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Did you know that the Chateau Frontenac hotel, the most iconic building in Qeuebec City and all of Canada, was designed by a Unitedstatian?
Common Quebec L
The Englischer Garten was designed by an Englishman
>Québec is Canadiaaaaa-AAAAAaack
No, but I'm not surprised the froggy locals needed an anglo to actually get shit done.
Quebec City is overrated. It isn't really a big city, and the European-looking area is pretty small, the vast majority of QC is indistinguishable from any other mid-sized North American city. Suburbs, highways, industrial parks, box stores, fast food places, etc.
It was moulded after violet le duc castles, cry more
>Quebec City is overrated.
So is all of canada, but they french parts are still the best ones.
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what's the best Canadian city then? vancouver has the best skyline
i think new england is more european looking then quebec desu
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It’s actually Unitedstatian
>all the cars are either red or white
canada sovl
>pavement has no lights or zebra crossing over the junction
grim, tbqh
There's a second mcdonalds next to the walmart.
looks weirdly chaotic, or a lot of them are residential flats
Can all americans sniff out the mcdonalds in an area that quickly?
It’s actually inside the Walmart, so you can eat Big Macs while you shart (but in French)
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How the fuck did you...
Americans are unironically too strong.
i kneel
We don't really have any nice cities anymore. Vancouver only looks good because it is surrounded by so much natural beauty. It is too expensive and is full of homeless people/junkies. I guess all of Canada is like that now but Vancouver did it first. They have warm winters so traditionally a lot of homeless people would migrate there from much colder places like Edmonton and Winnipeg.

I'd say Montreal is our nicest major city but it is a shell of what it used to be and unfortunately it is in Q*bec.
Holy shit.
Eagle one in this thread.
I kneel.
Québec is nice.
Why the hate?
Like all francophones Quebeckers are chauvinists with an unwarranted sense of self importance
Ah it's just that.
Aren't you guys use to this by now?
We're just being ourselves, nothing new.
Weird that the franchisee took the risk.
Not really.
Did you see how fast they can smell that shit?
Americans are scary.
Like killing machines, fuelled by junkfood.
Like Galactus.
>hmm what should we call the capital of Quebec?
>mmm... what about... Quebec... CITY!
>no need to thank me guys I already know I'm a genius
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Himmelsdorf looking mf
I can understand why, they're surrounded by English speakers so they gotta do what they gotta do in order to maintain their language and culture even if that means being autistic like forcing stores that weren't originally French to be renamed into something French. Don't worry, Walmart and McDonald's got a pass.
Actually it's the province that was named after the city. Blame the br*tish for that.
I hope Quebec does gain independence someday, but Canada will be keeping Montreal. Once it is fully under Anglo control we can turn it into a great city once again.
When I worked at a grocery store I worked with a retard who called it kwee-beck and he got really mad when I laughed and corrected him
>Once it is fully under Anglo control we can turn it into a great city once again.
How about you clean your own cities full of jeets and drug addicts before thinking to grab lands from your superiors.
This is wonderful news for Canada, and therefore, the world
I mean one must be pretty stupid to think otherwise
Now I see where they got the inspiration for hotel Krat in lies of P
Queebc City is much better looking overall than anywhere in the cesspool known as English Canada. If you think the opposite, go seek a doctor.
It is, but nobody wants to admit that. It's much more palatable to the average Old Worlder to say that a part of Canada looks like a part of France, as opposed to saying a huge chunk of the United States resembles a mixture of England, the Netherlands and Scandinavia (as New England does)
>and all of Canada
When I think of canada I usually think about that spike tower that appeared in the simpsons once
What you can't see behind that photo is vast swaths of sprawl.
CN Tower, it's where they throw white men who refuse to gay marry.

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