazy and don't want to study the world of finance?
BlackRock will protect my money from inflation and adds a few extra %.
It looks like shakshuka but with alfredo sauce instead.
I took courses and had it in school. Plus a lot of german loanwords in Croatian helped a bit.
Weird combination, I usually eat fish with red wine sauce or just fish baked with butter in oven after you put some lemon, crunchy bread is nice side.
>It looks like shakshuka but with alfredo sauce instead.
>Weird combination
I know, but it tastes good >>200180292
Du kannst es versuchen.
Mahlzeit. But you shoukd really try people food :D.
Try red wine sauce w your fish next time it's pretty easy just cherry vinegar, red wine and butter. I make it all the time.
Dalmatian lamb is great.
The really known lamb is from the Lika region. But I’m more of a Škampi na buzaru kind od guy. Also answer me.>>200180332
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ24MgxISAA Would you be willing to live in such a city?
Honestly - I'd rather be homeless in Europe or Brazil.
It's the other slovak anon, he went to bed.
thx for the tip
Anon Chinese cities work different, they have Tiers.

Video unavailable but by the title “biggest city in the world that you haven’t heard about” I imagine it’s kowloon walled city or something like that?
The uploader has not made this video available in your country

>this video is not available in your country
Gotta love BRICS. Is he talking good or bad about China?
*press X to doubt*
Oh, I see. Are you perchance the LDR slovak?
Yes, but I am talking about this specific one.
>Video unavailable
idk, it is in English with SK subs...
idc really, height was never important to me.
Nope, I am A-H anon, monarchist. Last time I was here, just kept calling pole jewish mischling.
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And the city is "Chongqing"
Sorry, I mistook the flags.
I'm kinda drunk rn.
I was kinda close, no?
I am unironically one as well.
I would be a monarchist if I was the one to occupy the throne.
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Too many people everywhere and too much concrete. If someone lives in a place like that and is unable to get out into nature within 30 minutes, it's just a modern day concentration camp.
>Is he talking good or bad about China?
neutral to positive, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make videos from China
I think you just filter out the things and people you don’t interact with. They become objects. You reside in bubbles related to your work and personal life. Your commute to and from them being the only time you are out in the open and aware of the city to an extent.
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If I had to live in a place like that, I'd probably commit a mass shooting + bombing soon.
I would just go insane. 3 months max
But the whole thing is a completely unnatural environment.
Socialism: not even once.
I like the Austrian one the most, but the most ironic part is smerds being paid by merchants to assassinate Franz Ferdinand just so they can be eventually bombed by the same merchants.

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Idk, blade runner seemed kinda cool. Looks like a good place to be depressed.
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Rabbit heads and some bugs.
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>Looks like a good place to be depressed.
This is a good place to be depressed. With an espresso and a cigarette.
They eat bugs all over asia also there is huge difference in classes than here.
2019 LA seems like an interesting place.
2049 LA looks like a nightmare.
Friendly reminder the WEF wants the west to be like THIS in the next few years.
I think I want China to try to take over Taiwan by army.
The writers want to finish the 3-day special military operation story arc first.
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We are currently heading towards year 3 of special military operation.
Meh, mutts know it's not 70s anymore their population is almost majority hispanic, nobody will deploy for taiwan. All they can do is proxy conflict.
But I'm hoping for nukes.
Salaries in China are so much higher I think eventually they will just attract the industry to the mainland
Dont know anything about the situation though maybe Taiwanese are more patriotic
And are you looking forward to the Paris Games?
If it's true that the French arrested a Russian sleeping agent who was plotting some attacks, I expect more to come.
+ some nafris gangbangs and shit
you wont hear about real threats on the news probably
they have a secrecy clause on terrorism i think
It's possible. I wouldn't voluntarily visit this Olympics.
America sucks at manufacturing, they dont have the supply chains or the experience. This infla reduction act was more about attracting European companies there with the subsidies and cheap energy
I would not underestimate China, they have 1.4 billion people and a lot of resource output
*Research output
I know China will remain strong they also broke 5nm chip production, It was wrong expression, I think anyone who thinks nukes will fly is very naive.
I'm not worried about nukes, I'm worried about the doomsday devices that will be activated when the nukes are launched.
Friendly reminder the Dead Hand System was real af.
>they also broke 5nm chip production
But on what scale? + next spring we have 2nm (in mass production). And that's a huge gap.
>Doctor Strangelove
10/10 movie
The best is a cowboy sitting on a nuke.
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It's owned by mutts, we don't really have shit.
same goes with kike intel plants in pisrael.
You know what I mean. The Dutch and the Koreans hold the know how.
Best cowboy is tony montana, literally me after borovicka.

I only drank it once in my life, as a 16 year old, and only because it was the cheapest alcohol in the store.
Since then, even a breeze of borovička is enough to make me sick.
Sorry borovičko.
Best cowboy is... nevermind.
Don't post it, czech bro.
Good night brahs.
gn anon
goodnight bro
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Time for bed
it is 2am bro
>tony montana
Always remind me of this trash song
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Just saw a video of a girl who looks almost identical to my first gf talking about how shit her life is.
I know it probably isn't her but watching it fucked me up anyway.
You couldn't pay me to live in China. Basically there's only the USA and EVROPA to live a comfy life. Czech republic is very good. Canada is a snowy wasteland and Australia is a literal dessert.
And now you're talking to me.
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>and Australia is a literal dessert
Literally who are you?????????????
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No clouds.
Can we go back to being friends???
I want to put one of my drawings on a cup or a tote bag or something
Why not.
I'm always your friend.
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Brazil rocks again tonight.
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>why so big
Cool bro I don't want to fight anymore
Sorry for anything
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I don’t know how to do it and actually have it be high quality
Its happening every night. 3-4 interesting threads.
Photolabs, they do that sort of thing, high quality. We have it in Czechia, so I'm sure it's in the USA.
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I am literally under the siege. Again.
Siege? All I see is 2 good girls.
My mattress is 90cm wide. I have approximately 30cm available. Definitely not comfy. Night by night.
I'm all alone this thursday night, meanwhile the Czech chad is hanging out with two bitches
Have you tried buying dog beds for them?
Those are like his daughters, anons.
>dog beds
Kekeke, those beds would be empty. They want contact.
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I spent the afternoon with the MILF again. I'm super tired, and there are scrapes and bruises on my body. Too old for this shit.
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Do you like my dog
That's wholesome.
Buy a bigger bed then lol.
Yes, I do. Post more.
>bigger bed
I have double bed in other bedroom, but I like to sleep in my office.
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What kind of breed is he/she?
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She’s a purebred German shepherd and was the only black one in her litter
>Have a full-time job
>Pay rent
>Live in a 4 sqm closet
>Freeloader (not paying rent) lives in a full bedroom
>He screams at me for not being in my room because he hates seeing me and hates my mere presence for no reason but "anxiety"
>Be eating my schnitzel in the "dining room"
>He's freaking out again and tells me to go to my room
Also he often misplaces his stuff, forgets that he drank one of his drinks from the fridge, etc. then immediately falsely accuses me of stealing it
Never seen black one, rare
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My brothers dog is also quite pretty
Henlo Jerzy
Hi. Speaking of dogs, have you seen my cat?
Agree, nice one too. It's quite unusual to have a dog in America, isn't it? Almost everyone here has a dog and/or a cat.
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Seek a lawyer.
>have you seen my cat?
>It's quite unusual to have a dog in America, isn't it?
In North America I would say that it isn't as common as there, but most people have one pet
I would win so hard but I'm not sure it's necessary. Or he'd be excused with being mentally ill.
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Nice. Does he have a Polish name?
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Unusual? What gave you that idea? Tons of people own dogs
>but I'm not sure it's necessary
It isn't, and it doesn't need to be. If someone treats you poorly you should push back regardless of context - I learnt this too late in life.
>Or he'd be excused with being mentally ill
Giving him headaches is the main goal, winning the case is a sidequest.
No. Well, I guess it's an unintentionally translingual name. Peru.
GN anons.

Nice scarf. My dogs have it too.
Goodnight bro
Es ist gut nacht
Ja??? Hallo???
what is going on bros?! i am excited for interviews!!!

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